public function destroy(Town $town) { $town->setPopulation(-self::POP); $town->setPopulationMax(-self::POP); $town->setProsperity(-4); //retirer en bdd l'id et les coordonnées du batiment pour qu'il disparaisse }
public function post_register() { $rules = array('regName' => 'required|match:/[a-z]+/', 'regLastName' => 'required|match:/[a-z]+/', 'regMail' => 'required|unique:users,email', 'regMail2' => 'required', 'regPassword' => 'required|max:18|min:3', 'regPassword2' => 'same:regPassword', 'regDate' => 'before:01/01/1998', 'regCell' => 'required'); $vld = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($vld->fails()) { $getCity = City::all(); $get1stTowns = Town::where('city_id', '=', 1)->get(); return View::make('user.register')->with('city', $getCity)->with('towns', $get1stTowns); } $data = Input::all(); //Gender Validation if ($data['regGender'] === 'Woman') { $data['regGender'] = 0; } elseif ($data['regGender'] === 'Man') { $data['regGender'] = 1; } else { $data['regGender'] = -1; } //Date Validation $MySQLDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', $data['regDate']))); try { // create the user $user = Sentry::user()->register(array('email' => $data['regMail'], 'password' => $data['regPassword'], 'metadata' => array('first_name' => $data['regName'], 'last_name' => $data['regLastName'], 'birth_date' => $MySQLDate, 'city' => $data['regCity'], 'town' => $data['regTown'], 'phone' => $data['regPhone'], 'cell_phone' => $data['regCell'], 'sex' => $data['regGender']))); if ($user) { // the user was created $_user = Sentry::user($user['id']); $link = URL::Base() . '/user/activate/' . $user['hash']; $name = $_user->metadata['first_name'] . ' ' . $_user->metadata['last_name']; $to = $_user['email']; sendActivation($to, $name, $link); } else { return Response::error('500'); } } catch (Sentry\SentryException $e) { return View::make('user.register')->with('error', $e->getMessage()); } return View::make('user.register-complete'); }
public function hookAdminOrder($params) { $versionSpecialClass = ''; if (!file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'seur/img/logonew_32.png') && file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'seur/img/logonew.png')) { ImageManager::resize(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'seur/img/logonew.png', _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'seur/img/logonew_32.png', 32, 32, 'png'); } if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '<')) { $versionSpecialClass = 'ver14'; } $this->displayWarning(); if (Configuration::get('SEUR_Configured') == 1) { $cookie = $this->context->cookie; $token = Tools::getValue('token'); $back = Tools::safeOutput($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $seur_carriers = SeurLib::getSeurCarriers(false); $ids_seur_carriers = array(); foreach ($seur_carriers as $value) { $ids_seur_carriers[] = (int) $value['id']; } $order = new Order((int) $params['id_order']); $address_saved = DB::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT `id_address_delivery` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'seur_order` WHERE `id_order` = "' . (int) $order->id . '" '); if ($address_saved === '0') { $this->context->smarty->assign('pickup_point_warning', true); } if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($order)) { return false; } $delivery_price = $order_weigth = 0; $products = $order->getProductsDetail(); foreach ($products as $product) { $order_weigth += (double) $product['product_weight'] * (double) $product['product_quantity']; } $order_weigth = $order_weigth < 1.0 ? 1.0 : (double) $order_weigth; $customer = new Customer((int) $order->id_customer); $address_delivery = new Address((int) $order->id_address_delivery, (int) $cookie->id_lang); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($address_delivery)) { return false; } $iso_country = Country::getIsoById((int) $address_delivery->id_country); if ($iso_country == 'PT') { $post_code = explode(' ', $address_delivery->postcode); $post_code = $post_code[0]; } else { $post_code = $address_delivery->postcode; } $international_orders = SeurLib::getConfigurationField('international_orders'); $date_calculate = strtotime('-14 day', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))); $date_display = date('Y-m-d H:m:i', $date_calculate); if (strtotime($order->date_add) > strtotime($date_display) && in_array((int) $order->id_carrier, $ids_seur_carriers)) { if (!$international_orders && ($iso_country == 'ES' || $iso_country == 'PT' || $iso_country == 'AD') || $international_orders) { if (!SeurLib::getSeurOrder((int) $order->id)) { SeurLib::setSeurOrder((int) $order->id, 1, $order_weigth, null); } elseif (Tools::getValue('numBultos') && Tools::getValue('pesoBultos')) { SeurLib::setSeurOrder((int) $order->id, (int) Tools::getValue('numBultos'), str_replace(',', '.', Tools::getValue('pesoBultos')), null); } $order_data = SeurLib::getSeurOrder((int) $order->id); $response_post_code = Town::getTowns($post_code); $order_weigth = (double) $order_weigth != $order_data['peso_bultos'] ? (double) $order_data['peso_bultos'] : (double) $order_weigth; if (is_object($response_post_code)) { $towns = array(); $num = (int) $response_post_code->attributes()->NUM[0]; for ($i = 1; $i <= $num; $i++) { $name = 'REG' . $i; $towns[] = utf8_decode((string) $response_post_code->{$name}->NOM_POBLACION); } } $name = $address_delivery->firstname . ' ' . $address_delivery->lastname; $direccion = $address_delivery->address1 . ' ' . $address_delivery->address2; $newcountry = new Country((int) $address_delivery->id_country, (int) $cookie->id_lang); $iso_merchant = SeurLib::getMerchantField('country'); $rate_data = array('town' => $address_delivery->city, 'peso' => (double) $order_weigth, 'post_code' => $post_code, 'bultos' => $order_data['numero_bultos'], 'ccc' => SeurLib::getMerchantField('ccc'), 'franchise' => SeurLib::getMerchantField('franchise'), 'iso' => $newcountry->iso_code, 'iso_merchant' => $iso_merchant, 'id_employee' => $cookie->id_employee, 'token' => Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminOrders'), 'back' => $back); $order_messages_str = ''; $info_adicional_str = $address_delivery->other; $order_messages = Message::getMessagesByOrderId((int) $params['id_order']); if (is_array($order_messages)) { foreach ($order_messages as $order_messag_tmp) { $order_messages_str .= "\n" . $order_messag_tmp['message']; } if (substr_count($order_messages_str, "\n") > 5) { $order_messages_str = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), ' | ', $order_messages_str); } if (Tools::strlen($order_messages_str) > 250) { $order_messages_str = Tools::substr($order_messages_str, 0, 247) . '...'; } $order_messages_str = trim($order_messages_str); } if (!empty($order_messages_str)) { $info_adicional_str = $order_messages_str; } $label_data = array('pedido' => sprintf('%06d', (int) $order->id), 'total_bultos' => $order_data['numero_bultos'], 'total_kilos' => (double) $order_weigth, 'direccion_consignatario' => $direccion, 'consignee_town' => $address_delivery->city, 'codPostal_consignatario' => $post_code, 'telefono_consignatario' => !empty($address_delivery->phone_mobile) ? $address_delivery->phone_mobile : $address_delivery->phone, 'movil' => $address_delivery->phone_mobile, 'name' => $name, 'companyia' => !empty($address_delivery->company) ? $address_delivery->company : '', 'email_consignatario' => Validate::isLoadedObject($customer) ? $customer->email : '', 'dni' => $address_delivery->dni, 'info_adicional' => $info_adicional_str, 'country' => $newcountry->name, 'iso' => $newcountry->iso_code, 'iso_merchant' => $iso_merchant, 'admin_dir' => utf8_encode(_PS_ADMIN_DIR_), 'id_employee' => $cookie->id_employee, 'token' => Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminOrders'), 'back' => $back); if (strcmp($order->module, 'seurcashondelivery') == 0) { $rate_data['reembolso'] = (double) $order->total_paid; $label_data['reembolso'] = (double) $order->total_paid; } $carrier_pos = SeurLib::getSeurCarrier('SEP'); $datospos = ''; if ((int) $order->id_carrier == $carrier_pos['id']) { $datospos = SeurLib::getOrderPos((int) $order->id_cart); if (!empty($datospos)) { $label_data = array('pedido' => sprintf('%06d', (int) $order->id), 'total_bultos' => $order_data['numero_bultos'], 'total_kilos' => (double) $order_weigth, 'direccion_consignatario' => $direccion, 'consignee_town' => $datospos['city'], 'codPostal_consignatario' => $datospos['postal_code'], 'telefono_consignatario' => !empty($address_delivery->phone_mobile) ? $address_delivery->phone_mobile : $address_delivery->phone, 'movil' => $address_delivery->phone_mobile, 'name' => $name, 'companyia' => $datospos['company'], 'email_consignatario' => Validate::isLoadedObject($customer) ? $customer->email : '', 'dni' => $address_delivery->dni, 'info_adicional' => $info_adicional_str, 'country' => $newcountry->name, 'iso' => $newcountry->iso_code, 'cod_centro' => $datospos['id_seur_pos'], 'iso_merchant' => $iso_merchant); $rate_data['cod_centro'] = $datospos['id_seur_pos']; } } if ($iso_country == 'ES' || $iso_country == 'PT' || $iso_country == 'AD') { $xml = Rate::getPrivateRate($rate_data); if (is_object($xml)) { foreach ($xml as $tarifa) { $delivery_price += (double) $tarifa->VALOR; } } } if (Tools::getValue('submitLabel')) { if ($this->isPrinted((int) $order->id)) { $success = true; } else { $success = Label::createLabels($label_data, 'pdf'); } if ($success === true) { if (!$this->setAsPrinted((int) $order->id)) { $this->context->smarty->assign('error', $this->l('Could not set printed value for this order')); } else { $this->printLabel((int) $order->id, 'pdf'); } } else { $this->context->smarty->assign('error', $success); } } if (Tools::getValue('submitPrint')) { if ($this->isPrinted((int) $order->id, true)) { $success = true; } else { $success = Label::createLabels($label_data, 'zebra'); } if ($success === true) { if (!$this->setAsPrinted((int) $order->id, true)) { $this->context->smarty->assign('error', $this->l('Could not set printed value for this order')); } else { $this->printLabel((int) $order->id, 'txt'); } } else { $this->context->smarty->assign('error', $success); } } $seur_carriers = SeurLib::getSeurCarriers(false); $pickup = Pickup::getLastPickup(); if (!empty($pickup)) { $pickup_date = explode(' ', $pickup['date']); $pickup_date = $pickup_date[0]; } $address_error = 0; if (!empty($towns) && !in_array(mb_strtoupper($this->replaceAccentedChars($address_delivery->city), 'UTF-8'), $towns)) { $address_error = 1; } $pickup_s = 0; if ($pickup && strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) == strtotime($pickup_date)) { $pickup_s = 1; } $state = Expedition::getExpeditions(array('reference_number' => sprintf('%06d', (int) $order->id))); $is_empty_state = false; $xml_s = false; if (!empty($state->out)) { $is_empty_state = true; } else { $string_xml = htmlspecialchars_decode($state->out); $string_xml = str_replace('&', '& ', $string_xml); $xml_s = simplexml_load_string($string_xml); } $rate_data_ajax = Tools::jsonEncode($rate_data); $path = '../modules/seur/js/'; $file = (Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/seur/files/deliveries_labels/' . sprintf('%06d', (int) $order->id) . '.txt'; $filePath = _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'seur/files/deliveries_labels/' . sprintf('%06d', (int) $order->id) . '.txt'; $label_data['file'] = $file; $this->context->smarty->assign(array('path' => $this->_path, 'request_uri' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'module_instance' => $this, 'address_error' => $address_error, 'address_error_message' => $this->l('Addressess error, please check the customer address.'), 'pickup_s' => $pickup_s, 'pickup' => $pickup, 'isEmptyState' => $is_empty_state, 'xml' => $xml_s, 'order_data' => $order_data, 'iso_country' => $iso_country, 'order_weigth' => $order_weigth, 'delivery_price' => $delivery_price, 'rate_data_ajax' => $rate_data_ajax, 'js_path' => $path, 'token' => $token, 'order' => $order, 'label_data' => $label_data, 'fileExists' => file_exists($filePath), 'file' => $file, 'datospos' => $datospos, 'versionSpecialClass' => $versionSpecialClass, 'configured' => (int) Configuration::get('SEUR_Configured'), 'printed' => (bool) ($this->isPrinted((int) $order->id) || $this->isPrinted((int) $order->id, true)))); return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/admin/orders.tpl'); } } } else { $this->context->smarty->assign(array('configured' => Configuration::get('SEUR_Configured'), 'path' => $this->_path, 'configuration_warning_message' => $this->l('Please, first configure your SEUR module as a merchant.'))); return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/admin/orders.tpl'); } }
} return $this->population; } public function display() { if (isset($this->town_name)) { echo "<h3>Информация о городе:</h3>"; } if (isset($this->town_name)) { echo "Название города - " . $this->town_name . "<br>"; } if (isset($this->foundation_year)) { echo "Год основания - " . $this->foundation_year . "г.<br>"; } if (isset($this->latitude)) { echo "Координаты города - " . $this->latitude . ", " . $this->longitude . "<br>"; } if (isset($this->number_of_streets)) { echo "Количество улиц - " . $this->number_of_streets . "<br>"; } if (isset($this->number_of_streets)) { echo "Бюджет города: " . $this->calculate_budget() . " грн.<br>"; } if (isset($this->number_of_streets)) { echo "Количество жителей в городе: " . $this->calculate_population() . " чел.<br><br>"; } } } $town = new Town($town_name, $foundation_year, $latitude, $longitude, $number_of_streets); $town->add_streets(); echo $town->display();
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded * @return Town the loaded model * @throws CHttpException */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = Town::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
/* File: query.php Purpose: process ajax requests */ include 'include/lang.php'; include 'include/lib.php'; include 'include/config.php'; include 'include/usr.class.php'; include 'include/db.php'; if ($_GET['cmd'] == 'getTown') { if (!isset($_GET['town'])) { echo "0"; exit; } $town = new Town($_GET['town']); echo $town->getSimpleMapData(); exit; } if (isset($_GET['cmd'])) { $cmd = $_GET['cmd']; } if (isset($_POST['cmd'])) { $cmd = $_POST['cmd']; } if (!isset($cmd)) { echo "0"; exit; } if (!($usr = initUser())) { echo "0";
return array('townNameRand' => rand(0, 3), 'streetCountRand' => rand(5, 25)); } public static function getApartmentOptions() { return array('roomRand' => rand(1, 3), 'squareRand' => rand(25, 35), 'tenantRand' => rand(1, 5), 'gasRand' => rand(0, 1), 'kvtRand' => rand(0, 999)); } public static function getStreetOptions() { return array('streetNameRand' => rand(0, 4), 'streetLengthRand' => rand(200, 4999), 'streetCoordsRand' => rand(48, 50) . "°" . rand(00, 59) . "´" . " с. ш. " . rand(30, 37) . "°" . rand(00, 59) . "´" . " в.д.", 'houseCountRand' => rand(9, 19)); } public static function getBuildingOptions() { return array('houseNumberRand' => rand(1, 9), 'floorCountRand' => rand(0, 2), 'porchCountRand' => rand(2, 4)); } } $town = new Town(); echo "<h4>" . 'Информация о населенном пункте :' . "</h4>"; echo 'Название населенного пункта: ' . $town->townName . "<br>"; echo 'Год основания: ' . $town->foundYear . " г.<br>"; echo 'Географические координаты: ' . $town->townCoords . "<br>"; echo 'Количество улиц: ' . count($town->streetCount) . "<br>"; echo "Бюджет населенного пункта полученный от налога на землю: " . $town->townLandTax() . " грн.<br>"; echo "Размер коммунальных платежей составляет " . $town->townTax() . " грн.<br>"; echo "Население " . $town->peopleCount() . " человек(а)<br><br>"; $street = $town->streetCount[0]; echo "<h4>" . 'Информация об улице:' . "</h4>"; echo "Название улицы: " . $street->streetName . "<br>"; echo "Протяженность: " . $street->streetLength . " м<br>"; echo "Координаты улицы: " . $street->streetCoords . "<br>"; echo "Кол-во домов на улице: " . count($street->houseCount) . "<br>"; echo "Кол-во дворников, обслуживающих улицу: " . $street->yardManCount() . " чел.<br>";
public function post_user_town() { $data = Input::all(); $towns = Town::where('city_id', '=', $data['id'])->get(); return Response::eloquent($towns); }
<?php include '../auth/lock.php'; require '../cfg/Coordinates.php'; require '../cfg/Town.php'; $towns = array(new Town("Gludio", new Coordinates(1, 2, 3)), new Town("Giran", new Coordinates(4, 6, 2)), new Town("Aden", new Coordinates(4, 2, 3)), new Town("Schuttgart", new Coordinates(1, 2, 3)), new Town("Rune", new Coordinates(1, 2, 3)), new Town("Goddard", new Coordinates(1, 2, 3)), new Town("Dion", new Coordinates(1, 2, 3)), new Town("Oren", new Coordinates(1, 2, 3))); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $r = ''; if (!empty($_POST['character']) and isset($_POST['character'])) { if (isset($_POST['town']) and !empty($_POST['town'])) { $who = $_POST['character']; $to = $_POST['town']; foreach ($towns as $value) { if ($value->getTitle() == $to) { $town = new Town($to, $value->getCoordinates()); break; } } $current_coords = $town->getCoordinates(); $sql = "UPDATE `characters` SET `x` =" . $current_coords->getX() . ",\n `y` = " . $current_coords->getY() . ",\n `z` = " . $current_coords->getZ() . "\n WHERE `account_name` = '" . $login_session . "'\n AND\n `char_name` = '" . $who . "'"; $query = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); if ($query) { $r = "Character " . $who . " has been teleported to " . $to; } else { $r = "Error occurred!"; } } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html>