  * Render the context settings field for a certain table
  * @param array          $params Array of record information
  *                               - table - table name
  *                               - row   - array with database row data
  * @param t3lib_TCEforms $fobj
  * @return string
 public function renderRecordSettingsField($params, $fobj)
     global $TCA;
     $table = $params['table'];
     $fobj->addStyleSheet('tx_contexts_bestyles', t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('contexts') . 'Resources/Public/StyleSheet/be.css');
     $contexts = new Tx_Contexts_Context_Container();
     $namePre = str_replace('[' . $params['field'] . '_', '[' . $params['field'] . '][', $params['itemFormElName']);
     $settings = $params['fieldConf']['config']['settings'];
     $content = '<table class="tx_contexts_table_settings typo3-dblist" style="width: auto; min-width:50%">' . '<tbody>' . '<tr class="t3-row-header">' . '<td></td>' . '<td class="tx_contexts_context">' . $fobj->sL('LLL:' . Tx_Contexts_Api_Configuration::LANG_FILE . ':tx_contexts_contexts') . '</td>';
     foreach ($settings as $settingName => $config) {
         $content .= '<td class="tx_contexts_setting">' . $fobj->sL($config['label']) . '</td>';
     $content .= '</tr>';
     $uid = (int) $params['row']['uid'];
     $visibleContexts = 0;
     foreach ($contexts as $context) {
         if ($context->getDisabled() || $context->getHideInBackend()) {
         /* @var $context Tx_Contexts_Context_Abstract */
         $contSettings = '';
         $bHasSetting = false;
         foreach ($settings as $settingName => $config) {
             $setting = $uid ? $context->getSetting($table, $settingName, $uid, $params['row']) : null;
             $bHasSetting = $bHasSetting || (bool) $setting;
             $contSettings .= '<td class="tx_contexts_setting">' . '<select name="' . $namePre . '[' . $context->getUid() . '][' . $settingName . ']">' . '<option value="">n/a</option>' . '<option value="1"' . ($setting && $setting->getEnabled() ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>Yes</option>' . '<option value="0"' . ($setting && !$setting->getEnabled() ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>No</option>' . '</select></td>';
         list($icon, $title) = $this->getRecordPreview($context, $uid);
         $content .= '<tr class="db_list_normal">' . '<td class="tx_contexts_context col-icon"">' . $icon . '</td>' . '<td class="tx_contexts_context">' . '<span class="context-' . ($bHasSetting ? 'active' : 'inactive') . '">' . $title . '</span>' . '</td>' . $contSettings . '</tr>';
     if ($visibleContexts == 0) {
         $content .= '<tr>' . '<td colspan="4" style="text-align: center">' . $fobj->sL('LLL:' . Tx_Contexts_Api_Configuration::LANG_FILE . ':no_contexts') . '</td>' . '</tr>';
     $content .= '</tbody></table>';
     return $content;
  * Render the context settings field for a certain table
  * @param array          $params Array of record information
  *                               - table - table name
  *                               - row   - array with database row data
  * @param t3lib_TCEforms $fobj
  * @return string
 public function renderRecordSettingsField($params, $fobj)
     global $TCA;
     $table = $params['table'];
     $fobj->addStyleSheet('tx_contexts_bestyles', t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('contexts') . 'Resources/Public/StyleSheet/be.css');
     $contexts = new Tx_Contexts_Context_Container();
     $namePre = str_replace('[' . $params['field'] . '_', '[' . $params['field'] . '][', $params['itemFormElName']);
     $settings = $params['fieldConf']['config']['settings'];
     $content = '';
     //Check for the current workspace. If it's not LIVE, throw info message and disable context editing further down
     $currentWorkspace = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace;
     if ($currentWorkspace != 0) {
         $message = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Messaging\\FlashMessage', 'Contexts are read-only in this workspace. Switch to LIVE version to change them.', '', \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\FlashMessage::INFO, FALSE);
         $content .= $message->render();
     $content .= '<table class="tx_contexts_table_settings typo3-dblist" style="width: auto; min-width:50%">' . '<tbody>' . '<tr class="t3-row-header">' . '<td></td>' . '<td class="tx_contexts_context">' . $fobj->sL('LLL:' . Tx_Contexts_Api_Configuration::LANG_FILE . ':tx_contexts_contexts') . '</td>';
     foreach ($settings as $settingName => $config) {
         $content .= '<td class="tx_contexts_setting">' . $fobj->sL($config['label']) . '</td>';
     $content .= '</tr>';
     $uid = (int) $params['row']['uid'];
     $row = $params['row'];
     //Is this a Workspace Overlay? If so, load original record for plain info view
     if ($currentWorkspace != 0 && $params['row']['t3ver_oid'] != 0) {
         $uid = (int) $params['row']['t3ver_oid'];
         $row = BackendUtility::getLiveVersionOfRecord($table, $params['row']['uid']);
     $visibleContexts = 0;
     foreach ($contexts as $context) {
         if ($context->getDisabled() || $context->getHideInBackend()) {
         /* @var $context Tx_Contexts_Context_Abstract */
         $contSettings = '';
         $bHasSetting = false;
         foreach ($settings as $settingName => $config) {
             $setting = $uid ? $context->getSetting($table, $settingName, $uid, $row) : null;
             $bHasSetting = $bHasSetting || (bool) $setting;
             if ($currentWorkspace != 0) {
                 $contSettings .= '<td class="tx_contexts_setting">';
                 if ($setting && $setting->getEnabled()) {
                     $contSettings .= '<span class="context-active">Yes</span>';
                 } else {
                     if ($setting && !$setting->getEnabled()) {
                         $contSettings .= '<span class="context-active">No</span>';
                     } else {
                         $contSettings .= 'n/a';
                 $contSettings .= '</td>';
             } else {
                 $contSettings .= '<td class="tx_contexts_setting">' . '<select name="' . $namePre . '[' . $context->getUid() . '][' . $settingName . ']">' . '<option value="">n/a</option>' . '<option value="1"' . ($setting && $setting->getEnabled() ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>Yes</option>' . '<option value="0"' . ($setting && !$setting->getEnabled() ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>No</option>' . '</select></td>';
         list($icon, $title) = $this->getRecordPreview($context, $uid);
         $content .= '<tr class="db_list_normal">' . '<td class="tx_contexts_context col-icon"">' . $icon . '</td>' . '<td class="tx_contexts_context">' . '<span class="context-' . ($bHasSetting ? 'active' : 'inactive') . '">' . $title . '</span>' . '</td>' . $contSettings . '</tr>';
     if ($visibleContexts == 0) {
         $content .= '<tr>' . '<td colspan="4" style="text-align: center">' . $fobj->sL('LLL:' . Tx_Contexts_Api_Configuration::LANG_FILE . ':no_contexts') . '</td>' . '</tr>';
     $content .= '</tbody></table>';
     return $content;