  * Render start page with template.php and pageTitle
  * @param string  $pageTitle title tag of the module. Not required by default, as BE modules are shown in a frame
  * @param boolean $enableJumpToUrl If TRUE, includes "jumpTpUrl" javascript function required by ActionMenu. Defaults to TRUE
  * @param boolean $enableClickMenu If TRUE, loads clickmenu.js required by BE context menus. Defaults to TRUE
  * @param boolean $loadPrototype specifies whether to load prototype library. Defaults to TRUE
  * @param boolean $loadScriptaculous specifies whether to load scriptaculous libraries. Defaults to FALSE
  * @param string  $scriptaculousModule additionales modules for scriptaculous
  * @param boolean $loadExtJs specifies whether to load ExtJS library. Defaults to FALSE
  * @param boolean $loadExtJsTheme whether to load ExtJS "grey" theme. Defaults to FALSE
  * @param string  $extJsAdapter load alternative adapter (ext-base is default adapter)
  * @param boolean $enableExtJsDebug if TRUE, debug version of ExtJS is loaded. Use this for development only
  * @param string $addCssFile Custom CSS file to be loaded
  * @param string $addJsFile Custom JavaScript file to be loaded
  * @param array $samples Code samples to be loaded as JS settings (specific to "svconnector" extension)
  * @return string
  * @see template
  * @see t3lib_PageRenderer
 public function render($pageTitle = '', $enableJumpToUrl = TRUE, $enableClickMenu = TRUE, $loadPrototype = TRUE, $loadScriptaculous = FALSE, $scriptaculousModule = '', $loadExtJs = FALSE, $loadExtJsTheme = TRUE, $extJsAdapter = '', $enableExtJsDebug = FALSE, $addCssFile = NULL, $addJsFile = NULL, $samples = array())
     $pageRenderer = $this->getDocInstance()->getPageRenderer();
     // Pass some settings to the JavaScript application
     $pageRenderer->addInlineSettingArray('svconnector', array('samples' => $samples));
     $output = parent::render($pageTitle, $enableJumpToUrl, $enableClickMenu, $loadPrototype, $loadScriptaculous, $scriptaculousModule, $loadExtJs, $loadExtJsTheme, $extJsAdapter, $enableExtJsDebug, $addCssFile, $addJsFile);
     return $output;
  * Render start page with template.php and pageTitle
  * @param string  $pageTitle title tag of the module. Not required by default, as BE modules are shown in a frame
  * @param boolean $enableJumpToUrl If TRUE, includes "jumpTpUrl" javascript function required by ActionMenu. Defaults to TRUE
  * @param boolean $enableClickMenu If TRUE, loads clickmenu.js required by BE context menus. Defaults to TRUE
  * @param boolean $loadPrototype specifies whether to load prototype library. Defaults to TRUE
  * @param boolean $loadScriptaculous specifies whether to load scriptaculous libraries. Defaults to FALSE
  * @param string  $scriptaculousModule additional modules for scriptaculous
  * @param boolean $loadExtJs specifies whether to load ExtJS library. Defaults to FALSE
  * @param boolean $loadExtJsTheme whether to load ExtJS "grey" theme. Defaults to FALSE
  * @param string  $extJsAdapter load alternative adapter (ext-base is default adapter)
  * @param boolean $enableExtJsDebug if TRUE, debug version of ExtJS is loaded. Use this for development only
  * @param string $addCssFile Custom CSS file to be loaded
  * @param string $addJsFile Custom JavaScript file to be loaded
  * @param boolean $loadJQuery whether to load jQuery library. Defaults to FALSE
  * @param array $includeCssFiles List of custom CSS file to be loaded
  * @param array $includeJsFiles List of custom JavaScript file to be loaded
  * @param array $addJsInlineLabels Custom labels to add to JavaScript inline labels
  * @param boolean $includeCsh flag for including CSH
  * @param string $globalWriteAccess Whether uses has full access ("all"), "partial" access or none (to sync tables)
  * @param string $view Name of the current view ("sync" or "nosync")
  * @return string
  * @see template
  * @see t3lib_PageRenderer
 public function render($pageTitle = '', $enableJumpToUrl = TRUE, $enableClickMenu = TRUE, $loadPrototype = TRUE, $loadScriptaculous = FALSE, $scriptaculousModule = '', $loadExtJs = FALSE, $loadExtJsTheme = TRUE, $extJsAdapter = '', $enableExtJsDebug = FALSE, $addCssFile = NULL, $addJsFile = NULL, $loadJQuery = FALSE, $includeCssFiles = NULL, $includeJsFiles = NULL, $addJsInlineLabels = NULL, $includeCsh = TRUE, $globalWriteAccess = 'none', $view = 'sync')
     $extensionConfiguration = unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf']['external_import']);
     $doc = $this->getDocInstance();
     $pageRenderer = $doc->getPageRenderer();
     $isTypo3Version62OrMore = version_compare(TYPO3_branch, '6.2', '>=');
     // Load ExtDirect
     // Load the FitToParent ExtJS plugin
     if ($isTypo3Version62OrMore) {
         $uxPath = $doc->backPath . '../typo3/js/extjs/ux/';
     } else {
         $uxPath = $doc->backPath . '../t3lib/js/extjs/ux/';
     $pageRenderer->addJsFile($uxPath . 'Ext.ux.FitToParent.js');
     // Pass some settings to the JavaScript application
     // First calculate the time limit (which is multiplied by 1000, because JS uses milliseconds)
     // Defaults to 30 seconds
     $timeLimitConfiguration = intval($extensionConfiguration['timelimit']);
     // If the time limit is 0, duration is supposed to be unlimited. Set 1 day as arbitrary value.
     if ($timeLimitConfiguration === 0) {
         $timeLimit = 86400 * 1000;
     } else {
         $timeLimit = $timeLimitConfiguration > 0 ? $timeLimitConfiguration * 1000 : 30000;
     $pageRenderer->addInlineSettingArray('external_import', array('timelimit' => $timeLimit, 'hasScheduler' => t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('scheduler', FALSE), 'globalWriteAccess' => $globalWriteAccess, 'dateFormat' => $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['ddmmyy'], 'timeFormat' => $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['hhmm'], 'view' => $view));
     // Load JS-powered flash messages library
     if ($isTypo3Version62OrMore) {
         $notificationLibraryPath = t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('backend') . 'Resources/Public/JavaScript/notifications.js';
     } else {
         $notificationLibraryPath = $doc->backPath . '../t3lib/js/extjs/notifications.js';
     $pageRenderer->addJsFile($notificationLibraryPath, 'text/javascript', FALSE);
     // Load the specific language file
     $output = parent::render($pageTitle, $enableJumpToUrl, $enableClickMenu, $loadPrototype, $loadScriptaculous, $scriptaculousModule, $loadExtJs, $loadExtJsTheme, $extJsAdapter, $enableExtJsDebug, $addCssFile, $addJsFile, $loadJQuery, $includeCssFiles, $includeJsFiles, $addJsInlineLabels, $includeCsh);
     return $output;