/** * Return the locale of the client browser * @param string $language The language of the browser * @return string The locale of the client */ public static function getLocaleFromLanguage($language) { $locale = StringTool::substr($language, 0, 2); if (in_array($locale, TranslationTool::$languageList)) { return $locale; } else { return TranslationTool::DEFAULT_LOCALE; } }
/** * Convert a color string from hexadecimal to RGB format * * @param string $color an hexadecimal color (#FFFFFF, #FFF, AAAAAA are available formats) * @return array|boolean an array with r,g,b result, or false if color format was not correct */ public static function hexaToRGB($color) { if ($color[0] == '#') { $color = StringTool::substr($color, 1); } if (StringTool::strlen($color) == 6) { list($r, $g, $b) = array($color[0] . $color[1], $color[2] . $color[3], $color[4] . $color[5]); } elseif (StringTool::strlen($color) == 3) { list($r, $g, $b) = array($color[0] . $color[0], $color[1] . $color[1], $color[2] . $color[2]); } else { return false; } $r = hexdec($r); $g = hexdec($g); $b = hexdec($b); return array($r, $g, $b); }
// Starts session before header is sent session_start(); require_once '../../../init/initLog.inc.php'; $currentDay = DateTool::getTimeString(DateTool::FORMAT_MYSQL_DATE); define('TAIL_LOG_FILE', LOG_DIR . '/' . $currentDay . '-web.log'); $grep = RequestTool::getParameter('grep', RequestTool::PARAM_TYPE_FREE, false); $logFile = file_exists(TAIL_LOG_FILE) ? file(TAIL_LOG_FILE) : array(); $starterLine = SessionTool::getInstance()->getParameter('startLine', false, 0); $lineCount = count($logFile); for ($index = $starterLine; $index < $lineCount; ++$index) { // Filter lines per grep if ($grep && !StringTool::strpos($logFile[$index], $grep)) { continue; } $truncate = true; switch (StringTool::substr($logFile[$index], 0, 7)) { case "[1;32m": $color = '#5F5'; // Green break; case "[1;33m": $color = '#FF5'; // Yellow break; case "[0;31m": $color = '#F55'; // Red break; case "[1;34m": $color = '#55F'; // Blue
/** * Generates a random string (for unique filenames) * @param int $length The string length * @return string The created string */ public static function generateRandomString($length = 10) { return StringTool::substr(str_shuffle("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"), 0, $length); }