public function getRequirementList($studentID, $signatoryID, $sysemID) { $stud_model = new Student_Model(); $stud_model->queryStudent_Info($studentID); $t_deptID = $stud_model->getStud_DeptID(); $t_courseID = $stud_model->getStud_CourseID(); $t_yl = $stud_model->getStud_Yearlevel(); $t_program = $stud_model->getStud_Program(); $arrayTemp = array(); $this->query = mysql_query("select Requirement_ID, Title, Description, Requirement_Type, Prerequisite_Signatory from requirements \r\n where Signatory_ID='{$signatoryID}' and SY_SEM_ID='{$sysemID}' and \r\n (Visibility='All' or Department_ID='{$t_deptID}' or Course_ID='{$t_courseID}' or Year_Level='{$t_yl}' or Program='{$t_program}')"); /* var_dump("select Requirement_ID, Title, Description from requirements where Signatory_ID='$signatoryID' and SY_SEM_ID='$sysemID' and (Visibility='All' or Department_ID='$t_deptID' or Course_ID='$t_courseID' or Year_Level='$t_yl' or Program='$t_program')"); */ while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($this->query)) { if ($row['Requirement_Type'] == 'Textual') { $status = $this->getRequirementClearanceStatus($studentID, $row['Requirement_ID']); } else { $sigID = $row['Prerequisite_Signatory']; if ($this->isStudentUnderSpecifiedSignatory($studentID, $sigID)) { $status = $this->getOverallSignatoryClearanceStatus($studentID, $sigID, $sysemID); if ($status == "No Requirements") { $status = "Cleared"; } } } array_push($arrayTemp, array($row['Requirement_ID'], $row['Title'], $row['Description'], $status, $row['Requirement_Type'])); } return $arrayTemp; }
/** * Search posts, groups, and students */ public function index($params) { $this->setView('index.php'); $is_logged = isset(User_Model::$auth_data); $is_student = $is_logged && isset(User_Model::$auth_data['student_number']); $is_admin = $is_logged && User_Model::$auth_data['admin'] == '1'; if (!isset($_GET['q'])) { throw new ActionException('Page', 'error404'); } $limit = 100; $results = $this->model->search($_GET['q'], null, $limit, !$is_logged, $is_student); $posts_ids = array(); $students_usernames = array(); $groups_ids = array(); foreach ($results as &$result) { switch ($result['_type']) { case 'student': $students_usernames[] = $result['_id']; break; case 'group': $groups_ids[] = (int) $result['_id']; break; case 'post': $posts_ids[] = (int) $result['_id']; break; } } $post_model = new Post_Model(); $this->setTitle(__('SEARCH_TITLE', array('query' => htmlspecialchars($_GET['q'])))); $this->set(array('query' => $_GET['q'], 'posts' => $post_model->getPosts(array('restricted' => true, 'ids' => $posts_ids, 'show_private' => $is_student), $limit), 'students' => Student_Model::getInfoByUsernames($students_usernames), 'groups' => Group_Model::getInfoByIds($groups_ids), 'is_logged' => true, 'is_student' => $is_student, 'is_admin' => $is_admin)); if ($is_logged) { $this->set(array('username' => User_Model::$auth_data['username'])); } if ($is_student) { $this->set(array('firstname' => User_Model::$auth_data['firstname'], 'lastname' => User_Model::$auth_data['lastname'], 'avatar_url' => User_Model::$auth_data['avatar_url'])); } }
/** * Add a group */ public function add($params) { $this->setView('add.php'); $this->setTitle(__('GROUP_ADD_TITLE')); $is_logged = isset(User_Model::$auth_data); $is_admin = $is_logged && User_Model::$auth_data['admin'] == '1'; // Authorization if (!$is_admin) { throw new ActionException('Page', 'error404'); } $group = array(); // Saving data if (isset($_POST['name']) && isset($_POST['creation_date']) && isset($_POST['mail']) && isset($_POST['description'])) { $uploaded_files = array(); try { // Members $members = array(); if (isset($_POST['members_ids']) && is_array($_POST['members_ids'])) { foreach ($_POST['members_ids'] as $id) { if (ctype_digit($id)) { $id = (int) $id; $members[$id] = array('title' => isset($_POST['member_title_' . $id]) ? $_POST['member_title_' . $id] : '', 'admin' => isset($_POST['member_admin_' . $id])); } } } // Other info $data = array('name' => $_POST['name'], 'creation_date' => $_POST['creation_date'], 'mail' => $_POST['mail'], 'description' => $_POST['description'], 'members' => $members); // Avatar if (isset($_FILES['avatar']) && !is_array($_FILES['avatar']['name'])) { if ($_FILES['avatar']['size'] > Config::UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_PHOTO) { throw new FormException('avatar'); } if ($avatarpath = File::upload('avatar')) { $uploaded_files[] = $avatarpath; try { $img = new Image(); $img->load($avatarpath); $type = $img->getType(); if ($type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) { $ext = 'jpg'; } else { if ($type == IMAGETYPE_GIF) { $ext = 'gif'; } else { if ($type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { $ext = 'png'; } else { throw new Exception(); } } } if ($img->getWidth() > 800) { $img->setWidth(800, true); } $img->setType(IMAGETYPE_JPEG); $img->save($avatarpath); // Thumb $avatarthumbpath = $avatarpath . '.thumb'; $img->thumb(Config::$AVATARS_THUMBS_SIZES[0], Config::$AVATARS_THUMBS_SIZES[1]); $img->setType(IMAGETYPE_JPEG); $img->save($avatarthumbpath); unset($img); $uploaded_files[] = $avatarthumbpath; $data['avatar_path'] = $avatarthumbpath; $data['avatar_big_path'] = $avatarpath; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new FormException('avatar'); } } } $url_name = $this->model->create($data); Routes::redirect('group', array('group' => $url_name)); } catch (FormException $e) { foreach ($uploaded_files as $uploaded_file) { File::delete($uploaded_file); } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $group[$key] = $value; } $group['members'] = Student_Model::getInfoByUsersIds(array_keys($members)); foreach ($group['members'] as &$member) { if (isset($members[(int) $member['user_id']])) { $member['title'] = $members[(int) $member['user_id']]['title']; $member['admin'] = $members[(int) $member['user_id']]['admin'] ? '1' : '0'; } } $this->set('form_error', $e->getError()); } } $this->set('group', $group); $this->addJSCode('Group.initEdit();'); }
Session::init(); // Determine if a session doesn't exists and if the current user is not a student if (!(Session::user_exist() && Session::get_Account_type() == "Student")) { // if it is, force the browser to redirect to the home page header('Location: /SOCS/index.php'); } $sy_model = new SchoolYearSem_Model(); $signatory_model = new Signatory_Model(); $current_sy = $sy_model->getCurSchool_Year(); $current_sem = $sy_model->getCurSemester(); if ($current_sem != "Summer") { $current_sem .= " Semester"; } $current_sysemID = $_GET["sy_sem_id"]; $stud_status = $_GET['status'] == "Grad" ? "Graduate" : "Under Graduate"; $student_model = new Student_Model(); $stud_id = Session::get_user(); $student_model->queryStudent_Info($stud_id); $stud_name = $student_model->getStud_Name(); $stud_gender = $student_model->getStud_Gender(); $stud_year = $student_model->getStud_Yearlevel(); $stud_course = $student_model->getStud_Course(); $stud_dept = $student_model->getStud_DeptName(); $stud_deptID = $student_model->getStud_DeptID(); $signatorial_model = new SignatorialList_Model(); $signatorial_model->getListofSignatoryByDept($stud_deptID, $stud_status); $listOfSignatories["name"] = $signatorial_model->getSign_Name(); $listOfSignatories["id"] = $signatorial_model->getSign_ID(); $clearance_model = new ClearanceStatus(); foreach ($listOfSignatories["id"] as $key => $value) { $status = $clearance_model->getOverallSignatoryClearanceStatus($stud_id, $value, $current_sysemID);
/** * Load data of an user into the $auth_data static var * * @param string $username User name * @return boolean True on success, false on failure */ public function loadUser($username) { $users = DB::select(' SELECT u.*, s.firstname, s.lastname, s.student_number, FROM users u LEFT JOIN students s ON s.username = u.username WHERE u.username = ? ', array($username)); if (isset($users[0])) { User_Model::$auth_data = $users[0]; } else { throw new Exception('User not found'); } //permet de checker l'autenticit� de l'admin if (isset(User_Model::$auth_data['admin']) && User_Model::$auth_data['admin'] == 1) { if (Cache::read('auth_admin')) { Cache::delete('auth_admin'); } Cache::write('auth_admin', 1, 3600); } // If the user is a student if (isset(User_Model::$auth_data['student_number'])) { // Avatar User_Model::$auth_data['avatar_url'] = Student_Model::getAvatarURL(User_Model::$auth_data['student_number'], true); User_Model::$auth_data['avatar_big_url'] = Student_Model::getAvatarURL(User_Model::$auth_data['student_number'], false); } }
/** * Returns the information of the N last posts, with attachments, surveys, events... * * @param array $params Associative array of paramaters. Possibles keys : * * official: Only official posts if true, only non-official posts if false, all posts if null * * show_private: Private posts include if true * * category_id: Category's id * * category_name: Category's name * * group_id: Group's id * * group_name: Group's name * * user_id: User's id * * id: ID of a post to get * * ids: List of IDs of post to get * * restricted: If true, limits the number of photos displayed * @param int $limit Number of posts to be returned * @param int $offset Number of posts to skip * @return array */ public function getPosts($params, $limit, $offset = 0) { $cache_entry = 'posts-' . $limit . '-' . $offset; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (isset($value)) { $cache_entry .= '-' . $key . ':' . (is_array($value) ? implode(',', $value) : $value); } } $posts = Cache::read($cache_entry); if ($posts !== false) { return $posts; } $where = array(); if (isset($params['group_id'])) { $where[] = 'p.group_id = ' . $params['group_id']; } if (isset($params['group_name'])) { $where[] = 'a.url_name = ' . DB::quote($params['group_name']); } if (isset($params['official'])) { $where[] = 'p.official = ' . ($params['official'] ? 1 : 0); } if (!isset($params['show_private']) || !$params['show_private']) { $where[] = 'p.private = 0'; } if (isset($params['category_id'])) { $where[] = ' = "' . $params['category_id'] . '"'; } if (isset($params['category_name'])) { $where[] = 'c.url_name = ' . DB::quote($params['category_name']); } if (isset($params['user_id'])) { $where[] = 'p.user_id = ' . DB::quote($params['user_id']); } if (isset($params['ids']) && is_array($params['ids'])) { if (count($params['ids']) == 0) { return array(); } $where[] = ' IN (' . implode(',', $params['ids']) . ')'; } if (isset($params['id']) && (is_int($params['id']) || ctype_digit($params['id']))) { $where[] = ' = ' . $params['id']; } $posts = DB::select(' SELECT, p.message, p.time, p.private, p.official, p.category_id,p.dislike, AS group_id, AS group_name, a.url_name AS group_url, u.username, s.student_number, s.firstname, s.lastname FROM posts p INNER JOIN categories c ON = p.category_id INNER JOIN users u ON = p.user_id ' . (isset($params['group_id']) || isset($params['group_name']) ? 'INNER' : 'LEFT') . ' JOIN groups a ON = p.group_id LEFT JOIN students s ON s.username = u.username ' . (count($where) != 0 ? 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) : '') . ' ORDER BY p.time DESC LIMIT ' . $offset . ', ' . $limit . ' '); if (count($posts) != 0) { if (isset($params['ids']) && is_array($params['ids'])) { Utils::arraySort($posts, 'id', $params['ids']); } $post_ids = array(); foreach ($posts as $post) { $post_ids[] = (int) $post['id']; } // Comments $comments = DB::select(' SELECT pc.post_id,, pc.message, pc.time, pc.attachment_id,, u.username, s.student_number, s.firstname, s.lastname FROM post_comments pc INNER JOIN users u ON = pc.user_id INNER JOIN students s ON s.username = u.username WHERE pc.post_id IN (' . implode(',', $post_ids) . ') ' . (isset($params['restricted']) && $params['restricted'] ? 'AND pc.attachment_id IS NULL' : '') . ' ORDER BY pc.time ASC '); $comment_likes = DB::select(' SELECT pcl.comment_id, pcl.user_id as comment_like_user_id, u.username, s.student_number, s.firstname, s.lastname FROM post_comment_likes pcl INNER JOIN post_comments pc ON pcl.comment_id = INNER JOIN users u ON = pcl.user_id INNER JOIN students s ON s.username = u.username WHERE pc.post_id IN (' . implode(',', $post_ids) . ') ' . (isset($params['restricted']) && $params['restricted'] ? 'AND pc.attachment_id IS NULL' : '') . ' '); $comments_by_post_id = array(); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $post_id = (int) $comment['post_id']; if (!isset($comments_by_post_id[$post_id])) { $comments_by_post_id[$post_id] = array(); } unset($comment['post_id']); $comment['avatar_url'] = Student_Model::getAvatarURL($comment['student_number'], true); /* Traitement des Likes */ foreach ($comment_likes as $comment_like) { // Si c'est le like en question : if ($comment['id'] == $comment_like['comment_id']) { $comment['like'][] = $comment_like; $comment['user_liked'][] = $comment_like['comment_like_user_id']; } } $comments_by_post_id[$post_id][] = $comment; } unset($comments); // Posts Likes $likes = DB::select(' SELECT li.post_id,, li.user_id as like_user_id,li.attachment_id, u.username, s.firstname, s.lastname FROM post_likes li INNER JOIN users u ON = li.user_id INNER JOIN students s ON s.username = u.username WHERE li.post_id IN (' . implode(',', $post_ids) . ') ' . (isset($params['restricted']) && $params['restricted'] ? 'AND li.attachment_id IS NULL' : '') . ' ORDER BY DESC '); $likes_by_post_id = array(); $users_likes = array(); foreach ($likes as $like) { // Les trie par post_id => puis par $attachement_id $post_id = (int) $like['post_id']; // On Extrait le n° d'attachment if ($like['attachment_id'] == null) { $attachment_id = 0; } else { $attachment_id = (int) $like['attachment_id']; } if (empty($likes_by_post_id[$post_id][$attachment_id])) { $likes_by_post_id[$post_id][$attachment_id] = array(); } // Pour savoir qui a "Aimé" if (empty($users_likes[$post_id][$attachment_id])) { $users_likes[$post_id][$attachment_id] = array(); } $users_likes[$post_id][$attachment_id][] = $like['like_user_id']; unset($like['post_id']); unset($like['attachment_id']); $likes_by_post_id[$post_id][$attachment_id][] = $like; } unset($likes); // Posts Dislikes $dislikes = DB::select(' SELECT dli.post_id,, dli.user_id as dislike_user_id,dli.attachment_id, u.username, s.firstname, s.lastname FROM post_dislikes dli INNER JOIN users u ON = dli.user_id INNER JOIN students s ON s.username = u.username WHERE dli.post_id IN (' . implode(',', $post_ids) . ') ' . (isset($params['restricted']) && $params['restricted'] ? 'AND dli.attachment_id IS NULL' : '') . ' ORDER BY DESC '); $dislikes_by_post_id = array(); $users_dislikes = array(); foreach ($dislikes as $dislike) { // Les trie par post_id => puis par $attachement_id $post_id = (int) $dislike['post_id']; // On Extrait le n° d'attachment if ($dislike['attachment_id'] == null) { $attachment_id = 0; } else { $attachment_id = (int) $dislike['attachment_id']; } if (empty($dislikes_by_post_id[$post_id][$attachment_id])) { $dislikes_by_post_id[$post_id][$attachment_id] = array(); } // Pour savoir qui a "Aimé" if (empty($users_dislikes[$post_id][$attachment_id])) { $users_dislikes[$post_id][$attachment_id] = array(); } $users_dislikes[$post_id][$attachment_id][] = $dislike['dislike_user_id']; unset($dislike['post_id']); unset($dislike['attachment_id']); $dislikes_by_post_id[$post_id][$attachment_id][] = $dislike; } unset($dislikes); // echo '<pre>'; // print_r($likes_by_post_id); // echo '</pre>'; // Attachments $attachments = DB::select(' SELECT post_id, id, name, ext FROM attachments WHERE post_id IN (' . implode(',', $post_ids) . ') ORDER BY ext, id ASC '); $attachments_by_post_id = array(); $nb_photos_by_post_id = array(); foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $post_id = (int) $attachment['post_id']; // Limitation of the number of displayed photos if (in_array($attachment['ext'], array('jpg', 'png', 'gif'))) { if (!isset($nb_photos_by_post_id[$post_id])) { $nb_photos_by_post_id[$post_id] = 0; } $nb_photos_by_post_id[$post_id]++; if (isset($params['restricted']) && $params['restricted'] && $nb_photos_by_post_id[$post_id] > Config::PHOTOS_PER_POST) { continue; } } $attachment['url'] = self::getAttachedFileURL((int) $attachment['id'], $attachment['ext']); if (in_array($attachment['ext'], array('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'flv', 'mp4'))) { $attachment['thumb'] = self::getAttachedFileURL((int) $attachment['id'], 'jpg', 'thumb'); } if (!isset($attachments_by_post_id[$post_id])) { $attachments_by_post_id[$post_id] = array(); } unset($attachment['post_id']); $attachments_by_post_id[$post_id][] = $attachment; } unset($attachments); // Events $events = DB::select(' SELECT post_id, id, title, date_start, date_end FROM events WHERE post_id IN (' . implode(',', $post_ids) . ') '); $events_by_post_id = array(); foreach ($events as $event) { $post_id = (int) $event['post_id']; unset($event['post_id']); $events_by_post_id[$post_id] = $event; } unset($events); // Surveys $surveys = DB::select(' SELECT post_id, id, question, multiple, date_end FROM surveys WHERE post_id IN (' . implode(',', $post_ids) . ') '); $surveys_by_post_id = array(); if (count($surveys) != 0) { $surveys_ids = array(); foreach ($surveys as $survey) { $surveys_ids[] = (int) $survey['id']; } $survey_answers = DB::select(' SELECT id, survey_id, answer, nb_votes, votes FROM survey_answers WHERE survey_id IN (' . implode(',', $surveys_ids) . ') ORDER BY id ASC '); $survey_answers_by_survey_id = array(); foreach ($survey_answers as $survey_answer) { $survey_id = (int) $survey_answer['survey_id']; unset($survey_answer['survey_id']); if (!isset($survey_answers_by_survey_id[$survey_id])) { $survey_answers_by_survey_id[$survey_id] = array(); } $survey_answers_by_survey_id[$survey_id][] = $survey_answer; } unset($survey_answers); foreach ($surveys as $survey) { $post_id = (int) $survey['post_id']; unset($survey['post_id']); $survey['answers'] = isset($survey_answers_by_survey_id[(int) $survey['id']]) ? $survey_answers_by_survey_id[(int) $survey['id']] : array(); $surveys_by_post_id[$post_id] = $survey; } unset($survey_answers_by_survey_id); } unset($surveys); foreach ($posts as &$post) { $post_id = (int) $post['id']; if (isset($comments_by_post_id[$post_id])) { $post['comments'] =& $comments_by_post_id[$post_id]; } if (isset($likes_by_post_id[$post_id])) { $post['likes']['data'] =& $likes_by_post_id[$post_id]; } if (isset($users_likes[$post_id])) { $post['likes']['users'] =& $users_likes[$post_id]; } if (isset($dislikes_by_post_id[$post_id])) { $post['dislikes']['data'] =& $dislikes_by_post_id[$post_id]; } if (isset($users_dislikes[$post_id])) { $post['dislikes']['users'] =& $users_dislikes[$post_id]; } if (isset($attachments_by_post_id[$post_id])) { $post['attachments'] =& $attachments_by_post_id[$post_id]; } if (isset($events_by_post_id[$post_id])) { $post['event'] =& $events_by_post_id[$post_id]; } if (isset($surveys_by_post_id[$post_id])) { $post['survey'] =& $surveys_by_post_id[$post_id]; } $post['attachments_nb_photos'] = isset($nb_photos_by_post_id[$post_id]) ? $nb_photos_by_post_id[$post_id] : 0; // Avatar if (isset($post['group_id']) && $post['official'] == '1') { $post['avatar_url'] = Group_Model::getAvatarURL((int) $post['group_id'], true); } else { if (isset($post['student_number'])) { $post['avatar_url'] = Student_Model::getAvatarURL((int) $post['student_number'], true); } } } } // Write the cache Cache::write($cache_entry, $posts, 20 * 60); $cache_list = Cache::read('posts-cachelist'); if (!$cache_list) { $cache_list = array(); } if (!in_array($cache_entry, $cache_list)) { $cache_list[] = $cache_entry; } Cache::write('posts-cachelist', $cache_list, 20 * 60); return $posts; }
define('CLI_MODE', true); define('APP_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../') . '/'); define('CF_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../confeature/') . '/'); define('DATA_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../data/') . '/'); try { // Loading Confeature require_once CF_DIR . 'init.php'; $avatars_tmp_path = DATA_DIR . Config::DIR_DATA_TMP . '/avatars'; if (!is_dir($avatars_tmp_path)) { throw new Exception($avatars_tmp_path . ' not found!'); } $students = DB::createQuery('students')->fields('student_number', 'firstname', 'lastname')->select(); foreach ($students as $student) { try { $avatar_path = Student_Model::getAvatarPath((int) $student['student_number']); $avatar_thumb_path = Student_Model::getAvatarPath((int) $student['student_number'], true); if (file_exists($avatar_path)) { continue; } $original_path = $avatars_tmp_path . '/' . $student['student_number'] . '.jpg'; if (!file_exists($original_path)) { throw new Exception('Photo of the student n°' . $student['student_number'] . ' (' . $student['firstname'] . ' ' . $student['lastname'] . ') not found!'); } $avatar_dir = File::getPath($avatar_path); if (!is_dir($avatar_dir)) { File::makeDir($avatar_dir, 0777, true); } File::copy($original_path, $avatar_path); // Thumb $img = new Image(); $img->load($original_path);
/** * Load data of an user into the $auth_data static var * * @param string $username User name * @return boolean True on success, false on failure */ public function loadUser($username) { $users = DB::select(' SELECT u.*, s.firstname, s.lastname, s.student_number, FROM users u LEFT JOIN students s ON s.username = u.username WHERE u.username = ? ', array($username)); if (isset($users[0])) { User_Model::$auth_data = $users[0]; } else { throw new Exception('User not found'); } // If the user is a student if (isset(User_Model::$auth_data['student_number'])) { // Avatar User_Model::$auth_data['avatar_url'] = Student_Model::getAvatarURL(User_Model::$auth_data['student_number'], true); User_Model::$auth_data['avatar_big_url'] = Student_Model::getAvatarURL(User_Model::$auth_data['student_number'], false); } }
public function usersPage($param) { $this->setView('users.php'); /* * Enregistrement du post dans la table users */ if (isset($_FILES['uploadxml1']) && $_FILES['uploadxml1']['name'] != null) { if ($_FILES['uploadxml1']['size'] > Config::UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_FILE) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_FILE_SIZE', array('size' => File::humanReadableSize(Config::UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_FILE)))); } //On déplace le fichier vers le serveur if ($filepaths = File::upload('uploadxml1')) { if (!preg_match('#\\.xml$#', $filepaths)) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT')); } $name = $filepaths; } $student = array(); $path = DATA_DIR . Config::DIR_DATA_TMP . $_FILES['uploadxml1']['name']; if (file_exists($path)) { $data = simplexml_load_file($path); foreach ($data->data as $data) { if (isset($data->username) && isset($data->admin) && isset($data->mail) && isset($data->msn) && isset($data->jabber) && isset($data->address) && isset($data->address) && isset($data->zipcode) && isset($data->city) && isset($data->cellphone) && isset($data->phone) && isset($data->birthday)) { $username = $data->username; $admin = $data->admin; $mail = $data->mail; $msn = $data->msn; $jabber = $data->jabber; $address = $data->address; $zipcode = $data->zipcode; $city = $data->city; $cellphone = $data->cellphone; $phone = $data->phone; $birthday = $data->birthday; if (!$this->model->checkuser($username, 1)) { $this->model->insertUsers($username, $admin, utf8_decode($mail), utf8_decode($msn), utf8_decode($jabber), utf8_decode($address), $zipcode, $city, $cellphone, $phone, $birthday); } else { array_push($student, $username); } } else { throw new Exception(__('ADMIN_UPLOAD_ERROR2')); } } } else { throw new Exception(__('ADMIN_UPLOAD_ERROR')); } FILE::delete($path); $this->set('fail', $student); } /* * Enregistrement du post dans la table students */ if (isset($_FILES['uploadxml2']) && $_FILES['uploadxml2']['name'] != null) { if ($_FILES['uploadxml2']['size'] > Config::UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_FILE) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_FILE_SIZE', array('size' => File::humanReadableSize(Config::UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_FILE)))); } if ($filepaths = File::upload('uploadxml2')) { if (!preg_match('#\\.xml$#', $filepaths)) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT')); } $name = $filepaths; } $student = array(); $path = DATA_DIR . Config::DIR_DATA_TMP . $_FILES['uploadxml2']['name']; if (file_exists($path)) { $data = simplexml_load_file($path); foreach ($data->data as $data) { if (isset($data->username) && isset($data->lastname) && isset($data->firstname) && isset($data->student_number) && isset($data->promo) && isset($data->cesure)) { $username = $data->username; $lastname = $data->lastname; $firstname = $data->firstname; $student_number = $data->student_number; $promo = $data->promo; $cesure = $data->cesure; if (!$this->model->checkuser($username, 2)) { $this->model->insertStudents($username, utf8_decode($lastname), utf8_decode($firstname), $student_number, $promo, $cesure); } else { array_push($student, $username); } } else { throw new Exception(__('ADMIN_UPLOAD_ERROR2')); } } } else { throw new Exception(__('ADMIN_UPLOAD_ERROR')); } FILE::delete($path); $this->set('fail', $student); } /* * Enregistrement des avatars */ if (isset($_FILES['avatar_photo']) && is_array($_FILES['avatar_photo']['name'])) { foreach ($_FILES['avatar_photo']['size'] as $size) { if ($size > Config::UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_PHOTO) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_PHOTO_SIZE', array('size' => File::humanReadableSize(Config::UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_PHOTO)))); } } $student = array(); if ($avatarpaths = File::upload('avatar_photo')) { foreach ($avatarpaths as $avatarpath) { $uploaded_files[] = $avatarpath; } foreach ($avatarpaths as $i => $avatarpath) { $name = $_FILES['avatar_photo']['name'][$i]; try { $img = new Image(); $img->load($avatarpath); $type = $img->getType(); if ($type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) { $ext = 'jpg'; } else { if ($type == IMAGETYPE_GIF) { $ext = 'gif'; } else { if ($type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { $ext = 'png'; } else { throw new Exception(); } } } if ($img->getWidth() > 800) { $img->setWidth(800, true); } $img->setType(IMAGETYPE_JPEG); $img->save($avatarpath); // Thumb $avatarthumbpath = $avatarpath . '.thumb'; $img->thumb(Config::$AVATARS_THUMBS_SIZES[0], Config::$AVATARS_THUMBS_SIZES[1]); $img->setType(IMAGETYPE_JPEG); $img->save($avatarthumbpath); unset($img); $uploaded_files[] = $avatarthumbpath; $student_data['avatar_path'] = $avatarthumbpath; $student_data['avatar_big_path'] = $avatarpath; $student_data['student_number'] = preg_replace('/\\.[a-z0-9]+$/i', '', $name); if (isset($student_data['avatar_path']) && isset($student_data['student_number']) && File::exists($student_data['avatar_path'])) { $avatar_path = Student_Model::getAvatarPath((int) $student_data['student_number'], true); $avatar_dir = File::getPath($avatar_path); if (!is_dir($avatar_dir)) { File::makeDir($avatar_dir, 0777, true); } File::rename($student_data['avatar_path'], $avatar_path); } if (isset($student_data['avatar_big_path']) && isset($student_data['student_number']) && File::exists($student_data['avatar_big_path'])) { $avatar_path = Student_Model::getAvatarPath((int) $student_data['student_number'], false); $avatar_dir = File::getPath($avatar_path); if (!is_dir($avatar_dir)) { File::makeDir($avatar_dir, 0777, true); } File::rename($student_data['avatar_big_path'], $avatar_path); } } catch (Exception $e) { array_push($student, $name); } } $this->set('fail2', $student); foreach ($uploaded_files as $uploaded_file) { File::delete($uploaded_file); } } } }
<?php /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ ob_start(); include ''; $content = ob_get_clean(); require_once '../libs/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php'; try { $student_model = new Student_Model(); $stud_id = Session::get_user(); $student_model->queryStudent_Info($stud_id); $stud_name = $student_model->getStud_Name(); $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'Legal', 'en', true, 'UTF-8', array(15, 10, 15, 10)); $html2pdf->pdf->SetDisplayMode('fullpage'); $html2pdf->writeHTML($content); $html2pdf->Output("SOCS Clearance Export - {$stud_name}.pdf"); } catch (HTML2PDF_exception $e) { echo $e; exit; }