 public function addSourcesImagesNotesInput($xml)
     $tm = new TipManager();
     $sources = null;
     $notes = null;
     $images = null;
     if (isset($xml)) {
         $sources = $xml->source_citation;
         $images = $xml->image;
         $notes = $xml->note;
     // add source input
     $rows = '';
     if (isset($sources)) {
         $sortedSources = array();
         $maxId = 0;
         // sort sources, display holes caused by blanking out an entire source record
         foreach ($sources as $source) {
             $id = (int) substr((string) $source['id'], 1);
             $sortedSources[$id] = $source;
             if ($maxId < $id) {
                 $maxId = $id;
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxId; $i++) {
             $rows .= $this->addSourceInput($i - 1, @$sortedSources[$i]);
     $result = "<a name=\"sourcesSection\"></a><h2>Source Citations<small>" . $tm->addMsgTip('SourceCitations', 400) . "</small></h2><table id=\"source_input\" border=0>" . $rows . '</table><div class="addESINLink"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="addSource(); return preventDefaultAction(event);">Add source citation</a></div>';
     // add image input
     $display = 'none';
     $rows = '';
     if (isset($images)) {
         // sort images, display holes caused by image deletion
         $sortedImages = array();
         $maxId = 0;
         foreach ($images as $image) {
             $id = (int) substr((string) $image['id'], 1);
             if ($maxId < $id) {
                 $maxId = $id;
         foreach ($images as $image) {
             $id = (int) substr((string) $image['id'], 1);
             if (isset($sortedImages[$id])) {
                 // caused by a bug, move the image to the end rather than lose it
                 $maxId += 1;
                 $id = $maxId;
                 $image['id'] = 'I' . $id;
             $sortedImages[$id] = $image;
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxId; $i++) {
             $display = 'block';
             $rows .= $this->addImageInput($i - 1, @$sortedImages[$i]);
     $result .= "<a name=\"imagesSection\"></a><h2>Images</h2><table id=\"image_input\" border=0 style=\"display:{$display}\">" . '<tr><th>ID</th><th>Primary' . $tm->addMsgTip('ImagePrimary') . '</th><th>Title' . $tm->addMsgTip('ImageFilename') . '</th><th></th><th>Caption' . $tm->addMsgTip('ImageCaption') . '</th></tr>' . $rows . '</table><div class="addESINLink"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="addImage(); return preventDefaultAction(event);">Add image</a></div>';
     // add note input
     $display = 'none';
     $rows = '';
     if (isset($notes)) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($notes as $note) {
             $display = 'block';
             $rows .= $this->addNoteInput($i, $note);
     $result .= "<a name=\"notesSection\"></a><h2>Notes</h2><table id=\"note_input\" border=0 width=\"670px\" style=\"display:{$display}\">" . '<tr><th>ID</th><th width="90%">Text' . $tm->addMsgTip('NoteText') . '</th></tr>' . $rows . '</table><div class="addESINLink"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="addNote(); return preventDefaultAction(event);">Add note</a></div>';
     $result .= $tm->getTipTexts();
     return $result;
文件: tips.php 项目: tareqy/Caracal
  * Public function that creates a single instance
 public static function getInstance()
     if (!isset(self::$_instance)) {
         self::$_instance = new self();
     return self::$_instance;
  * Create edit fields from xml property
 protected function toEditFields(&$textbox1)
     global $wgOut, $wgScriptPath, $wgRequest;
     $result = '';
     $target = $wgRequest->getVal('target');
     // add javascript functions
     $wgOut->addScript("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$wgScriptPath}/autocomplete.10.js\"></script>");
     //      if ($target && $target != 'AddPage') {
     //         $result .= "<p><font color=red>Add any additional information you have about the source".
     //                     ($target == 'gedcom' ? ' and save the page' : ', save the page, then close this window').
     //                    ".</font></p>";
     //      }
     $wgOut->addScript("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$wgScriptPath}/jquery.multiSelect.yui.1.js\"></script>");
     $wgOut->addScript("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$wgScriptPath}/source.18.js\"></script>");
     $tm = new TipManager();
     $sourceType = '';
     $authors = '';
     $sourceTitle = '';
     $subtitle = '';
     $publisher = '';
     $dateIssued = '';
     $placeIssued = '';
     $seriesName = '';
     $pages = '';
     $references = '';
     $surnames = '';
     $places = '';
     $subjects = array();
     $ethnicity = '';
     $religion = '';
     $occupation = '';
     $fromYear = '';
     $toYear = '';
     $invalidStyle = ' style="background-color:#fdd;"';
     $fromYearStyle = '';
     $toYearStyle = '';
     $exists = isset($this->xml);
     if (!$exists) {
         // construct <source> text from request
         $text = Source::getPageText($wgRequest->getVal('sty'), $wgRequest->getVal('st'), $wgRequest->getVal('a'), $wgRequest->getVal('p'), $wgRequest->getVal('pi'), $wgRequest->getVal('pu'));
         $this->xml = StructuredData::getXml('source', $text);
     if (isset($this->xml)) {
         $sourceType = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->source_type);
         foreach ($this->xml->author as $author) {
             $authors .= htmlspecialchars((string) $author) . "\n";
         $sourceTitle = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->source_title);
         if (!$sourceTitle) {
             $sourceTitle = htmlspecialchars($this->titleString);
         $subtitle = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->subtitle);
         $publisher = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->publisher);
         if (!$publisher) {
             $publisher = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->publication_info);
         $dateIssued = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->date_issued);
         $placeIssued = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->place_issued);
         $seriesName = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->series_name);
         $volumes = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->volumes);
         $pages = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->pages);
         $references = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->references);
         foreach ($this->xml->surname as $surname) {
             $surnames .= htmlspecialchars((string) $surname) . "\n";
         foreach ($this->xml->place as $place) {
             $places .= htmlspecialchars((string) $place) . "\n";
         foreach ($this->xml->subject as $subject) {
             $subjects[] = htmlspecialchars((string) $subject);
         if (count($subjects) == 0 && (string) $this->xml->source_category) {
             $subjects[] = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->source_category);
         $ethnicity = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->ethnicity);
         $religion = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->religion);
         $occupation = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->occupation);
         $fromYear = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->from_year);
         $toYear = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->to_year);
         $url = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->url);
         // old
         $callNumber = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->call_number);
         // old
         $repoName = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->repository_name);
         // old
         $repoAddr = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->repository_addr);
         // old
     $missingAvailability = false;
     if (isset($this->xml)) {
         foreach ($this->xml->repository as $repository) {
             // the source_location condition is temporary
             if (!(string) $repository['availability'] && stripos((string) $repository['source_location'], 'www.familysearch.org/Eng/Library/fhlcatalog') === false) {
                 $missingAvailability = true;
         if ($url && stripos($url, 'www.familysearch.org/Eng/Library/fhlcatalog') === false) {
             $missingAvailability = true;
     if ($missingAvailability) {
         $result .= "<p><font color=red>Please select an Availability</font></p>";
     if (!StructuredData::isValidYear($fromYear) || !StructuredData::isValidYear($toYear)) {
         if (!StructuredData::isValidYear($fromYear)) {
             $fromYearStyle = $invalidStyle;
         if (!StructuredData::isValidYear($toYear)) {
             $toYearStyle = $invalidStyle;
         $result .= "<p><font color=red>The year range is not valid</font></p>";
     // display edit fields
     $result .= "<h2>Source information</h2><table>" . '<tr><td align=right>Type:</td><td align=left>' . StructuredData::addSelectToHtml(1, 'source_type', self::$SOURCE_TYPE_OPTIONS, $sourceType, 'onChange="showSourceFields()"') . $tm->addMsgTip('SourceType') . '</td></tr>' . '<tr id="authors_row"><td align=right>Authors:<br/><font size=\\"-1\\"><i>one per line<br/>surname, given</i></font></td>' . "<td align=left><textarea tabindex=\"1\" name=\"authors\" rows=\"3\" cols=\"60\">{$authors}</textarea></td></tr>" . "<tr id=\"source_title_row\"><td align=right>Title:</td><td align=left><input tabindex=\"1\" name=\"source_title\" value=\"{$sourceTitle}\" size=\"60\"/></td></tr>" . "<tr id=\"subtitle_row\"><td align=right>Subtitle:</td><td align=left><input tabindex=\"1\" name=\"subtitle\" value=\"{$subtitle}\" size=\"60\"/></td></tr>" . "<tr id=\"publisher_row\"><td align=right>Publisher:</td><td align=left><input tabindex=\"1\" name=\"publisher\" value=\"{$publisher}\" size=\"60\"/></td></tr>" . "<tr id=\"date_issued_row\"><td align=right>Date issued:</td><td align=left><input tabindex=\"1\" name=\"date_issued\" value=\"{$dateIssued}\" size=\"20\"/></td></tr>" . "<tr id=\"place_issued_row\"><td align=right>Place issued:</td><td align=left><input tabindex=\"1\" name=\"place_issued\" value=\"{$placeIssued}\" size=\"60\"/></td></tr>" . "<tr id=\"series_name_row\"><td align=right>Periodical/Series name:</td><td align=left><input tabindex=\"1\" class=\"source_input\" name=\"series_name\" value=\"{$seriesName}\" size=\"60\"/></td></tr>" . "<tr id=\"volumes_row\"><td align=right>Number of volumes:</td><td align=left><input tabindex=\"1\" name=\"volumes\" value=\"{$volumes}\" size=\"10\"/></td></tr>" . "<tr id=\"pages_row\"><td align=right>Volume/Film#/Pages:</td><td align=left><input tabindex=\"1\" name=\"pages\" value=\"{$pages}\" size=\"20\"/></td></tr>" . "<tr id=\"references_row\"><td align=right>References/Cites:</td><td align=left><input tabindex=\"1\" name=\"references\" value=\"{$references}\" size=\"60\"/></td></tr>" . "</table>";
     $result .= '<h2>Coverage</h2><table>' . "<tr><td align=right>Surnames covered:<br/><i>one per line</i></td><td align=left><textarea tabindex=\"1\" name=\"surnames\" rows=\"3\" cols=\"60\">{$surnames}</textarea></td></tr>" . "<tr><td align=right>Places covered:<br/><i>one per line</i></td><td align=left><textarea class=\"place_input\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"places\" rows=\"3\" cols=\"60\">{$places}</textarea></td></tr>" . "<tr><td align=right>Year range:</td><td align=left><input tabindex=\"1\" name=\"fromYear\" value=\"{$fromYear}\" size=\"5\"{$fromYearStyle}/>" . "&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;<input tabindex=\"1\" name=\"toYear\" value=\"{$toYear}\" size=\"5\"{$toYearStyle}/></td></tr>" . "<tr><td align=right>Subject:</td><td align=left>" . StructuredData::addSelectToHtml(1, 'subject', self::$SOURCE_SUBJECT_OPTIONS, $subjects, 'multiple="multiple"') . "</td></tr>" . "<tr id=\"ethnicity_row\"><td align=right>Ethnicity/Culture:</td><td align=left>" . StructuredData::addSelectToHtml(1, 'ethnicity', self::$ETHNICITY_OPTIONS, $ethnicity) . "</td></tr>" . "<tr id=\"religion_row\"><td align=right>Religion:</td><td align=left>" . StructuredData::addSelectToHtml(1, 'religion', self::$RELIGION_OPTIONS, $religion) . "</td></tr>" . "<tr id=\"occupation_row\"><td align=right>Occupation:</td><td align=left>" . StructuredData::addSelectToHtml(1, 'occupation', self::$OCCUPATION_OPTIONS, $occupation) . "</td></tr>" . "</table>";
     $rows = '';
     $i = 0;
     if (isset($this->xml)) {
         foreach ($this->xml->repository as $repository) {
             $rows .= $this->addRepositoryInput($i, htmlspecialchars((string) $repository['title']), htmlspecialchars((string) $repository['source_location']), htmlspecialchars((string) $repository['availability']), (string) $repository['availability'] ? '' : $invalidStyle);
         if ($url) {
             $rows .= $this->addRepositoryInput($i, '', $url, '', $invalidStyle);
         if ($callNumber || $repoName) {
             $rows .= $this->addRepositoryInput($i, $repoName, $callNumber, '', $invalidStyle);
     if ($i == 0) {
         $rows .= $this->addRepositoryInput($i, '', '', '', '');
     $result .= '<h2>Repositories</h2>';
     $result .= '<table id="repository_table" border="0" width="500px" style="display:block">';
     $result .= '<tr><th></th><th>Repository name</th><th>Location (call#, URL) of source within repository</th><th>Availability</th></tr>';
     $result .= "{$rows}</table><a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onClick=\"addRepository('" . implode(',', self::$SOURCE_AVAILABILITY_OPTIONS) . "'); return preventDefaultAction(event);\">Add Repository</a>";
     $result .= $tm->getTipTexts();
     $result .= "<br><br>Text:<br>";
     return $result;
  * Create edit fields from xml property
  * textbox1 passed by reference for efficiency; don't change it
 protected function toEditFields(&$textbox1)
     global $wgOut, $wgScriptPath, $wgESINHandler, $wgRequest;
     $result = '';
     //      $target = $wgRequest->getVal('target');
     // add javascript functions
     $wgOut->addScript("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$wgScriptPath}/jquery.tablednd_0_5.yui.1.js\"></script>");
     $wgOut->addScript("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$wgScriptPath}/personfamily.31.js\"></script>");
     $wgOut->addScript("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$wgScriptPath}/autocomplete.10.js\"></script>");
     $tm = new TipManager();
     $name = null;
     $altNames = null;
     $invalidStyle = ' style="background-color:#fdd;"';
     $genderStyle = '';
     $childOfFamilyStyle = '';
     $spouseOfFamilyStyle = '';
     $genderString = '';
     $childOfFamilies = array();
     $spouseOfFamilies = array();
     $exists = isset($this->xml);
     if (!$exists) {
         // && !StructuredData::isRedirect($textbox1)) {
         // construct <person> text from What Links Here and from request
         $oldText = $this->getPageTextFromWLH(true, $wgRequest);
         $this->xml = StructuredData::getXml('person', $oldText);
     if (isset($this->xml)) {
         $name = $this->xml->name;
         $altNames = $this->xml->alt_name;
         $genderString = (string) $this->xml->gender;
         $childOfFamilies = StructuredData::getTitlesAsArray($this->xml->child_of_family);
         $spouseOfFamilies = StructuredData::getTitlesAsArray($this->xml->spouse_of_family);
     $this->addRequestMembers('pf', $childOfFamilies);
     $this->addRequestMembers('sf', $spouseOfFamilies);
     if (ESINHandler::isLiving($this->xml)) {
         $result .= "<p><font color=red>This person was born/christened less than 110 years ago and does not have a death/burial date.  Living people cannot be entered into WeRelate.org.</font></p>";
     } else {
         if (!$this->isGedcomPage && !StructuredData::titleStringHasId($this->titleString)) {
             $result .= "<p><font color=red>The page title does not have an ID; please create a page with an ID using <a href='/wiki/Special:AddPage/Person'>Add page</a></font></p>";
     if ($exists && !$genderString) {
         $result .= "<p><font color=red>You must select a gender</font></p>";
         $genderStyle = $invalidStyle;
     if (StructuredData::titlesOverlap($childOfFamilies, $spouseOfFamilies)) {
         $result .= "<p><font color=red>This person cannot be a child of and a spouse of the same family</font></p>";
         $childOfFamilyStyle = $invalidStyle;
         $spouseOfFamilyStyle = $invalidStyle;
     if (!$this->isGedcomPage && (StructuredData::titlesMissingId($childOfFamilies) || !StructuredData::titlesExist(NS_FAMILY, $childOfFamilies))) {
         $result .= "<p><font color=red>Parents family page not found; please remove it, save this page, then add a new one</font></p>";
     if (!$this->isGedcomPage && (StructuredData::titlesMissingId($spouseOfFamilies) || !StructuredData::titlesExist(NS_FAMILY, $spouseOfFamilies))) {
         $result .= "<p><font color=red>Spouse family page not found; please remove it, save this page, then add a new one</font></p>";
     if (ESINHandler::hasAmbiguousDates($this->xml)) {
         $result .= "<p><font color=red>Please write dates in \"<i>D MMM YYYY</i>\" format so they are unambiguous (ie 5 Jan 1900)</font></p>";
     // add name input table
     $rows = '';
     $display = 'none';
     if (isset($altNames)) {
         $i = 1;
         foreach ($altNames as $altName) {
             $display = 'inline';
             $rows .= $this->addNameInput($i, $altName);
     $result .= '<h2>Name</h2>';
     $result .= '<table id="name_input" border=0 cellpadding=3>' . '<tr><th></th><th>Name&nbsp;prefix' . $tm->addMsgTip('TitlePrefix') . '</th><th>Given' . $tm->addMsgTip('GivenName') . '</th><th>Surname' . $tm->addMsgTip('Surname') . '</th>' . '<th>Name&nbsp;suffix' . $tm->addMsgTip('TitleSuffix') . '</th>' . '<th></th><th>Source(s)' . $tm->addMsgTip('NameSourceIDs') . '</th><th></th><th>Note(s)' . $tm->addMsgTip('NameNoteIDs') . '</th></tr>' . $this->addNameInput(0, $name, $display) . $rows . '</table><div class="addESINLink"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="addName(\'' . implode(',', self::$NAME_TYPES) . '\'); return preventDefaultAction(event);">Add alternate name</a></div>';
     // add gender input
     $result .= '<br><br><label for="gender">Gender: </label>' . StructuredData::addSelectToHtml(1, 'gender', Person::$GENDER_OPTIONS, $genderString, $genderStyle) . '<br><br>';
     // add child of family input
     $result .= $this->addFamilyInput($childOfFamilies, 'child_of_family', 'Parents and siblings family', 'ChildOfFamily', $childOfFamilyStyle, $tm, $invalidStyle);
     //, substr($target, 0, 5) == 'child');
     // add spouse of family input
     $result .= $this->addFamilyInput($spouseOfFamilies, 'spouse_of_family', 'Spouse and children family', 'SpouseOfFamily', $spouseOfFamilyStyle, $tm, $invalidStyle);
     //, substr($target, 0, 4) == 'wife' || substr($target, 0, 7) == 'husband');
     // add event_fact input table
     $result .= $wgESINHandler->addEventsFactsInput($this->xml, self::$STD_EVENT_TYPES, self::$OTHER_EVENT_TYPES);
     // add sources, images, notes input tables
     $result .= $wgESINHandler->addSourcesImagesNotesInput($this->xml);
     $result .= $tm->getTipTexts();
     $result .= '<h2>Personal History</h2>';
     return $result;
  * Create edit fields from xml property
 protected function toEditFields(&$textbox1)
     global $wgOut, $wgScriptPath;
     // add javascript functions
     $wgOut->addScript("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$wgScriptPath}/autocomplete.10.js\"></script>");
     $wgOut->addScript("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$wgScriptPath}/userpage.4.js\"></script>");
     $tm = new TipManager();
     $invalidStyle = ' style="background-color:#fdd;"';
     $result = '';
     if ($this->isSubpage) {
         $surnames = '';
         $places = '';
         $fromYear = '';
         $toYear = '';
         $fromYearStyle = '';
         $toYearStyle = '';
         if (isset($this->xml)) {
             $fromYear = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->from_year);
             $toYear = htmlspecialchars((string) $this->xml->to_year);
             foreach ($this->xml->surname as $surname) {
                 $surnames .= htmlspecialchars($surname) . "\n";
             foreach ($this->xml->place as $place) {
                 $places .= htmlspecialchars($place) . "\n";
             if (!StructuredData::isValidYear($fromYear) || !StructuredData::isValidYear($toYear)) {
                 if (!StructuredData::isValidYear($fromYear)) {
                     $fromYearStyle = $invalidStyle;
                 if (!StructuredData::isValidYear($toYear)) {
                     $toYearStyle = $invalidStyle;
                 $result .= "<p><font color=red>The year range is not valid</font></p>";
         $result .= "<br><label for=\"surnames\">Surnames (one per line):</label><br><textarea tabindex=\"1\" name=\"surnames\" rows=\"3\" cols=\"60\">{$surnames}</textarea>";
         $result .= "<br><label for=\"places\">Places (one per line):</label><br><textarea class=\"place_input\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"places\" rows=\"3\" cols=\"60\">{$places}</textarea>";
         $result .= "<table><tr>";
         $result .= "<td align=left>Year range:</td><td align=left><input tabindex=\"1\" name=\"fromYear\" value=\"{$fromYear}\" size=\"5\"{$fromYearStyle}/>";
         $result .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;<input tabindex=\"1\" name=\"toYear\" value=\"{$toYear}\" size=\"5\"{$toYearStyle}/>";
         $result .= "</td></tr></table>Text:<br>";
     } else {
         $display = 'none';
         $rows = '';
         $i = 0;
         if (isset($this->xml)) {
             foreach ($this->xml->researching as $researching) {
                 $display = 'block';
                 $rows .= "<tr><td><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"researching_id{$i}\" value=\"" . ($i + 1) . "\"/>" . "<input tabindex=\"1\" type=\"text\" size=20 name=\"researching_surname{$i}\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars((string) $researching['surname']) . "\"/></td>" . "<td><input class=\"place_input\" tabindex=\"1\" type=\"text\" size=30 name=\"researching_place{$i}\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars((string) $researching['place']) . "\"/></td></tr>\n";
         $result .= '<h2>Surnames and/or places you are researching' . $tm->addMsgTip('UserResearching') . '</h2>' . "<table id=\"researching_table\" border=0 width=\"500px\" style=\"display:{$display}\"><tr><th>Surname</th><th>Place (state, province, or country)</th></tr>" . "{$rows}</table><a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onClick=\"addResearchInput(); return preventDefaultAction(event);\">Add Surname and/or Place</a>";
         $result .= '<br><br><h2>Text' . $tm->addMsgTip('UserText') . '</h2>';
         $result .= $tm->getTipTexts();
     return $result;