 function login($username, $passwd, &$errors, $strike = true)
     global $ost, $cfg;
     if ($_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike']) {
         if (time() - $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] < $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout()) {
             $errors['err'] = 'Max. failed login attempts reached';
             $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = time();
             //reset timer.
         } else {
             //Timeout is over.
             //Reset the counter for next round of attempts after the timeout.
             $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = null;
             $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] = 0;
     if (!$username || !$passwd || is_numeric($username)) {
         $errors['err'] = 'Username and password required';
     if ($errors) {
         return false;
     if (($user = new StaffSession(trim($username))) && $user->getId() && $user->check_passwd($passwd)) {
         self::_do_login($user, $username);
         Signal::send('auth.login.succeeded', $user);
         return $user;
     $info = array('username' => $username, 'password' => $passwd);
     Signal::send('auth.login.failed', null, $info);
     //If we get to this point we know the login failed.
     $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] += 1;
     if (!$errors && $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] > $cfg->getStaffMaxLogins()) {
         $errors['err'] = 'Forgot your login info? Contact Admin.';
         $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = time();
         $alert = 'Excessive login attempts by a staff member?' . "\n" . 'Username: '******'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'TIME: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Attempts #' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] . "\n" . 'Timeout: ' . $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout() / 60 . " minutes \n\n";
         $ost->logWarning('Excessive login attempts (' . $username . ')', $alert, $cfg->alertONLoginError());
     } elseif ($_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] % 2 == 0) {
         //Log every other failed login attempt as a warning.
         $alert = 'Username: '******'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'TIME: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Attempts #' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'];
         $ost->logWarning('Failed staff login attempt (' . $username . ')', $alert, false);
     return false;
 function authenticate($username, $password)
     if (($user = new StaffSession($username)) && $user->getId() && $user->check_passwd($password)) {
         //update last login && password reset stuff.
         $sql = 'UPDATE ' . STAFF_TABLE . ' SET lastlogin=NOW() ';
         if ($user->isPasswdResetDue() && !$user->isAdmin()) {
             $sql .= ',change_passwd=1';
         $sql .= ' WHERE staff_id=' . db_input($user->getId());
         return $user;
    // Check version
    $errors['err'] = ' Nothing to do! System already upgraded';
    $inc = 'upgradedone.inc.php';
} elseif ($_SESSION['abort']) {
    // Check if already aborted
    die('Upgrade already aborted! Restore previous version and start all over again (logout required) or get help.');
} elseif ((double) phpversion() < 5.1) {
    // Too old PHP installation
    $errors['err'] = 'PHP installation seriously out of date. PHP 5.2+ is required.';
    $wrninc = 'php.inc.php';
} elseif (!ini_get('short_open_tag') && (double) phpversion() < 5.4) {
    // Check PHP version
    $errors['err'] = 'Short open tag disabled! - with PHP version prior to 5.4 Katak Support requires it turned on.';
    $wrninc = 'shortopentag.inc.php';
} elseif ($_POST && !$errors) {
    if ($adminloggedin || ($thisuser = new StaffSession($_POST['username'])) && $thisuser->getId() && $thisuser->check_passwd($_POST['password'])) {
        switch ($cfg->getVersion()) {
            case '0.9':
                //upgrading from ver. 0.9.x.
                $schema = './inc/ktk-upgrade-0.9.sql';
            case '1.0':
                //upgrading from ver. 1.0.x.
                $schema = './inc/ktk-upgrade-1.0.sql';
                $schema = '';
                // This leads to an error in loading the schema
        $vars = $errors = array();
        if (!load_sql_schema($schema, $errors) && !$errors['err']) {
$msg = $msg ? $msg : 'Se Requiere Autenticaci&oacute;n';
if ($_POST && (!empty($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['passwd']))) {
    //$_SESSION['_staff']=array(); #Uncomment to disable login strikes.
    $msg = 'Datos Incorrectos';
    if ($_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike']) {
        if (time() - $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] < $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout()) {
            $msg = 'Excesivos intentos fallidos de inicio de sesi&oacute;n';
            $errors['err'] = 'Has llegado al m&aacute;ximo de intentos de conexi&oacute;n fallidos.';
        } else {
            //Timeout is over.
            //Reset the counter for next round of attempts after the timeout.
            $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = null;
            $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] = 0;
    if (!$errors && ($user = new StaffSession($_POST['username'])) && $user->getId() && $user->check_passwd($_POST['passwd'])) {
        //update last login.
        db_query('UPDATE ' . STAFF_TABLE . ' SET lastlogin=NOW() WHERE staff_id=' . db_input($user->getId()));
        //Figure out where the user is headed - destination!
        $dest = $_SESSION['_staff']['auth']['dest'];
        //Now set session crap and lets roll baby!
        $_SESSION['_staff'] = array();
        $_SESSION['_staff']['userID'] = $_POST['username'];
        //set the hash.
        $_SESSION['TZ_OFFSET'] = $user->getTZoffset();
        $_SESSION['daylight'] = $user->observeDaylight();
        Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Inicio de sesi&oacute;n de Staff', sprintf("%s Identificado como [%s]", $user->getUserName(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
        //Redirect to the original destination. (make sure it is not redirecting to login page.)
 function login($username, $passwd, &$errors, $strike = true)
     global $ost, $cfg;
     if ($_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike']) {
         if (time() - $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] < $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout()) {
             $errors['err'] = 'You\'ve reached maximum failed login attempts allowed.';
         } else {
             //Timeout is over.
             //Reset the counter for next round of attempts after the timeout.
             $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = null;
             $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] = 0;
     if (!$errors && ($user = new StaffSession($username)) && $user->getId() && $user->check_passwd($passwd)) {
         //update last login && password reset stuff.
         $sql = 'UPDATE ' . STAFF_TABLE . ' SET lastlogin=NOW() ';
         if ($user->isPasswdResetDue() && !$user->isAdmin()) {
             $sql .= ',change_passwd=1';
         $sql .= ' WHERE staff_id=' . db_input($user->getId());
         //Now set session crap and lets roll baby!
         $_SESSION['_staff'] = array();
         $_SESSION['_staff']['userID'] = $username;
         //set the hash.
         $_SESSION['TZ_OFFSET'] = $user->getTZoffset();
         $_SESSION['TZ_DST'] = $user->observeDaylight();
         $ost->logDebug('Staff login', sprintf("%s logged in [%s]", $user->getUserName(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
         $sid = session_id();
         //Current ID
         //Destroy old session ID - needed for PHP version < 5.1.0 TODO: remove when we move to php 5.3 as min. requirement.
         if (($session = $ost->getSession()) && is_object($session) && $sid) {
         return $user;
     //If we get to this point we know the login failed.
     $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] += 1;
     if (!$errors && $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] > $cfg->getStaffMaxLogins()) {
         $errors['err'] = 'Forgot your login info? Contact Admin.';
         $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = time();
         $alert = 'Excessive login attempts by a staff member?' . "\n" . 'Username: '******'username'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'TIME: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Attempts #' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] . "\n" . 'Timeout: ' . $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout() / 60 . " minutes \n\n";
         $ost->logWarning('Excessive login attempts (' . $_POST['username'] . ')', $alert, $cfg->alertONLoginError());
     } elseif ($_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] % 2 == 0) {
         //Log every other failed login attempt as a warning.
         $alert = 'Username: '******'username'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'TIME: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Attempts #' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'];
         $ost->logWarning('Failed staff login attempt (' . $_POST['username'] . ')', $alert, false);
     return false;