/** * @param SproutEmail_EntryModel $entry * @param SproutEmail_CampaignModel $campaign * * @throws Exception * @throws \CDbException * @throws \Exception * * @return bool */ public function saveEntry(SproutEmail_EntryModel $entry, SproutEmail_CampaignModel $campaign) { $isNewEntry = !$entry->id; if ($entry->id) { $entryRecord = SproutEmail_EntryRecord::model()->findById($entry->id); if (!$entryRecord) { throw new Exception(Craft::t('No entry exists with the ID “{id}”', array('id' => $entry->id))); } } else { $entryRecord = new SproutEmail_EntryRecord(); } $entryRecord->campaignId = $entry->campaignId; $entryRecord->subjectLine = $entry->subjectLine; $entryRecord->setAttributes($entry->getAttributes()); $entryRecord->setAttribute('recipients', $this->getOnTheFlyRecipients()); $entryRecord->validate(); $entry->addErrors($entryRecord->getErrors()); if (!$entry->hasErrors()) { $transaction = craft()->db->getCurrentTransaction() === null ? craft()->db->beginTransaction() : null; try { if (craft()->elements->saveElement($entry)) { // Now that we have an element ID, save it on the other stuff if ($isNewEntry) { $entryRecord->id = $entry->id; } $entryRecord->save(false); $notificationEvent = craft()->request->getPost('notificationEvent'); sproutEmail()->mailers->saveRecipientLists($campaign, $entry); if (!$notificationEvent || sproutEmail()->notifications->save($notificationEvent, $campaign->id)) { if ($transaction && $transaction->active) { $transaction->commit(); } return true; } } } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($transaction && $transaction->active) { $transaction->rollback(); } throw $e; } } return false; }
/** * Returns a notification entry model if found by campaing id * * @param int $id * * @return SproutEmail_EntryModel|null */ public function getNotificationEntryByCampaignId($id) { $record = SproutEmail_EntryRecord::model()->findByAttributes(array('campaignId' => $id)); if ($record) { return SproutEmail_EntryModel::populateModel($record); } }
/** * Install example data * * @return void */ private function _installExampleData() { try { // Create Example Emails // ------------------------------------------------------------ $emailSettings = array(array('name' => 'Welcome Email - User Notification', 'handle' => 'welcomeEmail', 'type' => 'notification', 'mailer' => 'defaultmailer', 'hasUrls' => false, 'urlFormat' => null, 'hasAdvancedTitles' => false, 'template' => 'sproutemail/notification', 'templateCopyPaste' => null), array('name' => 'New User - Admin Notification', 'handle' => 'newUserEmail', 'type' => 'notification', 'mailer' => 'defaultmailer', 'hasUrls' => false, 'urlFormat' => null, 'hasAdvancedTitles' => false, 'template' => 'sproutemail/notification', 'templateCopyPaste' => null), array('name' => 'Monthly Newsletter', 'handle' => 'monthlyNewsletter', 'type' => 'email', 'mailer' => 'copypaste', 'hasUrls' => true, 'hasAdvancedTitles' => false, 'urlFormat' => 'sproutemail/{slug}', 'template' => 'sproutemail/newsletter', 'templateCopyPaste' => 'sproutemail/newsletter')); $fieldSettings = array('welcomeEmail' => array('Content' => array(array('name' => 'HTML Email Body', 'handle' => 'exampleHtmlEmailBody', 'instructions' => '', 'type' => 'RichText', 'required' => 1, 'settings' => array('configFile' => '', 'cleanupHtml' => '1', 'purifyHtml' => '', 'columnType' => 'text')), array('name' => 'Text Email Body', 'handle' => 'exampleTextEmailBody', 'type' => 'PlainText', 'required' => 1, 'settings' => array('placeholder' => '', 'maxLength' => '', 'multiline' => 1, 'initialRows' => 4)))), 'newUserEmail' => array('Content' => array(array('name' => 'HTML Email Body', 'handle' => 'exampleHtmlEmailBody', 'instructions' => '', 'type' => 'RichText', 'required' => 1, 'settings' => array('configFile' => '', 'cleanupHtml' => '1', 'purifyHtml' => '', 'columnType' => 'text')), array('name' => 'Text Email Body', 'handle' => 'exampleTextEmailBody', 'type' => 'PlainText', 'required' => 1, 'settings' => array('placeholder' => '', 'maxLength' => '', 'multiline' => 1, 'initialRows' => 4)))), 'monthlyNewsletter' => array('Content' => array(array('name' => 'HTML Email Body', 'handle' => 'exampleHtmlEmailBody', 'instructions' => '', 'type' => 'RichText', 'required' => 1, 'settings' => array('configFile' => '', 'cleanupHtml' => '1', 'purifyHtml' => '', 'columnType' => 'text')), array('name' => 'Text Email Body', 'handle' => 'exampleTextEmailBody', 'type' => 'PlainText', 'required' => 1, 'settings' => array('placeholder' => '', 'maxLength' => '', 'multiline' => 1, 'initialRows' => 4))))); $currentUser = craft()->userSession->getUser(); $emailExamples = array('welcomeEmail' => array('title' => 'Welcome!', 'subjectLine' => 'Welcome!', 'slug' => 'welcome', 'uri' => null, 'campaignId' => null, 'sproutEmail' => array('fromName' => craft()->getSiteName(), 'fromEmail' => $currentUser->email, 'replyTo' => $currentUser->email), 'recipient' => array('onTheFlyRecipients' => '{email}'), 'rules' => array('craft' => array('saveUser' => array('whenNew' => '1', 'whenUpdated' => '', 'userGroupIds' => ''))), 'enabled' => true, 'archived' => '0', 'locale' => $currentUser->locale, 'localeEnabled' => '1', 'sent' => '0', 'htmlBody' => '<p>Thanks for becoming a member.</p> <ul> <li>Username: <strong>{username}</strong></li> <li>Email: <strong>{email}</strong></li> </ul>', 'textBody' => 'Thanks for becoming a member. Username: {username} Email: {email}'), 'newUserEmail' => array('title' => 'A new user has created an account', 'subjectLine' => 'A new user has created an account', 'slug' => 'a-new-user-has-created-an-account', 'uri' => null, 'campaignId' => null, 'sproutEmail' => array('fromName' => craft()->getSiteName(), 'fromEmail' => $currentUser->email, 'replyTo' => $currentUser->email), 'recipient' => array('onTheFlyRecipients' => $currentUser->email), 'rules' => array('craft' => array('saveUser' => array('whenNew' => '1', 'whenUpdated' => '', 'userGroupIds' => ''))), 'enabled' => true, 'archived' => '0', 'locale' => $currentUser->locale, 'localeEnabled' => '1', 'sent' => '0', 'htmlBody' => '<p>A new user has been created:</p> <ul> <li>Username: <strong>{username}</strong></li> <li>Email: <strong>{email}</strong></li> </ul>', 'textBody' => 'A new user has been created: Username: {username} Email: {email}'), 'monthlyNewsletter' => array('title' => 'Best Practices for your Email Subject Line', 'subjectLine' => 'Best Practices for your Email Subject Line', 'slug' => 'best-practices-for-your-email-subject-line', 'uri' => 'sproutemail/best-practices-for-your-email-subject-line', 'campaignId' => null, 'sproutEmail' => array('fromName' => craft()->getSiteName(), 'fromEmail' => $currentUser->email, 'replyTo' => $currentUser->email), 'recipient' => array(), 'rules' => array(), 'enabled' => true, 'archived' => '0', 'locale' => $currentUser->locale, 'localeEnabled' => '1', 'sent' => '0', 'htmlBody' => '<p>Say something interesting!</p>', 'textBody' => 'Say something interesting!')); // Create Emails and their Content foreach ($emailSettings as $settings) { $campaign = new SproutEmail_CampaignModel(); // Assign our email settings $campaign->name = $settings['name']; $campaign->handle = $settings['handle']; $campaign->type = $settings['type']; $campaign->mailer = $settings['mailer']; $campaign->hasUrls = $settings['hasUrls']; $campaign->urlFormat = $settings['urlFormat']; $campaign->hasAdvancedTitles = $settings['hasAdvancedTitles']; $campaign->template = $settings['template']; $campaign->templateCopyPaste = $settings['templateCopyPaste']; // Only install our campaign example if CopyPaste Mailer is installed if ($campaign->mailer == 'copypaste' && !craft()->plugins->getPlugin('SproutEmailCopyPaste')) { break; } // Create the Email if (!($campaign = sproutEmail()->campaigns->saveCampaign($campaign))) { SproutEmailPlugin::log('Campaign NOT CREATED'); return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------ // Do we have a new field that doesn't exist yet? // If so, save it and grab the id. $fieldLayout = array(); $requiredFields = array(); $tabs = $fieldSettings[$campaign->handle]; // Ensure we have a Field Group to save our Fields if (!($sproutEmailFieldGroup = $this->_createFieldGroup())) { SproutEmailPlugin::log('Could not save the Sprout Email Examples field group.', LogLevel::Warning); craft()->userSession->setError(Craft::t('Unable to create examples. Field group not saved.')); return false; } foreach ($tabs as $tabName => $newFields) { foreach ($newFields as $newField) { if (!($field = craft()->fields->getFieldByHandle($newField['handle']))) { $field = new FieldModel(); $field->groupId = $sproutEmailFieldGroup->id; $field->name = $newField['name']; $field->handle = $newField['handle']; $field->type = $newField['type']; $field->required = $newField['required']; $field->settings = $newField['settings']; // Save our field craft()->fields->saveField($field); } $fieldLayout[$tabName][] = $field->id; if ($field->required) { $requiredFields[] = $field->id; } } } // Set the field layout $fieldLayout = craft()->fields->assembleLayout($fieldLayout, $requiredFields); $fieldLayout->type = 'SproutEmail_Campaign'; $campaign->setFieldLayout($fieldLayout); // Save our email again with a layout sproutEmail()->campaigns->saveCampaign($campaign, 'fields'); $entryRecord = SproutEmail_EntryRecord::model()->findByAttributes(array('campaignId' => $campaign->id)); if (!$entryRecord) { $entry = new SproutEmail_EntryModel(); } else { $entry = SproutEmail_EntryModel::populateModel($entryRecord->getAttributes()); } $entryData = $emailExamples[$campaign->handle]; $_POST['sproutEmail'] = $entryData['sproutEmail']; $_POST['recipient'] = $entryData['recipient']; $_POST['rules'] = $entryData['rules']; unset($entryData['recipient']); unset($entryData['rules']); $entry->setAttributes($entryData); $entry->campaignId = $campaign->id; $entry->fromName = craft()->request->getPost('sproutEmail.fromName'); $entry->fromEmail = craft()->request->getPost('sproutEmail.fromEmail'); $entry->replyTo = craft()->request->getPost('sproutEmail.replyTo'); $entry->getContent()->title = $entryData['title']; $entry->getContent()->exampleHtmlEmailBody = $entryData['htmlBody']; $entry->getContent()->exampleTextEmailBody = $entryData['textBody']; sproutEmail()->entries->saveEntry($entry, $campaign); if ($campaign->type == 'notification') { sproutEmail()->notifications->save('users-saveUser', $campaign->id); } } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->_handleError($e); } }