public static function SetCommonParams($paramSet, $db) { $vm = new SqliteVM($db); try { $arrayParam = array(); $vm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamSet={$paramSet} AND ParamName=\"OPERATION\""); $arrayParam["OPERATION"] = $vm->GetString("ParamValue"); $vm->Execute("Select ParamValue from CommonParams WHERE ParamName=\"VERSION\""); $arrayParam["VERSION"] = $vm->GetString("ParamValue"); $vm->Execute("Select ParamValue from CommonParams WHERE ParamName=\"CREDENTIALS\""); $arrayParam["CREDENTIALS"] = $vm->GetString("ParamValue"); $vm->Execute("Select ParamValue from CommonParams WHERE ParamName=\"LOCALE\""); $arrayParam["LOCALE"] = $vm->GetString("ParamValue"); unset($vm); return $arrayParam; } catch (MgException $e) { print $e->GetExceptionMessage("en"); } catch (SqliteException $s) { try { unset($vm); $vm = new SqliteVM($db, true); $vm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamName=\"VERSION\""); $arrayParam["VERSION"] = $vm->GetString("ParamValue"); $vm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamName=\"CREDENTIALS\""); $arrayParam["CREDENTIALS"] = $vm->GetString("ParamValue"); $vm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamName=\"LOCALE\""); $arrayParam["LOCALE"] = $vm->GetString("ParamValue"); return $arrayParam; } catch (SqliteException $sq) { print $sq->GetExceptionMessage("eng"); } } }
public function PrintTestCases($testSuite, $dumpFilePath, $testType) { try { self::PrintTestTableHeader($testSuite, "Test Case", "Description", "Prerequisite"); $dbPath = Utils::GetDbPath($dumpFilePath); $dbName = Utils::GetPath($dbPath); if (file_exists($dbName)) { $db = new SqliteDB(); $db->Open($dbName); $vm = new SqliteVM($db, true); $status = $vm->Execute("Select * from TestCase WHERE TestType=\"{$testType}\" Order by ExecuteSequence;"); while ($status == SQLITE_ROW) { $testName = $vm->GetString("TestName"); $description = $vm->GetString("Description"); $prerequisite = $vm->GetString("Prerequisite"); print "<tr>\n"; print "<td><input type=\"radio\" name=\"testName\" value=\"{$testName}\"></td>\n"; printf("<td>%s</td>\n<td>%s</td><td>%s</td>\n", $testName, $description, $prerequisite); print "<td><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$testName}:dbPath\" value=\"{$dbPath}\"></td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; $status = $vm->NextRow(); } unset($vm); unset($db); } } catch (SqliteException $s) { print $s->GetExceptionMessage(); } self::printTableEnd(); }
function ExecuteTest($requestType, $dumpFileName, &$testsRun, $file, $ent) { try { $exitStatus = 0; //Create database objects $dbPath = Utils::GetDbPath($dumpFileName); $dbName = Utils::GetPath($dbPath); if (file_exists($dbName)) { $db = new SqliteDB(); $db->Open($dbName); $vm = new SqliteVM($db); //Select all tests from the specified request type. Order tests using ExecuteSequence field if ($ent) { $rType = $requestType; $status = $vm->Execute("Select TestName, TestType from TestCase where TestType=\"{$rType}\" or TestType=\"{$requestType}\"order by ExecuteSequence"); } else { $status = $vm->Execute("Select TestName, TestType from TestCase where TestType=\"{$requestType}\" order by ExecuteSequence"); } while ($status == SQLITE_ROW) { $testName = $vm->GetString("TestName"); $requestType = $vm->GetString("TestType"); printf("Executing %s test: %s\n", $requestType, $testName); //File in the $_POST array to simulate a GET request that is normally send by the HTML forms $_POST['testName'] = $testName; $_POST['requestType'] = $requestType; $_POST[$testName . ':dbPath'] = $dbPath; $result = new Run($testsRun); $exitStatus += $result->main($testsRun, $file); $status = $vm->NextRow(); } unset($vm); unset($db); return $exitStatus; } } catch (SqliteException $s) { print $s->GetExceptionMessage(); return 1; } }