  * Overloading the doActions function : replacing the parent's function with the one below
  * @param   array()         $parameters     Hook metadatas (context, etc...)
  * @param   CommonObject    &$object        The object to process (an invoice if you are in invoice module, a propale in propale's module, etc...)
  * @param   string          &$action        Current action (if set). Generally create or edit or null
  * @param   HookManager     $hookmanager    Hook manager propagated to allow calling another hook
  * @return  int                             < 0 on error, 0 on success, 1 to replace standard code
 function doActions($parameters, &$object, &$action, $hookmanager)
     //var_dump($parameters, $action);
     if (!empty($parameters['currentcontext'])) {
         $currentcontext = $parameters['currentcontext'];
     } else {
         $currentcontext = $parameters['context'];
     // Retrocompatibility <= 3.6
     $routeAction = $currentcontext . ':' . $action;
     define('INC_FROM_DOLIBARR', true);
     TRouting::route($routeAction, $object);
 static function route($action, &$object)
     $PDOdb = new TPDOdb();
     $sql = "SELECT rowid\n                FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "routing\n                WHERE trigger_code='" . $action . "'";
     $Tab = $PDOdb->ExecuteAsArray($sql);
     foreach ($Tab as $row) {
         $route = new TRouting();
         $route->load($PDOdb, $row->rowid);
     // mvt inverse pour annulation
     $sql = "SELECT rowid\n                FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "routing\n                WHERE trigger_code_reverse='" . $action . "'";
     $Tab = $PDOdb->ExecuteAsArray($sql);
     foreach ($Tab as $row) {
         $route = new TRouting();
         $route->load($PDOdb, $row->rowid);
         $route->routeLines($object, -1);

 * Script créant et vérifiant que les champs requis s'ajoutent bien
if (!defined('INC_FROM_DOLIBARR')) {
    define('INC_FROM_CRON_SCRIPT', true);
    require '../config.php';
$PDOdb = new TPDOdb();
$o = new TRouting($db);
  * Function called when a Dolibarrr business event is done.
  * All functions "run_trigger" are triggered if file
  * is inside directory core/triggers
  * 	@param		string		$action		Event action code
  * 	@param		Object		$object		Object
  * 	@param		User		$user		Object user
  * 	@param		Translate	$langs		Object langs
  * 	@param		conf		$conf		Object conf
  * 	@return		int						<0 if KO, 0 if no triggered ran, >0 if OK
 public function run_trigger($action, $object, $user, $langs, $conf)
     define('INC_FROM_DOLIBARR', true);
     if (class_exists('TRouting')) {
         TRouting::route($action, $object);
     return 0;
            $r->check_old = !empty($rem['check_old']) ? 1 : 0;
            $r->fk_societe = GETPOST('TRouting_' . $r->getId() . '_fk_soc');
            $r->fk_user = GETPOST('TRouting_' . $r->getId() . '_fk_user');
} else {
    if ($action == 'delete') {
        $r = new TRouting();
        $r->load($PDOdb, GETPOST('id'));
    } else {
        if ($action == 'add') {
            $r = new TRouting();
 * View
$page_name = "RoutingSetup";
llxHeader('', $langs->trans($page_name));
// Subheader
$linkback = '<a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/admin/modules.php">' . $langs->trans("BackToModuleList") . '</a>';
print_fiche_titre($langs->trans($page_name), $linkback);
// Configuration header
$head = routingAdminPrepareHead();
dol_fiche_head($head, 'settings', $langs->trans("Module104760Name"), 0, "rememberme@rememberme");