  * Helper function to create the URL for an admin page.
  * @param   mixed    string or array containing query string contents
  * @param   boolean  automatically add existing GET parameters again
  * @return  string   complete url
 public static function url($params = NULL, $preserve_get = TRUE)
     $url = ThumbsUp::config('url') . 'admin/';
     // Convert to params to an array
     if (!is_array($params)) {
         parse_str((string) $params, $params);
     // Add existing GET params to the query string
     if ($preserve_get) {
         $params += $_GET;
     // Only prepend "?" if the query string is not empty
     $query = rtrim('?' . http_build_query($params, '', '&'), '?');
     return $url . $query;
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
echo ThumbsUp::config('url') . 'admin/css/admin.css';
" />

	<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
	$(document).ready(function() {

		// Total items found count
		var $total_items = $('#total_items');

		// Spinner image
		var spinner = '<img class="spinner" alt="" src="<?php 
echo ThumbsUp::config('url') . 'images/spinner_small.gif';
" />';

		// Auto-submit pagination forms
		$('#page, #items_per_page').change(function() {

		// Delete an item
		$('a.delete').click(function() {
			var $this = $(this),
				$row = $this.closest('tr');

			// Show a spinner
  * Generates and executes the query.
  * @return  array  array of items
 public function get()
     // Start building the query
     $sql = 'SELECT id, name, closed, date, votes_up, votes_down, ';
     $sql .= 'votes_up - votes_down AS votes_balance, ';
     $sql .= 'votes_up + votes_down AS votes_total, ';
     $sql .= 'votes_up / (votes_up + votes_down) * 100 AS votes_pct_up, ';
     $sql .= 'votes_down / (votes_up + votes_down) * 100 AS votes_pct_down ';
     $sql .= 'FROM ' . ThumbsUp::config('database_table_prefix') . 'items ';
     // Select only either open or closed items
     if ($this->closed !== NULL) {
         $where[] = 'closed = ' . (int) $this->closed;
     // Select only either open or closed items
     if ($this->name !== NULL) {
         // Note: substr() is used to chop off the wrapping quotes
         $where[] = 'name LIKE "%' . substr(ThumbsUp::db()->quote($this->name), 1, -1) . '%"';
     // Append all query conditions if any
     if (!empty($where)) {
         $sql .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where);
     // We need to order the results
     if ($this->orderby) {
         $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $this->orderby;
     } else {
         // Default order
         $sql .= ' ORDER BY name ';
     // A limit has been set
     if ($this->limit) {
         $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . (int) $this->limit;
     // Wrap this in an try/catch block just in case something goes wrong
     try {
         // Execute the query
         $sth = ThumbsUp::db()->prepare($sql);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         // Rethrow the exception in debug mode
         if (ThumbsUp::config('debug')) {
             throw $e;
         // Otherwise, fail silently and just return an empty item array
         return array();
     // Initialize the items array that will be returned
     $items = array();
     // Fetch all results
     while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         // Return an item_id => item_name array
         $items[] = array('id' => (int) $row->id, 'name' => $row->name, 'closed' => (bool) $row->closed, 'date' => (int) $row->date, 'votes_up' => (int) $row->votes_up, 'votes_down' => (int) $row->votes_down, 'votes_pct_up' => (double) $row->votes_pct_up, 'votes_pct_down' => (double) $row->votes_pct_down, 'votes_balance' => (int) $row->votes_balance, 'votes_total' => (int) $row->votes_total);
     return $items;
  * Deletes the item and all votes for it.
  * @return  void
 public function delete()
     // Delete all registered votes for this item
     $sth = ThumbsUp::db()->prepare('DELETE FROM ' . ThumbsUp::config('database_table_prefix') . 'votes WHERE item_id = ?');
     // Delete the item itself
     $sth = ThumbsUp::db()->prepare('DELETE FROM ' . ThumbsUp::config('database_table_prefix') . 'items WHERE id = ?');
 * @author     Geert De Deckere <*****@*****.**>
 * @link       http://geertdedeckere.be/shop/thumbsup/
 * @copyright  Copyright 2009-2010
<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">

	<meta charset="utf-8" />
	<title>ThumbsUp Admin</title>

	<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
echo ThumbsUp::config('url') . 'admin/css/admin.css';
" />

<body class="login">

		<p class="center"><strong>The ThumbsUp admin area requires JavaScript to be enabled.</strong></p>

	<form id="login" method="post">

		<h1>ThumbsUp Admin</h1>


 * ThumbsUp
 * @author     Geert De Deckere <*****@*****.**>
 * @link       http://geertdedeckere.be/shop/thumbsup/
 * @copyright  Copyright 2009-2010
// The path pointing to the thumbsup directory.
// We chop off the "admin" part here.
define('THUMBSUP_DOCROOT', substr(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)), 0, -5));
// Load the required ThumbsUp classes
require THUMBSUP_DOCROOT . 'classes/thumbsup.php';
require THUMBSUP_DOCROOT . 'classes/thumbsup_cookie.php';
require THUMBSUP_DOCROOT . 'classes/thumbsup_admin.php';
require THUMBSUP_DOCROOT . 'classes/thumbsup_item.php';
require THUMBSUP_DOCROOT . 'classes/thumbsup_template.php';
// Debug mode is enabled
if (ThumbsUp::config('debug')) {
    // Enable all error reporting
// Enable support for json functions
// Power to the admin class!
new ThumbsUp_Admin(empty($_GET['action']) ? NULL : (string) $_GET['action']);
  * Looks at the POST data to catch a possible new vote. If one, the vote is
  * completely validated first before being registered.
  * @return  boolean  TRUE if a new vote was cast; FALSE otherwise
 public static function catch_vote()
     // Immediately get out of here if no valid vote was cast.
     // All required POST keys must be present.
     if (!isset($_POST['thumbsup_id']) or !isset($_POST['thumbsup_vote']) or !isset($_POST['thumbsup_format'])) {
         return FALSE;
     // Has somebody been messing with the form?
     // Well, we won't let them mess with us!
     if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]++$/D', (string) $_POST['thumbsup_id']) or !is_string($format = $_POST['thumbsup_format'])) {
         return FALSE;
     // Clean form input
     $id = (int) $_POST['thumbsup_id'];
     $vote = (int) $_POST['thumbsup_vote'];
     // Attempt to load the relevant ThumbsUp item.
     // If the item doesn't exist, the id is invalid.
     if (!($item = ThumbsUp_Item::load($id))) {
         $error = 'invalid_id';
     } elseif ($item->closed) {
         $error = 'closed';
     } elseif ($item->user_voted) {
         $error = 'already_voted';
     } elseif (ThumbsUp::config('user_login_required') and !self::get_user_id()) {
         $error = 'login_required';
     // All checks passed, yay!
     if (empty($error)) {
         // Update the vote count in the items table, and recalculate the vote results
     // Send an ajax response
     if (self::is_ajax()) {
         // Send the item back in JSON format
         header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
         if (!empty($error)) {
             // Send back the error
             echo json_encode(array('error' => $error));
         } else {
             // Format the result using the same format the item was created with
             // Send back the updated item.
             // Note: all the public properties of $item will be included.
             echo json_encode(array('item' => $item));
     // A new vote has been cast successfully
     return empty($error);
  * Deletes the cookie completely.
  * @return  boolean  was setcookie() successful or not?
 public static function delete()
     // Delete cookie contents
     self::$cookie = '';
     // If any output has been sent, setcookie() will fail.
     // If we're not in debug mode, we'll fail silently.
     if (headers_sent() and !ThumbsUp::config('debug')) {
         return FALSE;
     // Setting a cookie with a value of FALSE will try to delete it
     return setcookie(ThumbsUp::config('cookie_name'), FALSE, time() - 86400, ThumbsUp::config('cookie_path'), ThumbsUp::config('cookie_domain'));