public function _getServerTypeForClientClass($clientClass) { if (array_key_exists($clientClass, $this->m_clientMappings)) { return $this->m_clientMappings[$clientClass]; } return TypeLoader::loadType($clientClass); }
private function Validate(ClassMappingItem $newClassMappingItem) { if ($newClassMappingItem->ServerClass == "") { throw new Exception("Server class not defined"); } if ($newClassMappingItem->ClientClass == "") { throw new Exception("Client class not defined"); } try { if (TypeLoader::loadType($newClassMappingItem->ServerClass) == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to load server type " . $newClassMappingItem->ServerClass); } } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception("Server type " . $newClassMappingItem->ServerClass . " not found"); } }
public function inspect($targetObject) { if (LOGGING) { Log::log(LoggingConstants::INFO, "Processing service inspection in " . $this->getName()); } $clazz = TypeLoader::loadType($targetObject); // class cannot be found if ($clazz == null) { if (LOGGING) { Log::log(LoggingConstants::INFO, "Unable to find a class coresponding to " . $targetObject); } return null; } /*ServiceDescriptor*/ $serviceDescriptor = ClassInspector::inspectClass($clazz); if (LOGGING) { Log::log(LoggingConstants::INFO, "PHP object handler has successfully inspected target service"); } return $serviceDescriptor; }
public function configure($parent, $configContext, DOMNode $documentElement) { $this->setORBConfig($configContext); $section = $documentElement->getElementsByTagName("classMappings")->item(0); // check required ! $this->m_configNode = $section; foreach ($section->childNodes as $element) { if (!$element instanceof DOMElement) { continue; } $elements = $element->getElementsByTagName("clientClass"); $clientClass = trim($elements->item(0)->nodeValue); $elements = $element->getElementsByTagName("serverClass"); $serverClass = trim($elements->item(0)->nodeValue); $type = TypeLoader::loadType($serverClass); if (LOGGING) { Log::log(LoggingConstants::DEBUG, $clientClass . " : " . $serverClass); } ORBConfig::getInstance()->getTypeMapper()->_addClientClassMapping($clientClass, $type); } }
protected function getMethodResult($method) { /*String*/ $methodString = substr($method, strlen(self::$METHOD_CODE)); /*String*/ $serviceString = substr($methodString, 0, strrpos($methodString, ".")); /*String*/ $methodName = substr($methodString, strlen($serviceString) + 1, strpos($methodString, "(") - strlen($serviceString) - 1); /*String*/ $parametrsString = substr($methodString, strpos($methodString, "(") + 1, strpos($methodString, ")") - strpos($methodString, "(") - 1); /*Array*/ $args = $this->parseOperands($parametrsString); /*ReflectionClass*/ $class = TypeLoader::loadType($serviceString); $object = $class->newInstance(); /*ReflectionMethod*/ $method = $class->getMethod($methodName); $result = $method->invokeArgs($object, $args); return $result; }
private static function getClass($name) { for ($i = 0; $i <= count(self::$basePath); $i++) { try { if ($i == count(self::$basePath)) { $result = TypeLoader::loadType($name); return $result; } else { $result = TypeLoader::loadType(self::$basePath[$i] . $name); return $result; } } catch (ReflectionException $e) { if ($i == count(self::$basePath)) { return null; throw new Exception("No class found for element [" . $name . "]"); } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($i == count(self::$basePath)) { return null; throw new Exception("No class found for element [" . $name . "]"); } } } return null; }
public static function createServiceObject($objectName) { return TypeLoader::loadType($objectName)->newInstance(); }