/** * Class constructor * Creates the page and the registration form */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $table = new TTable(); $table->width = '100%'; // creates the form $this->form = new TForm('form_User'); $this->form->class = 'tform'; $this->form->style = 'width: 450px;margin:auto; margin-top:10px;'; // add the notebook inside the form $this->form->add($table); // create the form fields $login = new TEntry('login'); $password = new TPassword('password'); // define the sizes $login->setSize(320, 40); $password->setSize(320, 40); $login->style = 'height:35px; font-size:14px;float:left;border-bottom-left-radius: 0;border-top-left-radius: 0;'; $password->style = 'height:35px;margin-bottom: 15px;font-size:14px;float:left;border-bottom-left-radius: 0;border-top-left-radius: 0;'; $row = $table->addRow(); $row->addCell(new TLabel('Login'))->colspan = 2; $row->class = 'tformtitle'; $login->placeholder = _t('User'); $password->placeholder = _t('Password'); $user = '******'; $locker = '<span style="float:left;width:35px;margin-left:45px;height:35px;" class="input-group-addon"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></span>'; $container1 = new TElement('div'); $container1->add($user); $container1->add($login); $container2 = new TElement('div'); $container2->add($locker); $container2->add($password); $row = $table->addRow(); $row->addCell($container1)->colspan = 2; // add a row for the field password $row = $table->addRow(); $row->addCell($container2)->colspan = 2; // create an action button (save) $save_button = new TButton('save'); // define the button action $save_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onLogin')), _t('Log in')); $save_button->class = 'btn btn-success btn-defualt'; $save_button->style = 'margin-left:32px;width:355px;height:40px;border-radius:6px;font-size:18px'; $row = $table->addRow(); $row->class = 'tformaction'; $cell = $row->addCell($save_button); $cell->colspan = 2; $this->form->setFields(array($login, $password, $save_button)); // add the form to the page $caixa = new TVBox(); $caixa->style = "text-align:center"; $caixa->add(new TImage("app/images/pgo.png")); $caixa->add($this->form); parent::add($caixa); }
public function show() { foreach ($this->elements as $item => $value) { $li = new TElement('li'); $a = new TElement('a'); $a->href = "#{$item}"; $a->add($item); $li->add($a); $this->ul->add($li); } parent::add($this->ul); foreach ($this->elements as $item => $value) { $conteudo = new TElement('div'); $conteudo2 = new TElement('div'); $conteudo->id = $item; $conteudo->add($value); parent::add($conteudo); } $script = new TElement('script'); $script->type = 'text/javascript'; $code = " \$(function() {\n\$( '#{$this->id}' ).tabs();\n});"; $script->add($code); parent::add($script); parent::show(); }
/** * Shows the widget at the screen */ public function show() { $link = new TElement('a'); if ($this->action) { //$url['class'] = $this->action; //$url_str = http_build_query($url); $action = str_replace('#', '&', $this->action); $link->href = "index.php?class={$action}"; $link->generator = 'adianti'; } else { $link->href = '#'; } if (isset($this->image)) { $image = new TImage($this->image); $image->style = 'padding-right: 8px'; $link->add($image); } $link->add($this->label); // converts into ISO $this->add($link); if ($this->menu instanceof TMenu) { $this->{'class'} = 'dropdown-submenu'; parent::add($this->menu); } parent::show(); }
public function show() { foreach ($this->sources as $s) { parent::add($s); } parent::show(); }
/** * Class Constructor * @param $type Type of the message (info, error) * @param $message Message to be shown * @param $action Action to process */ public function __construct($type, $message, TAction $action = NULL) { $this->id = uniqid(); if (!is_null($action)) { $this->action = '__adianti_load_page(\'' . $action->serialize() . '\');'; } if (TPage::isMobile()) { $img = new TElement('img'); $img->src = "lib/adianti/images/{$type}.png"; $table = new TTable(); $table->width = '250px'; $table->bgcolor = '#E5E5E5'; $table->style = "border-collapse:collapse"; $row = $table->addRow(); $row->addCell($img); $row->addCell($message); $table->show(); } else { TPage::include_css('lib/adianti/include/tmessage/tmessage.css'); // creates a pannel to show the dialog $painel = new TElement('div'); $painel->{'class'} = 'tmessage'; $painel->id = 'tmessage_' . $this->id; // creates a table for layout $table = new TTable(); // creates a row for the icon and the message $row = $table->addRow(); $row->addCell(new TImage("lib/adianti/images/{$type}.png")); $scroll = new TScroll(); $scroll->setSize(350, 70); $scroll->add($message); $scroll->setTransparency(true); $cell = $row->addCell($scroll); // add the table to the pannel $painel->add($table); // show the pannel $painel->show(); $script = new TElement('script'); $script->{'type'} = 'text/javascript'; $script->add(' $(function() { $( "#' . $painel->id . '" ).dialog({ height: 180, width: 440, stack: false, zIndex: 3000, modal: true, buttons: { OK: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); ' . $this->action . ' } } }).css("visibility", "visible"); $( "#' . $painel->id . ' a" ).click(function () { window.open($(this).attr(\'href\')); }); });'); $script->show(); } }
/** * método construtor * instancia objeto TQuestion * @param $message = pergunta ao usuário * @param $action_yes = ação para resposta positiva * @param $action_no = ação para resposta negativa */ function __construct($message, $url_yes, $url_no) { // instancia o painel para exibir o diálogo $painel = new TElement('div'); $painel->class = "tquestion"; // cria um botão para a resposta positiva $button1 = new TElement('input'); $button1->type = 'button'; $button1->value = 'Sim'; $button1->onclick = "javascript:location='{$url_yes}'"; $button1->id = 'bt1'; // cria um botão para a resposta negativa $button2 = new TElement('input'); $button2->type = 'button'; $button2->value = 'Não'; $button2->onclick = "javascript:location='{$url_no}'"; // cria uma tabela para organizar o layout $table = new TTable(); $table->align = 'center'; $table->cellspacing = 10; // cria uma linha para o ícone e a mensagem $row = $table->addRow(); $row->addCell(new TImage('app.misc/images/question.png')); $row->addCell($message); // cria uma linha para os botões $row = $table->addRow(); $row->addCell($button1); $row->align = 'left'; $row->addCell($button2); // adiciona a tabela ao painél $painel->add($table); // exibe o painél $painel->show(); }
/** * Class constructor * Creates the page */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // loads the galleria javascript library TPage::include_js('app/lib/jquery/galleria/galleria-1.2.2.min.js'); // creates a table $table = new TTable(); // creates the DIV element with the images $galleria = new TElement('div'); $galleria->id = 'images'; $galleria->style = "width:600px;height:460px"; for ($n = 1; $n <= 4; $n++) { $img = new TElement('img'); $img->src = "app/images/nature/nature{$n}.jpg"; $galleria->add($img); } // add the DIV to the table $table->addRow()->addCell($galleria); // creates the script element $script = new TElement('script'); $script->type = 'text/javascript'; $script->add(' Galleria.loadTheme("app/lib/jquery/galleria/themes/classic/galleria.classic.min.js"); $("#images").galleria(); '); // add the script to the table $table->addRow()->addCell($script); // wrap the page content using vertical box $vbox = new TVBox(); $vbox->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__)); $vbox->add($table); parent::add($vbox); }
/** * method onEdit() * Executed whenever the user clicks at the edit button da datagrid */ function onView($param) { try { if (isset($param['key'])) { // get the parameter $key $key = $param['key']; // open a transaction with database 'changeman' TTransaction::open('changeman'); // instantiates object Document $object = new Document($key); $element = new TElement('div'); $element->add($object->content); parent::add($element); // close the transaction TTransaction::close(); } else { $this->form->clear(); } } catch (Exception $e) { // shows the exception error message new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> ' . $e->getMessage()); // undo all pending operations TTransaction::rollback(); } }
/** * Show the highlighted source code */ public function show() { $span = new TElement('span'); $span->style = 'font-size:10pt'; $span->add(highlight_string($this->content, TRUE)); $span->show(); }
/** * método addCell * agrega um novo objeto célula (TTableCell) à linha * @param $value = conteúdo da célula */ public function addCell($value) { // instancia objeto célula $cell = new TTableCell($value); parent::add($cell); // retorna o objeto instanciado return $cell; }
/** * Add a new row (TTableRow object) to the table * @return TTableRow */ public function addRow() { // creates a new Table Row $row = new TTableRow(); // add this row to the table element parent::add($row); return $row; }
/** * Add an child element * @param $child Any object that implements the show() method */ public function add($child) { $wrapper = new TElement('div'); $wrapper->{'style'} = 'display:inline-block;'; $wrapper->add($child); parent::add($wrapper); return $wrapper; }
/** * Add an child element * @param $child Any object that implements the show() method */ public function add($child) { $wrapper = new TElement('div'); $wrapper->style = 'clear:both'; $wrapper->add($child); parent::add($wrapper); return $wrapper; }
/** * mщtodo addRow * agrega um novo objeto linha (TTableRow) na tabela */ public function addRow() { // instancia objeto linha $row = new TTableRow(); // armazena no array de linhas parent::add($row); return $row; }
/** * Add a new cell (TTableCell) to the Table Row * @param $value Cell Content * @return TTableCell */ public function addCell($value) { // creates a new Table Cell $cell = new TTableCell($value); parent::add($cell); // returns the cell object return $cell; }
public function addCellTitle($content, $align, $stylename = 'active', $colspan = 1) { $td = new TElement('th'); $td->add($content); $td->class = $stylename; $td->style = "text-align: {$align}"; $td->colspan = $colspan; $this->trT->add($td); }
/** * Shows the widget at the screen */ public function show() { if ($this->items) { foreach ($this->items as $item) { parent::add($item); } } parent::show(); }
/** * método put() * posiciona um objeto no painel * @param $widget = objeto a ser inserido no painel * @param $col = coluna em pixels. * @param $row = linha em pixels. */ public function put($widget, $col, $row) { // cria uma camada para o widget $camada = new TElement('div'); // define a posição da camada $camada->style = "position:absolute; left:{$col}px; top:{$row}px;"; // adiciona o objeto (widget) à camada recém-criada $camada->add($widget); // adiciona widget no array de elementos parent::add($camada); }
/** * Create an element * @param $tagname Element name * @param $value Element value * @param $attributes Element attributes */ public static function tag($tagname, $value, $attributes = NULL) { $object = new TElement($tagname); $object->add($value); if ($attributes) { foreach ($attributes as $att_name => $att_value) { $object->{$att_name} = $att_value; } } return $object; }
/** * Put a widget inside the panel * @param $widget = widget to be shown * @param $col = column in pixels. * @param $row = row in pixels. */ public function put($widget, $col, $row) { // creates a layer to put the widget inside $camada = new TElement('div'); // define the layer position $camada->style = "position:absolute; left:{$col}px; top:{$row}px;"; // add the widget to the layer $camada->add($widget); // add the widget to the element's array parent::add($camada); }
/** * Shows the widget at the screen */ public function show() { $js_mask = str_replace('yyyy', 'yy', $this->mask); if (parent::getEditable()) { $script = new TElement('script'); $script->type = 'text/javascript'; $script->add("\n \t\$(function() {\n \$(\"#{$this->id}\").datepicker({\n showOn: 'button',\n buttonImage: 'lib/adianti/images/tdate.png',\n buttonImageOnly: true, \n \t\tchangeMonth: true,\n \t\tchangeYear: true,\n \t\tdateFormat: '{$js_mask}',\n \t\tshowButtonPanel: true\n \t});\n });"); $script->show(); } parent::show(); }
/** * Show */ public function show() { $script = new TElement('script'); $script->{'type'} = 'text/javascript'; $code = '$(document).ready( function() { $(\'.dropdown-toggle\').dropdown() });'; $script->add($code); $script->show(); parent::show(); }
/** * Add a new cell (TTableCell) to the Table Row * @param $value Cell Content * @return TTableCell */ public function addCell($value) { if (is_null($value)) { throw new Exception(TAdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Method ^1 does not accept null values', __METHOD__)); } else { // creates a new Table Cell $cell = new TTableCell($value); parent::add($cell); // returns the cell object return $cell; } }
public function show() { $btn = ' <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span><span class="sr-only">Close</span></button>'; $titulo = new TElement('h4'); $titulo->add($this->titulo); $msg = new TElement('p'); $msg->add($this->msg); $this->add($btn); $this->add($titulo); $this->add($msg); parent::show(); }
/** * método construtor * Cria a página e o formulário de cadastro */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); ob_start(); phpinfo(); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $content = preg_replace('%^.*<body>(.*)</body>.*$%ms', '$' . '1', $content); $div = new TElement('div'); $div->{'id'} = 'phpinfo'; // Está assim (um por linha), por que o parser ignora linhas que iniciam com "#" $styles = '<style type="text/css">'; $styles .= '#phpinfo pre {margin: 0px; font-family: monospace;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo a:link {color: #000099; text-decoration: none; background-color: #ffffff;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo a:hover {text-decoration: underline;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo table {border-collapse: collapse;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo .center {text-align: center;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo .center table { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: left;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo .center th { text-align: center !important; } '; $styles .= '#phpinfo td, th { border: 1px solid gray; font-size: 75%; vertical-align: baseline; padding: 5px} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo h1 {font-size: 150%;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo h2 {font-size: 125%;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo .p {text-align: left;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo .e {background-color: whiteSmoke; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo .h {background-color: #599FC7; font-weight: bold; color: white;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo .v {background-color: white; color: #000000;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo i {color: #666666; background-color: #cccccc;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo img {float: right; border: 0px;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo hr {width: 600px; background-color: #cccccc; border: 0px; height: 1px; color: #000000;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo table { width: 100%;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo td, th{ font-size: 90% !important;} '; $styles .= '#phpinfo td.e{ width: 30%;} </style>'; $div->add($styles); $div->add($content); $container = new TVBox(); $container->style = 'width: 97%'; $container->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__)); $container->add($div); parent::add($container); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct('ul'); $this->class = 'dropdown-menu dropdown-messages'; $messages = array(); $messages[] = array(TSession::getValue('login'), 'Yesterday', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eleifend...'); $messages[] = array(TSession::getValue('login'), 'Yesterday', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eleifend...'); $messages[] = array(TSession::getValue('login'), 'Yesterday', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eleifend...'); $a = new TElement('a'); $a->{'class'} = "dropdown-toggle"; $a->{'data-toggle'} = "dropdown"; $a->{'href'} = "#"; $a->add(TElement::tag('i', '', array('class' => "fa fa-envelope fa-fw"))); $a->add(TElement::tag('span', count($messages), array('class' => "badge badge-notify"))); $a->add(TElement::tag('i', '', array('class' => "fa fa-caret-down"))); $a->show(); foreach ($messages as $message) { $name = $message[0]; $date = $message[1]; $body = $message[2]; $li = new TElement('li'); $a = new TElement('a'); $div = new TElement('div'); $a->href = '#'; $li->add($a); $a->add($div); $div->add(TElement::tag('strong', $name)); $div->add(TElement::tag('span', TElement::tag('em', $date), array('class' => 'pull-right text-muted'))); $div2 = new TElement('div'); $div2->add($body); $a->add($div2); parent::add($li); parent::add(TElement::tag('li', '', array('class' => 'divider'))); } $li = new TElement('li'); $a = new TElement('a'); $li->add($a); $a->class = 'text-center'; $a->href = '#'; $a->add(TElement::tag('strong', 'Read messages')); $a->add($i = TElement::tag('i', '', array('class' => 'fa fa-inbox'))); parent::add($li); parent::add(TElement::tag('li', '', array('class' => 'divider'))); $li = new TElement('li'); $a = new TElement('a'); $li->add($a); $a->class = 'text-center'; $a->href = '#'; $a->add(TElement::tag('strong', 'Send message')); $a->add($i = TElement::tag('i', '', array('class' => 'fa fa-envelope-o'))); parent::add($li); }
public function show() { $c = ""; foreach ($this->code as $frames) { $c .= "\$( '#" . $frames->id . "' ).resizable({\ncontainment: '#{$this->id}'\n});"; } $code = "\$(function() {\n \n" . $c . "\n\n});"; $script = new TElement('script'); $script->type = 'text/javascript'; $script->add($code); parent::add($script); parent::show(); }
public function show() { $code = ' google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]});'; $code .= "google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);\n function drawChart() {\n var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([\n ['Year', 'Sales', 'Expenses'],\n ['2013', 1000, 400],\n ['2014', 1170, 460],\n ['2015', 660, 1120],\n ['2016', 1030, 540]\n ]);\n\n var options = {\n title: 'Company Performance',\n hAxis: {title: 'Year', titleTextStyle: {color: '#333'}},\n vAxis: {minValue: 0}\n };\n\n var chart = new google.visualization.AreaChart(document.getElementById('{$this->id}'));\n chart.draw(data, options);\n }\n"; $scriptApi = new TElement('script'); $scriptApi->type = 'text/javascript'; $scriptApi->src = "https://www.google.com/jsapi"; $script = new TElement('script'); $script->type = 'text/javascript'; $script->add($code); parent::add($scriptApi); parent::add($script); parent::show(); }
public function show() { if ($this->height == null || $this->width == null) { throw new Exception('size não especificado'); } if ($this->height == null) { throw new Exception('title não especificado'); } $script = new TElement('script'); $script->type = 'text/javascript'; $code = "\$(function() {\n\$('#{$this->id}').dialog({ minWidth: {$this->width},minHeight: {$this->height} {$this->modal} {$this->title}} );\n});"; $script->add($code); parent::add($script); parent::show(); }
/** * Shows the widget at the screen */ public function show() { foreach ($this->elements as $child) { $title = new TElement('h3'); $title->add($child[0]); $content = new TElement('div'); $content->add($child[1]); parent::add($title); parent::add($content); } TScript::create('$(document).ready( function() { $( "#' . $this->id . '" ).accordion(); });'); parent::show(); }