  * Takes in the request params from a save request and processes
  * them for the save.
  * @param REQUEST params  $params
 function saveDropDown($params)
     require_once 'modules/Administration/Common.php';
     $emptyMarker = translate('LBL_BLANK');
     $selected_lang = !empty($params['dropdown_lang']) ? $params['dropdown_lang'] : $_SESSION['authenticated_user_language'];
     $type = $_REQUEST['view_package'];
     $dir = '';
     $dropdown_name = $params['dropdown_name'];
     $json = getJSONobj();
     $list_value = str_replace('"":""', '"__empty__":""', $params['list_value']);
     //Bug 21362 ENT_QUOTES- convert single quotes to escaped single quotes.
     $temp = $json->decode(html_entity_decode(rawurldecode($list_value), ENT_QUOTES));
     $dropdown = array();
     // dropdown is received as an array of (name,value) pairs - now extract to name=>value format preserving order
     // we rely here on PHP to preserve the order of the received name=>value pairs - associative arrays in PHP are ordered
     if (is_array($temp)) {
         foreach ($temp as $item) {
             $dropdown[SugarCleaner::stripTags(from_html($item[0]), false)] = SugarCleaner::stripTags(from_html($item[1]), false);
     if (array_key_exists($emptyMarker, $dropdown)) {
         $output = array();
         foreach ($dropdown as $key => $value) {
             if ($emptyMarker === $key) {
                 $output[''] = '';
             } else {
                 $output[$key] = $value;
         $dropdown = $output;
     if ($type != 'studio') {
         $mb = new ModuleBuilder();
         $module = $mb->getPackageModule($params['view_package'], $params['view_module']);
         $this->synchMBDropDown($dropdown_name, $dropdown, $selected_lang, $module);
         //Can't use synch on selected lang as we want to overwrite values, not just keys
         $module->mblanguage->appListStrings[$selected_lang . '.lang.php'][$dropdown_name] = $dropdown;
         // tyoung - key is required parameter as of
     } else {
         $contents = return_custom_app_list_strings_file_contents($selected_lang);
         $my_list_strings = return_app_list_strings_language($selected_lang);
         if ($selected_lang == $GLOBALS['current_language']) {
             $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$dropdown_name] = $dropdown;
         //write to contents
         $contents = str_replace("?>", '', $contents);
         if (empty($contents)) {
             $contents = "<?php";
         //add new drop down to the bottom
         if (!empty($params['use_push'])) {
             //this is for handling moduleList and such where nothing should be deleted or anything but they can be renamed
             foreach ($dropdown as $key => $value) {
                 //only if the value has changed or does not exist do we want to add it this way
                 if (!isset($my_list_strings[$dropdown_name][$key]) || strcmp($my_list_strings[$dropdown_name][$key], $value) != 0) {
                     //clear out the old value
                     $pattern_match = '/\\s*\\$app_list_strings\\s*\\[\\s*\'' . $dropdown_name . '\'\\s*\\]\\[\\s*\'' . $key . '\'\\s*\\]\\s*=\\s*[\'\\"]{1}.*?[\'\\"]{1};\\s*/ism';
                     $contents = preg_replace($pattern_match, "\n", $contents);
                     //add the new ones
                     $contents .= "\n\$GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['{$dropdown_name}']['{$key}']=" . var_export_helper($value) . ";";
         } else {
             //Now synch up the keys in other langauges to ensure that removed/added Drop down values work properly under all langs.
             $this->synchDropDown($dropdown_name, $dropdown, $selected_lang, $dir);
             $contents = $this->getNewCustomContents($dropdown_name, $dropdown, $selected_lang);
         if (!empty($dir) && !is_dir($dir)) {
             $continue = mkdir_recursive($dir);
         save_custom_app_list_strings_contents($contents, $selected_lang, $dir);
  * Determine which modules have been updated and return an array with the module name as the key
  * and the singular/plural entries as the value.
  * @return array
 private function getChangedModules()
     $count = 0;
     $allModuleEntries = array();
     $results = array();
     $params = $_REQUEST;
     $selected_lang = !empty($params['dropdown_lang']) ? $params['dropdown_lang'] : $_SESSION['authenticated_user_language'];
     $current_app_list_string = return_app_list_strings_language($selected_lang);
     while (isset($params['slot_' . $count])) {
         $index = $params['slot_' . $count];
         $key = isset($params['key_' . $index]) ? SugarCleaner::stripTags($params['key_' . $index]) : 'BLANK';
         $value = isset($params['value_' . $index]) ? SugarCleaner::stripTags($params['value_' . $index]) : '';
         $svalue = isset($params['svalue_' . $index]) ? SugarCleaner::stripTags($params['svalue_' . $index]) : $value;
         if ($key == 'BLANK') {
             $key = '';
         $key = trim($key);
         $value = trim($value);
         $svalue = trim($svalue);
         //If the module key dne then do not continue with this rename.
         if (isset($current_app_list_string['moduleList'][$key])) {
             $allModuleEntries[$key] = array('s' => $svalue, 'p' => $value);
         } else {
             $_REQUEST['delete_' . $count] = TRUE;
     foreach ($allModuleEntries as $k => $e) {
         $svalue = $e['s'];
         $pvalue = $e['p'];
         $prev_plural = $current_app_list_string['moduleList'][$k];
         $prev_singular = isset($current_app_list_string['moduleListSingular'][$k]) ? $current_app_list_string['moduleListSingular'][$k] : $prev_plural;
         if (strcmp($prev_plural, $pvalue) != 0 || strcmp($prev_singular, $svalue) != 0) {
             $results[$k] = array('singular' => $svalue, 'plural' => $pvalue, 'prev_singular' => $prev_singular, 'prev_plural' => $prev_plural, 'key_plural' => $k, 'key_singular' => $this->getModuleSingularKey($k));
     return $results;
  * Takes in the request params from a save request and processes
  * them for the save.
  * @param REQUEST params  $params
 function saveDropDown($params)
     $count = 0;
     $dropdown = array();
     $dropdown_name = $params['dropdown_name'];
     $selected_lang = !empty($params['dropdown_lang']) ? $params['dropdown_lang'] : $_SESSION['authenticated_user_language'];
     $my_list_strings = return_app_list_strings_language($selected_lang);
     while (isset($params['slot_' . $count])) {
         $index = $params['slot_' . $count];
         $key = isset($params['key_' . $index]) ? SugarCleaner::stripTags($params['key_' . $index]) : 'BLANK';
         $value = isset($params['value_' . $index]) ? SugarCleaner::stripTags($params['value_' . $index]) : '';
         if ($key == 'BLANK') {
             $key = '';
         $key = trim($key);
         $value = trim($value);
         if (empty($params['delete_' . $index])) {
             $dropdown[$key] = $value;
     if ($selected_lang == $GLOBALS['current_language']) {
         $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$dropdown_name] = $dropdown;
     $contents = return_custom_app_list_strings_file_contents($selected_lang);
     //get rid of closing tags they are not needed and are just trouble
     $contents = str_replace("?>", '', $contents);
     if (empty($contents)) {
         $contents = "<?php";
     //add new drop down to the bottom
     if (!empty($params['use_push'])) {
         //this is for handling moduleList and such where nothing should be deleted or anything but they can be renamed
         foreach ($dropdown as $key => $value) {
             //only if the value has changed or does not exist do we want to add it this way
             if (!isset($my_list_strings[$dropdown_name][$key]) || strcmp($my_list_strings[$dropdown_name][$key], $value) != 0) {
                 //clear out the old value
                 $pattern_match = '/\\s*\\$app_list_strings\\s*\\[\\s*\'' . $dropdown_name . '\'\\s*\\]\\[\\s*\'' . $key . '\'\\s*\\]\\s*=\\s*[\'\\"]{1}.*?[\'\\"]{1};\\s*/ism';
                 $contents = preg_replace($pattern_match, "\n", $contents);
                 //add the new ones
                 $contents .= "\n\$app_list_strings['{$dropdown_name}']['{$key}']=" . var_export_helper($value) . ";";
     } else {
         //clear out the old value
         $pattern_match = '/\\s*\\$app_list_strings\\s*\\[\\s*\'' . $dropdown_name . '\'\\s*\\]\\s*=\\s*array\\s*\\([^\\)]*\\)\\s*;\\s*/ism';
         $contents = preg_replace($pattern_match, "\n", $contents);
         //add the new ones
         $contents .= "\n\$app_list_strings['{$dropdown_name}']=" . var_export_helper($dropdown) . ";";
     // Bug 40234 - If we have no contents, we don't write the file. Checking for "<?php" because above it's set to that if empty
     if ($contents != "<?php") {
         save_custom_app_list_strings_contents($contents, $selected_lang);
     // Bug38011
     $repairAndClear = new RepairAndClear();
     $repairAndClear->module_list = array(translate('LBL_ALL_MODULES'));
     $repairAndClear->show_output = false;
     // ~~~~~~~~
  * Takes in the request params from a save request and processes
  * them for the save.
  * @param REQUEST params  $params
 function saveTabGroups($params)
     global $sugar_config;
     //Get the selected tab group language
     $grouptab_lang = !empty($params['grouptab_lang']) ? $params['grouptab_lang'] : $_SESSION['authenticated_user_language'];
     $tabGroups = array();
     $selected_lang = !empty($params['dropdown_lang']) ? $params['dropdown_lang'] : $_SESSION['authenticated_user_language'];
     $slot_count = $params['slot_count'];
     $completedIndexes = array();
     for ($count = 0; $count < $slot_count; $count++) {
         if ($params['delete_' . $count] == 1 || !isset($params['slot_' . $count])) {
         $index = $params['slot_' . $count];
         if (isset($completedIndexes[$index])) {
         $labelID = !empty($params['tablabelid_' . $index]) ? $params['tablabelid_' . $index] : 'LBL_GROUPTAB' . $count . '_' . time();
         $labelValue = SugarCleaner::stripTags(from_html($params['tablabel_' . $index]), false);
         $app_strings = return_application_language($grouptab_lang);
         if (empty($app_strings[$labelID]) || $app_strings[$labelID] != $labelValue) {
             $contents = return_custom_app_list_strings_file_contents($grouptab_lang);
             $new_contents = replace_or_add_app_string($labelID, $labelValue, $contents);
             save_custom_app_list_strings_contents($new_contents, $grouptab_lang);
             $languages = get_languages();
             foreach ($languages as $language => $langlabel) {
                 if ($grouptab_lang == $language) {
                 $app_strings = return_application_language($language);
                 if (!isset($app_strings[$labelID])) {
                     $contents = return_custom_app_list_strings_file_contents($language);
                     $new_contents = replace_or_add_app_string($labelID, $labelValue, $contents);
                     save_custom_app_list_strings_contents($new_contents, $language);
             $app_strings[$labelID] = $labelValue;
         $tabGroups[$labelID] = array('label' => $labelID);
         $tabGroups[$labelID]['modules'] = array();
         for ($subcount = 0; isset($params[$index . '_' . $subcount]); $subcount++) {
             $tabGroups[$labelID]['modules'][] = $params[$index . '_' . $subcount];
         $completedIndexes[$index] = true;
     // Force a rebuild of the app language
     global $current_user;
     include get_custom_file_if_exists('modules/Administration/RebuildJSLang.php');
     sugar_cache_clear('app_strings.' . $grouptab_lang);
     $newFile = create_custom_directory('include/tabConfig.php');
     write_array_to_file("GLOBALS['tabStructure']", $tabGroups, $newFile);
     $GLOBALS['tabStructure'] = $tabGroups;
 function savePageTitle()
     global $current_user;
     $pages = $current_user->getPreference('pages', $this->type);
     $json = getJSONobj();
     $newPageName = $json->decode(html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['newPageTitle']));
     $pages[$_REQUEST['pageId']]['pageTitle'] = SugarCleaner::stripTags(from_html($newPageName), false);
     $current_user->setPreference('pages', $pages, 0, $this->type);
     return to_html($pages[$_REQUEST['pageId']]['pageTitle'], ENT_QUOTES);
  * Gets all modules from the request. This is used to build the singular
  * module list for changes so that the entire list is set properly into the
  * global array after save. This is also used to get all changed modules.
  * @return array
 protected function getAllModulesFromRequest()
     // We really only want to get this once
     if (!empty($this->requestModules)) {
         return $this->requestModules;
     global $locale;
     $count = 0;
     $allModuleEntries = array();
     $results = array();
     $params = $_REQUEST;
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['dropdown_lang'])) {
         $selected_lang = $_REQUEST['dropdown_lang'];
     } else {
         $selected_lang = $locale->getAuthenticatedUserLanguage();
     $current_app_list_string = return_app_list_strings_language($selected_lang);
     while (isset($params['slot_' . $count])) {
         $index = $params['slot_' . $count];
         $key = isset($params['key_' . $index]) ? SugarCleaner::stripTags($params['key_' . $index]) : 'BLANK';
         $value = isset($params['value_' . $index]) ? SugarCleaner::stripTags($params['value_' . $index]) : '';
         $svalue = isset($params['svalue_' . $index]) ? SugarCleaner::stripTags($params['svalue_' . $index]) : $value;
         if ($key == 'BLANK') {
             $key = '';
         $key = trim($key);
         $value = trim($value);
         $svalue = trim($svalue);
         //If the module key dne then do not continue with this rename.
         if (isset($current_app_list_string['moduleList'][$key])) {
             $allModuleEntries[$key] = array('s' => $svalue, 'p' => $value);
         } else {
             $_REQUEST['delete_' . $count] = true;
     foreach ($allModuleEntries as $k => $e) {
         $svalue = $e['s'];
         $pvalue = $e['p'];
         $prev_plural = $current_app_list_string['moduleList'][$k];
         $prev_singular = isset($current_app_list_string['moduleListSingular'][$k]) ? $current_app_list_string['moduleListSingular'][$k] : $prev_plural;
         $results[$k] = array('singular' => $svalue, 'plural' => $pvalue, 'prev_singular' => $prev_singular, 'prev_plural' => $prev_plural, 'key_plural' => $k, 'key_singular' => $this->getModuleSingularKey($k), 'changed' => strcmp($prev_plural, $pvalue) != 0 || strcmp($prev_singular, $svalue) != 0);
     $this->requestModules = $results;
     return $results;
  * Takes in the request params from a save request and processes
  * them for the save.
  * @param REQUEST params  $params
 public function saveDropDown($params)
     global $locale;
     $emptyMarker = translate('LBL_BLANK');
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['dropdown_lang'])) {
         $selected_lang = $_REQUEST['dropdown_lang'];
     } else {
         $selected_lang = $locale->getAuthenticatedUserLanguage();
     $type = $_REQUEST['view_package'];
     $dropdown_name = $params['dropdown_name'];
     $json = getJSONobj();
     $list_value = str_replace('&quot;&quot;:&quot;&quot;', '&quot;__empty__&quot;:&quot;&quot;', $params['list_value']);
     //Bug 21362 ENT_QUOTES- convert single quotes to escaped single quotes.
     $temp = $json->decode(html_entity_decode(rawurldecode($list_value), ENT_QUOTES));
     $dropdown = array();
     // dropdown is received as an array of (name,value) pairs - now extract to name=>value format preserving order
     // we rely here on PHP to preserve the order of the received name=>value pairs - associative arrays in PHP are ordered
     if (is_array($temp)) {
         foreach ($temp as $item) {
             $dropdown[SugarCleaner::stripTags(from_html($item[0]), false)] = SugarCleaner::stripTags(from_html($item[1]), false);
     if (array_key_exists($emptyMarker, $dropdown)) {
         $output = array();
         foreach ($dropdown as $key => $value) {
             if ($emptyMarker === $key) {
                 $output[''] = '';
             } else {
                 $output[$key] = $value;
         $dropdown = $output;
     if ($type != 'studio') {
         $mb = new ModuleBuilder();
         $module = $mb->getPackageModule($params['view_package'], $params['view_module']);
         $this->synchMBDropDown($dropdown_name, $dropdown, $selected_lang, $module);
         //Can't use synch on selected lang as we want to overwrite values, not just keys
         $module->mblanguage->appListStrings[$selected_lang . '.lang.php'][$dropdown_name] = $dropdown;
         $module->mblanguage->save($module->key_name, false, true);
         // tyoung - key is required parameter as of
     } else {
         $contents = return_custom_app_list_strings_file_contents($selected_lang);
         $my_list_strings = return_app_list_strings_language($selected_lang);
         if ($selected_lang == $GLOBALS['current_language']) {
             $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$dropdown_name] = $dropdown;
         //write to contents
         $contents = str_replace("?>", '', $contents);
         if (empty($contents)) {
             $contents = "<?php";
         // Skip saveExemptDropdowns on upgrades
         if (empty($params['skipSaveExemptDropdowns'])) {
             $dropdown = $this->saveExemptDropdowns($dropdown, $dropdown_name, $my_list_strings, $selected_lang);
         //add new drop down to the bottom
         if (!empty($params['use_push'])) {
             //this is for handling moduleList and such where nothing should be deleted or anything but they can be renamed
             $app_list_strings = array();
             $filePath = $this->getExtensionFilePath($dropdown_name, $selected_lang);
             //Include the original extension to ensure any values sourced from it are kept.
             if (sugar_is_file($filePath)) {
                 include $filePath;
             foreach ($dropdown as $key => $value) {
                 //only if the value has changed or does not exist do we want to add it this way
                 if (!isset($my_list_strings[$dropdown_name][$key]) || strcmp($my_list_strings[$dropdown_name][$key], $value) != 0) {
                     $app_list_strings[$dropdown_name][$key] = $value;
             //Now that we have all the values, save the overrides to the extension
             if (!empty($app_list_strings[$dropdown_name])) {
                 $contents = "<?php\n //created: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n";
                 foreach ($app_list_strings[$dropdown_name] as $key => $value) {
                     $contents .= "\n\$app_list_strings['{$dropdown_name}']['{$key}']=" . var_export_helper($value) . ";";
                 $this->saveContents($dropdown_name, $contents, $selected_lang);
         } else {
             if (empty($params['skip_sync'])) {
                 // Now synch up the keys in other languages to ensure that removed/added
                 // Drop down values work properly under all langs.
                 // If skip_sync, we don't want to sync ALL languages
                 $this->synchDropDown($dropdown_name, $dropdown, $selected_lang);
             $contents = $this->getExtensionContents($dropdown_name, $dropdown);
             $this->saveContents($dropdown_name, $contents, $selected_lang);