protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $profileName = $input->getArgument('profile'); $repository = $input->getArgument('repository'); $force = $input->getOption('force'); $profile = \Tiki_Profile::fromNames($repository, $profileName); if (!$profile) { $output->writeln('<error>Profile not found.</error>'); return; } $tikilib = \TikiLib::lib('tiki'); $installer = new \Tiki_Profile_Installer(); $isInstalled = $installer->isInstalled($profile); if ($isInstalled && $force) { $installer->forget($profile); $isInstalled = false; } if (!$isInstalled) { $transaction = $tikilib->begin(); if ($installer->install($profile)) { $transaction->commit(); $output->writeln('Profile applied.'); } else { $output->writeln("<error>Installation failed:</error>"); foreach ($installer->getFeedback() as $error) { $output->writeln("<error>{$error}</error>"); } } } else { $output->writeln('<info>Profile was already applied. Nothing happened.</info>'); } }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $addon_utilities = new \TikiAddons_Utilities(); $addonName = $input->getArgument('addon'); if (strpos($addonName, '/') !== false && strpos($addonName, '_') === false) { $package = $addonName; $folder = str_replace('/', '_', $addonName); } else { $package = str_replace('_', '/', $addonName); $folder = $addonName; } $repository = 'file://addons/' . $folder . '/profiles'; $reapply = $input->getOption('reapply'); $ignoredepends = $input->getOption('ignoredepends'); if (empty(glob(TIKI_PATH . '/addons/' . $folder . '/profiles/*.yml'))) { $output->writeln("<error>No profiles found.</error>"); return false; } if (!$ignoredepends) { $addon_utilities->checkDependencies($folder); } $addons = \TikiAddons::getInstalled(); $tikilib = \TikiLib::lib('tiki'); $installer = new \Tiki_Profile_Installer(); foreach (glob(TIKI_PATH . '/addons/' . $folder . '/profiles/*.yml') as $file) { $profileName = str_replace('.yml', '', basename($file)); $profile = \Tiki_Profile::fromNames($repository, $profileName); if (!$profile) { $output->writeln("<error>Profile {$profileName} not found.</error>"); continue; } $isInstalled = $installer->isInstalled($profile); if ($isInstalled && $reapply) { $installer->forget($profile); $isInstalled = false; } if (!$isInstalled) { $transaction = $tikilib->begin(); if ($installer->install($profile)) { $addon_utilities->updateProfile($folder, $addons[$package]->version, $profileName); $transaction->commit(); $output->writeln("Profile {$profileName} applied."); } else { $output->writeln("<error>Profile {$profileName} installation failed:</error>"); foreach ($installer->getFeedback() as $error) { $output->writeln("<error>{$error}</error>"); } } } else { $output->writeln("<info>Profile {$profileName} was already applied. Nothing happened.</info>"); } } }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $addon_utilities = new \TikiAddons_Utilities(); $addonName = $input->getArgument('addon'); if (strpos($addonName, '/') !== false && strpos($addonName, '_') === false) { $package = $addonName; $folder = str_replace('/', '_', $addonName); } else { $package = str_replace('_', '/', $addonName); $folder = $addonName; } $repository = 'file://addons/' . $folder . '/profiles'; $ignoredepends = $input->getOption('ignoredepends'); $confirm = $input->getOption('confirm'); if (empty(glob(TIKI_PATH . '/addons/' . $folder . '/profiles/*.yml'))) { $output->writeln("<error>No profiles found.</error>"); return; } if (!$ignoredepends) { $addon_utilities->checkDependencies($folder); } $upgradeInfo = json_decode(file_get_contents(TIKI_PATH . '/addons/' . $folder . '/upgrade.json')); $validVersions = array(); foreach ($upgradeInfo as $version => $info) { $validVersions[] = $version; } $config = null; $lastVersionInstalled = $addon_utilities->getLastVersionInstalled($folder); $reapplyProfiles = array(); $forgetProfiles = array(); $removeItems = array(); foreach ($validVersions as $v) { if ($addon_utilities->checkVersionMatch($lastVersionInstalled, $v)) { $config = $upgradeInfo->{$v}; $removeItems = $config->remove; $forgetProfiles = $config->forget; $reapplyProfiles = $config->reapply; break; } } $addons = \TikiAddons::getInstalled(); if (!$config) { if (strnatcmp($lastVersionInstalled, $addons[$package]->version) <= 0) { $output->writeln("<error>Currently installed version ({$lastVersionInstalled}) is already up to date.</error>"); } else { $output->writeln("<error>No valid versions currently installed to upgrade found.</error>"); } return false; } $installedProfiles = $addon_utilities->getInstalledProfiles($folder); $installedProfileNames = array_keys($installedProfiles); $willRemove = false; foreach ($removeItems as $remove) { if (empty($remove->profile)) { $profile = ''; } else { $profile = $remove->profile; } $objectId = $addon_utilities->getObjectId($folder, $remove->ref, $profile); $objectType = $remove->type; if ($objectId) { if ($confirm) { $addon_utilities->removeObject($objectId, $objectType); $output->writeln("{$objectType} '{$objectId}' has been deleted."); } else { $output->writeln("<info>{$objectType} '{$objectId}' will be deleted.</info>"); } $willRemove = true; } } $tikilib = \TikiLib::lib('tiki'); $installer = new \Tiki_Profile_Installer(); // First forget profiles that need to be forgotten foreach ($forgetProfiles as $toForget) { if (in_array($toForget, $installedProfileNames)) { if ($confirm || !$willRemove) { $addon_utilities->forgetProfileAllVersions($folder, $toForget); $profile = \Tiki_Profile::fromNames($repository, $toForget); if (!$profile) { $output->writeln("<error>Profile {$toForget} not found.</error>"); } else { $installer->forget($profile); } } else { $output->writeln("<info>The installed profile {$toForget} will be forgotten.</info>"); } } } if (!$confirm && $willRemove) { $output->writeln("<error>There will be NO undo, and all data in the above objects will be deleted as part of the upgrade.</error>"); $output->writeln("<info>Use the --confirm option to proceed with removal and upgrade.</info>"); } if ($confirm || !$willRemove) { // Finally install profiles foreach (glob(TIKI_PATH . '/addons/' . $folder . '/profiles/*.yml') as $file) { $profileName = str_replace('.yml', '', basename($file)); $profile = \Tiki_Profile::fromNames($repository, $profileName); if (in_array($profileName, $reapplyProfiles)) { $reapply = true; } else { $reapply = false; } if (!$profile) { $output->writeln("<error>Profile {$profileName} not found.</error>"); continue; } $isInstalled = $installer->isInstalled($profile); if ($isInstalled && $reapply) { $installer->forget($profile); $isInstalled = false; } if (!$isInstalled) { $transaction = $tikilib->begin(); if ($installer->install($profile)) { $addon_utilities->updateProfile($folder, $addons[$package]->version, $profileName); $transaction->commit(); $output->writeln("Profile {$profileName} applied."); } else { $output->writeln("<error>Profile {$profileName} installation failed:</error>"); foreach ($installer->getFeedback() as $error) { $output->writeln("<error>{$error}</error>"); } } } else { $output->writeln("<info>Profile {$profileName} was already applied. Nothing happened.</info>"); } } } }
function wikiplugin_datachannel($data, $params) { static $execution = 0; global $prefs, $smarty, $headerlib; $executionId = 'datachannel-exec-' . ++$execution; if (isset($params['price']) && $params['price'] == 0) { // Convert things like 0.00 to empty unset($params['price']); } $fields = array(); $inputfields = array(); $lines = explode("\n", $data); $lines = array_map('trim', $lines); $lines = array_filter($lines); $js = ''; if (!isset($params['array_values'])) { $params['array_values'] = 'n'; } foreach ($lines as $line) { $parts = explode(',', $line, 2); $parts = array_map('trim', $parts); if (count($parts) == 2) { if (strpos($parts[1], 'external') === 0) { // e.g. "fieldid,external=fieldname" $moreparts = explode('=', $parts[1], 2); $moreparts = array_map('trim', $moreparts); if (count($moreparts) < 2) { $moreparts[1] = $parts[0]; // no fieldname supplied so use same as fieldid } $fields[$parts[0]] = $moreparts[0]; if ($params['array_values'] === 'y' && preg_match('/[\\[\\]\\.#\\=]/', $moreparts[1])) { // check for [ ] = or . which would be a jQuery selector // might select multiple inputs $js .= "\n" . '$("input[name=\'' . $parts[0] . '\']").val( unescape($("' . $moreparts[1] . '").serialize()));'; } else { // otherwise it's an id $js .= "\n" . '$("input[name=\'' . $parts[0] . '\']").val( unescape($("#' . $moreparts[1] . '").val()));'; } $inputfields[$parts[0]] = 'external'; } elseif (strpos($parts[1], 'hidden') === 0) { $moreparts = explode('=', $parts[1], 2); $moreparts = array_map('trim', $moreparts); $fields[$parts[0]] = $moreparts[1]; $inputfields[$parts[0]] = 'hidden'; } else { $fields[$parts[0]] = $parts[1]; $inputfields[$parts[0]] = $parts[1]; } } } $groups = Perms::get()->getGroups(); $config = Tiki_Profile_ChannelList::fromConfiguration($prefs['profile_channels']); if ($config->canExecuteChannels(array($params['channel']), $groups, true)) { $smarty->assign('datachannel_execution', $executionId); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isset($_POST['datachannel_execution']) && $_POST['datachannel_execution'] == $executionId && $config->canExecuteChannels(array($params['channel']), $groups)) { $input = array_intersect_key(array_map('trim', $_POST), $inputfields); $itemIds = array(); // process possible arrays in post if ($params['array_values'] === 'y') { foreach ($input as $key => $val) { if (!empty($val)) { parse_str($val, $vals); if (is_array($vals)) { // serialized collection of inputs $arr = array(); if ($key == 'itemId') { foreach ($vals as $v) { // itemId[x,y,z] if (is_array($v)) { $arr = array_merge($arr, $v); } } $itemIds = $arr; } else { foreach ($vals as $v) { // fieldname[x=>a,y=>b,z=>c] if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $k => $kv) { if (in_array($k, $itemIds)) { // check if sent in itemIds array $arr[] = $kv; // (e.g. from trackerlist checkboxes) } } } else { $arr = $val; // not an array, so use the initial string val } } } $input[$key] = $arr; } } } } $inputs = array(); if ($params['array_values'] === 'y' && !empty($itemIds)) { $cid = count($itemIds); for ($i = 0; $i < $cid; $i++) { // reorganise array $arr = array(); foreach (array_keys($input) as $k) { if (isset($input[$k]) && is_array($input[$k])) { $arr[$k] = $input[$k][$i]; } else { $arr[$k] = $input[$k]; } } $inputs[] = $arr; } } else { $inputs[] = $input; } $static = $params; $unsets = wikiplugin_datachannel_info(); // get defined params $unsets = array_keys($unsets['params']); foreach ($unsets as $un) { // remove defined params leaving user supplied ones unset($static[$un]); } if (!empty($params['price'])) { global $paymentlib; require_once 'lib/payment/paymentlib.php'; $desc = empty($params['paymentlabel']) ? tr('Datachannel:', $prefs['site_language']) . ' ' . $params['channel'] : $params['paymentlabel']; $posts = array(); foreach ($input as $key => $post) { $posts[$key] = $post; $desc .= '/' . $post; } $id = $paymentlib->request_payment($desc, $params['price'], $prefs['payment_default_delay']); $paymentlib->register_behavior($id, 'complete', 'execute_datachannel', array($data, $params, $posts, $executionId)); require_once 'lib/smarty_tiki/function.payment.php'; return '^~np~' . smarty_function_payment(array('id' => $id), $smarty) . '~/np~^'; } foreach ($inputs as $input) { $userInput = array_merge($input, $static); Tiki_Profile::useUnicityPrefix(uniqid()); $profiles = $config->getProfiles(array($params['channel'])); $profile = reset($profiles); $profile->removeSymbols(); Tiki_Profile::useUnicityPrefix(uniqid()); $installer = new Tiki_Profile_Installer(); //TODO: What is the following line for? Future feature to limit capabilities of data channels? //$installer->limitGlobalPreferences( array() ); // jb tiki6: looks like if set to an empty array it would prevent any prefs being set // i guess the idea is to be able to restrict the settable prefs to only harmless ones for security $installer->setUserData($userInput); if (!empty($params['debug']) && $params['debug'] === 'y') { $installer->setDebug(); } $params['emptyCache'] = isset($params['emptyCache']) ? $params['emptyCache'] : 'all'; $installer->install($profile, $params['emptyCache']); } if (empty($params['returnURI'])) { $params['returnURI'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } // default to return to same page if (empty($params['debug']) || $params['debug'] != 'y') { if (isset($params['quietReturn']) && $params['quietReturn'] == 'y') { return true; } else { header('Location: ' . $params['returnURI']); } die; } $smarty->assign('datachannel_feedbacks', array_merge($installer->getFeedback(), $profile->getFeedback())); } $smarty->assign('datachannel_inputfields', $inputfields); $smarty->assign('datachannel_fields', $fields); $smarty->assign('button_label', !empty($params['buttonLabel']) ? $params['buttonLabel'] : 'Go'); $smarty->assign('form_class_attr', !empty($params['class']) ? ' class="' . $params['class'] . '"' : ''); if (!empty($js)) { $headerlib->add_js("function datachannel_form_submit{$execution}() {{$js}\nreturn true;\n}"); $smarty->assign('datachannel_form_onsubmit', ' onsubmit="return datachannel_form_submit' . $execution . '();"'); } else { $smarty->assign('datachannel_form_onsubmit', ''); } return '~np~' . $smarty->fetch('wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_datachannel.tpl') . '~/np~'; } }
$test_source = str_replace('<x>', '', $test_source); $smarty->assign('test_source', $test_source); $smarty->assign('profile_tester_name', $_POST['profile_tester_name']); $profile = Tiki_Profile::fromString($test_source, $_POST['profile_tester_name']); $profile->removeSymbols(); $installer = new Tiki_Profile_Installer(); $empty_cache = $_REQUEST['empty_cache']; $smarty->assign('empty_cache', $empty_cache); $installer->install($profile, $empty_cache); if ($target = $profile->getInstructionPage()) { $wikilib = TikiLib::lib('wiki'); $target = $wikilib->sefurl($target); header('Location: ' . $target); exit; } else { $profilefeedback = $installer->getFeedback(); if (count($profilefeedback) > 0) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('profilefeedback', $profilefeedback); } } } // }}} if (isset($_GET['refresh'])) { $toRefresh = (int) $_GET['refresh']; if (isset($sources[$toRefresh])) { echo json_encode(array('status' => $list->refreshCache($sources[$toRefresh]['url']) ? 'open' : 'closed', 'lastupdate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); } else { echo '{}'; } exit; }
public function action_import_profile($input) { $tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki'); $perms = Perms::get(); if (!$perms->admin) { throw new Services_Exception_Denied(tr('Reserved for administrators')); } unset($success); $confirm = $input->confirm->int(); if ($confirm) { $transaction = $tikilib->begin(); $installer = new Tiki_Profile_Installer(); $yaml = $input->yaml->string(); $name = "tracker_import:" . md5($yaml); $profile = Tiki_Profile::fromString('{CODE(caption="yaml")}' . "\n" . $yaml . "\n" . '{CODE}', $name); if ($installer->isInstallable($profile) == true) { if ($installer->isInstalled($profile) == true) { $installer->forget($profile); } $installer->install($profile); $feedback = $installer->getFeedback(); $transaction->commit(); return $feedback; $success = 1; } else { return false; } } return array('title' => tr('Import Tracker From Profile/YAML'), 'modal' => $input->modal->int()); }
$test_source = "{CODE(caption=>YAML)}\n{$test_source}\n{CODE}"; } $smarty->assign('test_source', $test_source); $smarty->assign('profile_tester_name', $_POST['profile_tester_name']); $profile = Tiki_Profile::fromString($test_source, $_POST['profile_tester_name']); $profile->removeSymbols(); $installer = new Tiki_Profile_Installer(); $installer->install($profile); if ($target = $profile->getInstructionPage()) { global $wikilib; require_once 'lib/wiki/wikilib.php'; $target = $wikilib->sefurl($target); header('Location: ' . $target); exit; } else { if (count($installer->getFeedback()) > 0) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('profilefeedback', $installer->getFeedback()); } } } // }}} if (isset($_GET['refresh'])) { // {{{ $toRefresh = (int) $_GET['refresh']; if (isset($sources[$toRefresh])) { echo json_encode(array('status' => $list->refreshCache($sources[$toRefresh]['url']) ? 'open' : 'closed', 'lastupdate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); } else { echo '{}'; } exit; }
public function action_import_profile($input) { global $tikilib, $access; $access->check_permission('tiki_p_admin'); $transaction = $tikilib->begin(); $installer = new Tiki_Profile_Installer(); $yaml = $input->yaml->string(); $name = "tracker_import:" . md5($yaml); $profile = Tiki_Profile::fromString('{CODE(caption="yaml")}' . "\n" . $yaml . "\n" . '{CODE}', $name); if ($installer->isInstallable($profile) == true) { if ($installer->isInstalled($profile) == true) { $installer->forget($profile); } $installer->install($profile); $feedback = $installer->getFeedback(); $transaction->commit(); return $feedback; } else { return false; } }