$getNumberRoleSelect = admFuncVariableIsValid($_GET, 'number_role_select', 'numeric');
// check if module is active
if ($gPreferences['enable_dates_module'] == 0) {
    // Module is not active
if ($getMode != 6 || $gPreferences['enable_dates_module'] == 2) {
    // Alle Funktionen, ausser Exportieren und anmelden, duerfen nur eingeloggte User
    require_once '../../system/login_valid.php';
// erst prüfen, ob der User auch die entsprechenden Rechte hat
if (!$gCurrentUser->editDates() && $getMode != 3 && $getMode != 4 && $getMode != 6) {
// Terminobjekt anlegen
$date = new TableDate($gDb);
if ($getDateId > 0) {
    // Pruefung, ob der Termin zur aktuellen Organisation gehoert bzw. global ist
    if ($date->editRight() == false) {
if ($getMode == 1 || $getMode == 5) {
    $_SESSION['dates_request'] = $_POST;
    error_log(print_r($_POST, true));
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // pruefen ob alle notwendigen Felder gefuellt sind
    // ------------------------------------------------
    if (strlen($_POST['dat_headline']) == 0) {
        $gMessage->show($gL10n->get('SYS_FIELD_EMPTY', $gL10n->get('SYS_TITLE')));
// set mode, viewmode, startdate and enddate manually
$parameter['mode'] = 2;
$parameter['view_mode'] = 'period';
$parameter['date_from'] = date('Y-m-d', time() - $gPreferences['dates_ical_days_past'] * 86400);
$parameter['date_to'] = date('Y-m-d', time() + $gPreferences['dates_ical_days_future'] * 86400);
// read events for output
$datesResult = $dates->getDataset();
//Headline für Dateinamen
if ($dates->getCatId() > 0) {
    $calendar = new TableCategory($gDb, $dates->getCatId());
    $getHeadline .= '_' . $calendar->getValue('cat_name');
$date = new TableDate($gDb);
$iCal = $date->getIcalHeader();
if ($datesResult['numResults'] > 0) {
    $date = new TableDate($gDb);
    foreach ($datesResult['recordset'] as $row) {
        $iCal .= $date->getIcalVEvent($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
$iCal .= $date->getIcalFooter();
if ($parameter['mode'] == 2) {
    // for IE the filename must have special chars in hexadecimal
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && preg_match('/MSIE/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
        $getHeadline = urlencode($getHeadline);
    header('Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8');
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $getHeadline . '.ics"');
    // necessary for IE, because without it the download with SSL has problems
         case 'description':
             $columnHeading = array(' ', $gL10n->get('SYS_PERIOD'), $gL10n->get('DAT_DATE'), $gL10n->get('SYS_DESCRIPTION'));
             $columnAlign = array('center', 'left', 'left', 'left');
             $compactTable->setColumnWidth(4, '35%');
     if ($getViewMode === 'html') {
         $columnHeading[] = ' ';
         $columnAlign[] = 'right';
 // create dummy date object
 $date = new TableDate($gDb);
 foreach ($datesResult['recordset'] as $row) {
     // write of current event data to date object
     // initialize all output elements
     $outputEndDate = '';
     $outputButtonIcal = '';
     $outputButtonEdit = '';
     $outputButtonDelete = '';
     $outputButtonCopy = '';
     $outputButtonParticipation = '';
     $outputButtonParticipants = '';
     $outputButtonParticipantsEmail = '';
     $outputButtonParticipantsAssign = '';
     $outputLinkLocation = '';
     $outputLinkRoom = '';
$dateCurrentUserAssigned = 0;
// set headline of the script
if ($getCopy) {
    $headline = $gL10n->get('SYS_COPY_VAR', $getHeadline);
    $mode = 5;
} elseif ($getDateId > 0) {
    $headline = $gL10n->get('SYS_EDIT_VAR', $getHeadline);
    $mode = 5;
} else {
    // @ptabaden: added Value, without translation!
    $headline = $gL10n->get('SYS_NEW_VAR', $getHeadline);
    $mode = 1;
$gNavigation->addUrl(CURRENT_URL, $headline);
// create date object
$date = new TableDate($gDb);
if (isset($_SESSION['dates_request'])) {
    // durch fehlerhafte Eingabe ist der User zu diesem Formular zurueckgekehrt
    // nun die vorher eingegebenen Inhalte ins Objekt schreiben
    // first set date and time field to a datetime and add this to date class
    $_SESSION['dates_request']['dat_begin'] = $_SESSION['dates_request']['date_from'] . ' ' . $_SESSION['dates_request']['date_from_time'];
    $_SESSION['dates_request']['dat_end'] = $_SESSION['dates_request']['date_to'] . ' ' . $_SESSION['dates_request']['date_to_time'];
    // get the selected roles for visibility
    $dateRoles = $_SESSION['dates_request']['date_roles'];
    // check if a registration to this event is possible
    if (array_key_exists('date_registration_possible', $_SESSION['dates_request'])) {
        $dateRegistrationPossible = $_SESSION['dates_request']['date_registration_possible'];
    // check if current user is assigned to this date
    if (array_key_exists('date_current_user_assigned', $_SESSION['dates_request'])) {
// pruefen ob das Modul ueberhaupt aktiviert ist
if ($gPreferences['enable_dates_module'] != 1) {
    // das Modul ist deaktiviert
// create Object
$dates = new ModuleDates();
// read events for output
$datesResult = $dates->getDataset(0, 10);
// ab hier wird der RSS-Feed zusammengestellt
// create RSS feed object with channel information
$rss = new RSSfeed($gCurrentOrganization->getValue('org_longname') . ' - ' . $getHeadline, $gCurrentOrganization->getValue('org_homepage'), $gL10n->get('DAT_CURRENT_DATES_OF_ORGA', $gCurrentOrganization->getValue('org_longname')), $gCurrentOrganization->getValue('org_longname'));
$date = new TableDate($gDb);
// Dem RSSfeed-Objekt jetzt die RSSitems zusammenstellen und hinzufuegen
if ($datesResult['numResults'] > 0) {
    $date = new TableDate($gDb);
    foreach ($datesResult['recordset'] as $row) {
        // ausgelesene Termindaten in Date-Objekt schieben
        // set data for attributes of this entry
        $title = $date->getValue('dat_begin', $gPreferences['system_date']);
        if ($date->getValue('dat_begin', $gPreferences['system_date']) != $date->getValue('dat_end', $gPreferences['system_date'])) {
            $title = $title . ' - ' . $date->getValue('dat_end', $gPreferences['system_date']);
        $title = $title . ' ' . $date->getValue('dat_headline');
        $link = $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/dates/dates.php?id=' . $date->getValue('dat_id');
        $author = $row['create_name'];
        $pubDate = date('r', strtotime($date->getValue('dat_timestamp_create')));
        // add additional information about the event to the description
        $descDateTo = '';
} else {
    $plg_link_target = '_self';
if (!isset($plg_kal_cat)) {
    $plg_kal_cat = array('all');
// Prüfen ob the Link-URL gesetzt wurde oder leer ist
// wenn leer, dann Standardpfad zum Admidio-Modul
if (!isset($plg_link_url) || $plg_link_url === '') {
    $plg_link_url = $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/dates/dates.php';
// create Object
$plgDates = new ModuleDates();
// read events for output
$plgDatesResult = $plgDates->getDataSet(0, $plg_dates_count);
$plg_date = new TableDate($gDb);
echo '<div id="plugin_' . $plugin_folder . '" class="admidio-plugin-content">';
if ($plg_show_headline == 1) {
    echo '<h3>' . $gL10n->get('PLG_DATES_HEADLINE') . '</h3>';
if ($plgDatesResult['numResults'] > 0) {
    foreach ($plgDatesResult['recordset'] as $plg_row) {
        $plg_html_end_date = '';
        echo '<div>' . $plg_date->getValue('dat_begin', $gPreferences['system_date']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        if ($plg_date->getValue('dat_all_day') != 1) {
            echo $plg_date->getValue('dat_begin', $gPreferences['system_time']);
        // Bis-Datum und Uhrzeit anzeigen
        if ($plg_show_date_end) {
if (isset($plg_kal_cat) == false) {
    $plg_kal_cat = array('all');
// Pr?fen ob the Link-URL gesetzt wurde oder leer ist
// wenn leer, dann Standardpfad zum Admidio-Modul
if (isset($plg_link_url) == false || $plg_link_url == "") {
    $plg_link_url = $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/dates/dates.php';
// set database to admidio, sometimes the user has other database connections at the same time
//create Object
$plgDates = new ModuleDates();
// read events for output
$plgDatesResult = $plgDates->getDataSet(0, $plg_dates_count);
$plg_date = new TableDate($gDb);
echo '<div id="plugin_' . $plugin_folder . '" class="admidio-plugin-content">';
if ($plg_show_headline == 1) {
    echo '<h3>' . $gL10n->get('PLG_DATES_HEADLINE') . '</h3>';
if ($plgDatesResult['numResults'] > 0) {
    foreach ($plgDatesResult['recordset'] as $plg_row) {
        $plg_html_end_date = '';
        echo $plg_date->getValue('dat_begin', $gPreferences['system_date']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        if ($plg_date->getValue('dat_all_day') != 1) {
            echo $plg_date->getValue('dat_begin', $gPreferences['system_time']);
        // Bis-Datum und Uhrzeit anzeigen
        if ($plg_show_date_end) {