 public function run($arg)
     //        $last_working = Yii::app()->setting->getItem('last_working');
     //        if(!empty($last_working))
     //        {
     //            $timestampNext = strtotime(ActiveRecord::timeCalMinutes(-10));
     //            if(strtotime($last_working) > $timestampNext)
     //            {
     ////                Yii::log(strtotime($last_working), 'error', 'NewsletterCommand.run');
     ////                Yii::log($timestampNext, 'error', 'NewsletterCommand.run');
     //                echo 'waiting because last working is nearly';
     //                return;
     //            }
     //        }
     $member = Users::model()->findAll('role_id = ' . ROLE_MEMBER);
     if (count($member) > 0) {
         foreach ($member as $item) {
             $email = Subscriber::model()->find('email ="' . $item->email . '"');
             if (count($email) == 0) {
                 $subcribe = new Subscriber();
                 $subcribe->email = $item->email;
                 $subcribe->name = $item->username;
                 $subcribe->subscriber_group_id = GROUP_MEMBER;
     //Yii::app()->setting->setDbItem('last_working', date('Y-m-d h:i:s'));
 public function submitPlus(DataContainer $dc)
     $subscriber = new Subscriber($dc->activeRecord->email);
     $cid = $dc->activeRecord->pid;
     $time = time();
     // set active
     if ($dc->activeRecord->active == 1) {
         $subscriber->activated = $time;
         $subscriber->deactivated = '';
     } else {
         $subscriber->deactivated = $time;
     if ($this->isCRActive($cid)) {
         // new record - added manually --> call add() method
         if (!$dc->activeRecord->addedOn && !$dc->activeRecord->tstamp) {
             $subscriber->registered = $time;
         // existing record - call update() method
         if ($dc->activeRecord->tstamp) {
 public function createNewUser($userId, $arrData)
     $arrNewsletters = deserialize($arrData['newsletter'], true);
     // Return if there are no newsletters
     if (!is_array($arrNewsletters)) {
     $time = time();
     // Add recipients
     foreach ($arrNewsletters as $intNewsletter) {
         $intNewsletter = intval($intNewsletter);
         if ($intNewsletter < 1) {
         $objRecipient = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM tl_newsletter_recipients WHERE pid=? AND email=?")->execute($intNewsletter, $arrData['email']);
         if ($objRecipient->total < 1) {
             $subscriber = new Subscriber($arrData['email']);
             $subscriber->tstamp = $time;
             $subscriber->salutation = $arrData['gender'];
             $subscriber->firstname = $arrData['firstname'];
             $subscriber->lastname = $arrData['lastname'];
             $subscriber->company = $arrData['company'];
             $subscriber->addedOn = $time;
             $subscriber->ip = $this->anonymizeIp($this->Environment->ip);
             $subscriber->pid = $intNewsletter;
             $subscriber->active = '';
             $subscriber->token = '';
             // account will get activated by registration token from registration E-Mail
             $subscriber->registered = $time;
  * @magentoDataFixture Magento/Newsletter/_files/subscribers.php
  * @magentoAppArea     frontend
 public function testUnsubscribeSubscribeByCustomerId()
     // Unsubscribe and verify
     $this->assertSame($this->_model, $this->_model->unsubscribeCustomerById(1));
     $this->assertEquals(Subscriber::STATUS_UNSUBSCRIBED, $this->_model->getSubscriberStatus());
     // Subscribe and verify
     $this->assertSame($this->_model, $this->_model->subscribeCustomerById(1));
     $this->assertEquals(Subscriber::STATUS_SUBSCRIBED, $this->_model->getSubscriberStatus());
 public static function replaceCustomFieldValues($string, Subscriber $subscriber)
     $name = $subscriber->getName();
     $string = str_replace("[!name!]", $name, $string);
     $values = $subscriber->getCustomFieldValuesByLabels();
     foreach ($values as $name => $value) {
         $string = str_replace("[!{$name}!]", $value, $string);
     return $string;
function _wpr_process_sendmail_parameters($sid, $params, $footerMessage = "")
    global $wpdb;
    $subscriber = new Subscriber($sid);
    $newsletter = _wpr_newsletter_get($subscriber->getNewsletterId());
    //if the fromname field is set in the newsletter, then use that value otherwise use the blog name.
    $fromname = !empty($params['fromname']) ? $params['fromname'] : !empty($newsletter->fromname) ? $newsletter->fromname : get_bloginfo("name");
    if ($newsletter->reply_to) {
        $replyto = $newsletter->reply_to;
    $unsuburl = wpr_get_unsubscription_url($sid);
    $subject = $params['subject'];
    $address = get_option("wpr_address");
    $textUnSubMessage = "\n\n{$address}\n\n" . __("To unsubscribe or change subscription options visit", 'wpr_autoresponder') . ":\r\n\r\n{$unsuburl}";
    $reply_to = $newsletter->reply_to;
    $htmlbody = trim($params['htmlbody']);
    $textbody = $params['textbody'];
    $subject = $params['subject'];
    //append the address and the unsub link to the email
    $address = "<br>\n<br>\n" . nl2br(get_option("wpr_address")) . "<br>\n<br>\n";
    $htmlUnSubscribeMessage = "<br><br>" . $address . "<br><br>" . __("To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:", 'wpr_autoresponder') . "<br />\n\r\n <a href=\"{$unsuburl}\">{$unsuburl}</a>";
    $htmlenabled = $params['htmlenabled'] ? 1 : 0;
    if (!empty($htmlbody)) {
        if ($footerMessage && !empty($htmlbody)) {
            $htmlbody .= nl2br($footerMessage) . "<br>\n<br>\n";
        if (strstr($htmlbody, "[!unsubscribe!]")) {
            $htmlbody = str_replace("[!unsubscribe!]", $unsuburl, $htmlbody);
        } else {
            $htmlbody .= $htmlUnSubscribeMessage;
    if ($footerMessage) {
        $params['textbody'] .= $footerMessage . "\n\n";
    if (strstr($params['textbody'], "[!unsubscribe!]")) {
        $textbody = str_replace("[!unsubscribe!]", $unsuburl, $textbody);
    } else {
        $textbody = $params['textbody'] . $textUnSubMessage;
    $textbody = addslashes($textbody);
    $htmlbody = addslashes($htmlbody);
    $subject = addslashes($subject);
    $time = time();
    $subject = str_replace("[!name!]", $subscriber->getName(), $subject);
    $textbody = str_replace("[!name!]", $subscriber->getName(), $textbody);
    $htmlbody = str_replace("[!name!]", $subscriber->getName(), $htmlbody);
    $delivery_type = !empty($params['delivery_type']) ? $params['delivery_type'] : 0;
    $email_type = !empty($params['email_type']) ? $params['email_type'] : 'misc';
    $meta_key = !empty($params['meta_key']) ? $params['meta_key'] : "Misc-{$sid}-{$time}";
    $hash = make_hash(array_merge(array('sid' => $sid), $params));
    $from = !empty($params['fromemail']) ? $params['fromemail'] : !empty($newsletter->fromemail) ? $newsletter->fromemail : get_bloginfo('admin_email');
    $parameters = array('from' => $from, 'fromname' => $fromname, 'to' => $subscriber->email, 'reply_to' => $reply_to, 'subject' => $subject, 'htmlbody' => $htmlbody, 'textbody' => $textbody, 'headers' => '', 'htmlenabled' => $htmlenabled, 'delivery_type' => $delivery_type, 'email_type' => $email_type, 'meta_key' => $meta_key, 'hash' => $hash);
    return $parameters;
 public function actionSend($id)
     $model = $this->loadModel($id);
     if (isset($_POST['Massmail'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Massmail'];
         if (empty($model->groups)) {
             $mailList = Subscriber::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'confirmed=1 AND enabled=1'));
         } else {
             $mailList = Subscriber::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'FIND_IN_SET(' . $model->groups . ', groups)>0 AND confirmed=1 AND enabled=1'));
         $bccList = null;
         $total = array_filter($mailList);
         if (!empty($total)) {
             //get email lists
             foreach ($mailList as $values) {
                 $bccList .= $values['email'] . ',';
             //send mail
             $to = Yii::app()->params['adminEmail'];
             $subject = $model->subject;
             $message = $model->message_body;
             $fromName = Yii::app()->params['Companyname'];
             $fromMail = Yii::app()->params['adminEmail'];
             Massmail::sendMail($to, $subject, $message, $fromName, $fromMail, $bccList);
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', 'Mail has been sent successfully!');
         } else {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', 'No subscriber found in this group!');
     $this->render('send', array('model' => $model));
 public static function newInstance()
     if (!self::$instance instanceof self) {
         self::$instance = new self();
     return self::$instance;
 public function getRecharge()
     $accounts = Subscriber::where('is_admin', 0)->where(function ($query) {
         $query->where('plan_type', PREPAID_PLAN)->orWhere('plan_type', FREE_PLAN);
     })->orderby('uname')->lists('uname', 'id');
     return View::make('admin.refill_coupons.recharge')->with('accounts', $accounts);
  * Send an email with an activation link to verify the subscriber is the owner of the email address.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws Exception
  * @return bool
 protected function sendActivationMail(Subscriber $subscriber)
     try {
         $from = sfNewsletterPluginConfiguration::getFromEmail();
         $mailer = new Swift(new Swift_Connection_NativeMail());
         $message = new Swift_Message(sfConfig::get('sf_newsletter_plugin_activation_mail_subject', 'Newsletter Subscription'), $this->getPartial('activation_mail', array('subscriber' => $subscriber)), 'text/html');
         $sent = $mailer->send($message, $subscriber->getEmail(), $from);
         return $sent === 1;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (!empty($mailer)) {
         throw $e;
  * @param bool $refresh
  * @return Channel[]
 public function getChannels($refresh = false)
     if ($this->_channels && !$refresh) {
         return $this->_channels;
     return $this->_channels = $this->getDbDriver()->findByAttributes(array('subscriber_id' => $this->id), Subscriber::model());
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker::create();
     foreach (range(1, 30) as $index) {
         $created = $faker->dateTimeThisYear;
         Subscriber::create(array('subscriberName' => $faker->name, 'subscriberEmail' => $faker->email, 'created_at' => $created));
 public function saveData($aSubscriberData)
     $oSubscriber = SubscriberQuery::create()->findPk($this->iSubscriberId);
     if ($oSubscriber === null) {
         $oSubscriber = new Subscriber();
     $this->validate($aSubscriberData, $oSubscriber);
     if (!Flash::noErrors()) {
         throw new ValidationException();
     // Subscriptions
     foreach ($oSubscriber->getSubscriberGroupMemberships() as $oSubscriberGroupMembership) {
     $aSubscriptions = isset($aSubscriberData['subscriber_group_ids']) ? $aSubscriberData['subscriber_group_ids'] : array();
     foreach ($aSubscriptions as $iSubscriberGroupId) {
         $oSubscriberGroupMembership = new SubscriberGroupMembership();
     return $oSubscriber->save();
  * Get matched users with limit 10
  * @param string $qry
  * @return array
 public function find($qry, $catid, $tid)
     $cid = (int) $catid;
     $tid = (int) $tid;
     $selector = '';
     if ($cid) {
         $selector = ', MAX(p.granted) AS allowed';
     $users = \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_users AS u');
     $users->select(\DB::raw('u.id, u.username, u.avatar' . $selector))->where('u.username', 'LIKE', "{$qry}%")->where('u.mail', '<>', 'anonymous@localhost');
     if ($cid) {
         $users->leftJoin(PREFIX . 'codo_user_roles AS r', 'r.uid', '=', 'u.id')->leftJoin(PREFIX . 'codo_permissions AS p', function ($join) use($cid) {
             $join->on('p.permission', '=', \DB::raw('\'view all topics\''))->on('p.rid', '=', 'r.rid')->on('p.cid', '=', \DB::raw($cid))->on('p.tid', '=', \DB::raw(0));
     $users = $users->take(10)->get();
     $type = '';
     if ($cid) {
         $type = 'new_topic';
     if ($tid) {
         $type = 'new_reply';
     $mutedIds = array();
     if ($type != '' && count($users)) {
         $uids = array_column($users, 'id');
         $subscriber = new Subscriber();
         $mutedIds = $subscriber->mutedOf($type, $cid, $tid, $uids);
     $_users = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $_users[$i]["username"] = $user['username'];
         $_users[$i]["avatar"] = \CODOF\Util::get_avatar_path($user['avatar'], $user['id'], false);
         if ($cid) {
             //if $cid is not provided can't say whether user is mentionable or not
             $notMentionable = in_array($user['id'], $mutedIds) || $user['allowed'] === 0;
             $_users[$i]["mentionable"] = !$notMentionable ? 'yes' : 'no';
             //better for js -> y/n
     return $_users;
function print_form($post_data, $errors)
    $sub = new Subscriber();
    try {
        $msisdn = $_GET['id'];
    } catch (SubscriberException $e) {
        echo "<img src='img/false.png' width='200' height='170' /><br/><br/>";
        echo "<span style='font-size: 20px; color: red;'>" . _("ERROR GETTING SUBSCRIBER INFO!") . "<br/> " . $e->getMessage() . " </span><br/><br/><br/><br/>";
        echo "<a href='#' onclick=\"parent.jQuery.fancybox.close()\"><button class='b1'>" . _("Close") . "</button></a>";
			<div id="stylized" class="myform">
				<form id="form" name="form" method="post" action="subscriber_delete.php">
    echo _("Delete Subscriber");

				<input type="hidden" name="msisdn" value="<?php 
    echo $sub->msisdn;
" />

    echo _("Confirm deletion of");
    echo $sub->name;
    echo $sub->msisdn;

				<button type="submit" name="delete_subscriber"><?php 
    echo _("Delete");
				<div class="spacer"></div>
 public function unsubscribe($id)
     $subscriber = Subscriber::find((int) $id);
     if ($subscriber) {
         $subscriber->active = 0;
         $configs = Setting::getSiteSettings();
         return View::make('frontend.unsubscribe', ['subscriber' => $subscriber, 'configs' => $configs]);
     } else {
         echo 'User not found.';
 public function doApplySubscriber()
     $validator = Validator::make(array('email' => trim(Input::get('email'))), array('email' => 'required|email|min:6|max:32'));
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Response::json(array('status' => false));
     $existed = Subscriber::where('email', trim(Input::get('email')))->first();
     if ($existed) {
         return Response::json(array('status' => false, 'exist' => true));
     Subscriber::create(array('email' => trim(Input::get('email'))));
     return Response::json(array('status' => true));
 public function send_email($dummy)
     $rules = array('from_name' => 'required|max:128', 'from_email' => 'required|email|max:255', 'subject' => 'required|max:128', 'emailbody' => 'required');
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Response::json(array('validation' => $validator->messages()->toArray()));
     } else {
         $from_name = Input::get('from_name');
         $from_email = Input::get('from_email');
         $selected = Input::get('to');
         $subject = Input::get('subject');
         $emailbody = Input::get('emailbody');
         $from = $from_name . ' (' . $from_email . ')';
         $recipients = Subscriber::whereIn('email', $selected)->where('active', '=', 1)->get();
         $email = new Email();
         $email->from = $from;
         $email->subject = $subject;
         $email->message = $emailbody;
         $email_id = $email->id;
         $numrecipients = $recipients->count();
         $numsent = 0;
         foreach ($recipients as $key => $recipient) {
             $tracker = new Tracker();
             $tracker->subscriber_id = $recipient->id;
             $tracker->email_id = $email_id;
             $tracker_id = $tracker->id;
             $tracker_url = URL::to('tracker/' . $tracker_id);
             $unsubscriber_url = URL::to('unsubscribe/' . $tracker_id);
             $subscriber = $recipient;
             $data = array('emailbody' => $emailbody, 'tracker' => $tracker_url, 'unsubscribe' => $unsubscriber_url, 'subscriber' => $subscriber);
             $to_email = $subscriber->email;
             $to_name = $subscriber->first_name . ' ' . $subscriber->last_name;
             $issent = Mail::send('emails.sub-emails', $data, function ($message) use($from_email, $from_name, $to_email, $to_name, $subject) {
                 $message->from($from_email, $from_name)->to($to_email, $to_name)->subject($subject);
             if ($issent) {
                 $numsent += 1;
             } else {
                 $tracker->bounced = 1;
         if ($numsent == $numrecipients) {
             return Response::json(array('success' => 'Your email was successfully sent to <b>' . $numsent . '</b> subscribers out of the ' . $numrecipients . ' subscribers you selected. <b>Rejoice!</b>'));
         } else {
             return Response::json(array('success' => 'Your email was successfully sent to <b>' . $numsent . '</b> subscribers out of the ' . $numrecipients . 'All bounces have been logged.'));
 protected function doJob($arg)
     $models = Newsletter::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 't.remain_subscribers IS NOT NULL AND length(t.remain_subscribers) > 0 AND t.send_time <= NOW()', 'order' => 't.id ASC'));
     foreach ($models as $model) {
         $mail_models = ProNewsletterMail::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 't.newsletter_id = ' . $model->id, 'order' => 't.id ASC'));
         if (count($mail_models)) {
             $receivers = explode(',', $model->remain_subscribers);
             $subscriber_count = 0;
             foreach ($mail_models as $key => $k) {
                 $revei = array_shift($receivers);
                 // need update this field
                 $s = Subscriber::model()->getSubscriberByEmail($k->email);
                 if (empty($s)) {
                 if ($s) {
                     if ($s->status == 0) {
                 // add by Nguyen Dung
                 $url = Yii::app()->setting->getItem('server_name') . '/site/track_newsletter?newsletter_id=' . $model->id . '&subscriber_email=' . $s->email;
                 $img_track_read_email = '<img src="' . $url . '" alt="" height="1" width="1"/>';
                 $r = array('subject' => $model->subject, 'params' => array('content' => $model->content . $img_track_read_email, 'newsletterName' => Yii::app()->params['title'], 'unsubscribe' => Yii::app()->setting->getItem('server_name') . '/site/unsubscribe?id=' . $s->id . '&code=' . md5($s->id . $s->email)), 'view' => 'newsletter', 'to' => $s->email, 'from' => Yii::app()->params['autoEmail']);
                 $this->data[] = $r;
                 //Delete record in newsletter mail
                 //count subscriber is served for current newsletter job
                 //count email is sent for current cron job
                 if ($this->index >= $this->max) {
             $model->total_sent = $model->total_sent + $subscriber_count;
             // track amount mail sent
             $model->remain_subscribers = implode(',', $receivers);
             $model->update(array('remain_subscribers', 'total_sent'));
     //when sent all subscriber of a newsletter job but the
     //        if($this->index < $this->max)
     //            $this->doJob($arg);
 public function postSelfRegister()
     $input = Input::only('uname', 'pword', 'pword_confirmation', 'status', 'fname', 'lname', 'email', 'address', 'contact');
     $rules = Config::get('validations.accounts');
     $rules['uname'][] = 'unique:user_accounts';
     $rules['pword'][] = 'confirmed';
     $v = Validator::make($input, $rules);
     if ($v->fails()) {
         return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($v);
     $input['plan_type'] = PREPAID_PLAN;
     $input['clear_pword'] = $input['pword'];
     $input['pword'] = Hash::make($input['pword']);
     $input['is_admin'] = 0;
     if (Subscriber::create($input)) {
         Session::flash('success', 'succeed');
     return Redirect::back();
 /** addSubscibers()
  * @param array of email addresses to be added, if they don't exist
  * @param string number of target subscriber group
  * description:
  * • subscribers are added if they don't exist
  * • subscriber_group_membership is added if it does'nt exist
  * @return array of integer received all / actually added
 public function addSubscibers($aSubscribers, $mTargetSubscriberGroup)
     $sSubscribers = '';
     $aTargetSubscriberGroups = is_array($mTargetSubscriberGroup) ? $mTargetSubscriberGroup : array($mTargetSubscriberGroup);
     // If is string the addresses have not been processed and validated by js
     if (is_string($aSubscribers)) {
         // preg_match_all, use
         $sSubscribers = trim($aSubscribers);
         $aSubscribers = array();
         $sSubscribers = preg_replace_callback('/' . Flash::$EMAIL_CHECK_PATTERN . '/', function ($aMatches) use(&$aSubscribers) {
             $aSubscribers[] = $aMatches[0];
             return '';
         }, $sSubscribers);
     $aSubscribers = array_unique($aSubscribers);
     $iCountAll = count($aSubscribers);
     $iMembershipsAdded = 0;
     // Always create temporary groups with all imported subscribers
     $oSubscriberGroup = new SubscriberGroup();
     $oSubscriberGroup->setName(self::GENERATED_PREFIX . date('Ymd-Hs'));
     array_push($aTargetSubscriberGroups, $oSubscriberGroup->getId());
     foreach ($aSubscribers as $sEmail) {
         $oSubscriber = SubscriberQuery::create()->filterByEmail($sEmail)->findOne();
         // Create new if subscriber does not exist and email is correct
         if ($oSubscriber === null) {
             $oSubscriber = new Subscriber();
         // Add subscriber_group_membership if it does not exists
         // @todo check change jm > handle multiple groups including generated one
         // Please check meaning and function of counting new subscriptions, only one is counted per subsriber $iMembershipsAdded
         $bHasMemberShip = false;
         foreach ($aTargetSubscriberGroups as $iSubscriberGroupId) {
             if (!$oSubscriber->hasSubscriberGroupMembership($iSubscriberGroupId)) {
                 $bHasMemberShip = true;
                 $oSubscriberGroupMembership = new SubscriberGroupMembership();
         if ($bHasMemberShip) {
     return array('all' => $iCountAll, 'added' => $iMembershipsAdded, 'text' => $sSubscribers);
 //            $this->render('admin_user/myprofile',
 //                array('model'=>$mUser)
 //            );
 //        } catch (Exception $exc) {
 //            echo $exc->getMessage();
 //        }
 //    }
  * <Jason>
  * <My profile of normal user>
 public function actionMyprofile()
     try {
         if (Yii::app()->user->role_id == ROLE_AGENT) {
         $this->pageTitle = 'My Profile - ' . Yii::app()->params['title'];
         $this->layout = 'application.views.layouts.layout_user';
         $mUser = Users::model()->findByPk(Yii::app()->user->id);
         $mUser->scenario = 'myprofile';
         if (isset($_POST['Users'])) {
             $mUser->attributes = $_POST['Users'];
             if ($mUser->validate()) {
                 if ($_POST['Users']['newpassword'] != null && $_POST['Users']['password_confirm'] != null) {
                     if ($mUser->password_hash == md5($_POST['Users']['newpassword'])) {
                         $mUser->addError('newpassword', 'New password cannot be duplicate with current password.');
                     } else {
                         $mUser->password_hash = md5(trim($_POST['Users']['newpassword']));
                         $mUser->temp_password = $_POST['Users']['newpassword'];
                 if (!$mUser->getErrors()) {
                     $mUser->is_subscriber = $_POST['Users']['is_subscriber'];
                     if ($mUser->is_subscriber) {
                     } else {
                     if ($mUser->save('title', 'first_name', 'password_hash', 'temp_password', 'last_name', 'phone', 'country_id', 'address', 'address2', 'postal_code', 'issubcriber')) {
                         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', "My Profile has changed!");
 public function actionSynchronize()
     $idNameGroup = array();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $mSubG = SubscriberGroup::model()->findAll($criteria);
     if (count($mSubG) > 0) {
         foreach ($mSubG as $i) {
             $idNameGroup[$i->id] = $i->name;
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->addCondition('subscriber_group_id = 1 OR subscriber_group_id = 2');
     $mSubscriber = Subscriber::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $test = array();
     if (count($mSubscriber) > 0) {
         Yii::import('ext.MailChimp.MailChimp', true);
         foreach ($mSubscriber as $item) {
             $mailChimp = new MailChimp();
             //                    $mailChimp->removeSubscriber('*****@*****.**');
             //                    die;
             $sGroupName = Yii::app()->params['mailchimp_title_groups'];
             $sGroup = strtolower($idNameGroup[$item->subscriber_group_id]);
             $merge_vars = array('GROUPINGS' => array(array('name' => $sGroupName, 'groups' => $sGroup)));
             if ($item->status == 1) {
                 //                        echo '<pre>';
                 //echo print_r($merge_vars);
                 //echo '</pre>';
                 //echo $item->email;
                 $test[] = $mailChimp->addSubscriber($item->email, $merge_vars);
             } else {
     Yii::app()->user->setFlash('mailchimp', "Synchronize Mailling list successfully!");
 public function buildListSubscriberAdd($mNewsletter)
     $newsletter_id = $mNewsletter->id;
     $send_time = $mNewsletter->send_time;
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->compare('t.status', 1);
     $listIdSubsciber = '';
     $totalSubscriber = 0;
     // if not select group => we get all subscriber => don't exist
     if (!isset($_POST['Newsletter']['newsletter_group_subscriber']) || count($_POST['Newsletter']['newsletter_group_subscriber']) < 1) {
         $subscribers = Subscriber::model()->findAll($criteria);
         foreach ($subscribers as $s) {
             $listIdSubsciber .= $s->id . ',';
         $totalSubscriber = count($subscribers);
     } else {
         // if select group => we get all subscriber of this group
         $criteria->addInCondition('t.subscriber_group_id', $_POST['Newsletter']['newsletter_group_subscriber']);
         $subscribers = Subscriber::model()->findAll($criteria);
         $aRowInsert = array();
         $tableName = ProNewsletterMail::model()->tableName();
         foreach ($subscribers as $s) {
             $listIdSubsciber .= $s->id . ',';
             $new_model = new ProNewsletterMail();
             $new_model->name = $s->name;
             $new_model->email = $s->email;
             $new_model->subscriber_group_id = $s->subscriber_group_id;
             $new_model->newsletter_id = $newsletter_id;
             $new_model->send_time = $send_time;
             $aRowInsert[] = "('{$new_model->name}',\n                                     '{$new_model->email}',\n                                     '{$new_model->subscriber_group_id}',\n                                     '{$new_model->newsletter_id}',\n                                     '{$new_model->send_time}'\n                                     )";
         $totalSubscriber = count($subscribers);
         if (count($aRowInsert)) {
             $sql = "insert into {$tableName} (name,\n                                                email,\n                                                subscriber_group_id,\n                                                newsletter_id,\n                                                send_time\n                                                ) values " . implode(',', $aRowInsert);
     return array('listIdSubsciber' => $listIdSubsciber, 'totalSubscriber' => $totalSubscriber);
 public function postChangePassword()
     $input = Input::all();
     $admin = Subscriber::findOrFail(Auth::user()->id)->first();
     if (!Hash::check($input['current'], $admin->pword)) {
         $this->notifyError("Invalid Current Password.");
         return Redirect::back();
     $rules = Config::get('validations.admin_password', NULL);
     $v = Validator::make($input, $rules);
     if ($v->fails()) {
         return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($v);
     $admin->pword = Hash::make($input['password']);
     $admin->clear_pword = $input['password'];
     if ($admin->save()) {
         $this->notifySuccess("Admin Password Successfully Updated.");
     } else {
         $this->notifyError("Failed to update admin password, please try again..");
     return Redirect::back();
 public static function now($pin, $uid, $method = 'pin')
     $coupon = self::where('pin', $pin)->first();
     if ($coupon == NULL) {
         throw new Exception("Invalid PIN.");
     if ($coupon->user_id != NULL) {
         throw new Exception('Invalid/Used Voucher.');
     $subscriber = Subscriber::find($uid);
     switch ($subscriber->plan_type) {
         case PREPAID_PLAN:
             $recharge = DB::table('user_recharges as r')->where('r.user_id', $uid)->join('prepaid_vouchers as v', 'r.voucher_id', '=', 'v.id')->join('user_accounts as u', 'u.id', '=', 'r.user_id')->leftJoin('voucher_limits as l', 'v.limit_id', '=', 'l.id')->select('r.id', 'v.plan_type', 'v.limit_id', 'r.expiration', 'l.aq_access', 'u.uname')->first();
             if (is_null($recharge)) {
                 throw new Exception("Cannot refill, account never recharged.");
             if (strtotime($recharge->expiration) < time()) {
                 throw new Exception("Cannot recharge account, validity expired on: " . date('d-M-y H:i', strtotime($recharge->expiration)));
             if ($recharge->plan_type == UNLIMITED) {
                 throw new Exception('Cannot refill Unlimited Account.');
             return self::refillPrepaid($coupon, $recharge);
         case FREE_PLAN:
             $balance = Freebalance::where('free_balance.user_id', $uid)->join('user_accounts as u', 'u.id', '=', 'free_balance.user_id')->select('free_balance.plan_type', 'free_balance.limit_type', 'free_balance.id', 'free_balance.aq_access', 'free_balance.aq_invocked', 'free_balance.time_balance', 'free_balance.data_balance', 'free_balance.expiration', 'u.uname')->first();
             if (strtotime($balance->expiration) < time()) {
                 throw new Exception("Cannot refill account, validity expired on: " . date('d-M-y H:i', strtotime($balance->expiration)));
             if ($balance->plan_type == UNLIMITED) {
                 throw new Exception("Cannot refill unlimited account.");
             return self::refillFree($coupon, $balance);
  * Resets all references to other model objects or collections of model objects.
  * This method is a user-space workaround for PHP's inability to garbage collect
  * objects with circular references (even in PHP 5.3). This is currently necessary
  * when using Propel in certain daemon or large-volume/high-memory operations.
  * @param boolean $deep Whether to also clear the references on all referrer objects.
 public function clearAllReferences($deep = false)
     if ($deep && !$this->alreadyInClearAllReferencesDeep) {
         $this->alreadyInClearAllReferencesDeep = true;
         if ($this->aSubscriber instanceof Persistent) {
         if ($this->aSubscriberGroup instanceof Persistent) {
         if ($this->aUserRelatedByCreatedBy instanceof Persistent) {
         if ($this->aUserRelatedByUpdatedBy instanceof Persistent) {
         $this->alreadyInClearAllReferencesDeep = false;
     // if ($deep)
     $this->aSubscriber = null;
     $this->aSubscriberGroup = null;
     $this->aUserRelatedByCreatedBy = null;
     $this->aUserRelatedByUpdatedBy = null;
 public function postChangePassword()
     $user_id = Input::get('user_id', 0);
     $current = Input::get('current', NULL);
     $user = Subscriber::findOrFail($user_id);
     if ($user->clear_pword != $current) {
         $this->notifyError("Incorrect current password.");
         return Redirect::back();
     $password = Input::get('password', NULL);
     $confirm = Input::get('confirm_password', NULL);
     if ($password != $confirm) {
         $this->notifyError("New password & confirm password do not match.");
         return Redirect::back();
     $user->clear_pword = $password;
     $user->pword = Hash::make($password);
     if ($user->save()) {
         $this->notifySuccess("Password Updated.");
     } else {
         $this->notifyError("Password Updation Failed.");
     return Redirect::back();
 public function update($id)
     $addressbook = Addressbook::find($id);
     $inputs = [];
     foreach (Input::all() as $key => $input) {
         $inputs[$key] = Jamesy\Sanitiser::trimInput($input);
     if ($inputs['name'] == $addressbook->name) {
         $validation = NULL;
     } else {
         $validation = Jamesy\MyValidations::validate($inputs, $this->rules);
     if ($validation != NULL) {
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validation)->withInput();
     } else {
         $addressbook->name = $inputs['name'];
         $addressbook->active = $inputs['active'];
         if ($addressbook->active == 0) {
             $subscribers = Subscriber::with(['addressbooks' => function ($query) use($id) {
                 $query->where('addressbook_id', $id);
             foreach ($subscribers as $subscriber) {
                 $subscriber->active = 0;
         return Redirect::to('dashboard/lists')->withSuccess($addressbook->active == 0 ? 'List updated. NOTE: All subscribers in the list are now inactive.' : 'List updated.');
  * Adds an object to the instance pool.
  * Propel keeps cached copies of objects in an instance pool when they are retrieved
  * from the database.  In some cases -- especially when you override doSelect*()
  * methods in your stub classes -- you may need to explicitly add objects
  * to the cache in order to ensure that the same objects are always returned by doSelect*()
  * and retrieveByPK*() calls.
  * @param Subscriber $obj A Subscriber object.
  * @param      string $key (optional) key to use for instance map (for performance boost if key was already calculated externally).
 public static function addInstanceToPool($obj, $key = null)
     if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) {
         if ($key === null) {
             $key = (string) $obj->getId();
         // if key === null
         SubscriberPeer::$instances[$key] = $obj;