Doctrine_Core::createTablesFromArray(array('Tester', 'rtIndex'));
$tester = new Tester();
$tester['title'] = 'Hello, this is a test object, a balloon is great!';
$tester['content'] = 'Balloons really are great. Infact, ninety-nine of them make a wonderful song.';
$table = Doctrine::getTable('rtIndex');
$t->is($table->getSearchResultsAsArray('19283hd'), false, '->getSearchResultsAsArray() returns false for a search on something which isn\'t in the index.');
$r = $table->getSearchResultsAsArray('balloon');
$t->is(is_array($r), true, '->getSearchResultsAsArray() returns an array for a valid search.');
$t->is(count($r), 1, '->getSearchResultsAsArray() returns correct no. of rows.');
$row_comparison = array('id' => '4', 'model' => 'Tester', 'model_id' => '1', 'lang' => 'en', 'relevance' => '2');
$t->is($r[0], $row_comparison, '->getSearchResultsAsArray() rows are the correct structure.');
$tester2 = new Tester();
$tester2['title'] = 'Colours';
$tester2['content'] = 'Red, green, blue and yellow are just a few of the colours.';
$tester3 = new Tester();
$tester3['title'] = 'Party';
$tester3['content'] = 'Ribbons, balloons, wine, some good food. Got it!';
$r = $table->getSearchResultsAsArray('balloon, object');
$t->is(count($r), 2, '->getSearchResultsAsArray() returns correct no. of rows... after new items added.');
$r = $table->getSearchResults('balloon, object');
$t->is(count($r), 2, '->getSearchResults() returns correct no. of rows... after new items added.');
$t->isa_ok($r, Doctrine_Collection, '->getSearchResults() returns a Doctrine_Collection object.');
$t->diag('Test some rtIndex object usage.');
$t->isa_ok($r[0]->getObject(), Tester, '->getObject() returns a Tester object.');
$r = $table->getSearchResults('balloon, object');
$r = $table->hydrateResults($r);
$t->is(count($r), 2, '->hydrateResults() returns correct no. of rows... after new items added.');
$t->isa_ok($r, Doctrine_Collection, '->hydrateResults() returns a Doctrine_Collection object.');
$i18n_tester->Translation['en']->content = $content;
$t->is($i18n_tester->Translation['en']->getSearchBlob(), $title . ' ' . $content, '->getSearchBlob() returns a combined string');
$t->is($i18n_tester->Translation['en']->getLang(), 'en', '->getLang() returns the correct value for en Translation');
$title = 'Bon jour, ca va?';
$content = "Les mots vides (ou stop words, en anglais) sont des mots qui sont tellement communs qu'il est inutile de les indexer ou de les utiliser dans une recherche.";
$i18n_tester->Translation['fr']->title = $title;
$i18n_tester->Translation['fr']->content = $content;
$t->is($i18n_tester->Translation['fr']->getSearchBlob(), $title . ' ' . $content, '->getSearchBlob() returns a combined string');
$t->is($i18n_tester->Translation['fr']->getLang(), 'fr', '->getLang() returns the correct value for fr Translation');
$i18n_tester_id = $i18n_tester->Translation['fr']->id;
$i18n_tester_class = get_class($i18n_tester->Translation['fr']);
$index_items = Doctrine::getTable('rtIndex')->getQueryObject()->from('rtIndex i')->andWhere('i.model_id = ?', $i18n_tester_id)->andWhere('i.model = ?', $i18n_tester_class)->execute();
$total_expected = count($i18n_tester->Translation['en']->getSearchIndexArray()) + count($i18n_tester->Translation['fr']->getSearchIndexArray());
$t->is(count($index_items), $total_expected, 'A count of index items from that object returns the correct number.');
$t->is(count($index_items), $total_expected, 'Correct index count after other object is saved.');
$index_items = Doctrine::getTable('rtIndex')->getQueryObject()->from('rtIndex i')->andWhere('i.model_id = ?', $tester->id)->andWhere('i.model = ?', get_class($tester))->execute();
$t->is(count($index_items), count($tester->getSearchIndexArray()), 'Correct index count for original test object.');
$i18n_tester->Translation['en']->title = 'Second title: has the word horse in it.';
$index_items = Doctrine::getTable('rtIndex')->getQueryObject()->from('rtIndex i')->andWhere('i.model_id = ?', $tester->id)->andWhere('i.model = ?', get_class($tester))->execute();
$t->is(count($index_items), count($tester->getSearchIndexArray()), 'Correct index count for original test object after deletion of other object has taken place.');
$index_items = Doctrine::getTable('rtIndex')->getQueryObject()->from('rtIndex i')->andWhere('i.model_id = ?', $i18n_tester_id)->andWhere('i.model = ?', $i18n_tester_class)->execute();
$t->is(count($index_items), 0, 'The deletion correctly removed all index items.');
$index_items = Doctrine::getTable('rtIndex')->getQueryObject()->from('rtIndex i')->andWhere('i.model_id = ?', $tester->id)->andWhere('i.model = ?', get_class($tester))->execute();
$t->is(count($index_items), 0, 'Index items removed for simple object after its been deleted.');