文件: Total.php 项目: rajarshc/Rooja
  * Fetches the regular and base discount amounts due to 
  * catalog redemption rules.
  * TODO: perhaps this should be moved to a helper (along with TBT_Rewards_Model_Sales_Order_Total_Abstract) but
  * I'm not sure which helper would be best for it.
  * @param TBT_Rewards_Model_Sales_Order $order
 protected function getAccumulatedDiscounts($order)
     //@nelkaake -a 17/02/11: if the rewards discount amount field is not found
     // use the legacy code to find the discount aqmount using the row total
     if (!$order->getRewardsDiscountAmount()) {
         return 0;
     $acc_diff = $order->getRewardsDiscountAmount();
     // + $order->getRewardsDiscountTaxAmount();
     $acc_diff = $order->getStore()->roundPrice($acc_diff);
     $acc_diff_base = $order->getRewardsBaseDiscountAmount();
     $acc_diff_base = $order->getStore()->roundPrice($acc_diff_base);
     // @nelkaake to deal with a bug in PHP that allows negative zero amounts after rounding.
     if ($acc_diff == -0) {
         $acc_diff = 0;
     if ($acc_diff_base == -0) {
         $acc_diff_base = 0;
     return array($acc_diff, $acc_diff_base);
  * If the row total + tax does not equal the row_total_incl_tax, we know that we 
  * can use the row_total_incl_tax field to get the rewards catalog discount amount total.
  * @deprecated getAccumulatedDiscounts uses the data stored in the Order that is much more accurate instead.
  * @param TBT_Rewards_Model_Sales_Order $order
 protected function _getDiscountsByRowTotalInclTax($order)
     $items = $order->getAllItems();
     $acc_diff = 0;
     $acc_diff_base = 0;
     if (!is_array($items)) {
         $items = array($items);
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         if (!$item->getOrderId() || !$item->getId()) {
         //@nelkaake -a 17/02/11: If the row total + tax does not equal the row_total_incl_tax, we know that we
         // can use the row_total_incl_tax field to get the rewards catalog discount amount total.
         if ($item->getRowTotalInclTax() == $item->getTaxAmount() + $item->getRowTotal()) {
             // row total plus tax and row total including tax are the same so we can't use this field
             // to get the catalog redemption amount.
         $regular_row_total = $item->getRowTotalInclTax() - $item->getTaxAmount();
         $row_total = $item->getRowTotal();
         $acc_diff += $regular_row_total - $row_total;
     $acc_diff = $order->getStore()->roundPrice($acc_diff);
     $acc_diff_base = Mage::helper('rewards/price')->getReversedCurrencyPrice($acc_diff);
     // @nelkaake to deal with a bug in PHP that allows negative zero amounts after rounding.
     if ($acc_diff == -0) {
         $acc_diff = 0;
     if ($acc_diff_base == -0) {
         $acc_diff_base = 0;
     return array($acc_diff, $acc_diff_base);