public function do_execute()
     /* Prepare variables */
     try {
         $project_id = $this->getProvidedArgument('projectid');
         $project_row = TBGProjectsTable::getTable()->getById($project_id, false);
         TBGContext::setScope(new TBGScope($project_row[TBGProjectsTable::SCOPE]));
         $project = new TBGProject($project_id, $project_row);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
         $this->cliEcho("The project with the ID " . $this->getProvidedArgument('projectid') . " does not exist\n", 'red', 'bold');
     $author = $this->getProvidedArgument('author');
     $new_rev = $this->getProvidedArgument('revno');
     $commit_msg = $this->getProvidedArgument('log');
     $changed = $this->getProvidedArgument('changed');
     $old_rev = $this->getProvidedArgument('oldrev', null);
     $date = $this->getProvidedArgument('date', null);
     $branch = $this->getProvidedArgument('branch', null);
     if (TBGSettings::get('access_method_' . $project->getKey()) == TBGVCSIntegration::ACCESS_HTTP) {
         $this->cliEcho("This project uses the HTTP access method, and so access via the CLI has been disabled\n", 'red', 'bold');
     if ($old_rev === null && !is_integer($new_rev)) {
         $this->cliEcho("Error: if only the new revision is specified, it must be a number so that old revision can be calculated from it (by substracting 1 from new revision number).");
     } else {
         if ($old_rev === null) {
             $old_rev = $new_rev - 1;
     $output = TBGVCSIntegration::processCommit($project, $commit_msg, $old_rev, $new_rev, $date, $changed, $author, $branch);
 public function clearUserScopes($user_id)
     $crit = $this->getCriteria();
     $crit->addWhere(self::SCOPE, TBGSettings::getDefaultScopeID(), Criteria::DB_NOT_EQUALS);
     $crit->addWhere(self::USER_ID, $user_id);
 public function _preDelete()
     $crit = TBGUsersTable::getTable()->getCriteria();
     $crit->addWhere(TBGUsersTable::GROUP_ID, $this->getID());
     if ($this->getID() == TBGSettings::getDefaultGroup()->getID()) {
         $crit->addUpdate(TBGUsersTable::GROUP_ID, null);
     } else {
         $crit->addUpdate(TBGUsersTable::GROUP_ID, TBGSettings::getDefaultGroup()->getID());
     $res = TBGUsersTable::getTable()->doUpdate($crit);
 public function loadFixtures(TBGScope $scope)
     foreach (TBGIssueTypesTable::getTable()->getAllIDsByScopeID($scope->getID()) as $issuetype_id) {
         $crit = $this->getCriteria();
         $crit->addInsert(self::SCOPE, $scope->getID());
         $crit->addInsert(self::WORKFLOW_ID, TBGSettings::getCoreWorkflow()->getID());
         $crit->addInsert(self::WORKFLOW_SCHEME_ID, TBGSettings::getCoreWorkflowScheme()->getID());
         $crit->addInsert(self::ISSUETYPE_ID, $issuetype_id);
 public function do_execute()
     $this->cliEcho("Revert authentication backend\n", 'white', 'bold');
     $this->cliEcho("This command is useful if you've managed to lock yourself.\n");
     $this->cliEcho("out due to an authentication backend change gone bad.\n\n");
     if (TBGSettings::getAuthenticationBackend() == 'tbg' || TBGSettings::getAuthenticationBackend() == null) {
         $this->cliEcho("You are currently using the default authentication backend.\n\n");
     } else {
         $this->cliEcho("Please type 'yes' if you want to revert to the default authentication backend: ");
         if ($this->getInput() == 'yes') {
             TBGSettings::saveSetting(TBGSettings::SETTING_AUTH_BACKEND, 'tbg');
             $this->cliEcho("Authentication backend reverted.\n\n");
         } else {
             $this->cliEcho("No changes made.\n\n");
 public static function loadFixtures(TBGScope $scope)
     $scope_id = $scope->getID();
     $bug_report = new TBGIssuetype();
     $bug_report->setName('Bug report');
     $bug_report->setDescription('Have you discovered a bug in the application, or is something not working as expected?');
     TBGSettings::saveSetting('defaultissuetypefornewissues', $bug_report->getID(), 'core', $scope_id);
     TBGSettings::saveSetting('issuetype_bug_report', $bug_report->getID(), 'core', $scope_id);
     $feature_request = new TBGIssuetype();
     $feature_request->setName('Feature request');
     $feature_request->setDescription('Are you missing some specific feature, or is your favourite part of the application a bit lacking?');
     TBGSettings::saveSetting('issuetype_feature_request', $feature_request->getID(), 'core', $scope_id);
     $enhancement = new TBGIssuetype();
     $enhancement->setDescription('Have you found something that is working in a way that could be improved?');
     TBGSettings::saveSetting('issuetype_enhancement', $enhancement->getID(), 'core', $scope_id);
     $task = new TBGIssuetype();
     TBGSettings::saveSetting('issuetype_task', $task->getID(), 'core', $scope_id);
     $user_story = new TBGIssuetype();
     $user_story->setName('User story');
     $user_story->setDescription('Doing it Agile-style. Issue type perfectly suited for entering user stories');
     TBGSettings::saveSetting('issuetype_user_story', $user_story->getID(), 'core', $scope_id);
     $idea = new TBGIssuetype();
     $idea->setDescription('Express yourself - share your ideas with the rest of the team!');
     TBGSettings::saveSetting('issuetype_idea', $idea->getID(), 'core', $scope_id);
     return array($bug_report->getID(), $feature_request->getID(), $enhancement->getID(), $task->getID(), $user_story->getID(), $idea->getID());
 public function componentLeftmenu()
     $config_sections = TBGSettings::getConfigSections(TBGContext::getI18n());
     $breadcrumblinks = array();
     foreach ($config_sections as $key => $sections) {
         foreach ($sections as $section) {
             if ($key == TBGSettings::CONFIGURATION_SECTION_MODULES) {
                 $url = is_array($section['route']) ? make_url($section['route'][0], $section['route'][1]) : make_url($section['route']);
                 $breadcrumblinks[] = array('url' => $url, 'title' => $section['description']);
             } else {
                 $breadcrumblinks[] = array('url' => make_url($section['route']), 'title' => $section['description']);
     $this->breadcrumblinks = $breadcrumblinks;
     $this->config_sections = $config_sections;
     if ($this->selected_section == TBGSettings::CONFIGURATION_SECTION_MODULES) {
         if (TBGContext::getRouting()->getCurrentRouteName() == 'configure_modules') {
             $this->selected_subsection = 'core';
         } else {
             $this->selected_subsection = TBGContext::getRequest()->getParameter('config_module');
echo $team->getID();
			<div class="dropdown_header"><?php 
echo __('Please specify what parts of this team you want to clone');
			<div class="dropdown_content copy_team_link">
				<form id="clone_team_<?php 
echo $team->getID();
_form" action="<?php 
echo make_url('configure_users_clone_team', array('team_id' => $team->getID()));
" method="post" accept-charset="<?php 
echo TBGSettings::getCharset();
" onsubmit="cloneTeam('<?php 
echo make_url('configure_users_clone_team', array('team_id' => $team->getID()));
');return false;">
					<div id="add_team">
						<label for="clone_team_<?php 
echo $team->getID();
echo __('New team name');
						<input type="text" id="clone_team_<?php 
echo $team->getID();
								<td class="config_explanation" colspan="2"><?php 
    echo __('Specify whether you want to use the filesystem or database to store uploaded files. Using the database will make it easier to move your installation to another server.');
								<td><label for="upload_localpath"><?php 
    echo __('Upload location');
									<input type="text" name="upload_localpath" id="upload_localpath" style="width: 250px;" value="<?php 
    echo TBGSettings::getUploadsLocalpath() != "" ? TBGSettings::getUploadsLocalpath() : THEBUGGENIE_PATH . 'files/';
    if (!TBGSettings::isUploadsEnabled() || TBGSettings::getUploadStorage() == 'database') {
								<td class="config_explanation" colspan="2"><?php 
    echo __("If you're storing files on the filesystem, specify where you want to save the files, here. Default location is the %files% folder in the main folder (not the public folder)", array('%files%' => '<b>files/</b>'));
 public function runDeleteGroup(TBGRequest $request)
     try {
         if (!!in_array($request->getParameter('group_id'), TBGSettings::getDefaultGroupIDs())) {
             throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__("You cannot delete the default groups"));
         try {
             $group = TBGContext::factory()->TBGGroup($request->getParameter('group_id'));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (!$group instanceof TBGGroup) {
             throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__("You cannot delete this group"));
         return $this->renderJSON(array('success' => true, 'message' => TBGContext::getI18n()->__('The group was deleted')));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $this->renderJSON(array('failed' => true, 'error' => $e->getMessage()));
				<li><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="attach_link_button" onclick="$('attach_link').toggle();"><?php 
            echo image_tag('action_add_link.png') . __('Attach a link');
    if ($issue->isUpdateable() && TBGSettings::isUploadsEnabled() && $issue->canAttachFiles()) {
        if (TBGSettings::isUploadsEnabled() && $issue->canAttachFiles()) {
				<li><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="attach_file_button" onclick="TBG.Main.showUploader('<?php 
            echo make_url('get_partial_for_backdrop', array('key' => 'uploader', 'mode' => 'issue', 'issue_id' => $issue->getID()));
            echo image_tag('action_add_file.png') . __('Attach a file');
        } else {
				<li class="disabled"><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="attach_file_button" onclick="TBG.Main.Helpers.Message.error('<?php 
            echo __('File uploads are not enabled');
', '<?php 
TBGEvent::createNew('core', 'dashboard_main_bottom')->trigger();
		<td id="dashboard_righthand" class="side_bar<?php 
echo TBGSettings::getToggle('dashboard_righthand') ? ' collapsed' : '';
			<div class="collapser_link" onclick="TBG.Main.Dashboard.sidebar('<?php 
echo make_url('set_toggle_state', array('key' => 'dashboard_righthand', 'state' => ''));
', 'dashboard_righthand');">
				<a href="javascript:void(0);">
echo image_tag('sidebar_expand.png', array('class' => 'collapser'));
echo image_tag('sidebar_collapse.png', array('class' => 'expander'));
 public function runSaveColumnSettings(TBGRequest $request)
     TBGSettings::saveSetting('search_scs_' . $request['template'], join(',', $request['columns']));
     return $this->renderJSON(array('failed' => false, 'message' => TBGContext::getI18n()->__('Visible columns has been set successfully')));
include THEBUGGENIE_PATH . THEBUGGENIE_PUBLIC_FOLDER_NAME . DS . 'themes' . DS . TBGSettings::getThemeName() . DS . 'theme.php';
if (count(TBGContext::getModules())) {
    foreach (TBGContext::getModules() as $module) {
        if (file_exists(THEBUGGENIE_PATH . THEBUGGENIE_PUBLIC_FOLDER_NAME . DS . 'themes' . DS . TBGSettings::getThemeName() . DS . "{$module->getName()}.css")) {
        if (file_exists(THEBUGGENIE_PATH . THEBUGGENIE_PUBLIC_FOLDER_NAME . DS . 'js' . DS . "{$module->getName()}.js")) {
$tbg_response->setTitle(__('Configuration center'));
<div class="configuration_update_check_container">
	<a class="button button-silver" id="update_button" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="TBG.Config.updateCheck('<?php 
echo make_url('configure_update_check');
echo __('Check for updates now');
echo image_tag('spinning_16.gif', array('id' => 'update_spinner', 'style' => 'display: none;'));
echo __('You currently have version %thebuggenie_version of The Bug Genie.', array('%thebuggenie_version' => TBGSettings::getVersion()));
if (count($outdated_modules) > 0) {
	<div class="update_div rounded_box yellow" style="margin-top: 20px;">
		<div class="header"><?php 
    echo __('You have %count outdated modules. They have been disabled until you upgrade them, you can upgrade them from Module settings.', array('%count' => count($outdated_modules)));
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    echo TBGContext::getUrlHost() . TBGContext::getTBGPath() . 'header.png';
} else {
    echo image_url('logo_24.png', false, null, false);
echo TBGSettings::getTBGname() . ' ~ ' . $searchtitle;
echo make_url('home', array(), false);
if ($issues != false) {
    foreach ($issues as $issue) {
        echo $issue->getFormattedIssueNo(true) . ' - ' . strip_tags($issue->getTitle());
pre { overflow: scroll; padding: 5px; }
.command_box { border: 1px dashed #DDD; background-color: #F5F5F5; padding: 4px; font-family: 'Droid Sans Mono', monospace; display: inline-block; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 15px; }
<!--[if IE]>
body { background-color: #DFDFDF; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 13px; }
	<div class="rounded_box" style="margin: 30px auto 0 auto; width: 700px;">
		<img style="float: left; margin: 10px;" src="<?php 
echo TBGContext::getTBGPath();
header.png"><h1>An error occurred in <?php 
echo TBGSettings::getTBGname();
		<div class="error_content">
if (isset($exception) && $exception instanceof Exception) {
    if ($exception instanceof TBGComposerException) {
					<h2>External libraries not initialized</h2>
						The Bug Genie uses the <a href="">composer</a> dependency management tool to control external libraries.<br>
						Before you can use or install The Bug Genie, you must initialize the vendor libraries by running the following command from the directory containing The Bug Genie:<br>
						<div class="command_box">php composer.phar install</div><br>

<div class="installation_box">
	<h2 style="margin-top: 0px;">Pre-installation checks</h2>
	<p style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
	Before we can start the installation, we need to check a few things.<br>
	Please look through the list of prerequisites below, and take the necessary steps to correct any errors that may have been highlighted.</p>
	<div class="feature" id="upgrade_warning">
		<h4 style="padding-top: 0; margin-top: 0;">ARE YOU UPGRADING FROM A PREVIOUS VERSION?</h4>
		<h5>If you are upgrading from version 3.0</h5>
		You should not see this page if you are upgrading from version 3.0. Please see the upgrade instructions included in the release notes, or the UPGRADE file included with your download for information on how to upgrade to version <?php 
echo TBGSettings::getVersion(false, false);
		<h5>If you are upgrading from version 2.x</h5>
		Please see the instructions in the Import of the configuration center after installation is complete
		<h5>If you are upgrading from version 1.x</h5>
		Users of The Bug Genie 1.x will need to upgrade to the latest release of The Bug Genie 2.1 before attempting to upgrade to this version.
		<div style="text-align: center;">
			<button onclick="$('upgrade_warning').hide();$('installation_main_box').show();" style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px; margin: 25px auto 10px auto;">I am not upgrading from a previous version</button>
	<div id="installation_main_box" style="display: none;">
		<div class="install_progress prereq_ok"><?php 
echo image_tag('themes/oxygen/action_ok.png', array(), true);
Mozilla Public License 1.1 accepted ...</div>
if ($php_ok) {

$markuppable = !isset($markuppable) ? true : $markuppable;
if ($markuppable) {
    $syntax = isset($syntax) ? $syntax : TBGSettings::SYNTAX_MW;
    if (is_numeric($syntax)) {
        $syntax = TBGSettings::getSyntaxClass($syntax);
} else {
    $syntax = TBGSettings::getSyntaxClass(TBGSettings::SYNTAX_MD);
switch ($syntax) {
    case 'mw':
        $syntaxname = __('Mediawiki');
    case 'md':
        $syntaxname = __('Markdown');
    case 'pt':
        $syntaxname = __('Plaintext');
$base_id = isset($area_id) ? $area_id : $area_name;
$mentionable = isset($target_type) && isset($target_id);
<div class="textarea_container syntax_<?php 
echo $syntax;
	<div class="syntax_picker_container">
		<input type="hidden" id="<?php 
  * Save Planning column settings for user
  * @param TBGRequest $request
  * @return bool
 public function runSavePlanningColumnSettings(TBGRequest $request)
     if ($this->getUser() instanceof TBGUser) {
         try {
             TBGSettings::saveSetting('planning_columns_' . $this->selected_project->getID(), join(',', $request['planning_column']), 'project', TBGContext::getScope()->getID(), $this->getUser()->getID());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     $this->forward(TBGContext::getRouting()->generate('project_planning', array('project_key' => $this->selected_project->getKey())));
 public function move($target_path)
     if (TBGSettings::getUploadStorage() == 'files') {
         rename($this->getFullpath(), TBGSettings::getUploadsLocalpath() . $target_path);
include_template('main/textarea', array('area_name' => 'changepw_message', 'area_id' => 'changepw_message', 'height' => '75px', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => TBGSettings::get('changepw_message'), 'hide_hint' => true));
						<td style="vertical-align: top"><label for="changedetails_message"><?php 
echo __('Change account details message');
include_template('main/textarea', array('area_name' => 'changedetails_message', 'area_id' => 'changedetails_message', 'height' => '75px', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => TBGSettings::get('changedetails_message'), 'hide_hint' => true));
if ($access_level == TBGSettings::ACCESS_FULL) {
						<div class="greybox" style="margin: 5px 0px 5px 0px; height: 23px; padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;">
							<div style="float: left; font-size: 13px; padding-top: 2px;"><?php 
    echo __('Click "%save" to save your changes in all categories', array('%save' => __('Save')));
							<input type="submit" id="config_auth_button" style="float: right; padding: 0 10px 0 10px; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;" value="<?php 
    echo __('Save');
										<div class="rounded_box blue tab_menu_dropdown user_menu_dropdown shadowed">
if ($tbg_user->isGuest()) {
												<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="showFadedBackdrop('<?php 
    echo make_url('get_partial_for_backdrop', array('key' => 'login'));
    echo image_tag('icon_login.png') . __('Login');
    if (TBGSettings::isRegistrationAllowed()) {
													<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="showFadedBackdrop('<?php 
        echo make_url('get_partial_for_backdrop', array('key' => 'login', 'section' => 'register'));
        echo image_tag('icon_register.png') . __('Register');
} else {
												<div class="header"><?php 
 public static function getCoreIssuetypeScheme()
     if (self::$_core_issuetypescheme === null) {
         self::$_core_issuetypescheme = new TBGIssuetypeScheme(self::get(self::SETTING_DEFAULT_ISSUETYPESCHEME));
     return self::$_core_issuetypescheme;
$link = TBGSettings::getHeaderLink() == '' ? TBGContext::getTBGPath() : TBGSettings::getHeaderLink();
		<a class="logo" href="<?php 
print $link;
echo image_tag(TBGSettings::getHeaderIconUrl(), array('style' => 'max-height: 24px;'), TBGSettings::isUsingCustomHeaderIcon());
		<div class="logo_name"><?php 
echo TBGSettings::getTBGname();
if (!TBGSettings::isMaintenanceModeEnabled()) {
    if (TBGEvent::createNew('core', 'header_mainmenu_decider')->trigger()->getReturnValue() !== false) {
        require THEBUGGENIE_CORE_PATH . 'templates/';
		<nav class="tab_menu header_menu" id="header_userinfo">
			<div class="notifications" id="user_notifications">
    echo __('Your notifications');

print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="">
echo TBGContext::isProjectContext() ? __('%project_name% search', array('%project_name%' => TBGContext::getCurrentProject()->getName())) : __('%site_name% search', array('%site_name%' => TBGSettings::getTBGname()));
echo TBGContext::isProjectContext() ? __('%project_name% search', array('%project_name%' => TBGContext::getCurrentProject()->getName())) : __('%site_name% search', array('%site_name%' => TBGSettings::getTBGname()));
echo TBGContext::isProjectContext() ? __('%project_name% search', array('%project_name%' => TBGContext::getCurrentProject()->getName())) : __('%site_name% search', array('%site_name%' => TBGSettings::getTBGname()));
	<Image width="16" height="16">%2F9hAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlzAAAAIgAAACIBB7P0uQAAABl0RVh0U29mdHdhcmUAd3d3Lmlua3NjYXBlLm9yZ5vuPBoAAAKISURBVDiNpZNPiE1xFMc%2F5%2F7ufX%2B853nzZh6G%2BYPBaESDovxPilKabEhZsJOFLBRjITuFiAULkqRYsLAxooiEGAzR%2BPcmRmP8mWnejDf3vXfvu8fmjaiRhbM5ncX5dL6n71dUlf8p%2B%2FehslIS8cnsTFRS7%2FuUst94le3mTi6nT%2F8JmFgv06Yv42Zjc3pqQ%2FUikukw99tv8LZj0E1OkmMDPdo6GsACEJFQopozk2Yyta7JZt2aDbif6tm19ShzlkWiTYvZm0zL7r8CQlFaYklWhmNQ1M8MeZ1s2bSNh239LF64lJomqJnDAceRFaMCii4NhWHwCqDAs54T9FlX0bGv6Xj%2BmHQdjK8jWlHNcRGpEBH5BRCRFOBlv8BALwwPQXbI5dabVqzG03TcHSA%2FBJGxEK9iLrAf2CcizSNPXOc4TktvxuscN4FZ8RTYIfB9sG2YvxYuH4aqGiAAYDmQBw4B2Kp6XkR6ReRs1xP1bAfHL0B6CsTGQSEPue9hd%2Fa0RWKnXtrFxr7Zve%2FMtVKp5IhIkbKRDDADOBaK0N2wAF3Ygi7dTBCvsPpOXWjVN59v65Hr03XHGYJYwr4CbATMiA8U6AcuFfN0vW9nfXcnlV6e2rmrgtTX6EXaug5ixgREoogJ%2BV40Gl3iuu5lG0BVAxH5AfQBMcAr5qg1xoQsUyLTlaHjFNnBTH3MC3%2FoH%2FyOgjsfaEZVR2RsB9oSicRJYDNw1hhzXyxexFN8C0dsf8%2B5ZH7eatqADUAjYOT3MImIKV%2BQBmqBfZZleUEQ3AMmWDY%2FAp%2FXwAMgo6reH2FS1VJZig8MA4%2BMMZkgCLoBO%2FDJAT3AR1X1AGS0OJedZgMOECl3gAKQA3wtL%2F4EbzL%2FhCjT%2FIEAAAAASUVORK5CYII%3D</Image>
	<Url type="text/html" template="<?php 
echo TBGContext::isProjectContext() ? make_url('project_issues', array('project_key' => TBGContext::getCurrentProject()->getKey()), false) : make_url('search', array(), false);
	<Url type="application/x-suggestions+json" template="<?php 
echo TBGContext::isProjectContext() ? make_url('project_quicksearch', array('project_key' => TBGContext::getCurrentProject()->getKey(), 'format' => 'json'), false) : make_url('quicksearch', array('format' => 'json'), false);
echo TBGContext::getI18n()->getCharset();

$tbg_response->setTitle(__('About %sitename', array('%sitename' => TBGSettings::getTBGname())));
$tbg_response->addBreadcrumb(__('About %sitename', array('%sitename' => TBGSettings::getTBGname())), make_url('about'), tbg_get_breadcrumblinks('main_links'));
<div class="rounded_box borderless mediumgrey" style="margin: 10px auto 0 auto; width: 500px; padding: 5px 5px 15px 5px; font-size: 13px; text-align: center;">
	<div style="text-align: left; padding: 10px;">
		<h1 style="font-size: 25px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-bottom: 3px;">
			The Bug Genie
			<span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; color: #888;">
echo __('Version %thebuggenie_version', array('%thebuggenie_version' => TBGSettings::getVersion(true)));
		<h3 style="margin-top: 0; padding-top: 0;">Beautiful issue tracking and project management</h3>
echo __('The Bug Genie is an issue tracking system with a strong focus on being friendly &ndash; both for regular users and power users');
echo __('The Bug Genie follows an open development model, and is released under an open source software license called the MPL (Mozilla Public License). This license gives you the freedom to pick up the sourcecode for The Bug Genie and work with it any way you need.');
echo __('Extend, develop and change The Bug Genie in any way you want, and do whatever you want with the new piece of software (The only thing you cannot do is call your software The Bug Genie). Please do send us your modifications for inclusion in The Bug Genie.');
    echo javascript_link_tag(image_tag('tabmenu_dropdown.png', array('class' => 'menu_dropdown')), array('onmouseover' => ""));
				<div id="project_information_menu" class="tab_menu_dropdown">
    include_template('project/projectinfolinks', array('submenu' => true));
if (!$tbg_user->isThisGuest() && !TBGSettings::isSingleProjectTracker() && !TBGContext::isProjectContext()) {
    if ($tbg_response->getPage() == 'dashboard') {
><div class="menuitem_container"><?php 
    echo link_tag(make_url('dashboard'), image_tag('icon_dashboard_small.png') . __('Dashboard'));
foreach ($languages as $lang_code => $lang_desc) {
											<option value="<?php 
    echo $lang_code;
" <?php 
    if ($tbg_user->getLanguage() == $lang_code) {
    echo $lang_desc;
    if (TBGSettings::getLanguage() == $lang_code) {
        echo __('(site default)');
									<td class="config_explanation" colspan="2">
 * Returns a formatted string of the given timestamp
 * @param integer $tstamp the timestamp to format
 * @param integer $format[optional] the format
 * @param integer $skiptimestamp
function tbg_formatTime($tstamp, $format = 0)
    // offset the timestamp properly
    if (TBGSettings::getGMToffset() > 0) {
        $tstamp += TBGSettings::getGMToffset() * 60 * 60;
    } elseif (TBGSettings::getGMToffset() < 0) {
        $tstamp -= TBGSettings::getGMToffset() * 60 * 60;
    if (TBGSettings::getUserTimezone() > 0) {
        $tstamp += TBGSettings::getUserTimezone() * 60 * 60;
    } elseif (TBGSettings::getUserTimezone() < 0) {
        $tstamp -= TBGSettings::getUserTimezone() * 60 * 60;
    switch ($format) {
        case 1:
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(1), $tstamp);
        case 2:
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(2), $tstamp);
        case 3:
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(3), $tstamp);
        case 4:
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(4), $tstamp);
        case 5:
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(5), $tstamp);
        case 6:
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(6), $tstamp);
        case 7:
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(7), $tstamp);
        case 8:
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(8), $tstamp);
        case 9:
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(9), $tstamp);
        case 10:
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(10), $tstamp);
        case 11:
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(9), $tstamp);
        case 12:
            $tstring = '';
            if (date('dmY', $tstamp) == date('dmY')) {
                $tstring .= __('Today') . ', ';
            } elseif (date('dmY', $tstamp) == date('dmY', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - 1))) {
                $tstring .= __('Yesterday') . ', ';
            } elseif (date('dmY', $tstamp) == date('dmY', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 1))) {
                $tstring .= __('Tomorrow') . ', ';
            } else {
                $tstring .= strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(12) . ', ', $tstamp);
            $tstring .= strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(14), $tstamp);
        case 13:
            $tstring = '';
            if (date('dmY', $tstamp) == date('dmY')) {
                //$tstring .= __('Today') . ', ';
            } elseif (date('dmY', $tstamp) == date('dmY', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - 1))) {
                $tstring .= __('Yesterday') . ', ';
            } elseif (date('dmY', $tstamp) == date('dmY', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 1))) {
                $tstring .= __('Tomorrow') . ', ';
            } else {
                $tstring .= strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(12) . ', ', $tstamp);
            $tstring .= strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(14), $tstamp);
        case 14:
            $tstring = '';
            if (date('dmY', $tstamp) == date('dmY')) {
                $tstring .= __('Today');
            } elseif (date('dmY', $tstamp) == date('dmY', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - 1))) {
                $tstring .= __('Yesterday');
            } elseif (date('dmY', $tstamp) == date('dmY', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 1))) {
                $tstring .= __('Tomorrow');
            } else {
                $tstring .= strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(12), $tstamp);
        case 15:
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(11), $tstamp);
        case 16:
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(12), $tstamp);
        case 17:
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(13), $tstamp);
        case 18:
            $old = date_default_timezone_get();
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(16), $tstamp);
        case 19:
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(14), $tstamp);
        case 20:
            $tstring = '';
            if (date('dmY', $tstamp) == date('dmY')) {
                $tstring .= __('Today') . ' (' . strftime('%H:%M', $tstamp) . ')';
            } elseif (date('dmY', $tstamp) == date('dmY', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - 1))) {
                $tstring .= __('Yesterday') . ' (' . strftime('%H:%M', $tstamp) . ')';
            } elseif (date('dmY', $tstamp) == date('dmY', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 1))) {
                $tstring .= __('Tomorrow') . ' (' . strftime('%H:%M', $tstamp) . ')';
            } else {
                $tstring .= strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(15), $tstamp);
        case 21:
            $tstring = TBGContext::isCLI() ? strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT', $tstamp) : strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(17), $tstamp);
            if (TBGContext::getUser()->getTimezone() > 0) {
                $tstring .= '+';
            if (TBGContext::getUser()->getTimezone() < 0) {
                $tstring .= '-';
            if (TBGContext::getUser()->getTimezone() != 0) {
                $tstring .= TBGContext::getUser()->getTimezone();
        case 22:
            $tstring = strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(15), $tstamp);
        case 23:
            $tstring = '';
            if (date('dmY', $tstamp) == date('dmY')) {
                $tstring .= __('Today');
            } elseif (date('dmY', $tstamp) == date('dmY', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - 1))) {
                $tstring .= __('Yesterday');
            } elseif (date('dmY', $tstamp) == date('dmY', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 1))) {
                $tstring .= __('Tomorrow');
            } else {
                $tstring .= strftime(TBGContext::getI18n()->getDateTimeFormat(15), $tstamp);
            return $tstamp;
    return htmlentities($tstring);