  * Creates a new selectbox in an elementcontainer, with room for an error/notice block and a label.
  * Clientside JS validation will be applied and can be chained using bitmasking.
  * @param string The id and the name of the formfield
  * @param \System\Collection\Map the options to be displayed
  * @param string The selectedvalue of the selectbox
  * @param string The error/notice to display in the elementcontainer
  * @param string The label to show before the element
  * @param int A bitwise combination of \Module\HTMLForm\FormBuilder\ValidationOptions for JS clientside validation
  * @return \Module\HTMLForm\Element\Label A Label with nested elements to be outputted to a form
 public static final function createSelectBox($id, \System\Collection\Map $options, $value = '', $notice = '', $label = '', $validationMethod = \Module\HTMLForm\FormBuilder\ValidationOptions::VALIDATE_NONE)
     $vectorOptions = new \System\Collection\Vector();
     foreach ($options as $index => $option) {
         $vOption = new \Module\HTMLForm\Element\Option($option, $index);
     $selectBox = new \Module\HTMLForm\Element\Select($id);
     if (!empty($notice)) {
     self::applyValidationScript($selectBox, $validationMethod, '');
     $container = new \Module\HTMLForm\Element\ElementContainer($selectBox, $notice);
     $label = new \Module\HTMLForm\Element\Label($container, $label);
     return $label;
  * Stores the current object back to the database. This function only does an incremental update, meaning that only the changed fields are updated.
  * The update reflects the changes made to the object, and does not consider updates to the database in the time between retrieval of this object
  * and the calling of this function.
  * This update is executed without the use of transactions.
  * @param string The condition to use for the update
  * @param \System\Collection\Vector The parameters for the condition
  * @return integer The amount of affected rows
 public function store($condition, \System\Collection\Vector $parameters)
     $fieldMap = self::validateMap(self::$fieldMap);
     $conditionMap = self::validateMap(self::$conditionMap);
     $modifications = $this->validateInstanceMap($this->modifications);
     $virtualModifications = $this->validateInstanceMap($this->virtualModifications);
     $dataMap = $this->validateInstanceMap($this->data);
     //we  dont do anything if we dont have anything to do, no modifications
     if (!$modifications->hasItems() && !$virtualModifications->hasItems()) {
         return 0;
     if (!$conditionMap->keyExists($condition)) {
         throw new \System\Error\Exception\ObjectLoaderSourceException('Invalid condition given. Condition is not defined in ' . $this->getClassName() . '.');
     //create the query
     $tuples = new \System\Collection\Vector();
     foreach ($modifications as $modification) {
         $dataField = $fieldMap->{$modification};
         $tuples[] = "`" . mb_strtolower((string) $dataField['dbkey']) . "` = %?%";
     //iterate over all the virtual modifications as we do want to reflect those
     foreach ($virtualModifications as $virtualModification) {
         $tuples[] = "`" . mb_strtolower($virtualModification) . "` = %?%";
     //we get the table definitions again. could have saved this at load, but now we reduce memory footprint at the cost of neglectable slower saving.
     $querySources = self::createQuerySources(self::$xmlTree[get_class($this)]);
     $conditionString = $conditionMap->{$condition};
     $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $querySources . ' SET ' . $tuples->convertToString() . ' ' . $conditionString;
     $query = new \System\Db\Query($this->getDatabase(), $sql);
     //bind the values to the query for setting the new values
     foreach ($modifications as $modification) {
         $fieldData = $fieldMap->{$modification};
         $modification = mb_strtolower($modification);
         //get the type of the parameter. only integers and strings are supported
         switch (mb_strtolower((string) $fieldData['type'])) {
             case \System\Type::TYPE_BOOL:
             case \System\Type::TYPE_BOOLEAN:
             case \System\Type::TYPE_INT:
             case \System\Type::TYPE_INTEGER:
                 $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_INTEGER;
                 $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING;
         //we first check if the new value is set to nullify, if so, we actually store NULL
         if (isset($fieldData['nullify']) && (string) $fieldData['nullify'] == $dataMap->{$modification}) {
             $query->bind('NULL', \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_QUERY);
         } elseif (isset($fieldData['encoding'])) {
             switch (mb_strtolower((string) $fieldData['encoding'])) {
                 case self::ENCRYPTION_BASE64:
                     $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING;
                     $query->bind(self::encodeBase64($dataMap->{$modification}), $type);
                 case self::ENCRYPTION_XOR:
                     $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING;
                     $query->bind(self::encodeXOR($dataMap->{$modification}), $type);
                 case self::ENCRYPTION_AES:
                     $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING;
                     $query->bind(self::encodeAES($dataMap->{$modification}), $type);
                     throw new \System\Error\Exception\ObjectLoaderSourceException('The given encryptionmethod is not supported.');
         } else {
             $query->bind($dataMap->{$modification}, $type);
     //bind the values to the query for setting the new values
     foreach ($virtualModifications as $virtualModification) {
         $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING;
         $virtualField = 'virtual_' . $virtualModification;
         $value = $dataMap->{$virtualField};
         $query->bind((string) $value, $type);
     //bind the condition values to the query
     $val = new \System\Security\Validate();
     foreach ($parameters as $index => $param) {
         //we need to decide the type of the parameter. Currently we only support integers and strings.
         $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_INTEGER;
         if ($val->isInt($param, $index, null, null, true) == \System\Security\ValidateResult::VALIDATE_INVALIDVALUE) {
             $type = \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING;
         $query->bind($param, $type);
     //execute the query
     //reset the modified list, because we already stored this. No need to store the same things at successive calls.
     return $this->getDatabase()->getAffectedRows();
  * The main processing loop. This function is not supposed to exit.
 public final function run()
     $time = time();
     while (true) {
         //we make sure the mastersocket is in the sockets list
         if (empty($this->sockets)) {
             $this->sockets[self::MASTERSOCKET_KEY] = $this->masterSocket;
         $read = $this->sockets;
         //these sockets are wachted for reading
         $write = array();
         //these sockets are watched for writing
         $except = array();
         //these sockets are watched for exceptions
         //we check for the changes in the socket list, and this modifies the arrays
         if (@socket_select($read, $write, $except, 0) === false) {
         //we iterate over all the read sockets to process them
         foreach ($read as $socket) {
             //when the socket is the master, we check if we can accept a new connection
             if ($socket == $this->masterSocket) {
                 if ($client = @socket_accept($socket)) {
                 } else {
             } else {
                 //there is a client socket with info to read
                 $buffer = null;
                 $numberOfBytes = @socket_recv($socket, $buffer, $this->maximumBufferSize, 0);
                 if ($numberOfBytes === false) {
                 } elseif ($numberOfBytes == 0) {
                 } else {
                     $connection = $this->getConnectionBySocket($socket);
                     if (!$connection->getHandshake()) {
                         $tmp = str_replace("\r", '', $buffer);
                         if (strpos($tmp, "\n\n") === false) {
                             //the client has not finished sending the initiation header, so we wait another cycle
                         $this->doHandshake($connection, $buffer);
                     } else {
                         //we split the packet into frame and send it to deframe
                         $this->splitPacket($numberOfBytes, $buffer, $connection);
         //prepare a cycle
         $connections = new \System\Collection\Vector();
         foreach ($this->connections as $connection) {
             if ($connection != $this->masterSocket && !$connection->isHandlingPartialPacket() && !$connection->isSendingContinuous() && !$connection->isSentClose()) {
         $onCycleEvent = new \System\Web\Websocket\Event\OnCycleEvent();
         if ($time != time()) {
             $on1SCycleEvent = new \System\Web\Websocket\Event\On1SCycleEvent();
             $time = time();
  * Returns a \System\Collection\Vector containing all the information about all the currently loaded
  * modules. This information is using a default format and displays any information from the iModule interface
  * and outputs additional information retrieval function.
  * @return \System\Collection\Vector A Vector containing a listing of all loaded modules
 public static final function getAllModules()
     $register = self::getRegistryModuleEntry();
     $map = new \System\Collection\Vector();
     foreach ($register->modules as $moduleName => $module) {
         $mod = new \System\Collection\Map();
         $mod->name = $module->getModuleName();
         $mod->manifest = $moduleName;
         $mod->major = $module->getMajor();
         $mod->minor = $module->getMinor();
         $mod->revision = \System\Version::transformRevStringToInt($module->getSourceRevision());
         $additional = $module->getModuleInformation();
         $additional->requiredConfigDirectives = implode(', ', $module->getRequiredConfigDirectives()->getArrayCopy());
         $mod->additional = $additional;
     return $map;
  * Outputs the systeminfo in a human readable format.
  * This function outputs html styled information and should only be used for displaying information.
  * @return string The html styled system information
 public static final function getSystemInfo()
     $output = '';
     $output .= '<table style="margin: 10px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; width: 600px; border: 1px solid black; background-color: #9999cc;">
                     <tr><td colspan="2">
                     <p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;">SYSTEM INFORMATION</p>
                     <p style="font-size: 10px;">
                         Notice: This file is copyrighted and unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.<br />
                         The file contains proprietary information and may not be distributed, modified<br />
                         or altered in any way, without written perimission.<br />
                         Copyright: SUPERHOLDER B.V. ' . date('Y') . '
     $info = new \System\Collection\Vector();
     $system = new \System\Collection\Map();
     $system->name = 'SYSTEM Namespace';
     $system->manifest = 'N/A';
     $system->major = self::getMajor();
     $system->minor = self::getMinor();
     $system->revision = self::getSourceRevision();
     $map = new \System\Collection\Map();
     $map->PHP = self::getPHPVersion();
     $map->hasSlowQueryListener = \System\Event\EventHandler::hasListeners('\\System\\Event\\Event\\OnSlowMySQLQueryEvent') ? 'true' : 'false';
     if (self::$configDirectives == null) {
         self::$configDirectives = new \System\Collection\Vector();
     $map->requiredConfigDirectives = implode(', ', self::$configDirectives->getArrayCopy());
     $map->PATH_TEMP = PATH_TEMP;
     $map->PATH_LOGS = PATH_LOGS;
     $map->installedCaches = 'LUTCache, Memcache, APCCache';
     $system->additional = $map;
     $info[] = $system;
     foreach ($info as $module) {
         $output .= '<table style="margin: 10px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; width: 600px; border: 1px solid black; background-color: #9999cc;">';
         $output .= '<tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;">' . $module->name . '</td></tr>';
         $output .= '<tr><td style="background-color: #ccccff; width: 200px;">Manifest</td><td style="background-color: #cccccc; width: 400px;">' . $module->manifest . '</td></tr>';
         $output .= '<tr><td style="background-color: #ccccff; width: 200px;">Version</td><td style="background-color: #cccccc; width: 400px;">' . $module->major . "." . $module->minor . "." . $module->revision . '</td></tr>';
         foreach ($module->additional as $index => $value) {
             $output .= '<tr><td style="background-color: #ccccff; width: 200px;">' . $index . '</td><td style="background-color: #cccccc; width: 400px;">' . $value . '</td></tr>';
         $output .= '</table>';
     return $output;
  * Cleans the current file cache by deleting unused files.
  * @param \System\Db\Database The database to LUT query
 public static final function cleanPageCache(\System\Db\Database $db)
     $results = \System\Cache\LUTCache\LUTCache::getCache($db);
     $baseFiles = new \System\Collection\Vector();
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         $baseFiles[] = basename($result->value);
     $folder = new \System\IO\Directory(\System\Cache\PageCache\StaticBlock::CACHE_CACHEFOLDER);
     $extensions = new \System\Collection\Vector('xml');
     $files = $folder->getFiles($extensions);
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         /** @var \System\IO\File */
         $file = $file;
         if (mb_strpos($file->getFilename(), 'PageCache') !== false) {
             if (!$baseFiles->contains($file->getFilename())) {
  * Executes a query on the database system and tries to return it as a vector
  * The result will be converted to a \System\Collection\Vector.
  * The first field will be added as the value.
  * If the number of fields retrieved from the query does not equal 1 an exception will be thrown.
  * @param Query The query to be executed
  * @return \System\Collection\Vector A Vector
 public final function queryScalar(\System\Db\Query $query)
     $results = $this->query($query);
     $vec = new \System\Collection\Vector();
     if (count($results->getFields()) == 1) {
         $fields = $results->getFields();
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             $value = $fields[0]->name;
     } else {
         throw new \System\Error\Exception\DatabaseQueryException('Given query should have 1 field but has: ' . count($results->getFields()));
     return $vec;