/** * Get list of theme name * * @return array */ public static function get_active_themes() { static $_themes = null; if (!isset($_themes)) { $_themes = array(); $themes = T3Parameter::_getParam('themes'); // Active themes $themes = preg_split('/,/', $themes); for ($i = 0; $i < count($themes); $i++) { $themes[$i] = trim($themes[$i]); $theme = array(); if (preg_match('/^(local)\\.(.*)$/', $themes[$i], $matches)) { $theme[0] = $matches[1]; $theme[1] = $matches[2]; //$themes[$i] = array('local', $matches[1]); } elseif (preg_match('/^(core)\\.(.*)$/', $themes[$i], $matches)) { $theme[0] = $matches[1]; $theme[1] = $matches[2]; //$themes[$i] = array('core', $matches[1]); } else { $theme[0] = 'core'; $theme[1] = $themes[$i]; //$themes[$i] = array('core', $themes[$i]); } $path = self::getThemePath($theme[1], $theme[0] == 'local'); if ($theme[1] && is_dir($path)) { $_themes[] = $theme; } } //if (T3Common::isRTL()) $_themes[] = array('core', 'default-rtl'); $_themes[] = array('template', 'default'); //if (T3Common::isRTL()) $_themes[] = array('engine', 'default-rtl'); $_themes[] = array('engine', 'default'); //if isRTL, and -rtl theme exists then add this theme automatically, before add the current theme to active list if (T3Common::isRTL()) { $_themesrtl = array(); foreach ($_themes as $theme) { $themertl = array(); $themertl[0] = $theme[0] == 'template' ? 'core' : $theme[0]; $themertl[1] = $theme[1] . '-rtl'; //$path = T3Path::path(T3_TEMPLATE) . DS . $themertl[0] . DS . 'themes' . DS . $themertl[1]; $path = self::getThemePath($themertl[1], $themertl[0] == 'local'); if ($themertl[0] == 'engine' || is_dir($path)) { $_themesrtl[] = $themertl; } } $_themes = array_merge($_themesrtl, $_themes); } } return $_themes; }
function onAfterRoute() { t3import('core.framework'); $app = JFactory::getApplication('administrator'); if ($app->isAdmin()) { t3import('core.admin.util'); //Clean cache if there's something changed backend if (JRequest::getCmd('jat3action') || in_array(JRequest::getCmd('task'), array('save', 'delete', 'remove', 'apply', 'publish', 'unpublish'))) { if (JRequest::getCmd('jat3action')) { //if template parameter updated => clear cache t3_import('core/cache'); T3Cache::clean(2); } else { $params = T3Common::get_template_based_params(); $cache = $params->get('cache'); if ($cache) { //if other update: clear cache if cache is enabled t3_import('core/cache'); T3Cache::clean(1); } } } if (JAT3_AdminUtil::checkPermission()) { if (JAT3_AdminUtil::checkCondition_for_Menu()) { JHTML::stylesheet('', JURI::root() . T3_CORE . '/element/assets/css/japaramhelper.css'); JHTML::script('', JURI::root() . T3_CORE . '/element/assets/js/japaramhelper.js', true); } if (JRequest::getCmd('jat3type') == 'plugin') { $action = JRequest::getCmd('jat3action'); t3import('core.ajax'); $obj = new JAT3_Ajax(); if ($action && method_exists($obj, $action)) { $obj->{$action}(); } return; } if (!T3Common::detect()) { return; } JAT3_AdminUtil::loadStyle(); JAT3_AdminUtil::loadScipt(); return; } elseif (JRequest::getCmd('jat3type') == 'plugin') { $result['error'] = 'Session has expired. Please login before continuing.'; echo json_encode($result); exit; } return; } if (!$app->isAdmin() && T3Common::detect()) { $action = JRequest::getCmd('jat3action'); //process request ajax like action - public if ($action) { t3import('core.ajaxsite'); if (method_exists('T3AjaxSite', $action)) { T3AjaxSite::$action(); $app->close(); //exit after finish action } } //load core library T3Framework::t3_init($this->plgParams); //Init T3Engine //get list templates $themes = T3Common::get_active_themes(); $path = T3Path::getInstance(); //path in t3 engine //active themes path if ($themes && count($themes)) { foreach ($themes as $theme) { $path->addPath($theme[0] . '.' . $theme[1], T3Path::path(T3_TEMPLATE) . DS . $theme[0] . DS . 'themes' . DS . $theme[1], T3Path::url(T3_TEMPLATE) . "/{$theme[0]}/themes/{$theme[1]}"); } } //add default & base theme path //if isRTL, auto add rtl theme if (T3Common::isRTL() && is_dir(T3Path::path(T3_TEMPLATE_CORE . '/themes/default-rtl'))) { $path->addPath('core.default-rtl', T3Path::path(T3_TEMPLATE_CORE . '/themes/default-rtl'), T3Path::url(T3_TEMPLATE_CORE . '/themes/default-rtl')); } $path->addPath('template.default', T3Path::path(T3_TEMPLATE), T3Path::url(T3_TEMPLATE)); if (T3Common::isRTL() && is_dir(T3Path::path(T3_BASETHEME . '-rtl'))) { $path->addPath('engine.default-rtl', T3Path::path(T3_BASETHEME . '-rtl'), T3Path::url(T3_BASETHEME . '-rtl')); } $path->addPath('engine.default', T3Path::path(T3_BASETHEME), T3Path::url(T3_BASETHEME)); T3Framework::init_layout(); } }
/** * Execute css/js optimizing base on joomla document object * * @return void */ public static function proccess() { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $urlPath = new T3Path(); //proccess stylesheets $themes = T3Common::get_active_themes(); //$themes[] = array('core', 'default'); //default now move to template root folder //$themes[] = array('engine', 'default'); $themes = array_reverse($themes); $scripts = array(); $css_urls = array(); $css_urls['site'] = array(); foreach ($themes as $theme) { $css_urls[$theme[0] . '.' . $theme[1]] = array(); } foreach ($themes as $theme) { $css_urls[$theme[0] . '.' . $theme[1] . '-browser'] = array(); } if (T3Common::isRTL()) { foreach ($themes as $theme) { $css_urls[$theme[0] . '.' . $theme[1] . '-rtl'] = array(); } } //$bname = T3Common::getBrowserSortName(); //$bver = T3Common::getBrowserMajorVersion(); $optimize_css = T3Parameter::_getParam('optimize_css', 2); $optimize_js = T3Parameter::_getParam('optimize_js', 2); foreach ($document->_styleSheets as $strSrc => $strAttr) { $path = T3Head::cleanUrl($strSrc); if (!$path || !preg_match('#\\.css$#', $path)) { //External url $css_urls['site'][] = array('', $strSrc); continue; } $intemplate = false; if (preg_match('/^templates\\/' . T3_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE . '\\//', $path)) { $path = preg_replace('/^templates\\/' . T3_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE . '\\//', '', $path); $intemplate = true; } $paths = array(); //$paths[] = array ('', $path, $strSrc); //The third element is the original url $paths[] = array('', $path); // Fix when source code in subfolder //if ($intemplate) { //only load other css files if in T3v2 template $ext = ''; if (preg_match('#\\.[^.]+$#', $path, $matches)) { $ext = $matches[0]; } //if ($ext) { //$paths[] = array('-browser', str_replace($ext, "-$bname$ext", $path)); //$paths[] = array('-browser', str_replace($ext, "-$bname$bver$ext", $path)); //if (T3Common::isRTL()) { //$paths[] = array('-rtl', str_replace($ext, "-rtl$ext", $path)); //$paths[] = array('-rtl', str_replace($ext, "-$bname-rtl$ext", $path)); //$paths[] = array('-rtl', str_replace($ext, "-$bname$bver-rtl$ext", $path)); //} //} if ($ext && T3Common::isRTL()) { $paths[] = array('-rtl', str_replace($ext, "-rtl{$ext}", $path)); } //} foreach ($paths as $path) { // if ($intemplate) { $urls = $urlPath->get($path[1], true); if ($urls) { foreach ($urls as $theme => $url) { $url[] = $strAttr; $css_urls[$theme . $path[0]][$url[0]] = $url; } } } else { if (is_file(T3Path::path($path[1]))) { $css_urls['site'][T3Path::path($path[1])] = array(T3Path::path($path[1]), count($path) > 2 ? $path[2] : T3Path::url($path[1]), $strAttr); //use original url ($path[2]) if exists } } } } // Remove current stylesheets $document->_styleSheets = array(); foreach ($document->_scripts as $strSrc => $strType) { $srcurl = T3Head::cleanUrl($strSrc); if (!$srcurl || !preg_match('#\\.js$#', $srcurl)) { $scrips[] = array('', $strSrc); continue; } if (preg_match('/^templates\\/' . T3_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE . '\\//', $srcurl)) { //in template $srcurl = preg_replace('/^templates\\/' . T3_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE . '\\//', '', $srcurl); $path = str_replace('/', DS, $srcurl); $url = $urlPath->get($path); if ($url) { $scrips[] = $url; } } else { // Don't read file content => keep original link if ($optimize_js < 1) { $scrips[] = array('', $strSrc); continue; } $path = str_replace('/', DS, $srcurl); $scrips[] = array(JPATH_SITE . DS . $path, JURI::base(true) . '/' . $srcurl); } } //remove current scripts $document->_scripts = array(); $tmp_css_urls = false; do { $tmp_css_urls = T3Head::optimizecss($css_urls); } while ($tmp_css_urls === false); $css_urls = $tmp_css_urls; //if ($url) $css_urls = array(array(array('', $url))); //re-add stylesheet to head foreach ($css_urls as $urls) { foreach ($urls as $url) { if (count($url) > 2) { $attrs = $url[2]; $document->addStylesheet($url[1], $attrs['mime'], $attrs['media'], $attrs['attribs']); } else { $document->addStylesheet($url[1]); } } } $tmp_scrips = false; do { $tmp_scrips = T3Head::optimizejs($scrips); } while ($tmp_scrips === false); $scrips = $tmp_scrips; //re-add stylesheet to head foreach ($scrips as $url) { $document->addScript($url[1]); } }
/** * Render conditional css link * * @param array $cond_css * Conditional css list that each element contain 2 sub-elements: * - URL link * - Attributes of css link, it is associate array with 3 keys * + mine: link type attribute * + media: link media attibute * + attribs: other attributes * * @return string */ function renderConditionalCSS($condCss) { $data = "\n"; $urlPath = new T3Path(); foreach ($condCss as $css) { // Get url path & link attributes $url = preg_replace('/^templates\\/' . T3_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE . '\\//', '', $css['url']); $paths = $urlPath->get($url, true); if ($paths) { $media = $css['media']; $cond = $css['condition']; $type = $css['type']; // Generate links $paths = array_reverse($paths); foreach ($paths as $path) { $data .= "<!--[if {$cond}]><link href=\"{$path[1]}\" type=\"{$type}\" rel=\"stylesheet\" "; if (!empty($media)) { $data .= "media=\"{$media}\" "; } $data .= "/><![endif]--> \n"; // Check and add rtl file $rtl_path = str_replace('.css', '-rtl.css', $path[0]); if (T3Common::isRTL() && is_file($rtl_path)) { $rtl_path = str_replace('.css', '-rtl.css', $path[1]); $data .= "<!--[if {$cond}]><link href=\"{$rtl_path}\" type=\"{$type}\" rel=\"stylesheet\" "; if (!empty($media)) { $data .= "media=\"{$media}\" "; } $data .= "/><![endif]--> \n"; } } } } return $data; }
function proccess() { $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); //proccess stylesheets $themes = T3Common::get_active_themes(); //$themes[] = array('core', 'default'); //default now move to template root folder //$themes[] = array('engine', 'default'); $themes = array_reverse($themes); $scripts = array(); $css_urls = array(); $css_urls['site'] = array(); foreach ($themes as $theme) { $css_urls[$theme[0] . '.' . $theme[1]] = array(); } foreach ($themes as $theme) { $css_urls[$theme[0] . '.' . $theme[1] . '-browser'] = array(); } if (T3Common::isRTL()) { foreach ($themes as $theme) { $css_urls[$theme[0] . '.' . $theme[1] . '-rtl'] = array(); } } $bname = T3Common::getBrowserSortName(); $bver = T3Common::getBrowserMajorVersion(); $optimize_css = T3Parameter::get('optimize_css', 2); $optimize_js = T3Parameter::get('optimize_js', 2); foreach ($document->_styleSheets as $strSrc => $strAttr) { $path = T3Head::cleanUrl($strSrc); if (!$path) { //External url $css_urls['site'][] = array('', $strSrc); continue; } $intemplate = false; if (preg_match('/^templates\\/' . T3_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE . '\\//', $path)) { $path = preg_replace('/^templates\\/' . T3_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE . '\\//', '', $path); $intemplate = true; } /* if (!$intemplate && $optimize_css < 2) // don't read file content => keep original link { $css_urls['site'][] = array ('', $strSrc); continue; } */ $paths = array(); $paths[] = array('', $path, $strSrc); //The third element is the original url //if ($intemplate) { //only load other css files if in T3v2 template $ext = ''; if (preg_match('#\\.[^.]+$#', $path, $matches)) { $ext = $matches[0]; } //$file_info = pathinfo($path); //$ext = $file_info['extension']; if ($ext) { $paths[] = array('-browser', str_replace($ext, "-{$bname}{$ext}", $path)); $paths[] = array('-browser', str_replace($ext, "-{$bname}{$bver}{$ext}", $path)); if (T3Common::isRTL()) { $paths[] = array('-rtl', str_replace($ext, "-rtl{$ext}", $path)); $paths[] = array('-rtl', str_replace($ext, "-{$bname}-rtl{$ext}", $path)); $paths[] = array('-rtl', str_replace($ext, "-{$bname}{$bver}-rtl{$ext}", $path)); } } //} foreach ($paths as $path) { // if ($intemplate) { if ($urls = T3Path::get($path[1], true)) { foreach ($urls as $theme => $url) { $css_urls[$theme . $path[0]][$url[0]] = $url; } } } else { if (is_file(T3Path::path($path[1]))) { $css_urls['site'][T3Path::path($path[1])] = array(T3Path::path($path[1]), count($path) > 2 ? $path[2] : T3Path::url($path[1])); } //use original url ($path[2]) if exists } } } //remove current stylesheets $document->_styleSheets = array(); foreach ($document->_scripts as $strSrc => $strType) { $srcurl = T3Head::cleanUrl($strSrc); if (!$srcurl) { $scrips[] = array('', $strSrc); continue; } if (preg_match('/^templates\\/' . T3_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE . '\\//', $srcurl)) { //in template $srcurl = preg_replace('/^templates\\/' . T3_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE . '\\//', '', $srcurl); $path = str_replace('/', DS, $srcurl); if ($url = T3Path::get($path)) { $scrips[] = $url; } } else { if ($optimize_js < 1) { $scrips[] = array('', $strSrc); continue; } $path = str_replace('/', DS, $srcurl); $scrips[] = array(JPATH_SITE . DS . $path, JURI::base(true) . '/' . $srcurl); } } //remove current scripts $document->_scripts = array(); $css_urls = T3Head::optimizecss($css_urls); //if ($url) $css_urls = array(array(array('', $url))); //re-add stylesheet to head foreach ($css_urls as $urls) { foreach ($urls as $url) { $document->addStylesheet($url[1]); } } $scrips = T3Head::optimizejs($scrips); //re-add stylesheet to head foreach ($scrips as $url) { $document->addScript($url[1]); } }
if ((int) $showItem > $total_items) { $showItem = $total_items; } if ($total_items && (int) $startItem >= $total_items) { $startItem = (int) $total_items - 1; } //Fix error show limitted items $folder = null; $target = 'target="_' . $params->get('open_target', 'parent') . '"'; $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $template_name = $app->getTemplate(); $jdoc = JFactory::getDocument(); $direction = ""; if ($t3_exists) { $t = T3Common::isRTL(); $direction = T3Common::isRTL() ? "rtl" : "ltr"; } else { $direction = $jdoc->getDirection(); } if ($source == 'images' && !empty($list)) { $images = $list['mainImageArray']; $titles = isset($list['title']) ? $list['title'] : array(); $captionsArray = $list['captionsArray']; $urls = $list['urls']; $targets = $list['targets']; $thumbArray = $list['thumbArray']; require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath($module->module, 'default'); unset($list); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var Ja_direction = '';