public function entryPostEdit($context) { $section = $context['section']; $errors = Administration::instance()->Page->_errors; $isReturn = isset($_POST['fields']['save-and-return-h']) && strlen($_POST['fields']['save-and-return-h']) > 1; $isNew = isset($_POST['fields']['save-and-new-h']) && strlen($_POST['fields']['save-and-new-h']) > 1; // if save returned no errors and return or new button was hit if (($isReturn || $isNew) && count($errors) < 1) { try { redirect(vsprintf($this->getPath($isNew), array(SYMPHONY_URL, $section->get('handle')))); } catch (Exception $e) { Symphony::initialiseLog(); Symphony::Logs()->pushExceptionToLog($e, true, true, false); } } }
function __errorHandler($errno = null, $errstr, $errfile = null, $errline = null, $errcontext = null) { global $param; if (error_reporting() != 0 && in_array($errno, array(E_WARNING, E_USER_WARNING, E_ERROR, E_USER_ERROR))) { Symphony::initialiseLog(); Symphony::Log()->pushToLog("{$errno} - " . strip_tags(is_object($errstr) ? $errstr->generate() : $errstr) . ($errfile ? " in file {$errfile}" : '') . ($errline ? " on line {$errline}" : ''), $errno, true); Symphony::Log()->pushToLog(sprintf('Image class param dump - mode: %d, width: %d, height: %d, position: %d, background: %d, file: %s, external: %d, raw input: %s', $param->mode, $param->width, $param->height, $param->position, $param->background, $param->file, (bool) $param->external, $_GET['param']), E_NOTICE, true); } }
// Calculate the correct dimensions. If necessary, avoid upscaling the image. $src_w = $image->Meta()->width; $src_h = $image->Meta()->height; if ($settings['image']['disable_upscaling'] == 'yes') { $dst_w = min($param->width, $src_w); $dst_h = min($param->height, $src_h); } else { $dst_w = $param->width; $dst_h = $param->height; } // Make sure we have a valid size if ($dst_w == 0 && $dst_h == 0) { // Return 400 Page::renderStatusCode(Page::HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); // Init log Symphony::initialiseLog(); // Get referrer $httpRef = General::sanitize($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); if (!$httpRef) { $httpRef = 'unknown referrer'; } // push to log Symphony::Log()->pushToLog(sprintf('Invalid size (0 x 0) requested from "%s"', $httpRef), E_WARNING, true); // output and exit echo 'Both width and height can not be 0'; exit; } // Apply the filter to the Image class (`$image`) switch ($param->mode) { case MODE_RESIZE: $image->applyFilter('resize', array($dst_w, $dst_h));