getMonthsOfYearArray() static public method

static public getMonthsOfYearArray ( )
  * Show reservation calendar
  * @param $ID   ID of the reservation item (if empty display all) (default '')
 static function showCalendar($ID = "")
     global $CFG_GLPI;
     if (!Session::haveRight("reservation", ReservationItem::RESERVEANITEM)) {
         return false;
     if (!isset($_GET["mois_courant"])) {
         $mois_courant = intval(strftime("%m"));
     } else {
         $mois_courant = $_GET["mois_courant"];
     if (!isset($_GET["annee_courante"])) {
         $annee_courante = strftime("%Y");
     } else {
         $annee_courante = $_GET["annee_courante"];
     $mois_courant = intval($mois_courant);
     $mois_suivant = $mois_courant + 1;
     $mois_precedent = $mois_courant - 1;
     $annee_suivante = $annee_courante;
     $annee_precedente = $annee_courante;
     if ($mois_precedent == 0) {
         $mois_precedent = 12;
     if ($mois_suivant == 13) {
         $mois_suivant = 1;
     $monthsarray = Toolbox::getMonthsOfYearArray();
     $str_suivant = "?reservationitems_id={$ID}&mois_courant={$mois_suivant}&" . "annee_courante={$annee_suivante}";
     $str_precedent = "?reservationitems_id={$ID}&mois_courant={$mois_precedent}&" . "annee_courante={$annee_precedente}";
     if (!empty($ID)) {
         $m = new ReservationItem();
         if (!isset($m->fields['is_active']) || !$m->fields['is_active']) {
             echo "<div class='center'>";
             echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
             echo "<td class='center b'>" . __('Device temporarily unavailable') . "</td></tr>";
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center b'>";
             echo "</td></tr>";
             echo "</table>";
             echo "</div>";
             return false;
         $type = $m->fields["itemtype"];
         $name = NOT_AVAILABLE;
         if ($item = getItemForItemtype($m->fields["itemtype"])) {
             $type = $item->getTypeName();
             if ($item->getFromDB($m->fields["items_id"])) {
                 $name = $item->getName();
             $name = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $type, $name);
         $all = "<a class='vsubmit' href='reservation.php?reservationitems_id=&amp;mois_courant=" . "{$mois_courant}&amp;annee_courante={$annee_courante}'>" . __('Show all') . "</a>";
     } else {
         $type = "";
         $name = __('All reservable devices');
         $all = "&nbsp;";
     echo "<div class='center'><table class='tab_glpi'><tr><td>";
     echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/reservation.png' alt='' title=''></td>";
     echo "<td class ='b'>" . $name . "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><td colspan='2' class ='center'>{$all}</td></tr></table></div><br>\n";
     // Check bisextile years
     if ($annee_courante % 4 == 0) {
         $fev = 29;
     } else {
         $fev = 28;
     $nb_jour = array(31, $fev, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
     // Datas used to put right information in columns
     $jour_debut_mois = strftime("%w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $mois_courant, 1, $annee_courante));
     if ($jour_debut_mois == 0) {
         $jour_debut_mois = 7;
     $jour_fin_mois = strftime("%w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $mois_courant, $nb_jour[$mois_courant - 1], $annee_courante));
     echo "<div class='center'>";
     echo "<table class='tab_glpi'><tr><td><a href='reservation.php" . $str_precedent . "'>";
     echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/left.png' alt=\"" . __s('Previous') . "\" title=\"" . __s('Previous') . "\"></a></td>";
     echo "<td class='b'>" . sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s'), $monthsarray[$mois_courant], $annee_courante) . "</td>";
     echo "<td><a href='reservation.php" . $str_suivant . "'>";
     echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/right.png' alt=\"" . __s('Next') . "\" title=\"" . __s('Next') . "\"></a></td></tr></table>\n";
     // test
     echo "<table width='90%' class='tab_glpi'><tr><td class='top' width='100px'>";
     echo "<table><tr><td width='100px' class='top'>";
     // today date
     $today = getdate(time());
     $mois = $today["mon"];
     $annee = $today["year"];
     $annee_avant = $annee_courante - 1;
     $annee_apres = $annee_courante + 1;
     echo "<div class='calendrier_mois'>";
     echo "<div class='center b'>{$annee_avant}</div>";
     for ($i = $mois_courant; $i < 13; $i++) {
         echo "<div class='calendrier_case2'>";
         echo "<a href='reservation.php?reservationitems_id={$ID}&amp;mois_courant={$i}&amp;" . "annee_courante={$annee_avant}'>" . $monthsarray[$i] . "</a></div>";
     echo "<div class='center b'>{$annee_courante}</div>";
     for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) {
         if ($i == $mois_courant) {
             echo "<div class='calendrier_case1 b'>" . $monthsarray[$i] . "</div>\n";
         } else {
             echo "<div class='calendrier_case2'>";
             echo "<a href='reservation.php?reservationitems_id={$ID}&amp;mois_courant={$i}&amp;" . "annee_courante={$annee_courante}'>" . $monthsarray[$i] . "</a></div>\n";
     echo "<div class='center b'>{$annee_apres}</div>\n";
     for ($i = 1; $i < $mois_courant + 1; $i++) {
         echo "<div class='calendrier_case2'>";
         echo "<a href='reservation.php?reservationitems_id={$ID}&amp;mois_courant={$i}&amp;" . "annee_courante={$annee_apres}'>" . $monthsarray[$i] . "</a></div>\n";
     echo "</div>";
     echo "</td></tr></table>";
     echo "</td><td class='top' width='100%'>";
     // test
     echo "<table width='100%' class='tab_cadre'><tr>";
     echo "<th width='14%'>" . __('Monday') . "</th>";
     echo "<th width='14%'>" . __('Tuesday') . "</th>";
     echo "<th width='14%'>" . __('Wednesday') . "</th>";
     echo "<th width='14%'>" . __('Thursday') . "</th>";
     echo "<th width='14%'>" . __('Friday') . "</th>";
     echo "<th width='14%'>" . __('Saturday') . "</th>";
     echo "<th width='14%'>" . __('Sunday') . "</th>";
     echo "</tr>\n";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_3' >";
     // Insert blank cell before the first day of the month
     for ($i = 1; $i < $jour_debut_mois; $i++) {
         echo "<td class='calendrier_case_white'>&nbsp;</td>";
     // voici le remplissage proprement dit
     if ($mois_courant < 10 && strlen($mois_courant) == 1) {
         $mois_courant = "0" . $mois_courant;
     for ($i = 1; $i < $nb_jour[$mois_courant - 1] + 1; $i++) {
         if ($i < 10) {
             $ii = "0" . $i;
         } else {
             $ii = $i;
         echo "<td class='top' height='100px'>";
         echo "<table class='center' width='100%'><tr><td class='center'>";
         echo "<span class='calendrier_jour'>" . $i . "</span></td></tr>\n";
         if (!empty($ID)) {
             echo "<tr><td class='center'>";
             echo "<a href='reservation.form.php?id=&amp;item[{$ID}]={$ID}&amp;" . "begin=" . $annee_courante . "-" . $mois_courant . "-" . $ii . " 12:00:00'>";
             echo "<img  src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/addresa.png' alt=\"" . __s('Reserve') . "\" title=\"" . __s('Reserve') . "\"></a></td></tr>\n";
         echo "<tr><td>";
         self::displayReservationDay($ID, $annee_courante . "-" . $mois_courant . "-" . $ii);
         echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
         echo "</td>";
         // il ne faut pas oublie d'aller a la ligne suivante en fin de semaine
         if (($i + $jour_debut_mois) % 7 == 1) {
             echo "</tr>\n";
             if ($i != $nb_jour[$mois_courant - 1]) {
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_3'>";
     // on recommence pour finir le tableau proprement pour les m�es raisons
     if ($jour_fin_mois != 0) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < 7 - $jour_fin_mois; $i++) {
             echo "<td class='calendrier_case_white'>&nbsp;</td>";
     echo "</tr></table>\n";
     echo "</td></tr></table></div>\n";