function _mail_baseGroupEdit($ldapArr, $postArr) { if (!isset($ldapArr["cn"][0])) { return; } print "<div class=\"formblock\" style=\"background-color: #FFD;\">"; print "<h3>" . _T("Mail plugin", "mail") . "</h3>\n"; $mail = ""; $maildomain = ""; if (hasGroupMailObjectClass($ldapArr['cn'][0])) { $hasMail = "checked"; if (isset($ldapArr["mail"])) { $mail = $ldapArr["mail"][0]; } if (hasVDomainSupport()) { $tmparr = explode("@", $mail); $mail = $tmparr[0]; $maildomain = $tmparr[1]; } } else { $mail = computeMailGroupAlias($ldapArr['cn'][0]); $hasMail = ""; if (hasVDomainSupport()) { $vdomains = getVDomains(""); if (count($vdomains) == 1) { $maildomain = $vdomains[0][1]["virtualdomain"][0]; } } } if ($hasMail == "" && $mail == "") { print _T("No mail alias can be set for this group", "mail"); } else { print '<table cellspacing="0">'; if (hasZarafaSupport()) { $trz = new TrFormElement(_T("Zarafa group", "mail"), new CheckboxTpl("zarafaGroup")); $trz->display(array("value" => isZarafaGroup($ldapArr['cn'][0]) ? "checked" : "")); } $test = new TrFormElement(_T("Enable mail alias for users of this group ", "mail"), new CheckboxTpl("mailgroupaccess")); $param = array("value" => $hasMail, "extraArg" => 'onclick="toggleVisibility(\'maildiv\');"'); $test->display($param); print "</table>"; if (!$hasMail) { $style = 'style =" display: none;"'; } print '<div id="maildiv" ' . $style . '>'; print '<table cellspacing="0">'; if (!hasVDomainSupport()) { $m = new TrFormElement(_T("Mail alias", "mail"), new InputTpl("mailgroupalias")); $m->displayRo(array("value" => $mail)); } else { print '<tr><td width="40%" style="text-align: right;">' . _T("Mail alias", "mail") . '</td><td>' . $mail . '<input type="hidden" value="' . $mail . '" name="mailgroupalias"> @ '; print '<input type="text" id="autocomplete" name="maildomain" value="' . $maildomain . '" /><div id="autocomplete_choices" class="autocomplete"></div>'; print '<script type="text/javascript">new Ajax.Autocompleter("autocomplete", "autocomplete_choices", "' . urlStrRedirect('mail/domains/ajaxMailDomainFilter') . '", {paramName: "value"});</script>'; print '</td></tr>'; } print "</table>"; print "</div>"; } print "</div>"; }
function uploadFormView() { ?> <style type="text/css"> .center { text-align: center; } .attributelist li { display: inline; float: left; padding: 3px; margin: 0px; list-style: none; } .attributelist ul { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } </style> <form id="bulkimport" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <div class="formblock" style="background-color: #F4F4F4;"> <input type="hidden" name="stage" value="preimport"/> <table cellspacing="0"> <?php $test = new TrFormElement(_T("CSV file: ", "bulkimport"), new FileTpl("csvfile")); $test->display(null); ?> </table> <p class="center"><input name="next" type="submit" class="btnPrimary" value="<?php echo _T("Load CSV", "bulkimport"); ?> " /></p> <table cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> <p><strong><?php echo _T("Description:", "bulkimport"); ?> </strong></p> <?php echo _T("You can import, modify and delete user accounts using a CSV file.", "bulkimport"); ?> <ol> <li><?php echo _T("If the users in the CSV file don't exist, you can import them.", "bulkimport"); ?> </li> <li><?php echo _T("If the users in the CSV file exist, you can modify them or delete them.", "bulkimport"); ?> </li> </ol> <strong><?php echo _T("CSV Header requirements:", "bulkimport"); ?> </strong> <ul> <li><?php echo _T("Required attribute:", "bulkimport"); ?> "login"</li> <li><?php echo _T("Required for import:", "bulkimport"); ?> "password", "firstname", "surname"</li> <li><?php echo _T("Additional headers can be set and must match the attribute name in LDAP, for example:", "bulkimport"); ?> "login", "password", "firstname", "surname", "primaryGroup", "mail"</li> </ul> <strong><?php echo _T("CSV Formatting:", "bulkimport"); ?> </strong> <ul> <li><?php echo _T("Delimiter:", "bulkimport"); ?> ,</li> <li><?php echo _T("Wrapper:", "bulkimport"); ?> "</li> <li><?php echo _T("Escape character:", "bulkimport"); ?> \</li> </ul> <strong><?php echo _T("Special attributes", "bulkimport"); ?> </strong> ('yes' <?php echo _T("or", "bulkimport"); ?> 'no')<strong>:</strong> <ul> <li>createhomedir ('yes' <?php echo _T("by default", "bulkimport"); ?> )</li> <li>files ('yes' <?php echo _T("by default for delete operation, users home directory will be removed.", "bulkimport"); ?> )</li> </ul> <strong><?php echo _T("Defaults:", "bulkimport"); ?> </strong> <ul> <li>homedir (<?php echo _T("the default home directory path", "bulkimport"); ?> )</li> <li>primaryGroup (<?php echo _T("the default primary group", "bulkimport"); ?> )</li> </ul> <strong><?php echo _T("Supported attributes:", "bulkimport"); ?> </strong> <ul class="attributelist"> <?php foreach (importusers::getValidAttributes() as $attribute) { echo "<li>" . $attribute . "</li>"; } ?> </ul> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </form> <?php }
} ?> <form name="groupform" method="post" onsubmit="return validateForm();"> <table cellspacing="0"> <?php if ($_GET["action"] == "add") { $formElt = new InputTpl("groupname", "/^[a-zA-Z][0-9_a-zA-Z-]*\$/"); } else { $formElt = new HiddenTpl("groupname"); } $tr = new TrFormElement(_("Group name"), $formElt); $tr->display(array("value" => $groupname, "required" => True)); $tr = new TrFormElement(_("Description"), new InputTpl("groupdesc")); $tr->display(array("value" => $groupdesc)); ?> </table> <?php callPluginFunction("baseGroupEdit", array($detailArr, $_POST)); ?> <?php if ($_GET["action"] == "add") { ?> <input name="badd" type="submit" class="btnPrimary" value="<?php echo _("Create"); ?> " />
<td> <?php echo _T("Permissions"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php if ($permAll) { $checked = "checked"; } else { $checked = ""; } $param = array("value" => $checked, "extraArg" => 'onclick="toggleVisibility(\'grouptable\');"'); $test = new TrFormElement(_T("Access for all"), new CheckboxTpl("permAll")); $test->setCssError("permAll"); $test->display($param); ?> </table> <?php if ($permAll) { echo '<div id="grouptable" style="display:none">'; } else { echo '<div id="grouptable">'; } ?> <table> <?php if ($_GET["action"] == "add") { $acls = array(array(), array()); } else {
if ($permAll) { echo 'style="display:none"'; } ?> > <tr> <td class="label" style="text-align: right;">Permissions</td> <td> <div id="samba-perms" ng-app="mmc.samba.perms" ng-controller="permsCtrl"> <perms perms="perms" entities="entities" /> </div> </td> <tr> <?php $recursive = new TrFormElement(_T("Apply rights recursively"), new CheckboxTpl("recursive")); $recursive->display(array("value" => "checked")); ?> </table> <div id="expertMode" class="expertMode" <?php displayExpertCss(); ?> > <table cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <?php echo _T("Administrator groups for this share"); ?>
</table> </div> <div id="expertMode" class="expertMode" <?php displayExpertCss(); ?> > <table cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <?php $share = new TrFormElement(_T("Path"), new InputTpl("sharePath")); $params = array("value" => $sharePath); $share->display($params); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <?php echo _T("Users for this share"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php
</table> </div> <div id="expertMode" class="expertMode" <?php displayExpertCss(); ?> > <table cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <?php $share_details = new TrFormElement(_T("Path", "samba4"), new InputTpl("sharePath")); $params = array("value" => $sharePath); $share_details->display($params); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <?php echo _T("Users for this share", "samba4"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php