/** * @see ArticleSearch::retrieveResults() */ function callbackRetrieveResults($hookName, $params) { assert($hookName == 'ArticleSearch::retrieveResults'); // Unpack the parameters. list($journal, $keywords, $fromDate, $toDate, $page, $itemsPerPage, $dummy) = $params; $totalResults =& $params[6]; // need to use reference $error =& $params[7]; // need to use reference // Instantiate a search request. $searchRequest = new SolrSearchRequest(); $searchRequest->setJournal($journal); $searchRequest->setFromDate($fromDate); $searchRequest->setToDate($toDate); $searchRequest->setPage($page); $searchRequest->setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage); $searchRequest->addQueryFromKeywords($keywords); // Get the ordering criteria. list($orderBy, $orderDir) = $this->_getResultSetOrdering($journal); $searchRequest->setOrderBy($orderBy); $searchRequest->setOrderDir($orderDir == 'asc' ? true : false); // Configure alternative spelling suggestions. $spellcheck = (bool) $this->getSetting(0, 'spellcheck'); $searchRequest->setSpellcheck($spellcheck); // Configure highlighting. $highlighting = (bool) $this->getSetting(0, 'highlighting'); $searchRequest->setHighlighting($highlighting); // Configure faceting. // 1) Faceting will be disabled for filtered search categories. $activeFilters = array_keys($searchRequest->getQuery()); if (is_a($journal, 'Journal')) { $activeFilters[] = 'journalTitle'; } if (!empty($fromDate) || !empty($toDate)) { $activeFilters[] = 'publicationDate'; } // 2) Switch faceting on for enabled categories that have no // active filters. $facetCategories = array_values(array_diff($this->_getEnabledFacetCategories(), $activeFilters)); $searchRequest->setFacetCategories($facetCategories); // Configure custom ranking. $customRanking = (bool) $this->getSetting(0, 'customRanking'); if ($customRanking) { $sectionDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SectionDAO'); /* @var $sectionDao SectionDAO */ if (is_a($journal, 'Journal')) { $sections = $sectionDao->getJournalSections($journal->getId()); } else { $sections = $sectionDao->getSections(); } while (!$sections->eof()) { /* @var $sections DAOResultFactory */ $section =& $sections->next(); $rankingBoost = $section->getData('rankingBoost'); if (isset($rankingBoost)) { $sectionBoost = (double) $rankingBoost; } else { $sectionBoost = LUCENE_PLUGIN_DEFAULT_RANKING_BOOST; } if ($sectionBoost != LUCENE_PLUGIN_DEFAULT_RANKING_BOOST) { $searchRequest->addBoostFactor('section_id', $section->getId(), $sectionBoost); } unset($section); } unset($sections); } // Call the solr web service. $solrWebService =& $this->getSolrWebService(); $result =& $solrWebService->retrieveResults($searchRequest, $totalResults); if (is_null($result)) { $error = $solrWebService->getServiceMessage(); $this->_informTechAdmin($error, $journal, true); $error .= ' ' . __('plugins.generic.lucene.message.techAdminInformed'); return array(); } else { // Store spelling suggestion, highlighting and faceting info // internally. We cannot route these back through the request // as the default search implementation does not support // these features. if ($spellcheck && isset($result['spellingSuggestion'])) { $this->_spellingSuggestion = $result['spellingSuggestion']; // Identify the field for which we got the suggestion. foreach ($keywords as $bitmap => $searchPhrase) { if (!empty($searchPhrase)) { switch ($bitmap) { case null: $queryField = 'query'; break; case ARTICLE_SEARCH_INDEX_TERMS: $queryField = 'indexTerms'; break; default: $indexFieldMap = ArticleSearch::getIndexFieldMap(); assert(isset($indexFieldMap[$bitmap])); $queryField = $indexFieldMap[$bitmap]; } } } $this->_spellingSuggestionField = $queryField; } if ($highlighting && isset($result['highlightedArticles'])) { $this->_highlightedArticles = $result['highlightedArticles']; } if (!empty($facetCategories) && isset($result['facets'])) { $this->_facets = $result['facets']; } // Return the scored results. if (isset($result['scoredResults']) && !empty($result['scoredResults'])) { return $result['scoredResults']; } else { return array(); } } }