$defaults['parent_id'] = 0; } if (isset($survey_data['survey_type']) && $survey_data['survey_type'] == 1 || $_GET['action'] == 'add') { $form->addElement('checkbox', 'one_question_per_page', null, get_lang('OneQuestionPerPage')); $form->addElement('checkbox', 'shuffle', null, get_lang('ActivateShuffle')); } $input_name_list = null; if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'edit' && !empty($survey_id)) { if ($survey_data['anonymous'] == 0) { $form->addElement('checkbox', 'show_form_profile', null, get_lang('ShowFormProfile'), 'onclick="javascript: if(this.checked){document.getElementById(\'options_field\').style.display = \'block\';}else{document.getElementById(\'options_field\').style.display = \'none\';}"'); if ($survey_data['show_form_profile'] == 1) { $form->addElement('html', '<div id="options_field" style="display:block">'); } else { $form->addElement('html', '<div id="options_field" style="display:none">'); } $field_list = SurveyUtil::make_field_list(); if (is_array($field_list)) { // TODO hide and show the list in a fancy DIV foreach ($field_list as $key => &$field) { if ($field['visibility'] == 1) { $form->addElement('checkbox', 'profile_' . $key, ' ', ' ' . $field['name']); $input_name_list .= 'profile_' . $key . ','; } } // Necessary to know the fields $form->addElement('hidden', 'input_name_list', $input_name_list); // Set defaults form fields if ($survey_data['form_fields']) { $form_fields = explode('@', $survey_data['form_fields']); foreach ($form_fields as &$field) { $field_value = explode(':', $field);