public function postProcess()
     // Déconnexion
     if (Tools::getIsset('logout')) {
         Flash::add('Vous êtes bien déconnécté');
     } elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitLogin')) {
         $user = (new User())->getByEmail(Tools::getValue('username'), Tools::getValue('password'));
         if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($user)) {
             $this->errors[] = 'Identifiant ou mot de passe incorrect';
         } else {
     } elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitSubscribe')) {
          * - Vérification des champs
          * - Verification non-existant
          * - Inscription
          * - Login
         if (!Validate::isEmail($email = Tools::getValue('username'))) {
             return $this->errors[] = 'Veuillez saisir une adresse e-mail correcte';
         if (!Validate::isPasswd($password = Tools::getValue('password'))) {
             /// @todo être plus spécifique sur les règles de mot de passes valides
             return $this->errors[] = 'Veuillez saisir un mot de passe correct';
         $user = new User();
         if (Validate::isLoadedObject($user->getByEmail($email))) {
             $this->errors[] = 'Un compte avec cet identifiant existe déjà';
         } else {
             $user->login = $email;
             $user->password = Tools::encrypt($password);
             if (!$user->save()) {
                 $this->errors[] = 'Impossible de vous enregistrer, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement (' . Db::getInstance()->getMsgError() . ')';
             } else {
                 Flash::success('Bienvenue! Votre compte a bien été créé');
     } elseif (Auth::getUser()) {
  * Assign template vars related to page content
  * @see FrontController::initContent()
 public function initContent()
     // Override default configuration values: cause the new products page must display latest products first.
     if (!Tools::getIsset('orderway') || !Tools::getIsset('orderby')) {
         $this->orderBy = 'date_add';
         $this->orderWay = 'DESC';
     $nbProducts = (int) Product::getNewProducts($this->context->language->id, null, null, true);
     $products = Product::getNewProducts($this->context->language->id, (int) $this->p - 1, (int) $this->n, false, $this->orderBy, $this->orderWay);
     $this->context->smarty->assign(array('HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN' => Hook::exec('displayLeftColumn'), 'products' => $products, 'add_prod_display' => Configuration::get('PS_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY_DISPLAY'), 'nbProducts' => (int) $nbProducts, 'homeSize' => Image::getSize(ImageType::getFormatedName('home')), 'comparator_max_item' => Configuration::get('PS_COMPARATOR_MAX_ITEM')));
     if ($this->ajax) {
         $product_list = $this->context->smarty->fetch(_PS_THEME_DIR_ . 'product-list.tpl');
         $pagination = $this->context->smarty->fetch(_PS_THEME_DIR_ . 'pagination.tpl');
         $nbLeftProducts = $nbProducts - ($this->n * ($this->p - 1) + count($products));
         $nbLeftProductsPercentage = ($nbProducts - $nbLeftProducts) / $nbProducts * 100;
         echo Tools::jsonEncode(array('productList' => utf8_encode($product_list), 'pagination' => $pagination, 'nbRenderedProducts' => $nbProducts, 'nbLeftProducts' => $nbLeftProducts, 'nbLeftProductsPercentage' => $nbLeftProductsPercentage));
     } else {
         $this->setTemplate(_PS_THEME_DIR_ . 'new-products.tpl');
 public function renderForm($args, $data)
     # validate module
     $helper = $this->getFormHelper();
     $items = '';
     $slide_edit = '';
     if ($data['params'] && isset($data['params']['leoslide']) && $data['params']['leoslide']) {
         $slides = $data['params']['leoslide'];
         $items = $this->getSlide($slides);
         if (Tools::getValue('id_slide')) {
             $id_slide = Tools::getValue('id_slide');
             $slide_edit = $items[$id_slide] ? $items[$id_slide] : '';
     $this->fields_form[1]['form'] = array('legend' => array('title' => $this->l('Carousel Form.')), 'input' => array(array('type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Image Size Width'), 'name' => 'img_width', 'default' => 1170), array('type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Image size Height'), 'name' => 'img_height', 'default' => 400), array('type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Thumb Size Width'), 'name' => 'thumb_width', 'default' => 100), array('type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Thumb size Height'), 'name' => 'thumb_height', 'default' => 100), array('type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Interval'), 'name' => 'interval', 'default' => 8000)), 'buttons' => array(array('title' => $this->l('Save And Stay'), 'icon' => 'process-icon-save', 'class' => 'pull-right', 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'saveandstayleotempcp'), array('title' => $this->l('Save'), 'icon' => 'process-icon-save', 'class' => 'pull-right', 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'saveleotempcp')));
     if (Tools::getIsset('addleowidgets')) {
         $this->fields_form[1]['form']['input'][] = array('type' => 'html', 'name' => 'html', 'default' => '', 'html_content' => '<div class="alert alert-info">' . $this->l('Please Click save to input image') . '</div>');
     } else {
         $this->fields_form[1]['form']['input'][] = array('type' => 'slide', 'name' => 'slide', 'lang' => true, 'selectImg' => Context::getContext()->link->getAdminLink('AdminLeomanagewidgetsImages'), 'tree' => '', 'default' => '');
     $theme_dir = Context::getContext()->shop->theme_directory;
     $images = array();
     $thums = array();
     $images = LeoWidgetBase::getImageList(_PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/themes/' . $theme_dir . '/img/modules/' . $this->name . '/image');
     $thums = LeoWidgetBase::getImageList(_PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/themes/' . $theme_dir . '/img/modules/' . $this->name . '/thum');
     $iso = Context::getContext()->language->iso_code;
     $helper->tpl_vars = array('fields_value' => $this->getConfigFieldsValues($data), 'languages' => Context::getContext()->controller->getLanguages(), 'id_lang_default' => Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'), 'iso_code' => Context::getContext()->language->iso_code, 'iso' => file_exists(_PS_CORE_DIR_ . '/js/tiny_mce/langs/' . $iso . '.js') ? $iso : 'en', 'path_css' => _THEME_CSS_DIR_, 'ad' => __PS_BASE_URI__ . basename(_PS_ADMIN_DIR_), 'images' => $images, 'thums' => $thums, 'items' => $items, 'slide_edit' => $slide_edit, 'url' => AdminController::$currentIndex . '&id_leowidgets=' . Tools::getValue('id_leowidgets') . '&updateleowidgets&token=' . Tools::getValue('token') . '&conf=4', 'pathimg' => __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'themes/' . $theme_dir . '/img/modules/' . $this->name . '/image/', 'paththum' => __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'themes/' . $theme_dir . '/img/modules/' . $this->name . '/thum/');
     return $helper->generateForm($this->fields_form);
 public function __construct()
     $notificationCode = Tools::getValue('notificationCode');
     $this->transaction_code = Tools::getIsset($notificationCode) && trim(Tools::getValue('notificationCode')) !== '' ? trim(Tools::getValue('notificationCode')) : null;
 public function process()
     if (Tools::getIsset('DOCUMENT')) {
         $data = Tools::getValue('DOCUMENT');
         $result = OpenPayU_Order::consumeMessage($data, false);
         if ($result->getMessage() == 'ShippingCostRetrieveRequest') {
             $id_payu_session = $result->getSessionId();
             $iso_country_code = $result->getCountryCode();
             $payu = new PayU();
             $order_payment = $payu->getOrderPaymentBySessionId($id_payu_session);
             $id_cart = $order_payment['id_cart'];
             if (!empty($id_cart)) {
                 $payu->id_cart = $id_cart;
                 $payu->payu_order_id = $id_payu_session;
                 $payu->id_request = $result->getReqId();
                 $xml = $payu->shippingCostRetrieveRequest($iso_country_code);
                 if (!empty($xml)) {
                     echo $xml;
 public function initContent()
     // Override default configuration values: cause the new products page must display latest products first.
     if (!Tools::getIsset('orderway') || !Tools::getIsset('orderby')) {
         $this->orderBy = 'date_add';
         $this->orderWay = 'DESC';
     $nb_products = (int) Product::getNewProducts($this->context->language->id, isset($this->p) ? (int) $this->p - 1 : null, isset($this->n) ? (int) $this->n : null, true);
     $products = Product::getNewProducts($this->context->language->id, (int) $this->p - 1, (int) $this->n, false, $this->orderBy, $this->orderWay);
     /************************* /Images Array ******************************/
     if (method_exists('Product', 'getProductsImgs')) {
         $image_array = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_products; $i++) {
             if (isset($products[$i]['id_product'])) {
                 $image_array[$products[$i]['id_product']] = Product::getProductsImgs($products[$i]['id_product']);
         $this->context->smarty->assign('productimg', (isset($image_array) and $image_array) ? $image_array : NULL);
     /************************* /Images Array ******************************/
     $this->context->smarty->assign(array('products' => $products, 'add_prod_display' => Configuration::get('PS_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY_DISPLAY'), 'nbProducts' => (int) $nb_products, 'homeSize' => Image::getSize(ImageType::getFormatedName('home')), 'comparator_max_item' => Configuration::get('PS_COMPARATOR_MAX_ITEM')));
     $this->setTemplate(_PS_THEME_DIR_ . 'new-products.tpl');
    public function __construct()
        // Set variables
        $this->table = 'mymod_comment';
        $this->className = 'MyModComment';
        $this->fields_list = array('id_mymod_comment' => array('title' => $this->l('ID'), 'align' => 'center', 'width' => 25), 'shop_name' => array('title' => $this->l('Shop'), 'width' => 120, 'filter_key' => 's!name'), 'firstname' => array('title' => $this->l('Firstname'), 'width' => 120), 'lastname' => array('title' => $this->l('Lastname'), 'width' => 140), 'email' => array('title' => $this->l('E-mail'), 'width' => 150), 'product_name' => array('title' => $this->l('Product'), 'width' => 100, 'filter_key' => 'pl!name'), 'grade_display' => array('title' => $this->l('Grade'), 'align' => 'right', 'width' => 80, 'filter_key' => 'a!grade'), 'comment' => array('title' => $this->l('Comment'), 'search' => false), 'date_add' => array('title' => $this->l('Date add'), 'type' => 'date'));
        // Set fields form for form view
        $this->context = Context::getContext();
        $this->context->controller = $this;
        $this->fields_form = array('legend' => array('title' => $this->l('Add / Edit Comment'), 'image' => '../img/admin/contact.gif'), 'input' => array(array('type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Firstname'), 'name' => 'firstname', 'size' => 30, 'required' => true), array('type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Lastname'), 'name' => 'lastname', 'size' => 30, 'required' => true), array('type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('E-mail'), 'name' => 'email', 'size' => 30, 'required' => true), array('type' => 'select', 'label' => $this->l('Product'), 'name' => 'id_product', 'required' => true, 'default_value' => 1, 'options' => array('query' => Product::getProducts($this->context->cookie->id_lang, 1, 1000, 'name', 'ASC'), 'id' => 'id_product', 'name' => 'name')), array('type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Grade'), 'name' => 'grade', 'size' => 30, 'required' => true, 'desc' => $this->l('Grade must be between 1 and 5')), array('type' => 'textarea', 'label' => $this->l('Comment'), 'name' => 'comment', 'cols' => 50, 'rows' => 5, 'required' => false)), 'submit' => array('title' => $this->l('Save')));
        // Enable bootstrap
        $this->bootstrap = true;
        // Call of the parent constructor method
        // Update the SQL request of the HelperList
        $this->_select = "s.`name` as shop_name, pl.`name` as product_name, CONCAT(a.`grade`, '/5') as grade_display";
        $this->_join = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_lang` pl ON (pl.`id_product` = a.`id_product` AND pl.`id_lang` = ' . (int) $this->context->language->id . ' AND pl.`id_shop` = a.`id_shop`)
		LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'shop` s ON (s.`id_shop` = a.`id_shop`)';
        // Add actions
        // Add bulk actions
        $this->bulk_actions = array('delete' => array('text' => $this->l('Delete selected'), 'confirm' => $this->l('Would you like to delete the selected items?')), 'myaction' => array('text' => $this->l('My Action'), 'confirm' => $this->l('Are you sure?')));
        // Define meta and toolbar title
        $this->meta_title = $this->l('Comments on Product');
        if (Tools::getIsset('viewmymod_comment')) {
            $this->meta_title = $this->l('View comment') . ' #' . Tools::getValue('id_mymod_comment');
        $this->toolbar_title[] = $this->meta_title;
 public function run()
     // Get number of comments
     $id_product = (int) Tools::getValue('id_product');
     $nb_comments = MyModComment::getProductNbComments((int) $id_product);
     // Init
     $page = 1;
     $nb_per_page = 10;
     $nb_pages = ceil($nb_comments / $nb_per_page);
     if (Tools::getIsset('page')) {
         $page = (int) Tools::getValue('page');
     $limit_start = ($page - 1) * $nb_per_page;
     $limit_end = $nb_per_page;
     // Build actions url
     $ajax_action_url = $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminModules', true);
     $ajax_action_url = str_replace('index.php', 'ajax-tab.php', $ajax_action_url);
     $action_url = $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminMyModComments', true);
     // Get comments
     $comments = MyModComment::getProductComments((int) $id_product, (int) $limit_start, (int) $limit_end);
     // Assign comments and product object
     $this->context->smarty->assign('page', $page);
     $this->context->smarty->assign('nb_pages', $nb_pages);
     $this->context->smarty->assign('comments', $comments);
     $this->context->smarty->assign('action_url', $action_url);
     $this->context->smarty->assign('ajax_action_url', $ajax_action_url);
     $this->context->smarty->assign('pc_base_dir', __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $this->module->name . '/');
     return $this->module->display($this->file, 'displayAdminProductsExtra.tpl');
 public function init()
     if (Module::isEnabled('aimultidimensions')) {
         if (Tools::getIsset('add') && $this->context->cart->id) {
             require_once _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'aimultidimensions' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'aimultidimensions.php';
             require_once _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'aimultidimensions' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php';
             require_once _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'aimultidimensions' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions' . $GLOBALS['aimd_config_suffix'] . '.php';
             $add = 1;
             $idProduct = (int) Tools::getValue('id_product', NULL);
             if (checkLink($idProduct)) {
                 $idProductAttribute = (int) Tools::getValue('id_product_attribute', Tools::getValue('ipa'));
                 $customizationId = (int) Tools::getValue('id_customization', 0);
                 $qty = (int) abs(Tools::getValue('qty', 1));
                 if ($add && $qty >= 0 && getProducts($idProduct)) {
                     $quantity = (int) Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT quantity FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'cart_product WHERE id_cart = ' . $this->context->cart->id . ' AND id_product = ' . $idProduct . ' AND ' . 'id_product_attribute = ' . $idProductAttribute);
                     if (Tools::getValue('op', 'up') == 'up') {
                         $quantity += (int) $qty;
                     } else {
                         $quantity -= (int) $qty;
                     $cookie = $this->context->cookie;
                     $cart = $this->context->cart;
                     include_once 'modules/aimultidimensions/includes/cart.php';
 public function renderForm()
     if ($this->is_seller && (Tools::getIsset('updatecategory') || Tools::getIsset('addcategory')) && !(int) Configuration::get('AGILE_MS_EDIT_CATEGORY')) {
         $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to add/edit category');
     return parent::renderForm();
  * Set default medias for this controller
 public function postProcess()
     if (Tools::getIsset('product_id')) {
         $output = $this->getProductAttributeCombinations(Tools::getValue('product_id'));
         echo json_encode($output);
 public function ajaxProcessLoadCartRules()
     $type = $token = $search = '';
     $limit = $count = $id_cart_rule = 0;
     if (Tools::getIsset('limit')) {
         $limit = Tools::getValue('limit');
     if (Tools::getIsset('type')) {
         $type = Tools::getValue('type');
     if (Tools::getIsset('count')) {
         $count = Tools::getValue('count');
     if (Tools::getIsset('id_cart_rule')) {
         $id_cart_rule = Tools::getValue('id_cart_rule');
     if (Tools::getIsset('search')) {
         $search = Tools::getValue('search');
     $page = floor($count / $limit);
     $html = '';
     $next_link = '';
     if ($page * $limit + 1 == $count || $count == 0) {
         if ($count == 0) {
             $count = 1;
         /** @var CartRule $current_object */
         $current_object = $this->loadObject(true);
         $cart_rules = $current_object->getAssociatedRestrictions('cart_rule', false, true, $page * $limit, $limit, $search);
         if ($type == 'selected') {
             $i = 1;
             foreach ($cart_rules['selected'] as $cart_rule) {
                 $html .= '<option value="' . (int) $cart_rule['id_cart_rule'] . '">&nbsp;' . Tools::safeOutput($cart_rule['name']) . '</option>';
                 if ($i == $limit) {
             if ($i == $limit) {
                 $next_link = Context::getContext()->link->getAdminLink('AdminCartRules') . '&ajaxMode=1&ajax=1&id_cart_rule=' . (int) $id_cart_rule . '&action=loadCartRules&limit=' . (int) $limit . '&type=selected&count=' . ($count - 1 + count($cart_rules['selected']) . '&search=' . urlencode($search));
         } else {
             $i = 1;
             foreach ($cart_rules['unselected'] as $cart_rule) {
                 $html .= '<option value="' . (int) $cart_rule['id_cart_rule'] . '">&nbsp;' . Tools::safeOutput($cart_rule['name']) . '</option>';
                 if ($i == $limit) {
             if ($i == $limit) {
                 $next_link = Context::getContext()->link->getAdminLink('AdminCartRules') . '&ajaxMode=1&ajax=1&id_cart_rule=' . (int) $id_cart_rule . '&action=loadCartRules&limit=' . (int) $limit . '&type=unselected&count=' . ($count - 1 + count($cart_rules['unselected']) . '&search=' . urlencode($search));
     echo Tools::jsonEncode(array('html' => $html, 'next_link' => $next_link));
  * Assign wishlist template
 public function assign()
     $errors = array();
     if ($this->context->customer->isLogged()) {
         $add = Tools::getIsset('add');
         $add = empty($add) === false ? 1 : 0;
         $delete = Tools::getIsset('deleted');
         $delete = empty($delete) === false ? 1 : 0;
         $id_wishlist = Tools::getValue('id_wishlist');
         if (Tools::isSubmit('submitWishlist')) {
             if (Configuration::get('PS_TOKEN_ACTIVATED') == 1 and strcmp(Tools::getToken(), Tools::getValue('token'))) {
                 $errors[] = $this->module->l('Invalid token', 'mywishlist');
             if (!sizeof($errors)) {
                 $name = Tools::getValue('name');
                 if (empty($name)) {
                     $errors[] = $this->module->l('You must specify a name.', 'mywishlist');
                 if (WishList::isExistsByNameForUser($name)) {
                     $errors[] = $this->module->l('This name is already used by another list.', 'mywishlist');
                 if (!sizeof($errors)) {
                     $wishlist = new WishList();
                     $wishlist->id_shop = $this->context->shop->id;
                     $wishlist->id_shop_group = $this->context->shop->id_shop_group;
                     $wishlist->name = $name;
                     $wishlist->id_customer = (int) $this->context->customer->id;
                     list($us, $s) = explode(' ', microtime());
                     srand($s * $us);
                     $wishlist->token = strtoupper(substr(sha1(uniqid(rand(), true) . _COOKIE_KEY_ . $this->context->customer->id), 0, 16));
                     Mail::Send($this->context->language->id, 'wishlink', Mail::l('Your wishlist\'s link', $this->context->language->id), array('{wishlist}' => $wishlist->name, '{message}' => Tools::getProtocol() . htmlentities($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/blockwishlist/view.php?token=' . $wishlist->token), $this->context->customer->email, $this->context->customer->firstname . ' ' . $this->context->customer->lastname, NULL, strval(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME')), NULL, NULL, $this->module->getLocalPath() . 'mails/');
         } else {
             if ($add) {
                 WishList::addCardToWishlist($this->context->customer->id, Tools::getValue('id_wishlist'), $this->context->language->id);
             } else {
                 if ($delete and empty($id_wishlist) === false) {
                     $wishlist = new WishList((int) $id_wishlist);
                     if (Validate::isLoadedObject($wishlist)) {
                     } else {
                         $errors[] = $this->module->l('Cannot delete this wishlist', 'mywishlist');
         $this->context->smarty->assign('wishlists', WishList::getByIdCustomer($this->context->customer->id));
         $this->context->smarty->assign('nbProducts', WishList::getInfosByIdCustomer($this->context->customer->id));
     } else {
         Tools::redirect('index.php?controller=authentication&back=' . urlencode($this->context->link->getModuleLink('blockwishlist', 'mywishlist')));
     $this->context->smarty->assign(array('id_customer' => (int) $this->context->customer->id, 'errors' => $errors, 'form_link' => $errors));
  * Initialize auth controller
  * @see FrontController::init()
 public function init()
     if (!Tools::getIsset('step') && $this->context->customer->isLogged() && !$this->ajax) {
         Tools::redirect('index.php?controller=' . ($this->authRedirection !== false ? urlencode($this->authRedirection) : 'my-account'));
     if (Tools::getValue('create_account')) {
         $this->create_account = true;
 public function initContent()
     if (Tools::getIsset('collection_id') && Tools::getValue('collection_id') != 'null') {
         // payment variables
         $payment_statuses = array();
         $payment_ids = array();
         $payment_types = array();
         $payment_method_ids = array();
         $card_holder_names = array();
         $four_digits_arr = array();
         $statement_descriptors = array();
         $status_details = array();
         $transaction_amounts = 0;
         $collection_ids = split(',', Tools::getValue('collection_id'));
         foreach ($collection_ids as $collection_id) {
             $mercadopago = $this->module;
             $mercadopago_sdk = $mercadopago->mercadopago;
             $result = $mercadopago_sdk->getPayment($collection_id);
             $payment_info = $result['response']['collection'];
             $id_cart = $payment_info['external_reference'];
             $cart = new Cart($id_cart);
             $payment_statuses[] = $payment_info['status'];
             $payment_ids[] = $payment_info['id'];
             $payment_types[] = $payment_info['payment_type'];
             $payment_method_ids[] = $payment_info['payment_method_id'];
             $transaction_amounts += $payment_info['transaction_amount'];
             if ($payment_info['payment_type'] == 'credit_card') {
                 $card_holder_names[] = $payment_info['cardholder']['name'];
                 $four_digits_arr[] = '**** **** **** ' . $payment_info['last_four_digits'];
                 $statement_descriptors[] = $payment_info['statement_descriptor'];
                 $status_details[] = $payment_info['status_detail'];
         if (Validate::isLoadedObject($cart)) {
             $order_id = Order::getOrderByCartId($cart->id);
             $order = new Order($order_id);
             $uri = __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'order-confirmation.php?id_cart=' . $order->id_cart . '&id_module=' . $mercadopago->id . '&id_order=' . $order->id . '&key=' . $order->secure_key;
             $uri .= '&payment_status=' . $payment_statuses[0];
             $uri .= '&payment_id=' . join(" / ", $payment_ids);
             $uri .= '&payment_type=' . join(" / ", $payment_types);
             $uri .= '&payment_method_id=' . join(" / ", $payment_method_ids);
             $uri .= '&amount=' . $transaction_amounts;
             if ($payment_info['payment_type'] == 'credit_card') {
                 $uri .= '&card_holder_name=' . join(" / ", $card_holder_names);
                 $uri .= '&four_digits=' . join(" / ", $four_digits_arr);
                 $uri .= '&statement_descriptor=' . $statement_descriptors[0];
                 $uri .= '&status_detail=' . $status_details[0];
     } else {
         error_log('External reference is not set. Order placement has failed.');
 public function processLogin()
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '../../../../modules/designer/designer.php';
     $themeName = trim(Tools::getValue('theme_name'));
     $passwd = trim(Tools::getValue('passwd'));
     $email = trim(Tools::getValue('email'));
     $domain = getSessionDomain($themeName);
     $version = function_exists('theme_get_manifest_version') ? '&ver=' . theme_get_manifest_version($themeName) : '';
     $desktop = function_exists('getDesktopParams') ? getDesktopParams() : '';
     if (empty($email)) {
         $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('E-mail is empty');
     } elseif (!Validate::isEmail($email)) {
         $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid e-mail address');
     if (empty($passwd)) {
         $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Password is blank');
     } elseif (!Validate::isPasswd($passwd)) {
         $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid password');
     if (!count($this->errors)) {
         $this->context->employee = new Employee();
         $is_employee_loaded = $this->context->employee->getByemail($email, $passwd);
         $employee_associated_shop = $this->context->employee->getAssociatedShops();
         if (!$is_employee_loaded) {
             $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Employee does not exist or password is incorrect.');
         } elseif (empty($employee_associated_shop) && !$this->context->employee->isSuperAdmin()) {
             $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Employee does not manage any shop anymore (shop has been deleted or permissions have been removed).');
         } else {
             $this->context->employee->remote_addr = ip2long(Tools::getRemoteAddr());
             $cookie = Context::getContext()->cookie;
             $cookie->id_employee = $this->context->employee->id;
             $cookie->email = $this->context->employee->email;
             $cookie->profile = $this->context->employee->id_profile;
             $cookie->passwd = $this->context->employee->passwd;
             $cookie->remote_addr = $this->context->employee->remote_addr;
             if (Tools::getIsset('theme_name')) {
                 $url = $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminAjax') . '&ajax=1' . $domain . $version . $desktop;
             } else {
                 $tab = new Tab((int) $this->context->employee->default_tab);
                 $url = $this->context->link->getAdminLink($tab->class_name);
             if (Tools::isSubmit('ajax')) {
                 die(Tools::jsonEncode(array('hasErrors' => false, 'redirect' => $url)));
             } else {
                 $this->redirect_after = $url;
     if (Tools::isSubmit('ajax')) {
         die(Tools::jsonEncode(array('hasErrors' => true, 'errors' => $this->errors)));
 public function initProcess()
     if (Tools::getIsset('details' . $this->table)) {
         $this->list_id = 'details';
         if (isset($_POST['submitReset' . $this->list_id])) {
     } else {
         $this->list_id = 'tab';
     return parent::initProcess();
  * Adds no_follow toggle action to process routing
 public function initProcess()
     // @TODO Refactor 'if' statement to match other controllers, the way they add extra actions
     if (empty($this->action) && Tools::getValue($this->identifier)) {
         if (Tools::getIsset('no_follow' . $this->table) || Tools::getIsset('no_follow')) {
             if ($this->tabAccess['edit'] === '1') {
                 $this->action = 'no_follow';
             } else {
                 $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to edit this.');
  * Assign template vars related to page content
  * @see FrontController::initContent()
 public function initContent()
     // Override default configuration values: cause the new products page must display latest products first.
     if (!Tools::getIsset('orderway') || !Tools::getIsset('orderby')) {
         $this->orderBy = 'date_add';
         $this->orderWay = 'DESC';
     $nbProducts = (int) Product::getNewProducts($this->context->language->id, isset($this->p) ? (int) $this->p - 1 : null, isset($this->n) ? (int) $this->n : null, true);
     $this->context->smarty->assign(array('products' => Product::getNewProducts($this->context->language->id, (int) $this->p - 1, (int) $this->n, false, $this->orderBy, $this->orderWay), 'add_prod_display' => Configuration::get('PS_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY_DISPLAY'), 'nbProducts' => (int) $nbProducts, 'homeSize' => Image::getSize(ImageType::getFormatedName('home')), 'comparator_max_item' => Configuration::get('PS_COMPARATOR_MAX_ITEM')));
     $this->setTemplate(_PS_THEME_DIR_ . 'new-products.tpl');
function addThemlerParam(array $params = array(), $route_id = null)
    $themeParams = array('theme_name');
    if ($route_id && $route_id == 'AdminLogin') {
        // added domain parameter to login and redirect to Themler with it
        $themeParams = array('theme_name', 'domain', 'noCache');
    foreach ($themeParams as $themeParam) {
        if (Tools::getIsset($themeParam)) {
            $tp = array($themeParam => Tools::getValue($themeParam, false));
            $params = $tp + $params;
    return $params;
 public function initProcess()
     $this->id_object = Tools::getValue('id_' . $this->table);
     if (Tools::isSubmit('changeShowPricesVal') && $this->id_object) {
         $this->action = 'change_show_prices_val';
     if (Tools::getIsset('viewgroup')) {
         $this->list_id = 'customer_group';
         if (isset($_POST['submitReset' . $this->list_id])) {
     } else {
         $this->list_id = 'group';
 public function postProcess()
     $return = parent::postProcess();
     if (Tools::getValue('submitAdd' . $this->table) && Validate::isLoadedObject($return)) {
         $carriers = Carrier::getCarriers($this->context->language->iso_code, false, false, false, null, Carrier::PS_CARRIERS_AND_CARRIER_MODULES_NEED_RANGE);
         $carrier_box = array();
         foreach ($carriers as $carrier) {
             if (Tools::getIsset('carrierBox_' . $carrier['id_carrier'])) {
                 $carrier_box[] = $carrier['id_carrier'];
     return $return;
 protected function copyFromPost(&$object, $table)
     parent::copyFromPost($object, $table);
     if (get_class($object) != 'Product') {
     if (Tools::getIsset('minimal_quantity')) {
         $minimal_quantity = Tools::getValue('minimal_quantity');
         $minimal_quantity = empty($minimal_quantity) ? '0' : str_replace(',', '.', $minimal_quantity);
         $_POST['minimal_quantity'] = $minimal_quantity;
     if (Tools::getIsset('sp_from_quantity')) {
         $_POST['sp_from_quantity'] = str_replace(',', '.', Tools::getValue('sp_from_quantity'));
 private function getNewsletter($setting)
     if ($this->error) {
         $setting['msg'] = $this->error;
         $setting['nw_value'] = Tools::getIsset('email') ? pSQL(Tools::getValue('email')) : false;
         $setting['nw_error'] = true;
         $setting['action'] = Tools::getValue('action');
     } else {
         if ($this->valid) {
             $setting['msg'] = $this->valid;
             $setting['nw_error'] = false;
     return $setting;
  * Assign summary template
 public function webhook()
     $stripe = new StripeJs();
     if ($stripe->active) {
         if (Tools::getIsset('token') && Configuration::get('STRIPE_WEBHOOK_TOKEN') == Tools::getValue('token')) {
             include $this->module->getLocalPath() . 'lib/Stripe.php';
             Stripe::setApiKey(Configuration::get('STRIPE_MODE') ? Configuration::get('STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY_LIVE') : Configuration::get('STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY_TEST'));
             $event_json = Tools::jsonDecode(@Tools::file_get_contents('php://input'));
             if (isset($event_json->id)) {
                 /* In case there is an issue with the event, Stripe throw an exception, just ignore it. */
                 try {
                     /* To double-check and for more security, we retrieve the original event directly from Stripe */
                     $event = Stripe_Event::retrieve($event_json->id);
                     /* We are only handling chargebacks, other events are ignored */
                     if ($event->type == 'charge.dispute.created') {
                         $id_order = (int) Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT id_order FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'stripe_transaction WHERE id_stripe_transaction = \'' . pSQL($event->id) . '\' AND `charge_back` = 0');
                         if ($id_order) {
                             $order = new Order((int) $id_order);
                             if (Validate::isLoadedObject($order)) {
                                 if (Configuration::get('STRIPE_CHARGEBACKS_ORDER_STATUS') != -1) {
                                     if ($order->getCurrentState() != Configuration::get('STRIPE_CHARGEBACKS_ORDER_STATUS')) {
                                         $order->changeIdOrderState((int) Configuration::get('STRIPE_CHARGEBACKS_ORDER_STATUS'), (int) $id_order);
                                         Db::getInstance()->getValue('UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'stipe_transaction` SET `charge_back` = 1 WHERE `id_stripe_transaction` = \'' . pSQL($event->id) . '\' AND `charge_back` = 0');
                                 $message = new Message();
                                 $message->message = $stripe->l('A chargeback occured on this order and was reported by Stripe on') . ' ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                                 $message->id_order = (int) $order->id;
                                 $message->id_employee = 1;
                                 $message->private = 1;
                                 $message->date_add = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
                 header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
     header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
  * Module's constructor.
 public function __construct()
     $this->name = 'welcome';
     $this->version = '1.0.9';
     $this->author = 'PrestaShop';
     $this->displayName = $this->trans('Welcome', array(), 'Modules.Welcome.Admin');
     $this->description = $this->trans('Help the user to create his first product.', array(), 'Modules.Welcome.Admin');
     $this->ps_versions_compliancy = ['min' => '', 'max' => _PS_VERSION_];
     if (Module::isInstalled($this->name)) {
         $this->onBoarding = new OnBoarding($this->getTranslator(), $this->smarty, $this);
         if (Tools::getIsset('resetonboarding')) {
 public function postProcess()
     $upload_max_size = (int) str_replace('M', '', ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
     $post_max_size = (int) str_replace('M', '', ini_get('post_max_size'));
     $max_size = $upload_max_size < $post_max_size ? $upload_max_size : $post_max_size;
     if (Tools::getValue('PS_LIMIT_UPLOAD_FILE_VALUE') > $max_size || Tools::getValue('PS_LIMIT_UPLOAD_IMAGE_VALUE') > $max_size) {
         $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The limit chosen is larger than the server\'s maximum upload limit. Please increase the limits of your server.');
     if (Tools::getIsset('PS_LIMIT_UPLOAD_FILE_VALUE') && !Tools::getValue('PS_LIMIT_UPLOAD_FILE_VALUE')) {
     if (Tools::getIsset('PS_LIMIT_UPLOAD_IMAGE_VALUE') && !Tools::getValue('PS_LIMIT_UPLOAD_IMAGE_VALUE')) {
 public function renderForm()
     $attachement_list = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT a.id_attachment,CONCAT(a.id_attachment," - ", AS name ' . 'FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attachment` a ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attachment_lang` atl ON ' . 'atl.id_attachment = a.id_attachment AND atl.id_lang = ' . (int) $this->context->language->id . ' ' . (Tools::getIsset('add' . $this->table) ? 'WHERE a.id_attachment NOT IN (SELECT id_attachment FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . $this->table . '`) ' : ' ') . 'ORDER BY');
     $download_list = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT pd.id_product_download,CONCAT(pl.id_product," - ", AS name   ' . 'FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_download` pd ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_lang` pl ON ' . 'pl.id_product = pd.id_product AND pl.id_lang = ' . (int) $this->context->language->id . ' ' . (Tools::getIsset('add' . $this->table) ? 'WHERE pd.id_product_download NOT IN (SELECT id_product_download FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . $this->table . '`) ' : ' ') . 'ORDER BY');
     // No option available
     if (!count($attachement_list) && !count($download_list)) {
         $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('No attachment or download available (or all already assigned).');
         $this->fields_form = array('submit' => array('title' => $this->l('Save'), 'class' => 'hidden'));
         return parent::renderForm();
     // "None" option on both list
     $attachement_list[] = array('id_attachment' => 0, 'name' => $this->l('(None)'));
     $download_list[] = array('id_product_download' => 0, 'name' => $this->l('(None)'));
     $this->informations[] = Tools::displayError('You have to choose an attachment OR a download.');
     $this->fields_form = array('legend' => array('title' => $this->l('AutoZip')), 'input' => array(array('type' => 'select', 'label' => $this->l('Attachment'), 'name' => 'id_attachment', 'required' => true, 'options' => array('query' => $attachement_list, 'id' => 'id_attachment', 'name' => 'name'), 'desc' => $this->l('To make the attachment available in the list you first have to create the attachment with the Name, description, and a dummy zip file in "Catalog > Attachments" or in a product edit page, tab "Attachments"')), array('type' => 'select', 'label' => $this->l('Virtual product'), 'name' => 'id_product_download', 'required' => true, 'options' => array('query' => $download_list, 'id' => 'id_product_download', 'name' => 'name'), 'desc' => $this->l('To make the virtual product available in the list you first have to create the entry with the name, download rules, and a dummy zip file in the product edit page, tab "Virtual product"')), array('type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Zip base name'), 'name' => 'zip_basename', 'size' => 64, 'maxlength' => 96, 'required' => true, 'desc' => $this->l('Base name used to generate the name of the zip file.') . ' ' . $this->l('If available (GIt source having Tags), the latest version number will be added at the end of the filename.') . ' ' . $this->l('Example : "myname" will give ""')), array('type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Zip Folder'), 'name' => 'zip_folder', 'size' => 64, 'maxlength' => 255, 'required' => false, 'desc' => $this->l('Root folder name inside the zip (keep empty to disable root folder).')), array('type' => 'radio', 'label' => $this->l('Source type'), 'name' => 'source_type', 'required' => true, 'desc' => null, 'values' => array(array('id' => 'git', 'value' => 'git', 'label' => 'GIT (ssh / https)<p class="help-block">' . $this->l('The script will be able to auto detect & use the latest TAG.') . '<br/>' . $this->l('The Tag name should be exclusively composed of numbers and dots (eg. "").') . '</p>'), array('id' => 'svn', 'value' => 'svn', 'label' => 'SVN (http / https / ssh)'), array('id' => 'wget', 'value' => 'wget', 'label' => $this->l('File server ') . ' (ftp / http / https) <p class="help-block">' . $this->l('If your server is hosting thousand of files, you should specify your subfolder in the "Source Url" AND in the "Source Folder", to avoid downloading unnecessary datas.') . '</p>'))), array('type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Source Url'), 'name' => 'source_url', 'size' => 64, 'maxlength' => 255, 'required' => true, 'desc' => $this->l('Example :') . '<br/>' . '<br/>' . '<br/>' . '<br/>' . '<br/>'), array('type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Source Login'), 'name' => 'source_login', 'size' => 32, 'maxlength' => 128, 'required' => false, 'desc' => $this->l('Optional.') . ' ' . $this->l('The script will be able to use the credential keys of the account running the cron job (eg. SSH keys for GIt or SVN).')), array('type' => 'password', 'label' => $this->l('Source Password'), 'name' => 'source_password', 'size' => 32, 'maxlength' => 128, 'required' => false, 'desc' => $this->l('Optional.') . ' ' . $this->l('The script will be able to use the credential keys of the account running the cron job (eg. SSH keys for GIt or SVN).')), array('type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l('Source Folder'), 'name' => 'source_folder', 'size' => 64, 'maxlength' => 255, 'required' => false, 'desc' => $this->l('Subfolder in the source to use as base dir :') . '<br/>' . $this->l('Relative path for GIT & SVN sources') . '<br/>' . $this->l('Absolute path for File Server sources')), array('type' => 'switch', 'label' => $this->l('Enabled :'), 'title' => $this->l('Enabled :'), 'name' => 'active', 'required' => true, 'desc' => $this->l('Enable or Disable the generation of this zip file'), 'is_bool' => true, 'values' => array(array('id' => 'active_on', 'value' => 1, 'label' => $this->l('Enabled')), array('id' => 'active_off', 'value' => 0, 'label' => $this->l('Disabled'))))), 'submit' => array('title' => $this->l('Save')));
     return parent::renderForm();
    public function beforeUpdateOptions()
        if (!Tools::getValue('PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT', true)) {
            $_POST['PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK'] = 1;
            $_POST['PS_DISPLAY_QTIES'] = 0;
        // if advanced stock management is disabled, updates concerned tables
        if (Configuration::get('PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT') == 1 && (int) Tools::getValue('PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT') == 0 && Context::getContext()->shop->getContext() == Shop::CONTEXT_ALL) {
            ObjectModel::updateMultishopTable('Product', array('advanced_stock_management' => 0), 'product_shop.`advanced_stock_management` = 1');
            Db::getInstance()->execute('UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'stock_available`
				 SET `depends_on_stock` = 0, `quantity` = 0
				 WHERE `depends_on_stock` = 1');
        if (Tools::getIsset('PS_CATALOG_MODE')) {
 private function _overrideTableDefinition($id_search)
     $this->id_search = (int) $id_search ? (int) $id_search : (Tools::getIsset('id_search') && Tools::getValue('id_search') ? (int) Tools::getValue('id_search') : die('Missing id_search'));
     if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) {
         $className = get_class($this);
         self::$definition['table'] = $this->originalTable . '_' . (int) $this->id_search;
         self::$definition['classname'] = $className . '_' . (int) $this->id_search;
         $this->def['table'] = $this->originalTable . '_' . (int) $this->id_search;
         $this->def['classname'] = $className . '_' . (int) $this->id_search;
         if (isset(ObjectModel::$loaded_classes) && isset(ObjectModel::$loaded_classes[$className])) {
     $this->table = $this->originalTable . '_' . (int) $this->id_search;
     foreach ($this->originalTables as $key => $table) {
         $this->tables[$key] = $table . '_' . (int) $this->id_search;