public function fire() { $this->info(date('Y-m-d') . ' Running ImportTimesheetData...'); // Seems we are using the console timezone DB::statement("SET SESSION time_zone = '+00:00'"); // Get the Unix epoch $unix_epoch = new DateTime('1970-01-01T00:00:01', new DateTimeZone("UTC")); // Create some initial sources we can test with $user = User::first(); if (!$user) { $this->error("Error: please create user account by logging in"); return; } // TODO: Populate with own test data until test data has been created // Truncate the tables /*$this->info("Truncate tables"); DB::statement('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;'); DB::table('projects')->truncate(); DB::table('project_codes')->truncate(); DB::table('timesheet_event_sources')->truncate(); DB::table('timesheet_events')->truncate(); DB::statement('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;'); */ if (!Project::find(1)) { $this->info("Import old project codes"); $oldcodes = json_decode(file_get_contents("/home/tlb/git/itktime/codes.json"), true); foreach ($oldcodes as $name => $options) { $project = Project::createNew($user); $project->name = $options['description']; $project->save(); $code = ProjectCode::createNew($user); $code->name = $name; $project->codes()->save($code); } } if (!TimesheetEventSource::find(1)) { $this->info("Import old event sources"); $oldevent_sources = json_decode(file_get_contents("/home/tlb/git/itktime/employes.json"), true); foreach ($oldevent_sources as $source) { $event_source = TimesheetEventSource::createNew($user); $event_source->name = $source['name']; $event_source->url = $source['url']; $event_source->owner = $source['owner']; $event_source->type = 'ical'; //$event_source->from_date = new DateTime("2009-01-01"); $event_source->save(); } } // Add all URL's to Curl $this->info("Download ICAL feeds"); $T = new Timer(); $T->start(); $T->lap("Get Event Sources"); $event_sources = TimesheetEventSource::all(); // TODO: Filter based on ical feeds $T->lap("Get ICAL responses"); $urls = []; $event_sources->map(function ($item) use(&$urls) { $urls[] = $item->url; }); $icalresponses = TimesheetUtils::curlGetUrls($urls); $T->lap("Fetch all codes so we can do a quick lookup"); $codes = array(); ProjectCode::all()->map(function ($item) use(&$codes) { $codes[$item->name] = $item; }); $this->info("Start parsing ICAL files"); foreach ($event_sources as $i => $event_source) { if (!is_array($icalresponses[$i])) { $this->info("Find events in " . $event_source->name); file_put_contents("/tmp/" . $event_source->name . ".ical", $icalresponses[$i]); // FIXME: Remove $T->lap("Split on events for " . $event_source->name); // Check if the file is complete if (!preg_match("/^\\s*BEGIN:VCALENDAR/", $icalresponses[$i]) || !preg_match("/END:VCALENDAR\\s*\$/", $icalresponses[$i])) { $this->error("Missing start or end of ical file"); continue; } // Extract all events from ical file if (preg_match_all('/BEGIN:VEVENT\\r?\\n(.+?)\\r?\\nEND:VEVENT/s', $icalresponses[$i], $icalmatches)) { $this->info("Found " . (count($icalmatches[1]) - 1) . " events"); $T->lap("Fetch all uids and last updated at so we can do a quick lookup to find out if the event needs to be updated in the database" . $event_source->name); $uids = []; $org_deleted = []; // Create list of events we know are deleted on the source, but still have in the db $event_source->events()->withTrashed()->get(['uid', 'org_updated_at', 'updated_data_at', 'org_deleted_at'])->map(function ($item) use(&$uids, &$org_deleted) { if ($item->org_updated_at > $item->updated_data_at) { $uids[$item->uid] = $item->org_updated_at; } else { $uids[$item->uid] = $item->updated_data_at; } if ($item->org_deleted_at > '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $org_deleted[$item->uid] = $item->updated_data_at; } }); $deleted = $uids; // Loop over all the found events $T->lap("Parse events for " . $event_source->name); foreach ($icalmatches[1] as $eventstr) { //print "---\n"; //print $eventstr."\n"; //print "---\n"; //$this->info("Match event"); # Fix lines broken by 76 char limit $eventstr = preg_replace('/\\r?\\n\\s/s', '', $eventstr); //$this->info("Parse data"); $data = TimesheetUtils::parseICALEvent($eventstr); if ($data) { // Extract code for summary so we only import events we use list($codename, $tags, $title) = TimesheetUtils::parseEventSummary($data['summary']); if ($codename != null) { $event = TimesheetEvent::createNew($user); // Copy data to new object $event->uid = $data['uid']; $event->summary = $title; $event->org_data = $eventstr; $event->org_code = $codename; if (isset($data['description'])) { $event->description = $data['description']; } $event->owner = $event_source->owner; $event->timesheet_event_source_id = $event_source->id; if (isset($codes[$codename])) { $event->project_id = $codes[$codename]->project_id; $event->project_code_id = $codes[$codename]->id; } if (isset($data['location'])) { $event->location = $data['location']; } # Add RECURRENCE-ID to the UID to make sure the event is unique if (isset($data['recurrence-id'])) { $event->uid .= "::" . $data['recurrence-id']; } //TODO: Add support for recurring event, make limit on number of events created : // Bail on RRULE as we don't support that if (isset($event['rrule'])) { die("Recurring event not supported: {$event['summary']} - {$event['dtstart']}"); } // Convert to DateTime objects foreach (['dtstart', 'dtend', 'created', 'last-modified'] as $key) { // Parse and create DataTime object from ICAL format list($dt, $timezone) = TimesheetUtils::parseICALDate($data[$key]); // Handle bad dates in created and last-modified if ($dt == null || $dt < $unix_epoch) { if ($key == 'created' || $key == 'last-modified') { $dt = $unix_epoch; // Default to UNIX epoch $event->import_warning = "Could not parse date for {$key}: '" . $data[$key] . "' so default to UNIX Epoc\n"; } else { $event->import_error = "Could not parse date for {$key}: '" . $data[$key] . "' so default to UNIX Epoc\n"; // TODO: Bail on this event or write to error table die("Could not parse date for {$key}: '" . $data[$key] . "'\n"); } } // Assign DateTime object to switch ($key) { case 'dtstart': $event->start_date = $dt; if ($timezone) { $event->org_start_date_timezone = $timezone; } break; case 'dtend': $event->end_date = $dt; if ($timezone) { $event->org_end_date_timezone = $timezone; } break; case 'created': $event->org_created_at = $dt; break; case 'last-modified': $event->org_updated_at = $dt; break; } } // Check that we are witin the range if ($event_source->from_date != null) { $from_date = new DateTime($event_source->from_date, new DateTimeZone('UTC')); if ($from_date > $event->end_date) { // Skip this event echo "Skiped: {$codename}: {$title}\n"; continue; } } // Calculate number of hours $di = $event->end_date->diff($event->start_date); $event->hours = $di->h + $di->i / 60; // Check for events we already have if (isset($uids[$event->uid])) { // Remove from deleted list unset($deleted[$event->uid]); // See if the event has been updated compared to the one in the database $db_event_org_updated_at = new DateTime($uids[$event->uid], new DateTimeZone('UTC')); // Check if same or older version of new event then skip if ($event->org_updated_at <= $db_event_org_updated_at) { // SKIP // Updated version of the event } else { // Get the old event from the database /* @var $db_event TimesheetEvent */ $db_event = $event_source->events()->where('uid', $event->uid)->firstOrFail(); $changes = $db_event->toChangesArray($event); // Make sure it's more than the org_updated_at that has been changed if (count($changes) > 1) { // Check if we have manually changed the event in the database or used it in a timesheet if ($db_event->manualedit || $db_event->timesheet) { $this->info("Updated Data"); $db_event->updated_data = $event->org_data; $db_event->updated_data_at = $event->org_updated_at; // Update the db_event with the changes } else { $this->info("Updated Event"); foreach ($changes as $key => $value) { if ($value == null) { unset($db_event->{$key}); } else { $db_event->{$key} = $value; } } } } else { $this->info("Nothing Changed"); // Nothing has been changed so update the org_updated_at $db_event->org_updated_at = $changes['org_updated_at']; } $db_event->save(); } } else { try { $this->info("New event: " . $event->summary); $event->save(); } catch (Exception $ex) { echo "'" . $event->summary . "'\n"; var_dump($data); echo $ex->getMessage(); echo $ex->getTraceAsString(); exit(0); } } // Add new uid to know uids $uids[$event->uid] = $event->org_updated_at; } } } // Delete events in database that no longer exists in the source foreach ($deleted as $uid => $lastupdated_date) { // Skip we already marked this a deleted if (isset($org_deleted[$uid])) { unset($deleted[$uid]); continue; } // Delete or update event in db $db_event = $event_source->events()->where('uid', $uid)->firstOrFail(); if ($db_event->timesheet_id === null && !$db_event->manualedit) { // Hard delete if this event has not been assigned to a timesheet or have been manually edited $db_event->forceDelete(); } else { // Mark as deleted in source $db_event->org_deleted_at = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $db_event->save(); } } $this->info("Deleted " . count($deleted) . " events"); } else { // TODO: Parse error } } else { // TODO: Curl Error } } foreach ($T->end()['laps'] as $lap) { echo number_format($lap['total'], 3) . " : {$lap['name']}\n"; } $this->info('Done'); }