/** * Fetches the games this user owns * * @see getGames() * @throws SteamCondenserException if an error occurs while parsing the * data */ private function fetchGames() { $gamesData = $this->getData($this->getBaseUrl() . '/games?xml=1'); $this->games = array(); $this->playtimes = array(); foreach ($gamesData->games->game as $gameData) { $appId = (int) $gameData->appID; $game = SteamGame::create($appId, $gameData); $this->games[$appId] = $game; $recent = (double) $gameData->hoursLast2Weeks; $total = (double) str_replace(',', '', $gameData->hoursOnRecord); $playtimes = array((int) ($recent * 60), (int) ($total * 60)); $this->playtimes[$appId] = $playtimes; } }
function checkversion() { $settings = getsettings(); if ($settings['usegrowl']['config'] == 'yes') { require_once 'lib/growl/class.growl.php'; $growlip = $settings['growlip']['config']; $growlpass = $settings['growlpass']['config']; } if ($settings['usetwitter']['config'] == 'yes') { require_once 'lib/twitter/twitter.php'; $consumerkey = $settings['consumerkey']['config']; $consumersecret = $settings['consumersecret']['config']; $OAuthToken = $settings['OAuthToken']['config']; $OAuthTokenSecret = $settings['OAuthTokenSecret']['config']; $twitter = new Twitter("{$consumerkey}", "{$consumersecret}"); $twitter->setOAuthToken("{$OAuthToken}"); $twitter->setOAuthTokenSecret("{$OAuthTokenSecret}"); } if ($settings['useboxcar']['config'] == 'yes') { require_once 'lib/boxcar/boxcar_api.php'; $boxemail = $settings['boxemail']['config']; } $gametypes = gametypes(); foreach (array_keys($gametypes) as $game) { $version = $gametypes[$game][version]; if (!$version) { $version = "1.0"; } $longname = $gametypes[$game][longname]; $expired = $gametypes[$game][expired]; $appid = $gametypes[$game][appid]; $shortname = $gametypes[$game][shortname]; print "{$game} for {$version}\n"; // simple feedback part if needed try { $game = SteamGame::checkUpToDate($appid, $version); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Seems {$appid} with version {$version} doesn't like to be probed\n"; echo "Setting gametype as 'up to date' , dont want to start stuff without proper knowledge\n"; echo "Seems like this is the error {$e}\n"; $game = "1"; } if ($expired != "yes") { if ($game != "1") { mysql_query_trace("UPDATE games SET expired='yes' WHERE shortname = '{$shortname}'"); if ($settings['useemail']['config'] == 'yes') { $subject = "A update for {$longname} seems to be out, go check out the buzz..."; $newstuff = getupdates($appid, 'last'); $message = "A update for {$longname} seems to be out, go check out the buzz...\n" . $newstuff; $smtpmails = $settings['emailalert']['config']; $allmails = explode(",", $smtpmails); foreach ($allmails as $sendto) { mail($sendto, $subject, $message, null); } } if ($settings['usegrowl']['config'] == 'yes') { $growl = new Growl(); //$growl->setAddress($growlip, $growlpass); $connection = array('address' => '$growlip', 'password' => '$growlpass'); $growl->notify($connection, "{$type}", "UPDATE: {$shortname}", "A update for {$longname} seems to be out, go check out the buzz..."); } if ($settings['usetwitter']['config'] == 'yes') { try { $twitter->statusesUpdate("A update for {$longname} seems to be out, go check out the buzz..."); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "{$e} went wrong"; } } if ($settings['useboxcar']['config'] == 'yes') { include "config.php"; $b = new boxcar_api($boxcarapi, $boxcarsec); $emails = explode(",", $boxemail); foreach ($emails as $boxalert) { try { $b->notify($boxalert, 'UPDATE', 'A update for ' . $longname . ' seems to be out, go check out the buzz...'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'something went wrong with boxcar'; } } } } } } }
<html> <body> <?php require_once "steam/SteamUser.php"; require_once "steam/SteamGame.php"; ?> <h1>Steam API Test </h1> <?php //Handler for building this API from Terminal CLI: if (substr(php_sapi_name(), 0, 3) == "cli") { $userID = $argv[1]; } else { $userID = $_GET["id"]; } // Pull it from the apache / CGI / whatever //Call the SteamUser constructor with either the 17-digit Steam Community ID //or their custom URL (i.e. robinwalker) //$user = new SteamUser($userID); $game = new SteamGame(440); //New SteamGame with TF2's AppID set. $news = $game->getNewsItems(); print_r($news); ?> </body> </html>
/** * Returns the base Steam Community URL for the stats contained in this * object * * @return string The base URL used for queries on these stats */ public function getBaseUrl() { return self::_getBaseUrl($this->user->getId(), $this->game->getId()); }