 public function filter_post_text_rows($table_rows, $form, $head, $mod)
     if ($this->p->debug->enabled) {
     $schema_types = $this->p->schema->get_schema_types_select();
     // $add_none = true
     $title_max_len = $this->p->options['og_title_len'];
     $desc_max_len = $this->p->options['schema_desc_len'];
     $headline_max_len = WpssoJsonConfig::$cf['schema']['article']['headline']['max_len'];
     $org_names = array('none' => '[None]', 'site' => _x('Website', 'option value', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'));
     $perf_names = array('none' => '[None]');
     $auto_draft_msg = sprintf(__('Save a draft version or publish the %s to update this value.', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), SucomUtil::titleize($mod['post_type']));
     if (!empty($this->p->cf['plugin']['wpssoorg']) && empty($this->p->cf['plugin']['wpssoorg']['version'])) {
         $info = $this->p->cf['plugin']['wpssoorg'];
         $org_req_msg = ' <em><a href="' . $info['url']['download'] . '" target="_blank">' . sprintf(_x('%s extension required', 'option comment', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), $info['short']) . '</a></em>';
     } else {
         $org_req_msg = '';
     // javascript hide/show classes for schema type rows
     $tr_class = array('article' => $this->p->schema->get_schema_type_css_classes('article'), 'event' => $this->p->schema->get_schema_type_css_classes('event'), 'recipe' => $this->p->schema->get_schema_type_css_classes('recipe'), 'review' => $this->p->schema->get_schema_type_css_classes('review'));
     foreach (array('schema_desc', 'subsection_schema') as $key) {
         if (isset($table_rows[$key])) {
     $form_rows = array('subsection_schema' => array('td_class' => 'subsection', 'header' => 'h4', 'label' => _x('Google Structured Data / Schema Markup', 'metabox title', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld')), 'schema_title' => array('label' => _x('Schema Item Name', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_title', 'td_class' => 'blank', 'no_auto_draft' => true, 'content' => $form->get_no_input_value($this->p->webpage->get_title($title_max_len, '...', $mod), 'wide')), 'schema_desc' => array('label' => _x('Schema Description', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_desc', 'td_class' => 'blank', 'no_auto_draft' => true, 'content' => $form->get_no_textarea_value($this->p->webpage->get_description($desc_max_len, '...', $mod), '', '', $desc_max_len)), 'schema_is_main' => array('label' => _x('Main Entity of Page', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_is_main', 'td_class' => 'blank', 'content' => $form->get_no_checkbox('schema_is_main')), 'schema_type' => array('label' => _x('Schema Item Type', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_type', 'td_class' => 'blank', 'content' => $form->get_no_select('schema_type', $schema_types, 'long_name', '', true, $form->defaults['schema_type'], 'unhide_rows')), 'schema_pub_org_id' => array('tr_class' => 'schema_type ' . $tr_class['article'], 'label' => _x('Article Publisher', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_pub_org_id', 'td_class' => 'blank', 'content' => $form->get_no_select('schema_pub_org_id', $org_names, 'long_name') . $org_req_msg), 'schema_headline' => array('tr_class' => 'schema_type ' . $tr_class['article'], 'label' => _x('Article Headline', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_headline', 'td_class' => 'blank', 'no_auto_draft' => true, 'content' => $form->get_no_input_value($this->p->webpage->get_title($headline_max_len, '...', $mod), 'wide')), 'schema_event_org_id' => array('tr_class' => 'schema_type ' . $tr_class['event'], 'label' => _x('Event Organizer', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_event_org_id', 'td_class' => 'blank', 'content' => $form->get_no_select('schema_event_org_id', $org_names, 'long_name') . $org_req_msg), 'schema_event_perf_id' => array('tr_class' => 'schema_type ' . $tr_class['event'], 'label' => _x('Event Performer', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_event_perf_id', 'td_class' => 'blank', 'content' => $form->get_no_select('schema_event_perf_id', $perf_names, 'long_name') . $org_req_msg), 'schema_recipe_prep_time' => array('tr_class' => 'schema_type ' . $tr_class['recipe'], 'label' => _x('Recipe Preperation Time', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_recipe_prep_time', 'content' => $form->get_no_input_value('0', 'short') . ' days, ' . $form->get_no_input_value('0', 'short') . ' hours, ' . $form->get_no_input_value('0', 'short') . ' mins, ' . $form->get_no_input_value('0', 'short') . ' secs'), 'schema_recipe_cook_time' => array('tr_class' => 'schema_type ' . $tr_class['recipe'], 'label' => _x('Recipe Cooking Time', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_recipe_cook_time', 'content' => $form->get_no_input_value('0', 'short') . ' days, ' . $form->get_no_input_value('0', 'short') . ' hours, ' . $form->get_no_input_value('0', 'short') . ' mins, ' . $form->get_no_input_value('0', 'short') . ' secs'), 'schema_recipe_total_time' => array('tr_class' => 'schema_type ' . $tr_class['recipe'], 'label' => _x('Recipe Total Time', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_recipe_total_time', 'content' => $form->get_no_input_value('0', 'short') . ' days, ' . $form->get_no_input_value('0', 'short') . ' hours, ' . $form->get_no_input_value('0', 'short') . ' mins, ' . $form->get_no_input_value('0', 'short') . ' secs'), 'schema_recipe_calories' => array('tr_class' => 'schema_type ' . $tr_class['recipe'], 'label' => _x('Recipe Total Calories', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_recipe_calories', 'content' => $form->get_no_input_value('', 'medium')), 'schema_recipe_yield' => array('tr_class' => 'schema_type ' . $tr_class['recipe'], 'label' => _x('Recipe Quantity', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_recipe_yield', 'content' => $form->get_no_input_value('', 'long_name')), 'schema_recipe_ingredients' => array('tr_class' => 'schema_type ' . $tr_class['recipe'], 'label' => _x('Recipe Ingredients', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_recipe_ingredients', 'content' => $form->get_no_input_value('', 'long_name')), 'schema_review_item_type' => array('tr_class' => 'schema_type ' . $tr_class['review'], 'label' => _x('Reviewed Item Type', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_review_item_type', 'td_class' => 'blank', 'content' => $form->get_no_select('schema_review_item_type', $schema_types, 'long_name')), 'schema_review_item_url' => array('tr_class' => 'schema_type ' . $tr_class['review'], 'label' => _x('Reviewed Item URL', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_review_item_url', 'td_class' => 'blank', 'content' => $form->get_no_input_value('', 'wide')), 'schema_review_rating' => array('tr_class' => 'schema_type ' . $tr_class['review'], 'label' => _x('Reviewed Item Rating', 'option label', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld'), 'th_class' => 'medium', 'tooltip' => 'meta-schema_review_rating', 'td_class' => 'blank', 'content' => $form->get_no_input_value($form->defaults['schema_review_rating'], 'short') . ' ' . _x('from', 'option comment', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld') . ' ' . $form->get_no_input_value($form->defaults['schema_review_rating_from'], 'short') . ' ' . _x('to', 'option comment', 'wpsso-schema-json-ld') . ' ' . $form->get_no_input_value($form->defaults['schema_review_rating_to'], 'short')));
     $table_rows = $form->get_md_form_rows($table_rows, $form_rows, $head, $mod, $auto_draft_msg);
     return SucomUtil::get_after_key($table_rows, 'subsection_schema', '', '<td colspan="2">' . $this->p->msgs->get('pro-feature-msg', array('lca' => 'wpssojson')) . '</td>');