     * Test time string to np2
    function testSeconds2NptFormat() {
    	// Some time conversions:
    	$this->assertEquals( TimedMediaHandler::seconds2npt( 100 ), '0:1:40' );
    	$this->assertEquals( TimedMediaHandler::seconds2npt( 0 ), '0:0:0' );
    	$this->assertEquals( TimedMediaHandler::seconds2npt( 3601 ), '1:0:1' );
    	// Test failures:
    	$this->assertEquals( TimedMediaHandler::seconds2npt( 'foo' ), false );
    	$this->assertEquals( TimedMediaHandler::seconds2npt( -1 ), false );
	public function monitorTranscode( $pid, &$retval, $encodingLog, $retvalLog ){
		global $wgTranscodeBackgroundTimeLimit, $wgLang;
		$errorMsg = '';
		$loopCount = 0;
		$oldFileSize = 0;
		$startTime = time();
		$fileIsNotGrowing = false;

		$this->output( "Encoding with pid: $pid \npcntl_waitpid: " . pcntl_waitpid( $pid, $status, WNOHANG OR WUNTRACED) .
			"\nisProcessRunning: " . self::isProcessRunningKillZombie( $pid ) . "\n" );

		// Check that the child process is still running ( note this does not work well with  pcntl_waitpid
		// for some reason :(
		while( self::isProcessRunningKillZombie( $pid ) ) {
			//$this->output( "$pid is running" );

			// Check that the target file is growing ( every 5 seconds )
			if( $loopCount == 5 ){
				// only run check if we are outputing to target file
				// ( two pass encoding does not output to target on first pass )
				$newFileSize = is_file( $this->getTargetEncodePath() ) ? filesize( $this->getTargetEncodePath() ) : 0;
				// Don't start checking for file growth until we have an initial positive file size:
				if( $newFileSize > 0 ){
					$this->output(  $wgLang->formatSize( $newFileSize ). ' Total size, encoding ' .
						$wgLang->formatSize( ( $newFileSize - $oldFileSize ) / 5 ) . ' per second' );
					if( $newFileSize == $oldFileSize ){
						if( $fileIsNotGrowing ){
							$errorMsg = "Target File is not increasing in size, kill process.";
							$this->output( $errorMsg );
							// file is not growing in size, kill proccess
							$retval = 1;

							//posix_kill( $pid, 9);
							self::killProcess( $pid );
						// Wait an additional 5 seconds of the file not growing to confirm
						// the transcode is frozen.
						$fileIsNotGrowing = true;
					} else {
						$fileIsNotGrowing = false;
					$oldFileSize = $newFileSize;
				// reset the loop counter
				$loopCount = 0;

			// Check if we have global job run-time has been exceeded:
			if ( $wgTranscodeBackgroundTimeLimit && time() - $startTime  > $wgTranscodeBackgroundTimeLimit ){
				$errorMsg = "Encoding exceeded max job run time ( " . TimedMediaHandler::seconds2npt( $maxTime ) . " ), kill process.";
				$this->output( $errorMsg );
				// File is not growing in size, kill proccess
				$retval = 1;
				//posix_kill( $pid, 9);
				self::killProcess( $pid );

			// Sleep for one second before repeating loop
			sleep( 1 );

		$returnPcntl = pcntl_wexitstatus( $status );
		// check status
		$returnCodeFile = file_get_contents( $retvalLog );
		//$this->output( "TranscodeJob:: Child pcntl return:". $returnPcntl . ' Log file exit code:' . $returnCodeFile . "\n" );

		// File based exit code seems more reliable than pcntl_wexitstatus
		$retval = $returnCodeFile;

		// return the encoding log contents ( will be inserted into error table if an error )
		// ( will be ignored and removed if success )
		if( $errorMsg!= '' ){
		return $errorMsg . file_get_contents( $encodingLog );
	function getTemporalUrlHash(){
		if( $this->hashTime ){
			return $this->hashTime;
		$hash ='';
		if( $this->start ){
			$startSec = TimedMediaHandler::parseTimeString( $this->start );
			if( $startSec !== false ){
				$hash.= '#t=' . TimedMediaHandler::seconds2npt( $startSec );
		if( $this->end ){
			if( $hash == '' ){
				$hash .= '#t=0';
			$endSec = TimedMediaHandler::parseTimeString( $this->end );
			if( $endSec !== false ){
				$hash.= ',' . TimedMediaHandler::seconds2npt( $endSec );
		$this->hashTime = $hash;
		return $this->hashTime;