  * new user, create him - making sure the login is unique by adding a number if needed
  * @param array $uinfo user info received from the oAuth service
  * @param string $servicename
  * @return bool
 protected function addUser(&$uinfo, $servicename)
     global $conf;
     $user = $uinfo['user'];
     $count = '';
     while ($this->getUserData($user . $count)) {
         if ($count) {
         } else {
             $count = 1;
     $user = $user . $count;
     $uinfo['user'] = $user;
     $groups_on_creation = array();
     $groups_on_creation[] = $conf['defaultgroup'];
     $groups_on_creation[] = $this->cleanGroup($servicename);
     // add service as group
     $uinfo['grps'] = array_merge((array) $uinfo['grps'], $groups_on_creation);
     $ok = $this->triggerUserMod('create', array($user, auth_pwgen($user), $uinfo['name'], $uinfo['mail'], $groups_on_creation));
     if (!$ok) {
         return false;
     // send notification about the new user
     $subscription = new Subscription();
     $subscription->send_register($user, $uinfo['name'], $uinfo['mail']);
     return true;
 * Register a new user
 * This registers a new user - Data is read directly from $_POST
 * @author  Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
 * @return bool  true on success, false on any error
function register()
    global $lang;
    global $conf;
    /* @var DokuWiki_Auth_Plugin $auth */
    global $auth;
    global $INPUT;
    if (!$INPUT->post->bool('save')) {
        return false;
    if (!actionOK('register')) {
        return false;
    // gather input
    $login = trim($auth->cleanUser($INPUT->post->str('login')));
    $fullname = trim(preg_replace('/[\\x00-\\x1f:<>&%,;]+/', '', $INPUT->post->str('fullname')));
    $email = trim(preg_replace('/[\\x00-\\x1f:<>&%,;]+/', '', $INPUT->post->str('email')));
    $pass = $INPUT->post->str('pass');
    $passchk = $INPUT->post->str('passchk');
    if (empty($login) || empty($fullname) || empty($email)) {
        msg($lang['regmissing'], -1);
        return false;
    if ($conf['autopasswd']) {
        $pass = auth_pwgen($login);
        // automatically generate password
    } elseif (empty($pass) || empty($passchk)) {
        msg($lang['regmissing'], -1);
        // complain about missing passwords
        return false;
    } elseif ($pass != $passchk) {
        msg($lang['regbadpass'], -1);
        // complain about misspelled passwords
        return false;
    //check mail
    if (!mail_isvalid($email)) {
        msg($lang['regbadmail'], -1);
        return false;
    //okay try to create the user
    if (!$auth->triggerUserMod('create', array($login, $pass, $fullname, $email))) {
        msg($lang['reguexists'], -1);
        return false;
    // send notification about the new user
    $subscription = new Subscription();
    $subscription->send_register($login, $fullname, $email);
    // are we done?
    if (!$conf['autopasswd']) {
        msg($lang['regsuccess2'], 1);
        return true;
    // autogenerated password? then send password to user
    if (auth_sendPassword($login, $pass)) {
        msg($lang['regsuccess'], 1);
        return true;
    } else {
        msg($lang['regmailfail'], -1);
        return false;
  * Handle the login
  * This either trusts the session data (if any), processes the second oAuth step or simply
  * executes a normal plugin against local users.
  * @param string $user
  * @param string $pass
  * @param bool   $sticky
  * @return bool
 function trustExternal($user, $pass, $sticky = false)
     global $conf;
     global $USERINFO;
     // are we in login progress?
     if (isset($_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['oauth-inprogress'])) {
         $servicename = $_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['oauth-inprogress']['service'];
         $page = $_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['oauth-inprogress']['id'];
     // check session for existing oAuth login data
     $session = $_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['auth'];
     if (!isset($servicename) && isset($session['oauth'])) {
         $servicename = $session['oauth'];
         // check if session data is still considered valid
         if ($session['time'] >= time() - $conf['auth_security_timeout'] && $session['buid'] == auth_browseruid()) {
             $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = $session['user'];
             $USERINFO = $session['info'];
             return true;
     // either we're in oauth login or a previous log needs to be rechecked
     if (isset($servicename)) {
         /** @var helper_plugin_oauth $hlp */
         $hlp = plugin_load('helper', 'oauth');
         $service = $hlp->loadService($servicename);
         if (is_null($service)) {
             return false;
         if ($service->checkToken()) {
             $uinfo = $service->getUser();
             $uinfo['user'] = $this->cleanUser((string) $uinfo['user']);
             if (!$uinfo['name']) {
                 $uinfo['name'] = $uinfo['user'];
             if (!$uinfo['user'] || !$uinfo['mail']) {
                 msg("{$servicename} did not provide the needed user info. Can't log you in", -1);
                 return false;
             // see if the user is known already
             $user = $this->getUserByEmail($uinfo['mail']);
             if ($user) {
                 $sinfo = $this->getUserData($user);
                 // check if the user allowed access via this service
                 if (!in_array($this->cleanGroup($servicename), $sinfo['grps'])) {
                     msg(sprintf($this->getLang('authnotenabled'), $servicename), -1);
                     return false;
                 $uinfo['user'] = $user;
                 $uinfo['name'] = $sinfo['name'];
                 $uinfo['grps'] = array_merge((array) $uinfo['grps'], $sinfo['grps']);
             } else {
                 // new user, create him - making sure the login is unique by adding a number if needed
                 $user = $uinfo['user'];
                 $count = '';
                 while ($this->getUserData($user . $count)) {
                     if ($count) {
                     } else {
                         $count = 1;
                 $user = $user . $count;
                 $uinfo['user'] = $user;
                 $groups_on_creation = array();
                 $groups_on_creation[] = $conf['defaultgroup'];
                 $groups_on_creation[] = $this->cleanGroup($servicename);
                 // add service as group
                 $uinfo['grps'] = array_merge((array) $uinfo['grps'], $groups_on_creation);
                 $ok = $this->triggerUserMod('create', array($user, auth_pwgen($user), $uinfo['name'], $uinfo['mail'], $groups_on_creation));
                 if (!$ok) {
                     msg('something went wrong creating your user account. please try again later.', -1);
                     return false;
                 // send notification about the new user
                 $subscription = new Subscription();
                 $subscription->send_register($user, $uinfo['name'], $uinfo['mail']);
             // set user session
             $this->setUserSession($uinfo, $servicename);
             $cookie = base64_encode($user) . '|' . (int) $sticky . '|' . base64_encode('oauth') . '|' . base64_encode($servicename);
             $cookieDir = empty($conf['cookiedir']) ? DOKU_REL : $conf['cookiedir'];
             $time = $sticky ? time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 : 0;
             setcookie(DOKU_COOKIE, $cookie, $time, $cookieDir, '', $conf['securecookie'] && is_ssl(), true);
             if (isset($page)) {
             return true;
         } else {
         return false;
         // something went wrong during oAuth login
     } elseif (isset($_COOKIE[DOKU_COOKIE])) {
         global $INPUT;
         //try cookie
         list($cookieuser, $cookiesticky, $auth, $servicename) = explode('|', $_COOKIE[DOKU_COOKIE]);
         $cookieuser = base64_decode($cookieuser, true);
         $auth = base64_decode($auth, true);
         $servicename = base64_decode($servicename, true);
         if ($auth === 'oauth') {
     // do the "normal" plain auth login via form
     return auth_login($user, $pass, $sticky);