文件: ranking.php 项目: thekabal/tki
 $row['rating'] = $rating;
 // Calculate the players online status.
 $curtime = time();
 $time = $row['online'];
 $difftime = ($curtime - $time) / 60;
 $temp_turns = $row['turns_used'];
 if ($temp_turns <= 0) {
     $temp_turns = 1;
 // Set the players online/offline status.
 $row['online'] = (bool) false;
 if ($difftime <= 5) {
     $row['online'] = (bool) true;
 // Set the characters Insignia.
 $row['insignia'] = Tki\Character::getInsignia($pdo_db, $row['email'], $langvars);
 // This is just to show that we can set the type of player.
 // like: banned, admin, player, npc etc.
 if ($row['email'] == $tkireg->admin_mail || $row['team_admin'] === 'Y') {
     $row['type'] = 'admin';
 } else {
     $row['type'] = 'player';
 // Check for banned players.
 $ban_result = Tki\CheckBan::isBanned($pdo_db, $row);
 if ($ban_result === false || array_key_exists('ban_type', $ban_result) && $ban_result['ban_type'] === ID_WATCH) {
     $row['banned'] = (bool) false;
     $row['ban_info'] = null;
 } else {
     $row['banned'] = (bool) true;
     $row['ban_info'] = array('type' => $ban_result['ban_type'], 'public_info' => "Player banned/locked for the following:\n{$ban_result['public_info']}");
文件: main.php 项目: thekabal/tki
$sql = "SELECT zone_id,zone_name FROM ::prefix::zones WHERE zone_id=:zone_id";
$stmt = $pdo_db->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindParam(':zone_id', $sectorinfo['zone_id']);
$zoneinfo = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$shiptypes[0] = "tinyship.png";
$shiptypes[1] = "smallship.png";
$shiptypes[2] = "mediumship.png";
$shiptypes[3] = "largeship.png";
$shiptypes[4] = "hugeship.png";
$planettypes[0] = "tinyplanet.png";
$planettypes[1] = "smallplanet.png";
$planettypes[2] = "mediumplanet.png";
$planettypes[3] = "largeplanet.png";
$planettypes[4] = "hugeplanet.png";
$signame = Tki\Character::getInsignia($pdo_db, $_SESSION['username'], $langvars);
echo "<div style='width:90%; margin:auto; background-color:#400040; color:#C0C0C0; text-align:center; border:#fff 1px solid; padding:4px;'>\n";
echo "{$signame} <span style='color:#fff; font-weight:bold;'>{$playerinfo['character_name']}</span>{$langvars['l_aboard']} <span style='color:#fff; font-weight:bold;'><a class='new_link' style='font-size:14px;' href='report.php'>{$playerinfo['ship_name']}</a></span>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
$num_messages = 0;
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ::prefix::messages WHERE recp_id=:recp_id AND notified='N'";
$stmt = $pdo_db->prepare($sql);
$sql_test = Tki\Db::LogDbErrors($pdo_db, $sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
if ($sql_test === true) {
    $stmt->bindParam(':recp_id', $playerinfo['ship_id']);
    $result = $stmt->execute();
    if ($result) {
        $num_messages = $stmt->fetchColumn();
if ($num_messages > 0) {