 public static function Compile($template)
     // Initialization
     self::$current_line = 1;
     self::$tag_stack = array();
     self::$literal_stack = array();
     self::$capture_stack = array();
     self::$errors = array();
     self::$defines = array();
     self::$has_nocache = false;
     // Convert to Unix newline characters
     $template = String::FormatNewlines($template);
     // Mark with line numbers
     $line_number = 0;
     $marked_template = '';
     foreach (explode(String::NEWLINE_UNIX, $template) as $line) {
         $marked_template .= preg_replace('~{([/$a-z"]+)~i', "(*{$line_number}*){\\1", $line) . String::NEWLINE_UNIX;
     // Strip comment sections
     $marked_template = preg_replace('~{\\*.*?\\*}~msi', '', $marked_template);
     // Create regular expression
     $regex = '~\\(\\*(\\d+)\\*\\)' . self::DELIMITER_START . '([/*$a-z"]+.*?)' . self::DELIMITER_END . '~msi';
     // Compile the code
     $compiled = preg_replace_callback($regex, array('self', 'CompileTag'), $marked_template);
     // Second pass to handle {nocache} sections
     $compiled = preg_replace_callback('~\\{nocache\\}(.*?)\\{/nocache\\}~msi', array('self', 'NocachePass'), $compiled);
     // Check for unclosed tag(s)
     foreach (self::$tag_stack as $unclosed_tag) {
         self::$errors[] = 'Unclosed {' . $unclosed_tag . '} tag at end of template';
     // Check for unclosed literal sections
     foreach (self::$literal_stack as $unclosed_tag) {
         self::$errors[] = 'Unclosed {' . $unclosed_tag . '} tag at end of template';
     // Code cleanup
     $compiled = preg_replace("~\n+~", "\n", trim($compiled));
     if (self::$has_nocache) {
         $compiled = self::PHP_START . '$this->nocache = true;' . self::PHP_END . $compiled;
     return count(self::$errors) ? false : $compiled;