$res_tipo = mysql_query($tipo_consulta);
        $tipo = mysql_fetch_array($res_tipo);
        //echo $tipo['CONCEPTO_TIPO_ID'];
        if (!$_GET['cultivo_id']) {
            $sql_cul = "SELECT CULTIVO_ID FROM  `p_analisis_resultados` WHERE  `RECEPCION_PARTIDAS_ID` =" . $_GET["recepcion_partidas_id"];
            $res_cul = mysql_query($sql_cul);
            $fetch_cul = mysql_fetch_object($res_cul);
            $cul_guardado = $fetch_cul->CULTIVO_ID;
        } else {
            $cul_guardado = $_GET['cultivo_id'];
        //echo $cul_guardado;
        if ($tipo['CONCEPTO_TIPO_ID'] == 4) {
            $url = new TableEditor_URL();
            $clearURL = $url->getURL(true);
            $TEMainList .= '<tr><td colspan=2>';
            $TEMainList .= combo_universal_var("cultivo_id", "select CULTIVO_ID, NOMBRE from c_cultivos order by NOMBRE", $cul_guardado);
            $TEMainList .= '<input type=button value="ver" onclick=consulta()>';
            $TEMainList .= '</td></tr>';
	<script language="javascript">
	function consulta()
	  var searchStr=document.getElementById('cultivo_id').value; 
	  location.href = '<?php 
            echo $clearURL;
' + '&'+'cultivo_id=' + searchStr; 
// Begin - 18 Nov 2008 - Titles Icons Bg
if (!empty($this->icons[$this->table]['icon'])) {
    foreach ($this->icons[$this->table]['icon'] as $icon => $html_icon) {
        $TEMainList .= '<th>&nbsp;</th>';
// End - 18 Nov 2008 - Titles Icons Bg
$TEMainList .= '</tr>';
$url = new TableEditor_URL();
if (!empty($results)) {
    foreach ($results as $k => $row) {
        $url->addQueryString('edit', $nonFilteredData[$k][$this->pk]);
        $UrlEdit = $url->getURL(true);
        $url->addQueryString('view', $nonFilteredData[$k][$this->pk]);
        $UrlView = $url->getURL(true);
        $TEMainList .= '<tr onmouseover="this.className=\'TERowOver\';" ' . ($k % 2 == 1 ? 'class="TEaltRow" onmouseout="this.className=\'TEaltRow\';"' : 'class="TERow" onmouseout="this.className=\'TERow\';"') . ' ';
        if (TERowOnClickEdit == false || !$this->getConfig('allowEdit')) {
            $TEMainList .= ' onclick="TERowHighlight(this, this.firstChild.firstChild, \'' . ($k % 2 == 1 ? 'TEaltRow' : 'TERow') . '\');"';
        } elseif ($this->getConfig('allowEdit')) {
            $TEMainList .= 'style="cursor:pointer;"';
        $TEMainList .= '>';
        if ($this->displayActionButtons()) {
            $TEMainList .= '<td class="TETdFieldsList">';
            $TEMainList .= '<input type="checkbox" name="rowSelector" id="rowSelector" onclick="TERowHighlight(this.parentNode.parentNode, this, \'' . ($k % 2 == 1 ? 'TEaltRow' : 'TERow') . '\');" ';
            $TEMainList .= 'style="cursor:hand;" value="' . $nonFilteredData[$k][$this->pk] . '" title="' . TECheckboxSelect . '">';
 function displayHeader()
     $headerfile = $this->getConfig('headerfile');
     if ($headerfile) {
         require $headerfile;
     $table = $this->table;
     echo '<div class="TEmainbody" align="center">';
     if ($this->errors) {
         foreach ($this->errors as $e) {
             $aux_error = split(":", $e);
             if (strpos($aux_error[1], "Duplicate entry")) {
                 $aux_1 = split(" ", trim($aux_error[1]));
                 $NumberArray = count($aux_1);
                 $aux_2 = $aux_1[5];
                 $aux = TEgetPrimaryKeyOf($this->table);
                 $valor_duplicado = $aux_1[2];
                 $ElementDuplicate = (int) $aux_1[$NumberArray - 1];
                 $campo_duplicado = $aux[$ElementDuplicate];
                 $ArrayErrorTxt = split("'", trim($aux_error[1]));
                 $valor_duplicado = $ArrayErrorTxt[1];
                 if ($campo_duplicado != "") {
                     $RecordId = nombre_id($this->table, $campo_duplicado, str_replace("'", "", $valor_duplicado), $aux[1]);
                 $DuplicateErrorTxt = TEErrorDuplicateEntry . " ";
                 $url = new TableEditor_URL();
                 $url->addQueryString('view', $RecordId);
                 $PopupUrl = $url->getURL(true);
                 $DuplicateErrorButton .= '<img src="' . TEImagesPath . 'TEActionView.gif" srcover="' . TEImagesPath . 'TEActionViewOver.gif" class="TEInputButton" ';
                 if (file_exists("" . TEditorPath . "TEPopupForm.php")) {
                     $DuplicateErrorButton .= 'onclick="TEWindowOpenPopup(\'' . $TEditorPath . 'TEPopupForm.php?table=' . $this->table . '&view=' . $RecordId . '&TEPopup=1\', \'DuplicateEntry\', \'500\', \'500\', \'0\', \'0\')" ';
                     $DuplicateErrorButton .= 'title="' . TEButtonAdd . '" alt="' . TEButtonAdd . '">&nbsp;';
                 } else {
                     $url = new TableEditor_URL();
                     $url->addQueryString('view', $RecordId);
                     $PopupUrl = $url->getURL(true);
                     $DuplicateErrorButton .= 'onclick="TEWindowOpenPopup(\'' . $PopupUrl . '\', \'DuplicateEntry\', \'769\', \'400\', \'0\', \'1\')" title="' . TEButtonView . '" alt="' . TEButtonView . '">&nbsp;';
                 echo '<script language="javascript"> alert("ERROR: ' . $DuplicateErrorTxt . '\\n");</script><div class="TEditorError">ERROR: ' . $DuplicateErrorTxt . '<br>' . $DuplicateErrorButton . '</div>';
             } else {
                 echo '<script language="javascript"> alert("ERROR: ' . htmlspecialchars($e) . '"); </script><div class="TEditorError">ERROR: ' . htmlspecialchars($e) . '</div>';
     * Called when a row is to be edited
     * @param mixed $id Optional ID of row to edit
    function displayAddEditCopyPage($id)
        foreach (array_keys($this->fields) as $field) {
            if (empty($this->fields[$field]['noEdit'])) {
                $fields[] = $field;
        // Edit/copy specific
        if (isset($_GET['edit']) or isset($_GET['copy'])) {
             * Data filters
            if (!empty($this->dataFilters)) {
                $filters = implode(' AND ', $this->dataFilters);
            } else {
                $filters = 1;
            $fields = implode(', ', $fields);
            list($tables, $joinClause) = $this->getQueryTables();
            // Get row data
            $row = $this->dbGetRow("SELECT {$fields} FROM {$tables} WHERE {$joinClause} AND {$filters} AND {$this->pk} = {$id}");
            if ($row === false) {
                $this->errors[] = 'Failed to find specified row in database';
            // If copying, nuke the primary key so we don't get conflicts on insert
            if (isset($_GET['copy'])) {
                $row[$this->pk] = '0';
            $title = isset($_GET['edit']) ? 'Edit' : 'Copy';
            // Add specific
        } else {
            $row = array_flip($fields);
            foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
                $row[$k] = isset($this->fields[$k]['default']) ? $this->fields[$k]['default'] : null;
            $title = 'Add';
         * Use the posted data if we're displaying an error
        if ((!empty($this->errors) or !empty($this->contextErrors)) and !empty($_POST)) {
            foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
                if (isset($_POST[$k])) {
                    $row[$k] = $_POST[$k];
        $url = new TableEditor_URL();
        $actionURL = $url->getURL(true);
        echo $title;

<form action="<?php 
        echo $actionURL;
" method="post">

<table border="0">
        <?foreach($row as $field => $value):?>
        echo !empty($this->fields[$field]['required']) ? '<span class="requiredAsterisk">*</span>' : '';
        echo $this->fields[$field]['display'];

                    <td valign="top">
                        <select name="function[<?php 
        echo $field;
]" onchange="enableApply()">
                            <?foreach(array_keys($this->config['functions']) as $f):?>
                                <option value="<?php 
        echo $f;
        echo $f;

        switch ($this->fields[$field]['input']) {
            case 'textarea':
                printf('<textarea name="%s" cols="50" rows="12" onkeyup="enableApply()" %s>%s</textarea>', htmlspecialchars($field), $field == $this->pk && !$this->getConfig('allowPKEditing') ? 'disabled' : '', $value);
            case 'select':
                printf('<select name="%s" %s onchange="enableApply()"><option value="">Select...</option>', htmlspecialchars($field), $field == $this->pk && !$this->getConfig('allowPKEditing') ? 'disabled' : '');
                // Print option tags
                foreach ($this->fields[$field]['values'] as $k => $v) {
                    printf('<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>', htmlspecialchars($k), (string) $k === $value ? 'selected' : '', $v);
                echo '</select>';
            case 'bitmask':
                printf('<select name="%s[]" %s onchange="enableApply()" size="7" multiple>', htmlspecialchars($field), $field == $this->pk && !$this->getConfig('allowPKEditing') ? 'disabled' : '');
                // Print option tags
                foreach ($this->fields[$field]['values'] as $k => $v) {
                    printf("<option value=\"%s\" %s>%s</option>\n", htmlspecialchars($k), $k & $value ? 'selected' : '', htmlspecialchars($v));
                echo '</select>';
            case 'date':
                printf('<input type="text" name="%s" value="%s" onkeyup="enableApply()" %s> <a href="javascript: void(document.forms[0].elements[\'%s\'].value = currentDate())" onclick="enableApply()" title="Click to set current date">Now</a>', htmlspecialchars($field), htmlspecialchars($value), $field == $this->pk && !$this->getConfig('allowPKEditing') ? 'disabled' : '', htmlspecialchars($field));
            case 'time':
                printf('<input type="text" name="%s" value="%s" onkeyup="enableApply()" %s> <a href="javascript: void(document.forms[0].elements[\'%s\'].value = currentTime())" onclick="enableApply()" title="Click to set current time">Now</a>', htmlspecialchars($field), htmlspecialchars($value), $field == $this->pk && !$this->getConfig('allowPKEditing') ? 'disabled' : '', htmlspecialchars($field));
            case 'datetime':
                printf('<input type="text" name="%s" value="%s" onkeyup="enableApply()" %s> <a href="javascript: void(document.forms[0].elements[\'%s\'].value = currentDateTime())" onclick="enableApply()" title="Click to set current date and time">Now</a>', htmlspecialchars($field), htmlspecialchars($value), $field == $this->pk && !$this->getConfig('allowPKEditing') ? 'disabled' : '', htmlspecialchars($field));
            case 'password':
                printf('<input type="password" name="%s" onkeyup="enableApply()"><br><input type="password" name="%s_confirm" onkeyup="enableApply()"> <i>(confirm)</i><br><input type="checkbox" value="1" name="%s_blank" id="%s_blank"> <label for="%s_blank">Set blank password?</label>', htmlspecialchars($field), htmlspecialchars($field), htmlspecialchars($field), htmlspecialchars($field), htmlspecialchars($field));
            case 'text':
                // Technically not need, but here for clarity
            // Technically not need, but here for clarity
                printf('<input type="text" name="%s" value="%s" onkeyup="enableApply()" %s>', htmlspecialchars($field), $value, $field == $this->pk && !$this->getConfig('allowPKEditing') ? 'disabled' : '');
        if (!empty($this->contextErrors[$field])) {
            printf('<br><span class="contextError">%s</span>', $this->contextErrors[$field]);


        <td colspan="3">
            <span class="requiredAsterisk">*</span> Required fields

        <td colspan="3" align="right">
            <input type="submit" name="action" style="width: 65px" value="OK">
            <input type="submit" name="action" style="width: 65px" value="Cancel">
            <input type="submit" name="action" style="width: 65px" value="Apply" disabled>



$url = new TableEditor_URL();
//if(isset($_POST["ActionRedirection"]) && (TEChangeRedirection==1))
if (isset($_POST["ActionRedirection"]) && TEChangeRedirection == 1) {
    $RecordId = str_replace("'", "", $id);
    $RedirectionUrl = $url->getURL(true);
    $url->addQueryString('edit', $RecordId);
    $RedirectionEditUrl = $url->getURL(true);
    $url->addQueryString('add', '1');
    $RedirectionAddURL = $url->getURL(true);
    if (defined("ADD_REDIRECCION") and $add > 0) {
        $LocationUrl = "" . TEditorPath . "?table=" . ADD_REDIRECCION . "&" . strtolower(TEFieldKey($table)) . "=" . $RecordId;
    } else {
        if ($_POST["ActionRedirection"] == 1) {
        if ($_POST["ActionRedirection"] == 2) {
        if ($_POST["ActionRedirection"] == 3) {
function TEButtonsPreviousNext($Id, $Action)
    $url = new TableEditor_URL();
    $Buttons = '';
    $Buttons .= '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" width="100%">';
    $Buttons .= '<tr>';
    $Buttons .= '<td width="50%" style="text-align:left;">';
    if (TEPreviousRecord($Id)) {
        $url->addQueryString($Action, TEPreviousRecord($Id));
        $UrlPrevious = $url->getURL(true);
        $Buttons .= '<img src="' . TEImagesPath . 'TEActionPrevius.png" srcover="' . TEImagesPath . 'TEActionPreviusOver.png" class="TEInputButton" ';
        $Buttons .= 'onclick="document.location=\'' . $UrlPrevious . '\';" title="' . TEButtonPrevious . '" alt="' . TEButtonPrevious . '">&nbsp;';
    $Buttons .= '</td>';
    $Buttons .= '<td width="50%" style="text-align:right;">';
    if (TENextRecord($Id)) {
        $url->addQueryString($Action, TENextRecord($Id));
        $UrlNext = $url->getURL(true);
        $Buttons .= '<img src="' . TEImagesPath . 'TEActionNext.png" srcover="' . TEImagesPath . 'TEActionNextOver.png" class="TEInputButton" ';
        $Buttons .= 'onclick="document.location=\'' . $UrlNext . '\';" title="' . TEButtonNext . '" alt="' . TEButtonNext . '">&nbsp;';
    $Buttons .= '</td>';
    $Buttons .= '</tr>';
    $Buttons .= '</table>';
    return $Buttons;
    echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="ActionRedirection" id="ActionRedirection" value="3" ' . $aux_3 . '>Agregar otro registro';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td colspan="3" align="center">';
$url = new TableEditor_URL();
if ($edit) {
    $TxtRemove = 'edit';
} elseif ($add == 1) {
    $TxtRemove = 'add';
$okURL = $url->getURL(false);
if ($edit) {
    $url->addQueryString('view', $edit);
    $ViewURL = $url->getURL(true);
$url->addQueryString('add', '1');
$AddURL = $url->getURL(false);
if ($edit) {
    $Copy = "idcopy";
    $url->addQueryString($Copy, $edit);
    $CopyURL = $url->getURL(false);
if ($edit) {
	  var searchStr=document.getElementById('cuenta_id').value; 
	  location.href = '<?php 
        echo $clearURL;
' + '&'+'cuenta_id=' + searchStr; 
	</script>  <?php 
    case "_sample_vta_p_facturas":
        $url = new TableEditor_URL();
        $nuevoURL = $url->getURL(true);
        $url_detalle = new TableEditor_URL();
        $url_detalle->addQueryString('table', "_sample_vta_p_facturas_detalle");
        $nuevoURL_detalle = $url_detalle->getURL(true);
        $TEMainList .= '<tr><td colspan=2>';
        $TEMainList .= '<input name="folio_fiscal" type text>';
        $TEMainList .= '<input type=button value="Buscar factura" onclick=consulta()>';
        $TEMainList .= '</td><td colspan=2>';
        $TEMainList .= '<input name="buscar_en_partidas" type text>';
        $TEMainList .= '<input type=button value="Buscar en partidas" onclick=consulta_partidas()>';
        $TEMainList .= '</td></tr>';
	<script language="javascript">
	function consulta()
	  var searchStr=document.getElementById('folio_fiscal').value; 
	  location.href = '<?php 
        echo $nuevoURL;