function beforeDelete($cascade) { // Remove the extended data to be tidy. // First get the type id App::Import('Model', 'Type'); $Type = new Type(); $Type->recursive = -1; $type_record = Set::extract('/Type/id', $Type->find('first', array('fields' => array(''), 'conditions' => array('Type.alias' => $this->model->data['Node']['type'])))); $type_id = $type_record[0]; // Cool, now find all node schemas App::Import('Model', 'NodeSchema.NodeSchema'); $NodeSchema = new NodeSchema(); $NodeSchema->actsAs = array('Containable'); $schemas = $NodeSchema->find('all', array('fields' => array('NodeSchema.table_name'), 'contains' => array('Type' => array('conditions' => array('' => $type_id))))); // Now loop through and check for records on those tables to remove if (is_array($schemas) && count($schemas) > 0) { foreach ($schemas as $schema) { $table_name = $schema['NodeSchema']['table_name']; $model = new Model(false, $table_name); $model->primaryKey = 'node_id'; // set the primary key to the node_id if ($model->delete($this->model->data['Node']['id'], false)) { return true; } else { // return false; // There was some sort of error deleting the associated data. Do we even need this? It doesn't redirect, it stops. Have to handle the error. } } } return true; }
function manageTypes() { // Delete types in bulk if ($_POST['action'] == 'delete' && count($_POST['type_check']) > 0) { if ($this->delete('type')) { $this->showListTypes("Portfolio types successfully deleted"); return; } } // if (isset($_POST['delete_type']) | isset($_POST['delete_entry'])) { } // If an individual type is specified, edit it (and/or validate and process it) // Otherwise, just show the full list of types if (empty($_GET['type'])) { $this->showListTypes(); } else { $typeID = intval($_GET['type']); if (isset($_POST['submit_check'])) { // If the form was submitted... $type = new Type($_POST); if ($form_errors = $type->validate()) { $this->editIndividualType($typeID, $form_errors); } else { $type->process(); } } else { $this->editIndividualType($typeID); // If not, just edit the type } } }
/** * Answer the organizer above the reference node that can accept the component type given. * * @param object SiteComponent $refNode * @param object Type $componentType * @return object OrganizerSiteComponent * @access public * @since 1/15/09 * @static */ public static function getOrganizerForComponentType(SiteComponent $refNode, Type $componentType) { // For pages and sections, find the menu above our component. if ($componentType->getDomain() == 'segue-multipart') { $parentComponent = $refNode->getParentComponent(); while ($parentComponent) { if ($parentComponent->getComponentClass() == 'MenuOrganizer') { return $parentComponent; } $parentComponent = $parentComponent->getParentComponent(); } // If we didn't find a menu above our ref node, maybe we started in a heading. // Search down for a menu. $director = SiteDispatcher::getSiteDirector(); $rootNode = $director->getRootSiteComponent($refNode->getId()); $result = $rootNode->acceptVisitor(new GetMenuBelowSiteVisitor()); if ($result) { return $result; } // If we still haven't found a menu, then there isn't one in this site. // Nothing more we can do. throw new OperationFailedException("Cannot create a " . $componentType->getKeyword() . ". Site " . $rootNode->getSlot()->getShortname() . " - '" . $rootNode->getDisplayName() . "' does not have any menus to add this component to."); } else { $parentComponent = $refNode->getParentComponent(); while ($parentComponent) { if ($parentComponent->getComponentClass() == 'FlowOrganizer' || $parentComponent->getComponentClass() == 'MenuOrganizer') { return $parentComponent; } } // If we haven't found a flow organizer above the refNode, something is wrong. throw new OperationFailedException("Cannot create a " . $componentType->getKeyword() . ". A ContentOrganizer was not found above reference node " . $refNode->getId()); } }
/** * This method checks if $value confirms to Type, if $value does not confirm to type, throws an exception or returns null if $soft is true * * @param $value * @param string $variableName Used in the message of the Exception, to ease debugging * @param bool $soft * * @return mixed */ public function check($value, $variableName = "unknown", $soft = false) { if ($value === null) { return null; } return $this->type->check($value, $variableName, $soft); }
function check($value = null, $schema = null, $path = null, $i = null) { $type = isset($schema->type) ? $schema->type : null; $isValid = true; if (is_array($type)) { $validatedOneType = false; $errors = array(); foreach ($type as $tp) { $validator = new Type($this->checkMode); $subSchema = new \stdClass(); $subSchema->type = $tp; $validator->check($value, $subSchema, $path, null); $error = $validator->getErrors(); if (!count($error)) { $validatedOneType = true; break; } else { $errors = $error; } } if (!$validatedOneType) { return $this->addErrors($errors); } } elseif (is_object($type)) { $this->checkUndefined($value, $type, $path); } else { $isValid = $this->validateType($value, $type); } if ($isValid === false) { $this->addError($path, gettype($value) . " value found, but a " . $type . " is required"); } }
/** * Build the content for this action * * @return boolean * @access public * @since 4/26/05 */ function buildContent() { $actionRows = $this->getActionRows(); $harmoni = Harmoni::instance(); ob_start(); CollectionsPrinter::printFunctionLinks(); print "<p>"; print _("Below are listed the available <em>Collections</em>, organized by type, then name."); print "</p>\n<p>"; print _("Some <em>Collections</em>, <em>Exhibitions</em>, <em>Assets</em>, and <em>Slide-Shows</em> may be restricted to certain users or groups of users. Log in above to ensure your greatest access to all parts of the system."); print "</p>"; $actionRows->add(new Block(ob_get_contents(), STANDARD_BLOCK), "100%", null, CENTER, CENTER); ob_end_clean(); $exhibitionRepositoryType = new Type('System Repositories', 'edu.middlebury.concerto', 'Exhibitions'); $repositoryManager = Services::getService("Repository"); // Get all the types $types = $repositoryManager->getRepositoryTypes(); // put the drs into an array and order them. $typeArray = array(); while ($types->hasNext()) { $type = $types->next(); // include all but Exhibitions repository. if (!$exhibitionRepositoryType->isEqual($type)) { $typeArray[HarmoniType::typeToString($type)] = $type; } } ksort($typeArray); // print the Results $resultPrinter = new ArrayResultPrinter($typeArray, 2, 20, "printTypeShort"); $resultPrinter->addLinksStyleProperty(new MarginTopSP("10px")); $resultLayout = $resultPrinter->getLayout(); $actionRows->add($resultLayout, null, null, CENTER, CENTER); }
/** * Metodo que calcula el porcentaje de los tipos de gasto del usuario pasado * como parametro en funcion del rango de fechas pasado como parametro. * Para realizar el calculo, primero obtiene todos los gastos y la cantidad * numerica de gasto que representan. Despues se invoca a un metodo privado * para conocer el total de gasto del usuario y se calculan los porcentajes * de cada tipo de gasto. Finalmente, se crea un tipo de gasto especial que * representa el porcentaje de gasto de aquellos gastos que no tengan ningun * tipo de gasto asignado. */ public function findByOwnerAndFilterWithPercents($owner, $startDate, $endDate) { $stmt = $this->db->prepare("SELECT SUM(s.quantity) as 'spending.quantity',\n t.idType as '',\n as ''\n FROM SPENDING s LEFT JOIN TYPE_SPENDING ts ON s.idSpending = ts.spending LEFT JOIN TYPE t on ts.type = t.idType\n WHERE s.owner = ? AND s.dateSpending BETWEEN ? AND ? AND ts.spending IS NOT NULL GROUP BY ts.type"); $stmt->execute(array($owner, $startDate, $endDate)); $types_db = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (sizeof($types_db)) { $total = $this->getTotal($owner, $startDate, $endDate); $types = []; foreach ($types_db as $type_loop) { $type = new Type(); $type->setName($type_loop['']); $percent = $type_loop["spending.quantity"] * 100 / $total; array_push($types, array("typename" => $type->getName(), "percent" => round($percent, 2), "total" => (double) $type_loop["spending.quantity"])); } $totalWithoutType = $this->getTotalSpendingsWithoutType($owner, $startDate, $endDate); if ($totalWithoutType != 0) { $percentSpecialType = $totalWithoutType * 100 / $total; $specialType = new Type(); $specialType->setName("Without category"); array_push($types, array("typename" => $specialType->getName(), "percent" => round($percentSpecialType, 2), "total" => (double) $totalWithoutType)); } return $types; } else { return NULL; } }
public function resolves(Type $a, Type $b) { if ($a->equals($b)) { return true; } if ($a->type === Type::TYPE_LONG && $b->type === Type::TYPE_DOUBLE) { return true; } if ($a->type === Type::TYPE_USER && $b->type === Type::TYPE_USER) { foreach ($b->userTypes as $bt) { $bt = strtolower($bt); foreach ($a->userTypes as $at) { $at = strtolower($at); if (!isset($this->components['resolves'][$bt][$at])) { continue 2; } } // We got here, means we found an B type that's resolved by all A types return true; } // That means there is no A type that fully resolves at least one B type return false; } if (($b->type & $a->type) === $a->type) { return true; } return false; }
public function allows(Type $type) : bool { if ($type instanceof ComposedType) { return !in_array(false, array_map([$this, 'allows'], $type->decoratedTypes())); } return $type instanceof self; }
public function update(Type $t) { $q = $this->_db->prepare('UPDATE Types SET libelle= :libelle WHERE id = :id'); $q->bindValue(':id', $t->getId(), PDO::PARAM_INT); $q->bindValue(':libelle', $t->getLibelle(), PDO::PARAM_STR); $q->execute(); }
function getVisitorLoginLink() { $harmoni = Harmoni::instance(); $authN = Services::getService("AuthN"); // Visitor Registration Link $authTypes = $authN->getAuthenticationTypes(); $hasVisitorType = false; $visitorType = new Type("Authentication", "edu.middlebury.harmoni", "Visitors"); while ($authTypes->hasNext()) { $authType = $authTypes->next(); if ($visitorType->isEqual($authType)) { $hasVisitorType = true; break; } } if ($hasVisitorType && !$authN->isUserAuthenticatedWithAnyType()) { $harmoni->request->startNamespace('polyphony'); $url = $harmoni->request->mkURL("auth", "login_type"); $url->setValue("type", urlencode($visitorType->asString())); // Add return info to the visitor registration url $visitorReturnModules = array('view', 'ui1', 'ui2', 'versioning'); if (in_array($harmoni->request->getRequestedModule(), $visitorReturnModules)) { $url->setValue('returnModule', $harmoni->request->getRequestedModule()); $url->setValue('returnAction', $harmoni->request->getRequestedAction()); $url->setValue('returnKey', 'node'); $url->setValue('returnValue', SiteDispatcher::getCurrentNodeId()); } $harmoni->request->endNamespace(); return "\n\t<a href='" . $url->write() . "'>" . _("Visitor Login") . "</a>"; } return null; }
public function __construct(Type &$_typeObject) { $this->_typeObject = $_typeObject; $this->postType = $_typeObject->getPostType(); $args = $_typeObject->getQueryArgs(); parent::__construct($args, $this->postType); }
/** * @param Type $type * @param $appId * @return PushCertificate */ public function generate(Type $type, $appId) { $app = $this->portalConnection->fetchApp($appId); $privateKey = new PrivateKey(); $csrCommonName = $app->getName() . ' ' . $type->getHumanReadable() . ' Push Certificate'; $signingRequest = new SigningRequest($privateKey, $csrCommonName, $this->portalConnection->getAppleId()); return new PushCertificate($privateKey, $this->portalConnection->signCertificate($signingRequest, $type, $app->getAppIdId())); }
public function testIsAndToString() { foreach (array(Type::CHOICE, Type::IDENTIFIER, Type::LOOP, Type::OPTION, Type::RANGE, Type::RULE, Type::SEQUENCE, Type::SYNTAX, Type::TERMINAL) as $typeName) { $t = new Type($typeName); $this->assertTrue($t->is($typeName)); $this->assertEquals($typeName, $t->__toString()); } }
/** * Sets the document type name. * * @param Type|string $type Type name * * @return $this */ public function setType($type) { if ($type instanceof Type) { $this->setIndex($type->getIndex()); $type = $type->getName(); } return $this->setParam('_type', $type); }
/** * Returns the values of wizard-components. Should return an array if children are involved, * otherwise a whatever type of object is expected. * @access public * @return mixed */ function getAllValues() { $type = new Type(); $type->setDomain($this->_domain->getAllValues()); $type->setAuthority($this->_authority->getAllValues()); $type->setKeyword($this->_keyword->getAllValues()); return $type; }
/** * @param Type $type * * @return string * @throws exceptions\DBDuplicateEntryException * @throws exceptions\DBForeignKeyException */ public function store(Type $type) { $query = 'INSERT INTO types (name, description) VALUES (:name, :description);'; $this->db->prepare($query); $this->db->bindValue(':name', $type->getName()); $this->db->bindValue(':description', $type->getDescription()); $this->db->execute(); return $this->db->lastInsertId(); }
/** * @param Type $OtherType * @return bool */ public function isInstanceOf(Type $OtherType) { $thisTypeName = $this->getName(); $otherTypeName = $OtherType->getName(); if ($thisTypeName === $otherTypeName) { return true; } return (new \ReflectionClass($thisTypeName))->isSubclassOf($otherTypeName); }
public function allows(Type $type) : bool { if ($type instanceof self) { return true; } if ($type instanceof ClassType) { return $type->reflection()->isInvokable(); } return false; }
public function combineWith(Type $otherType) : Type { if ($otherType instanceof $this) { return new self($this->isNullable() || $otherType->isNullable()); } if ($otherType instanceof NullType) { return $this->makeNullable(); } return new MixedType($this->isNullable() || $otherType->isNullable()); }
/** * This method checks if $value confirms to Type, if $value does not confirm to type, throws an exception or returns null if $soft is true * * @param $value * @param string $variableName Used in the message of the Exception, to ease debugging * @param bool $soft * * @return mixed */ public function check($value, $variableName = "unknown", $soft = false) { if ($value === null && $this->defaultOnNull) { return $this->defaultValue; } $result = $this->type->check($value, $variableName, $this->defaultOnWrongType); if ($result instanceof None) { return $this->defaultValue; } return $result; }
public function save() { try { $model = new Type(); $this->data->type->entry = 'typ_' . $this->data->type->entry; $model->setData($this->data->type); $model->save(); $this->renderPrompt('information', 'OK', "editEntry('{$this->data->type->entry}');"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->renderPrompt('error', $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * Check Authorizations * * @return boolean * @access public * @since 6/4/08 */ function isAuthorizedToExecute() { $authNManager = Services::getService("AuthN"); $authTypes = $authNManager->getAuthenticationTypes(); $visitorType = new Type("Authentication", "edu.middlebury.harmoni", "Visitors"); while ($authTypes->hasNext()) { $authType = $authTypes->next(); if ($visitorType->isEqual($authType)) { return true; } } return false; }
public function accepts(Type $type) : bool { if ($type instanceof self) { return $this->getItemType()->accepts($type->getItemType()); } if ($type instanceof MixedType) { return true; } if ($this->isNullable() && $type instanceof NullType) { return true; } return false; }
public function equals(Column $column) { foreach (['name', 'primary', 'sequence', 'null', 'unique', 'default'] as $prop) { if ($this->{$prop} !== $column->{$prop}) { return false; } } /* If one, the other, or both aren't set, they're only equal if they're exactly equal */ if (!isset($this->type, $column->type)) { return $this->type === $column->type; } return $this->type->equals($column->type); }
/** * Import muliple files. * * @param string[] $input * * @return bool */ public function importFiles($files, $input, $settings, $importable_model_class) { $count = 0; $data = ['settings' => $settings, 'importable-model' => $importable_model_class]; foreach ($files as $file) { //Move file from tmp folder $moved_file = $file->move(storage_path() . '/uploads'); $data['input'] = array_merge($input, ['path' => $moved_file->getRealPath()]); //Push new import job to queue stack $this->queue->push('Feijs\\ModelImporter\\Queue\\JobHandler', $data); $count++; } return $count; }
function search_type($str) { global $cp; $objTypeList = new Type(); $objTypeList->addWhere("type LIKE '" . $str . "%'"); $objTypeList->loadList(); if ($objTypeList->rMore()) { while ($objType = $objTypeList->rNext()) { $cur =& $cp->add_node('type'); $cur->set_data($objType->type); } } return; }
/** * Checks whether the provided type is either an interface that is equal to or extends this interface * or is a class that implements this interface. * * @param Type $type * @return boolean */ public function isAssignableFrom(Type $type) { if ($type->getName() === $this->getName()) { return true; } if ($type instanceof InterfaceType) { return $type->isSubtypeOf($this); } else { if ($type instanceof ClassType) { return $type->isImplementorOf($this); } } return false; }
/** * @param \Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductInterface $product * @return \Magento\Bundle\Api\Data\OptionInterface[] */ public function getItems(\Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductInterface $product) { $optionCollection = $this->type->getOptionsCollection($product); $optionList = []; /** @var \Magento\Bundle\Model\Option $option */ foreach ($optionCollection as $option) { $productLinks = $this->linkList->getItems($product, $option->getOptionId()); /** @var \Magento\Bundle\Api\Data\OptionInterface $optionDataObject */ $optionDataObject = $this->optionFactory->create(); $this->dataObjectHelper->populateWithArray($optionDataObject, $option->getData(), '\\Magento\\Bundle\\Api\\Data\\OptionInterface'); $optionDataObject->setOptionId($option->getOptionId())->setTitle($option->getTitle() === null ? $option->getDefaultTitle() : $option->getTitle())->setSku($product->getSku())->setProductLinks($productLinks); $optionList[] = $optionDataObject; } return $optionList; }
/** * Checks whether the provided value is an array and all keys and values * are assignable to the key and value type of this instance. * * @param mixed $value The provided value. * @return boolean */ public function isAssignableFromValue($value) { if (!is_array($value)) { return false; } foreach ($value as $key => $item) { if (!$this->itemType->isAssignableFromValue($item)) { return false; } if (!$this->keyType->isAssignableFromValue($key)) { return false; } } return true; }