  * Create a bookmark PDF string.
  * @protected
  * @author Olivier Plathey, Nicola Asuni
  * @since 2.1.002 (2008-02-12)
 protected function _putbookmarks()
     $nb = count($this->outlines);
     if ($nb == 0) {
     // sort bookmarks
     $lru = array();
     $level = 0;
     foreach ($this->outlines as $i => $o) {
         if ($o['l'] > 0) {
             $parent = $lru[$o['l'] - 1];
             //Set parent and last pointers
             $this->outlines[$i]['parent'] = $parent;
             $this->outlines[$parent]['last'] = $i;
             if ($o['l'] > $level) {
                 //Level increasing: set first pointer
                 $this->outlines[$parent]['first'] = $i;
         } else {
             $this->outlines[$i]['parent'] = $nb;
         if ($o['l'] <= $level and $i > 0) {
             //Set prev and next pointers
             $prev = $lru[$o['l']];
             $this->outlines[$prev]['next'] = $i;
             $this->outlines[$i]['prev'] = $prev;
         $lru[$o['l']] = $i;
         $level = $o['l'];
     //Outline items
     $n = $this->n + 1;
     $nltags = '/<br[\\s]?\\/>|<\\/(blockquote|dd|dl|div|dt|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|hr|li|ol|p|pre|ul|tcpdf|table|tr|td)>/si';
     foreach ($this->outlines as $i => $o) {
         $oid = $this->_newobj();
         // covert HTML title to string
         $title = preg_replace($nltags, "\n", $o['t']);
         $title = preg_replace("/[\r]+/si", '', $title);
         $title = preg_replace("/[\n]+/si", "\n", $title);
         $title = strip_tags($title);
         $title = $this->stringTrim($title);
         $out = '<</Title ' . $this->_textstring($title, $oid);
         $out .= ' /Parent ' . ($n + $o['parent']) . ' 0 R';
         if (isset($o['prev'])) {
             $out .= ' /Prev ' . ($n + $o['prev']) . ' 0 R';
         if (isset($o['next'])) {
             $out .= ' /Next ' . ($n + $o['next']) . ' 0 R';
         if (isset($o['first'])) {
             $out .= ' /First ' . ($n + $o['first']) . ' 0 R';
         if (isset($o['last'])) {
             $out .= ' /Last ' . ($n + $o['last']) . ' 0 R';
         if (isset($o['u']) and !empty($o['u'])) {
             // link
             if (is_string($o['u'])) {
                 if ($o['u'][0] == '#') {
                     // internal destination
                     $out .= ' /Dest /' . TCPDF_STATIC::encodeNameObject(substr($o['u'], 1));
                 } elseif ($o['u'][0] == '%') {
                     // embedded PDF file
                     $filename = basename(substr($o['u'], 1));
                     $out .= ' /A <</S /GoToE /D [0 /Fit] /NewWindow true /T << /R /C /P ' . ($o['p'] - 1) . ' /A ' . $this->embeddedfiles[$filename]['a'] . ' >> >>';
                 } elseif ($o['u'][0] == '*') {
                     // embedded generic file
                     $filename = basename(substr($o['u'], 1));
                     $jsa = 'var D=event.target.doc;var MyData=D.dataObjects;for (var i in MyData) if (MyData[i].path=="' . $filename . '") D.exportDataObject( { cName : MyData[i].name, nLaunch : 2});';
                     $out .= ' /A <</S /JavaScript /JS ' . $this->_textstring($jsa, $oid) . '>>';
                 } else {
                     // external URI link
                     $out .= ' /A <</S /URI /URI ' . $this->_datastring($this->unhtmlentities($o['u']), $oid) . '>>';
             } elseif (isset($this->links[$o['u']])) {
                 // internal link ID
                 $l = $this->links[$o['u']];
                 if (isset($this->page_obj_id[$l[0]])) {
                     $out .= sprintf(' /Dest [%u 0 R /XYZ 0 %F null]', $this->page_obj_id[$l[0]], $this->pagedim[$l[0]]['h'] - $l[1] * $this->k);
         } elseif (isset($this->page_obj_id[$o['p']])) {
             // link to a page
             $out .= ' ' . sprintf('/Dest [%u 0 R /XYZ %F %F null]', $this->page_obj_id[$o['p']], $o['x'] * $this->k, $this->pagedim[$o['p']]['h'] - $o['y'] * $this->k);
         // set font style
         $style = 0;
         if (!empty($o['s'])) {
             // bold
             if (strpos($o['s'], 'B') !== false) {
                 $style |= 2;
             // oblique
             if (strpos($o['s'], 'I') !== false) {
                 $style |= 1;
         $out .= sprintf(' /F %d', $style);
         // set bookmark color
         if (isset($o['c']) and is_array($o['c']) and count($o['c']) == 3) {
             $color = array_values($o['c']);
             $out .= sprintf(' /C [%F %F %F]', $color[0] / 255, $color[1] / 255, $color[2] / 255);
         } else {
             // black
             $out .= ' /C [0.0 0.0 0.0]';
         $out .= ' /Count 0';
         // normally closed item
         $out .= ' >>';
         $out .= "\n" . 'endobj';
     //Outline root
     $this->OutlineRoot = $this->_newobj();
     $this->_out('<< /Type /Outlines /First ' . $n . ' 0 R /Last ' . ($n + $lru[0]) . ' 0 R >>' . "\n" . 'endobj');