/** * Gather information from the server, database engine, and PHP interpreter. * * @return array A list of pseudo-variables and values that will replace them in the HTML template. */ function sucuriscan_server_info() { global $wpdb; $template_variables = array('ServerInfo.Variables' => ''); $info_vars = array('Plugin_version' => SUCURISCAN_VERSION, 'Plugin_checksum' => SUCURISCAN_PLUGIN_CHECKSUM, 'Last_filesystem_scan' => SucuriScanFSScanner::get_filesystem_runtime(true), 'Datetime_and_Timezone' => '', 'Operating_system' => sprintf('%s (%d Bit)', PHP_OS, PHP_INT_SIZE * 8), 'Server' => 'Unknown', 'Developer_mode' => 'OFF', 'Memory_usage' => 'N/A', 'MySQL_version' => '0.0', 'SQL_mode' => 'Not set', 'PHP_version' => PHP_VERSION); $info_vars['Datetime_and_Timezone'] = sprintf('%s (GMT %s)', SucuriScan::current_datetime(), get_option('gmt_offset')); if (defined('WP_DEBUG') && WP_DEBUG) { $info_vars['Developer_mode'] = 'ON'; } if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { $info_vars['Memory_usage'] = round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2) . ' MB'; } if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])) { $info_vars['Server'] = SucuriScan::escape($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']); } if ($wpdb) { $info_vars['MySQL_version'] = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT VERSION() AS version'); $mysql_info = $wpdb->get_results('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "sql_mode"'); if (is_array($mysql_info) && !empty($mysql_info[0]->Value)) { $info_vars['SQL_mode'] = $mysql_info[0]->Value; } } $field_names = array('safe_mode', 'expose_php', 'allow_url_fopen', 'memory_limit', 'upload_max_filesize', 'post_max_size', 'max_execution_time', 'max_input_time'); foreach ($field_names as $php_flag) { $php_flag_value = SucuriScan::ini_get($php_flag); $php_flag_name = 'PHP_' . $php_flag; $info_vars[$php_flag_name] = $php_flag_value ? $php_flag_value : 'N/A'; } $counter = 0; foreach ($info_vars as $var_name => $var_value) { $css_class = $counter % 2 == 0 ? '' : 'alternate'; $var_name = str_replace('_', chr(32), $var_name); $template_variables['ServerInfo.Variables'] .= SucuriScanTemplate::get_snippet('infosys-serverinfo', array('ServerInfo.CssClass' => $css_class, 'ServerInfo.Title' => $var_name, 'ServerInfo.Value' => $var_value)); $counter += 1; } return SucuriScanTemplate::get_section('infosys-serverinfo', $template_variables); }
/** * Gather information from the server, database engine, and PHP interpreter. * * @return array A list of pseudo-variables and values that will replace them in the HTML template. */ function sucuriscan_server_info() { global $wpdb; $template_variables = array('ServerInfo.Variables' => ''); $info_vars = array('Plugin_version' => SUCURISCAN_VERSION, 'Plugin_checksum' => SUCURISCAN_PLUGIN_CHECKSUM, 'Last_filesystem_scan' => SucuriScanFSScanner::get_filesystem_runtime(true), 'Using_CloudProxy' => 'Unknown', 'Support_Reverse_Proxy' => 'Unknown', 'Host_Address' => 'Unknown', 'HTTP_Host' => 'Unknown', 'Host_Name' => 'Unknown', 'Site_URL' => 'Unknown', 'Top_Level_Domain' => 'Unknown', 'Remote_Address' => SucuriScan::get_remote_addr(), 'Remote_Address_Header' => SucuriScan::get_remote_addr_header(), 'Operating_system' => sprintf('%s (%d Bit)', PHP_OS, PHP_INT_SIZE * 8), 'Server' => 'Unknown', 'Developer_mode' => 'OFF', 'Memory_usage' => 'N/A', 'MySQL_version' => '0.0', 'SQL_mode' => 'Not set', 'PHP_version' => PHP_VERSION); $proxy_info = SucuriScan::is_behind_cloudproxy(true); $reverse_proxy = SucuriScan::support_reverse_proxy(); $info_vars['HTTP_Host'] = $proxy_info['http_host']; $info_vars['Host_Name'] = $proxy_info['host_name']; $info_vars['Host_Address'] = $proxy_info['host_addr']; $info_vars['Site_URL'] = SucuriScan::get_domain(); $info_vars['Top_Level_Domain'] = SucuriScan::get_domain(true); $info_vars['Using_CloudProxy'] = $proxy_info['status'] ? 'Yes' : 'No'; $info_vars['Support_Reverse_Proxy'] = $reverse_proxy ? 'Yes' : 'No'; if (defined('WP_DEBUG') && WP_DEBUG) { $info_vars['Developer_mode'] = 'ON'; } if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { $info_vars['Memory_usage'] = round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2) . ' MB'; } if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])) { $info_vars['Server'] = SucuriScan::escape($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']); } if ($wpdb) { $info_vars['MySQL_version'] = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT VERSION() AS version'); $mysql_info = $wpdb->get_results('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "sql_mode"'); if (is_array($mysql_info) && !empty($mysql_info[0]->Value)) { $info_vars['SQL_mode'] = $mysql_info[0]->Value; } } $field_names = array('safe_mode', 'expose_php', 'allow_url_fopen', 'memory_limit', 'upload_max_filesize', 'post_max_size', 'max_execution_time', 'max_input_time'); foreach ($field_names as $php_flag) { $php_flag_value = SucuriScan::ini_get($php_flag); $php_flag_name = 'PHP_' . $php_flag; $info_vars[$php_flag_name] = $php_flag_value ? $php_flag_value : 'N/A'; } $counter = 0; foreach ($info_vars as $var_name => $var_value) { $css_class = $counter % 2 == 0 ? '' : 'alternate'; $var_name = str_replace('_', chr(32), $var_name); $template_variables['ServerInfo.Variables'] .= SucuriScanTemplate::get_snippet('infosys-serverinfo', array('ServerInfo.CssClass' => $css_class, 'ServerInfo.Title' => $var_name, 'ServerInfo.Value' => $var_value)); $counter += 1; } return SucuriScanTemplate::get_section('infosys-serverinfo', $template_variables); }