     $input = Articles::build_options_input($item);
     $hint = Articles::build_options_hint($item);
     $fields[] = array($label, $input, $hint);
 // language of this page
 $label = i18n::s('Language');
 $input = i18n::get_languages_select(isset($item['language']) ? $item['language'] : '');
 $hint = i18n::s('Select the language used for this page');
 $fields[] = array($label, $input, $hint);
 // meta information
 $label = i18n::s('Meta information');
 $input = '<textarea name="meta" rows="10" cols="50">' . encode_field(isset($item['meta']) ? $item['meta'] : '') . '</textarea>';
 $hint = i18n::s('Type here any XHTML tags to be put in page header.');
 $fields[] = array($label, $input, $hint);
 // associates can change the overlay --complex interface
 if (Surfer::is_associate() && Surfer::has_all()) {
     // current type
     $overlay_type = '';
     if (is_object($overlay)) {
         $overlay_type = $overlay->get_type();
     // list overlays available on this system
     $label = i18n::s('Change the overlay');
     $input = '<select name="overlay_type">';
     if ($overlay_type) {
         $input .= '<option value="none">(' . i18n::s('none') . ")</option>\n";
         $hint = i18n::s('If you change the overlay you may loose some data.');
     } else {
         $hint = i18n::s('No overlay has been selected yet.');
         $input .= '<option value="" selected="selected">' . i18n::s('none') . "</option>\n";
文件: edit.php 项目: rair/yacs
     $context['text'] .= Skin::finalize_list($menu, 'assistant_bar');
     // optional checkboxes
     $context['text'] .= '<p>';
     // do not process notifications for draft articles
     if (strncmp($anchor->get_reference(), 'article:', strlen('article:')) || $anchor->get_value('publish_date', NULL_DATE) > NULL_DATE) {
         // notify watchers
         $context['text'] .= '<input type="checkbox" name="notify_watchers" value="Y" checked="checked" /> ' . i18n::s('Notify watchers') . BR;
         // notify people following me
         if (Surfer::get_id() && !$anchor->is_hidden()) {
             $context['text'] .= '<input type="checkbox" name="notify_followers" value="Y" /> ' . i18n::s('Notify my followers') . BR;
     // associates may decide to not stamp changes, but only for changes -- complex command
     if (Surfer::is_associate() && isset($anchor) && Surfer::has_all()) {
         if ((Surfer::is_associate() || is_object($anchor) && $anchor->is_assigned()) && Surfer::has_all()) {
             $context['text'] .= '<input type="checkbox" name="silent" value="Y" /> ' . i18n::s('Do not change modification date of the main page.') . BR;
     // validate page content
     $context['text'] .= '<input type="checkbox" name="option_validate" value="Y" checked="checked" /> ' . i18n::s('Ensure this post is valid XHTML.') . '</p>';
 // transmit the id as a hidden field
 if (isset($item['id']) && $item['id']) {
     $context['text'] .= '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $item['id'] . '" />';
 // other hidden fields
 if (is_object($anchor)) {
     $context['text'] .= '<input type="hidden" name="anchor" value="' . $anchor->get_reference() . '" />';
 // end of the form
文件: index.php 项目: rair/yacs
 // extra boxes
 $links = array();
 $links[] = Skin::build_link('sections/', i18n::s('Site map'), 'shortcut');
 $links[] = Skin::build_link('categories/', i18n::s('Categories'), 'shortcut');
 $links[] = Skin::build_link('users/', i18n::s('People'), 'shortcut');
 // the hook for more tools
 if (is_callable(array('Hooks', 'link_scripts')) && ($more_links = Hooks::link_scripts('control/index.php#tools', 'array'))) {
     $links = array_merge($links, $more_links);
 $links[] = Skin::build_link('help/', i18n::s('Help'), 'shortcut');
 // list modules in an extra box
 $context['components']['boxes'] = Skin::build_box(i18n::s('See also'), Skin::finalize_list($links, 'compact'), 'boxes', 'tools_box');
 // list modules if a skin has been defined -- complex command
 if (class_exists('Skin') && Surfer::has_all()) {
     $links = array();
     if (Surfer::is_associate()) {
         $links[] = Skin::build_link('agents/', 'agents', 'shortcut');
     $links[] = Skin::build_link('articles/', 'articles', 'shortcut');
     if (Surfer::is_associate()) {
         $links[] = Skin::build_link('behaviors/', 'behaviors', 'shortcut');
     $links[] = Skin::build_link('categories/', 'categories', 'shortcut');
     $links[] = Skin::build_link('codes/', 'codes', 'shortcut');
     if (Surfer::is_associate()) {
         $links[] = Skin::build_link('comments/', 'comments', 'shortcut');
     $links[] = Skin::build_link('dates/', 'dates', 'shortcut');
     $links[] = Skin::build_link('feeds/', 'feeds', 'shortcut');
文件: view.php 项目: rair/yacs
     if (Categories::allow_assign($item, $anchor)) {
         $items = array_merge($items, array(Categories::get_url('section:' . $item['id'], 'select') => i18n::s('Assign categories')));
     // actually render the html for the section
     if (@count($box['bar'])) {
         $box['text'] .= Skin::build_list($box['bar'], 'menu_bar');
     if (is_array($items)) {
         $box['text'] .= Skin::build_list($items, 'compact');
     if ($box['text']) {
         $context['components']['categories'] = Skin::build_box(i18n::s('See also'), $box['text'], 'categories', 'categories');
 // offer bookmarklets if submissions are allowed -- complex command
 if (Surfer::has_all() && (!isset($context['pages_without_bookmarklets']) || $context['pages_without_bookmarklets'] != 'Y')) {
     // accessible bookmarklets
     $bookmarklets = array();
     // blogging bookmarklet uses YACS codes
     if ($cur_section->allows('creation', 'article')) {
         $bookmarklet = "javascript:function findFrame(f){var i;try{isThere=f.document.selection.createRange().text;}catch(e){isThere='';}if(isThere==''){for(i=0;i&lt;f.frames.length;i++){findFrame(f.frames[i]);}}else{s=isThere}return s}" . "var s='';" . "d=document;" . "s=d.selection?findFrame(window):window.getSelection();" . "window.location='" . $context['url_to_home'] . $context['url_to_root'] . "articles/edit.php?" . "blogid=" . $item['id'] . "&amp;title='+escape(d.title)+'" . "&amp;text='+escape('%22'+s+'%22%5Bnl]-- %5Blink='+d.title+']'+d.location+'%5B/link]')+'" . "&amp;source='+escape(d.location);";
         $bookmarklets[] = '<a href="' . $bookmarklet . '">' . sprintf(i18n::s('Blog at %s'), $item['title']) . '</a>';
     // bookmark bookmarklet, if links are allowed
     if ($cur_section->allows('creation', 'link')) {
         $bookmarklet = "javascript:function findFrame(f){var i;try{isThere=f.document.selection.createRange().text;}catch(e){isThere='';}if(isThere==''){for(i=0;i&lt;f.frames.length;i++){findFrame(f.frames[i]);}}else{s=isThere}return s}" . "var s='';" . "d=document;" . "s=d.selection?findFrame(window):window.getSelection();" . "window.location='" . $context['url_to_home'] . $context['url_to_root'] . "links/edit.php?" . "link='+escape(d.location)+'" . "&amp;anchor='+escape('section:" . $item['id'] . "')+'" . "&amp;title='+escape(d.title)+'" . "&amp;text='+escape(s);";
         if ($item['nick_name'] == 'bookmarks') {
             $name = strip_tags($context['site_name']);
         } else {
             $name = strip_tags($item['title']);
文件: edit.php 项目: rair/yacs
 if ($whole_rendering) {
     // the submit button
     $menu[] = Skin::build_submit_button(i18n::s('Submit'), i18n::s('Press [s] to submit data'), 's');
     // cancel button
     if (isset($item['id'])) {
         $menu[] = Skin::build_link(Sections::get_permalink($item), i18n::s('Cancel'), 'span');
     } elseif (is_object($anchor)) {
         $menu[] = Skin::build_link($anchor->get_url(), i18n::s('Cancel'), 'span');
 // several options to check
 $suffix = array();
 // notify watchers
 $suffix[] = '<input type="checkbox" name="notify_watchers" value="Y" /> ' . i18n::s('Notify watchers');
 // do not stamp edition date -- complex command
 if (isset($item['id']) && Surfer::has_all()) {
     $suffix[] = '<input type="checkbox" name="silent" value="Y" /> ' . i18n::s('Do not change modification date.');
 // validate page content
 $suffix[] = '<input type="checkbox" name="option_validate" value="Y" checked="checked" /> ' . i18n::s('Ensure this post is valid XHTML.');
 // an assistant-like rendering at page bottom
 $context['text'] .= Skin::build_assistant_bottom('', $menu, $suffix, isset($item['tags']) ? $item['tags'] : '');
 // transmit the id as a hidden field
 if (isset($item['id']) && $item['id']) {
     $context['text'] .= '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $item['id'] . '" />';
 // end of the form
 $context['text'] .= '</div></form>';
 // append the script used for data checking on the browser
 Page::insert_script('func' . 'tion validateDocumentPost(container) {' . "\n" . '	if(!Yacs.trim(container.title.value)) {' . "\n" . '		alert("' . i18n::s('Please provide a meaningful title.') . '");' . "\n" . '		Yacs.stopWorking();' . "\n" . '		return false;' . "\n" . '	}' . "\n" . '	return true;' . "\n" . '}' . "\n" . 'if( $("#index_title").val()=="" || $("#index_title").val()==$("#title").val()) {' . "\n" . '      $("#title").change(function() {' . "\n" . '              $("#index_title").val($("#title").val());' . "\n" . '      });' . "\n" . '}' . "\n" . '$("#index_title").change( function() {' . "\n" . '      $("#title").unbind("change");' . "\n" . '});' . "\n" . '$("#main_form textarea, #main_form input, #main_form select").change(function() {' . "\n" . '      $("#preferred_editor").attr("disabled",true);' . "\n" . '});' . "\n" . '$("#title").focus();' . "\n" . '$(function() {' . "\n" . '  Yacs.autocomplete_m("tags", "' . $context['url_to_root'] . 'categories/complete.php");' . "\n" . '});  ');
 // content of the help box
文件: edit.php 项目: rair/yacs
 $menu = array();
 if ($whole_rendering) {
     // the submit button
     $menu[] = Skin::build_submit_button(i18n::s('Submit'), i18n::s('Press [s] to submit data'), 's');
     // cancel button
     if (isset($item['id'])) {
         $menu[] = Skin::build_link(Categories::get_permalink($item), i18n::s('Cancel'), 'span');
     // insert the menu in the page
     $context['text'] .= Skin::finalize_list($menu, 'assistant_bar');
 // several options to check
 $input = array();
 // do not stamp edition date -- complex command
 if (Surfer::is_empowered() && isset($item['id']) && Surfer::has_all()) {
     $input[] = '<input type="checkbox" name="silent" value="Y" /> ' . i18n::s('Do not change modification date.');
 // validate page content
 $input[] = '<input type="checkbox" name="option_validate" value="Y" checked="checked" /> ' . i18n::s('Ensure this post is valid XHTML.');
 // append post-processing options
 if ($input) {
     $context['text'] .= '<p>' . implode(BR, $input) . '</p>';
 // transmit the id as a hidden field
 if (isset($item['id']) && $item['id']) {
     $context['text'] .= '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $item['id'] . '" />';
 // end of the form
 $context['text'] .= '</div></form>';
 // append the script used for data checking on the browser
文件: edit.php 项目: rair/yacs
     if (count($fields)) {
         $context['text'] .= '<h3>' . i18n::s('Options') . "</h3>\n" . Skin::build_form($fields);
         $fields = array();
 } else {
     $context['text'] .= '<input type="hidden" name="automatic_process" value="Y" />';
 // bottom commands
 $menu = array();
 $menu[] = Skin::build_submit_button(i18n::s('Submit'), i18n::s('Press [s] to submit data'), 's');
 if (is_object($anchor) && $anchor->is_viewable()) {
     $menu[] = Skin::build_link($anchor->get_url(), i18n::s('Cancel'), 'span');
 $context['text'] .= Skin::finalize_list($menu, 'assistant_bar');
 // associates may decide to not stamp changes -- complex command
 if (isset($item['id']) && $item['id'] && (Surfer::is_associate() || Surfer::is_member() && is_object($anchor) && $anchor->is_assigned()) && Surfer::has_all()) {
     $context['text'] .= '<p><input type="checkbox" name="silent" value="Y" /> ' . i18n::s('Do not change modification date of the main page.') . '</p>';
 // validate page content
 $context['text'] .= '<p><input type="checkbox" name="option_validate" value="Y" checked="checked" /> ' . i18n::s('Ensure this post is valid XHTML.') . '</p>';
 // transmit the id as a hidden field
 if (isset($item['id']) && $item['id']) {
     $context['text'] .= '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $item['id'] . '" />';
 // end of the form
 $context['text'] .= '</div></form>';
 // the script used for form handling at the browser
 // not just a bare upload
 if ($action != 'avatar' && $action != 'icon' && $action != 'thumbnail') {
     // general help on this form
文件: edit.php 项目: rair/yacs
 // let YACS do the hard job
 $context['text'] .= Skin::build_tabs($panels);
 // bottom commands
 $menu = array();
 // the submit button
 $menu[] = Skin::build_submit_button(i18n::s('Submit'), i18n::s('Press [s] to submit data'), 's');
 // cancel button
 if (isset($item['id'])) {
     $menu[] = Skin::build_link(Users::get_permalink($item), i18n::s('Cancel'), 'span');
 // several options to check
 $suffix = array();
 // associates may decide to not stamp changes -- complex command
 if (isset($item['id']) && Surfer::is_associate() && Surfer::has_all()) {
     $suffix[] = '<input type="checkbox" name="silent" value="Y" />' . ' ' . i18n::s('Do not change modification date.');
 // link to privacy statement
 if (!isset($item['id']) && !Surfer::is_associate()) {
     $suffix[] = '<span>' . sprintf(i18n::s('By clicking submit, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the %s.'), Skin::build_link(Articles::get_url('privacy'), i18n::s('privacy statement'), 'basic')) . '</span>';
 // validate page content
 if (Surfer::is_associate()) {
     $suffix[] = '<input type="checkbox" name="option_validate" value="Y" checked="checked" /> ' . i18n::s('Ensure this post is valid XHTML.');
 // an assistant-like rendering at page bottom
 $context['text'] .= Skin::build_assistant_bottom('', $menu, $suffix, isset($item['tags']) ? $item['tags'] : '');
 // transmit the id as a hidden field
 if (isset($item['id']) && $item['id']) {
     $context['text'] .= '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $item['id'] . '" />';