function formconverter($tabform = array(), $tabparam = array()) { $form = array(); foreach ($tabform as $idform => $contentform) { if ($idform == 'lineform') { foreach ($tabform['lineform'] as $contentlineform) { $form['lineform'][] = array(); $form['lineform'][count($form['lineform']) - 1]['label'] = ""; if (isset($contentlineform['label'])) { $form['lineform'][count($form['lineform']) - 1]['label'] = $contentlineform['label']; } $form['lineform'][count($form['lineform']) - 1]['hiddenlabel'] = ""; if (isset($contentlineform['champs']) && strstr($contentlineform['champs'], "hidden") !== false) { $contentlineform['hiddenlabel'] = "on"; } if (isset($contentlineform['hiddenlabel'])) { $form['lineform'][count($form['lineform']) - 1]['hiddenlabel'] = $contentlineform['hiddenlabel']; } $form['lineform'][count($form['lineform']) - 1]['name'] = ""; if (isset($contentlineform['name'])) { $form['lineform'][count($form['lineform']) - 1]['name'] = $contentlineform['name']; } $form['lineform'][count($form['lineform']) - 1]['default'] = ""; if (isset($contentlineform['default']) && strtolower($contentlineform['default']) == "null") { $contentlineform['default'] = ""; } if (isset($contentlineform['default'])) { $form['lineform'][count($form['lineform']) - 1]['default'] = $contentlineform['default']; } $form['lineform'][count($form['lineform']) - 1]['suggestlist'] = ""; if (isset($contentlineform['suggestlist'])) { $form['lineform'][count($form['lineform']) - 1]['suggestlist'] = $contentlineform['suggestlist']; } //$instanceTpl=new Tp($this->conf,$this->log); //$tpl=$instanceTpl->tpselected; $tpl = new TemplateSmarty(); //load css and js for case $tpl->remplir_template("css", $this->getCssForm("champs." . $contentlineform['champs'])); $tpl->remplir_template("js", $this->getJsForm("champs." . $contentlineform['champs'])); //custom code to prepare champs input (charger une liste de suggestions par exemple) if (file_exists($this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "customform/champs." . $contentlineform['champs'] . ".php")) { include $this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "customform/champs." . $contentlineform['champs'] . ".php"; } else { $this->log->pushtolog("Fichier introuvable : " . $this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "customform/champs." . $contentlineform['champs'] . ".php"); } $tpl->remplir_template("lineform", $contentlineform); //tpl du champs $chemin_tpl_champs = $this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "template/champs." . $contentlineform['champs'] . ".tpl"; if (!file_exists($chemin_tpl_champs)) { $chemin_tpl_champs = $this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "template/champs.text.tpl"; } //set chemin form $tpl->remplir_template("cheminform", $chemin_tpl_champs); $form['lineform'][count($form['lineform']) - 1]['champs'] = $tpl->get_template($this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "form.tpl"); } } else { //$instanceTpl=new Tp($this->conf,$this->log); //$tpl=$instanceTpl->tpselected; $tpl = new TemplateSmarty(); //load css and js for case $tpl->remplir_template("css", $this->getCssForm("form." . $idform)); $tpl->remplir_template("js", $this->getJsForm("form." . $idform)); //load other params foreach ($tabparam as $idparam => $contentparam) { $tpl->remplir_template($idparam, $contentparam); } //custom code to prepare champs input (charger une liste de suggestions par exemple) if (file_exists($this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "customform/form." . $idform . ".php")) { include $this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "customform/form." . $idform . ".php"; } else { $this->log->pushtolog("Fichier introuvable : " . $this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "customform/form." . $idform . ".php"); } //tpl de l'elmt form $form[$idform] = ""; if ($contentform == true) { //cas avec structure de base de form.tpl $chemin_tpl_champs = $this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "template/form." . $idform . ".tpl"; if (!file_exists($chemin_tpl_champs)) { //cas de balises ouvrante et fermante (sans structure de base form.tpl) $chemin_tpl_champs = $this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "template/form." . $idform . "__open.tpl"; if (!file_exists($chemin_tpl_champs)) { $chemin_tpl_champs = $this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "template/form.none.tpl"; } else { //custom code to prepare champs input for open and close (charger une liste de suggestions par exemple) if (file_exists($this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "customform/form." . $idform . "__open.php")) { include $this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "customform/form." . $idform . "__open.php"; } else { $this->log->pushtolog("Fichier introuvable : " . $this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "customform/form." . $idform . "__open.php"); } //tpl open $form[$idform . "__open"] = $tpl->get_template($chemin_tpl_champs); //custom code to prepare champs input for open and close (charger une liste de suggestions par exemple) if (file_exists($this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "customform/form." . $idform . "__close.php")) { include $this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "customform/form." . $idform . "__close.php"; } else { $this->log->pushtolog("Fichier introuvable : " . $this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "customform/form." . $idform . "__close.php"); } //tpl close $chemin_tpl_champs = $this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "template/form." . $idform . "__close.tpl"; $form[$idform . "__close"] = ""; if (file_exists($chemin_tpl_champs)) { $form[$idform . "__close"] = $tpl->get_template($chemin_tpl_champs); } //tpl none for secure $chemin_tpl_champs = $this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "template/form.none.tpl"; $form[$idform] = ""; if (file_exists($chemin_tpl_champs)) { $form[$idform] = $tpl->get_template($chemin_tpl_champs); } continue; } } //set chemin form $tpl->remplir_template("cheminform", $chemin_tpl_champs); $form[$idform] = $tpl->get_template($this->chemin_pratiklib_form . "form.tpl"); } } } return $form; }
} while (!file_exists("package/" . $deploypage . "/conf.form.xml") && isset($tabpackagetodeploy[++$cptpackagecour]['name'])) { $deploypage = $tabpackagetodeploy[$cptpackagecour]['name']; } $deploypagetpl = "conf.form"; } if (isset($_POST['codename']) && array_search($_POST['codename'], $tabstep) !== false) { $deploypage = $_POST['codename']; $deploypagetpl = $deploypage; } if ($cptpackagecour >= count($tabpackagetodeploy)) { $deploypage = "deployment"; $deploypagetpl = $deploypage; } //tp $tpl = new TemplateSmarty(); //get tpl page $tpl->remplir_template("deploypage", $deploypagetpl); //title $tpl->remplir_template("maintitle", "RoDKoDRoK System"); //subtitle if ($deploypage == "startdeploy") { $tpl->remplir_template("mainsubtitle", "Start deployment"); } else { if ($deploypage == "deployment") { $tpl->remplir_template("mainsubtitle", "End deployment"); } else { if ($deploypage == "downloadstep") { $tpl->remplir_template("mainsubtitle", "Download all packages from"); } else { $tpl->remplir_template("mainsubtitle", "Package " . $deploypage);