  * @param $action
  * @param int $sid
  * @param array $changes
  * @param $message
  * @return SPMessage
 public function &logAction($action, $sid = 0, $changes = array(), $message = null)
     if (Sobi::Cfg('entry.versioning', true)) {
         $log = array('revision' => microtime(true) . '.' . $sid . '.' . Sobi::My('id'), 'changedAt' => 'FUNCTION:NOW()', 'uid' => Sobi::My('id'), 'userName' => Sobi::My('name'), 'userEmail' => Sobi::My('mail'), 'change' => $action, 'site' => defined('SOBIPRO_ADM') ? 'adm' : 'site', 'sid' => $sid, 'changes' => SPConfig::serialize($changes), 'params' => null, 'reason' => $message, 'language' => Sobi::Lang());
         SPFactory::db()->insert('spdb_history', $log);
     return $this;
  * Try to find out what we have to do
  *     - If we have a task - parse task
  *  - If we don't have a task, but sid, we are going via default object task
  *  - Otherwise it could be only the frontpage
  * @throws SPException
  * @return void
 private function route()
     $cache = true;
     if (Sobi::Cfg('cache.xml_enabled')) {
         if ($this->_model instanceof stdClass && !($this->_model instanceof stdClass && $this->_model->owner == Sobi::My('id'))) {
             if (in_array($this->_model->owner, array('entry'))) {
                 $cache = false;
     if ($cache && Sobi::Cfg('cache.xml_enabled')) {
         $this->_cache = SPFactory::cache()->view();
     if (!$this->_cache) {
         /* if we have a task */
         if ($this->_task && $this->_task != 'panel') {
             if (!$this->routeTask()) {
                 throw new SPException(SPLang::e('Cannot interpret task "%s"', $this->_task));
         } elseif ($this->_sid) {
             if (!$this->routeObj()) {
                 throw new SPException(SPLang::e('Cannot route object with id "%d"', $this->_sid));
         } else {
     } else {
         try {
             $task = $this->_task;
             if (!$task && $this->_sid) {
                 $ctrl = SPFactory::Controller($this->_model->oType);
                 $this->_model = SPFactory::object($this->_sid);
                 $model = SPLoader::loadModel($this->_model->oType, false, false);
                 if ($model) {
                     if ($this->_model instanceof stdClass) {
                         $this->_ctrl->extend($this->_model, true);
             if (strstr($task, '.')) {
                 $task = explode('.', $task);
                 $obj = trim(array_shift($task));
                 if ($obj == 'list' || $obj == 'ls') {
                     $obj = 'listing';
                 $task = trim(implode('.', $task));
                 $ctrl = SPFactory::Controller($obj);
                 $model = SPLoader::loadModel($obj, false, false);
                 if ($model) {
                     if ($this->_model instanceof stdClass) {
                         $this->_ctrl->extend($this->_model, true);
                 } else {
                     if ($this->_model instanceof stdClass) {
                         $this->_ctrl->extend($this->_model, true);
             } elseif ($task) {
                 /** Special controllers not inherited from object and without model */
                 $ctrl = SPFactory::Controller($task);
                 if ($this->_model instanceof stdClass) {
                     $this->_ctrl->extend($this->_model, true);
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error('CachedView', $x->getMessage());
             $this->_cache = null;
 public function checkbox($cell)
     /** First let's check if it is not checked out */
     if (isset($cell['attributes']['checked-out-by']) && isset($cell['attributes']['checked-out-time']) && $cell['attributes']['checked-out-by'] && $cell['attributes']['checked-out-by'] != Sobi::My('id') && strtotime($cell['attributes']['checked-out-time']) > gmdate('U')) {
         if (isset($cell['attributes']['checked-out-ico']) && $cell['attributes']['checked-out-ico']) {
             $icon = $cell['attributes']['checked-out-ico'];
         } else {
             $icon = $this->_checkedOutIcon;
         $user = SPUser::getInstance($cell['attributes']['checked-out-by']);
         $txt = Sobi::Txt('CHECKED_OUT', $user->get('name'), $cell['attributes']['checked-out-time']);
         $this->_out[] = '<a href="#" rel="sp-tooltip" data-original-title="' . $txt . '" class="checkedout">';
         $this->_out[] = '<i class="icon-' . $icon . '"></i>';
         $this->_out[] = '</a>';
         return $cell;
     } elseif ($this->istSet($cell['attributes'], 'locked', true)) {
         $icon = $this->istSet($cell['attributes'], 'locked-icon') ? $cell['attributes']['locked-icon'] : $this->_checkedOutIcon;
         $text = $this->istSet($cell['attributes'], 'locked-text') ? $cell['attributes']['locked-text'] : $this->_checkedOutIcon;
         $this->_out[] = '<a href="#" rel="sp-tooltip" data-original-title="' . $text . '" class="checkedout">';
         $this->_out[] = '<i class="icon-' . $icon . '"></i>';
         $this->_out[] = '</a>';
         return $cell;
     $type = $this->istSet($cell['attributes'], 'input-type') ? $cell['attributes']['input-type'] : 'checkbox';
     if (isset($cell['attributes']['rel']) && $cell['attributes']['rel']) {
         $this->_out[] = '<input type="' . $type . '" name="spToggle" value="1" rel="' . $cell['attributes']['rel'] . '"/>';
         return $cell;
     } else {
         $multiple = $this->istSet($cell['attributes'], 'multiple', 'false') ? null : '[]';
         $this->_out[] = '<input type="' . $type . '" name="' . $cell['attributes']['name'] . $multiple . '" value="' . $cell['content'] . '"/>';
         return $cell;
  * Gets the data for a field and save it in the database
  * @param SPEntry $entry
  * @param string $request
  * @return bool
 public function saveData(&$entry, $request = 'POST')
     if (!$this->enabled) {
         return false;
     /* @var SPdb $db */
     $db = SPFactory::db();
     $save = $this->verify($entry, $request);
     $time = SPRequest::now();
     $IP = SPRequest::ip('REMOTE_ADDR', 0, 'SERVER');
     $uid = Sobi::My('id');
     /* collect the needed params */
     $params = array();
     $params['publishUp'] = $entry->get('publishUp');
     $params['publishDown'] = $entry->get('publishDown');
     $params['fid'] = $this->fid;
     $params['sid'] = $entry->get('id');
     $params['section'] = Sobi::Reg('current_section');
     $params['lang'] = Sobi::Lang();
     $params['enabled'] = $entry->get('state');
     $params['baseData'] = $db->escape(SPConfig::serialize($save));
     $params['approved'] = $entry->get('approved');
     $params['confirmed'] = $entry->get('confirmed');
     /* if it is the first version, it is new entry */
     if ($entry->get('version') == 1) {
         $params['createdTime'] = $time;
         $params['createdBy'] = $uid;
         $params['createdIP'] = $IP;
     $params['updatedTime'] = $time;
     $params['updatedBy'] = $uid;
     $params['updatedIP'] = $IP;
     $params['copy'] = !$entry->get('approved');
     if (Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner')) {
     $params['editLimit'] = $this->editLimit;
     /* save it */
     try {
         /* Notices:
          * If it was new entry - insert
          * If it was an edit and the field wasn't filled before - insert
          * If it was an edit and the field was filled before - update
          *     " ... " and changes are not autopublish it should be insert of the copy .... but
          * " ... " if a copy already exist it is update again
          * */
         $db->insertUpdate('spdb_field_data', $params);
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     /* if it wasn't edited in the default language, we have to try to insert it also for def lang */
     if (Sobi::Lang() != Sobi::DefLang()) {
         $params['lang'] = Sobi::DefLang();
         try {
             $db->insert('spdb_field_data', $params, true, true);
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
 public function display($o = null)
     if (SPRequest::cmd('format') == 'json' && Sobi::Cfg('output.json_enabled', false)) {
         return $this->jsonDisplay();
     $type = $this->key('template_type', 'xslt');
     $f = null;
     $task = SPRequest::task();
     if ($this->key('functions')) {
         $f = $this->registerFunctions();
     $out = null;
     if ($type != 'php' && Sobi::Cfg('global.disable_xslt', false)) {
         $type = 'php';
     $parserClass = SPLoader::loadClass('mlo.template_' . $type);
     if ($parserClass) {
         /** @var $parser SPTemplateXSLT */
         $parser = new $parserClass();
     } else {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('CANNOT_LOAD_PARSER', $type));
     $this->_attr['template_path'] = Sobi::FixPath(str_replace(SOBI_ROOT, Sobi::Cfg('live_site'), $this->_templatePath));
     $messages = SPFactory::message()->getMessages();
     if (count($messages)) {
         foreach ($messages as $type => $content) {
             $this->_attr['messages'][$type] = array_values($content);
     $parser->setCacheData(array('hidden' => $this->_hidden));
     Sobi::Trigger('Display', $this->name(), array($type, &$this->_attr));
     $o = $o ? $o : strtolower($this->key('output', $this->key('output', 'html'), $this->tTask));
     $action = $this->key('form.action');
     if ($action) {
         $opt = SPFactory::mainframe()->form();
         if (is_array($opt) && count($opt)) {
             foreach ($opt as $l => $v) {
                 $this->addHidden($v, $l);
         $form = $this->csection('form');
         $form['method'] = isset($form['method']) && $form['method'] ? $form['method'] : 'post';
         $out .= "\n<form ";
         foreach ($form as $p => $v) {
             $out .= $p . '="' . $v . '" ';
         $out .= ">\n";
     $out .= $parser->display($o, $f);
     $hidden = null;
     if (count($this->_hidden)) {
         $this->_hidden[SPFactory::mainframe()->token()] = 1;
         foreach ($this->_hidden as $name => $value) {
             $hidden .= "\n<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"SP_{$name}\" name=\"{$name}\" value=\"{$value}\"/>";
         // xhtml strict valid
         $hidden = "<div>{$hidden}</div>";
         $out .= $hidden;
     $out .= $action ? "\n</form>\n" : null;
     /* SobiPro type specific content parser */
     Sobi::Trigger('ContentDisplay', $this->name(), array(&$out));
     /* common content parser */
     $cParse = $this->key('parse', -1);
     /* if it was specified in the template config file or it was set in the section config and not disabled in the template config */
     if (!(strstr($task, '.edit') || strstr($task, '.add') || in_array($task, Sobi::Cfg('plugins.content_disable', array())))) {
         if ($cParse == 1 || Sobi::Cfg('parse_template_content', false) && $cParse == -1) {
             Sobi::Trigger('Parse', 'Content', array(&$out));
     header('SobiPro: ' . Sobi::Section());
     if ($o == 'html' && (!strlen(SPRequest::cmd('format')) || SPRequest::cmd('format') == 'html' || SPRequest::int('crawl'))) {
         $out .= $this->pb();
         if ((SPRequest::cmd('dbg') || Sobi::Cfg('debug')) && Sobi::My('id')) {
             $start = Sobi::Reg('start');
             $mem = $start[0];
             $time = $start[1];
             $queries = SPFactory::db()->getCount();
             $mem = number_format(memory_get_usage() - $mem);
             $time = microtime(true) - $time;
             SPConfig::debOut("Memory: {$mem}<br/>Time: {$time}<br/> Queries: {$queries}");
         echo "\n<!-- Start of SobiPro component-->\n<div id=\"SobiPro\" class=\"SobiPro\">\n{$out}\n</div>\n<!-- End of SobiPro component Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Sigsiu.NET GmbH -->\n";
     } else {
     Sobi::Trigger('AfterDisplay', $this->name());
 public static function userSelector($name, $value, $groups = null, $params = null, $icon = 'user', $header = 'USER_SELECT_HEADER', $format = '%user', $orderBy = 'id')
     static $count = 0;
     static $session = null;
     if (!$session) {
         $session = SPFactory::user()->getUserState('userSelector', null, array());
     $params = self::checkArray($params);
     if (!isset($params['id'])) {
         $params['id'] = SPLang::nid($name);
     $user = null;
     $user = SPUser::getBaseData((int) $value);
     $settings = array('groups' => $groups, 'format' => $format, 'user' => Sobi::My('id'), 'ordering' => $orderBy, 'time' => microtime(true));
     if (count($session)) {
         foreach ($session as $id => $data) {
             if (microtime(true) - $data['time'] > 3600) {
     $ssid = md5(microtime() . Sobi::My('id') . ++$count);
     $session[$ssid] =& $settings;
     SPFactory::user()->setUserState('userSelector', $session);
     $userData = null;
     if ($user) {
         $replacements = array();
         preg_match_all('/\\%[a-z]*/', $format, $replacements);
         $placeholders = array();
         if (isset($replacements[0]) && count($replacements[0])) {
             foreach ($replacements[0] as $placeholder) {
                 $placeholders[] = str_replace('%', null, $placeholder);
         if (count($replacements)) {
             foreach ($placeholders as $attribute) {
                 if (isset($user->{$attribute})) {
                     $format = str_replace('%' . $attribute, $user->{$attribute}, $format);
             $userData = $format;
     $modal = '<div class="response btn-group" data-toggle="buttons-radio"></div><br/><button class="btn btn-block hide more" type="button">' . Sobi::Txt('LOAD_MORE') . '</button>';
     $filter = '<input type="text" placeholder="' . Sobi::Txt('FILTER') . '" class="search pull-right spDisableEnter" name="q">';
     $id = $params['id'];
     $params = self::params($params);
     $f = "\n";
     $f .= '<div class="spUserSelector">';
     $f .= '<div class="input-append">';
     $f .= "\n\t";
     $f .= '<input type="text" value="' . $userData . '" ' . $params . ' name="' . $name . 'Holder" readonly="readonly" class="trigger user-name"/>';
     $f .= '<span class="add-on trigger"><i class="icon-' . $icon . '"></i></span>';
     $f .= '</div>';
     $f .= '<input type="hidden" value="' . $value . '" name="' . $name . '" rel="selected"/>';
     $f .= '<input type="hidden" value="' . $ssid . '" name="' . $name . 'Ssid"/>';
     $f .= '<input type="hidden" value="1" name="' . SPFactory::mainframe()->token() . '"/>';
     $f .= "\n\t";
     $f .= "\n";
     $f .= self::modalWindow(Sobi::Txt($header) . $filter, $id . '-window', $modal);
     $f .= '</div>';
     $f .= "\n";
     Sobi::Trigger('Field', ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(&$f));
     return "\n<!-- User Picker '{$name}' Output -->{$f}<!-- User Picker '{$name}' End -->\n\n";
 private function checkCopy()
     return !(in_array(SPRequest::task(), array('entry.approve', 'entry.edit', 'entry.save', 'entry.submit', 'entry.payment')) || Sobi::Can('entry.access.unapproved_any') || $this->owner == Sobi::My('id') && Sobi::Can('entry.manage.own') || $this->owner == Sobi::My('id') && Sobi::Can('entry.access.unpublished_own') || Sobi::Can('entry.manage.*'));
文件: entry.php 项目: pelloq1/SobiPro
 protected function entryData($getFields = true)
     /** @var SPEntry $entry */
     $entry = $this->get('entry');
     $visitor = $this->get('visitor');
     $data = array();
     $data['section'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => Sobi::Section(true), '_attributes' => array('id' => Sobi::Section(), 'lang' => Sobi::Lang(false)));
     $en = array();
     $en['name'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $entry->get('name'), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false)));
     $en['created_time'] = $entry->get('createdTime');
     $en['updated_time'] = $entry->get('updatedTime');
     $en['valid_since'] = $entry->get('validSince');
     $en['valid_until'] = $entry->get('validUntil');
     $en['author'] = $entry->get('owner');
     $en['counter'] = $entry->get('counter');
     $en['approved'] = $entry->get('approved');
     //       $mytime = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
     if ($entry->get('state') == 0) {
         $en['state'] = 'unpublished';
     } else {
         if (strtotime($entry->get('validUntil')) != 0 && strtotime($entry->get('validUntil')) < time()) {
             $en['state'] = 'expired';
         } elseif (strtotime($entry->get('validSince')) != 0 && strtotime($entry->get('validSince')) > time()) {
             $en['state'] = 'pending';
         } else {
             $en['state'] = 'published';
     $en['url'] = Sobi::Url(array('pid' => $entry->get('parent'), 'sid' => $entry->get('id'), 'title' => Sobi::Cfg('sef.alias', true) ? $entry->get('nid') : $entry->get('name')), true, true, true);
     if (Sobi::Can('entry', 'edit', '*') || Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner') && Sobi::Can('entry', 'edit', 'own')) {
         $en['edit_url'] = Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'entry.edit', 'sid' => $entry->get('id')));
     if (Sobi::Can('entry', 'manage', '*')) {
         $en['approve_url'] = Sobi::Url(array('task' => $entry->get('approved') ? 'entry.unapprove' : 'entry.approve', 'sid' => $entry->get('id')));
     if ($entry->get('owner') == Sobi::My('id') && Sobi::Can('entry', 'delete', 'own') || Sobi::Can('entry', 'delete', '*')) {
         $en['delete_url'] = Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'entry.delete', 'sid' => $entry->get('id')));
     if (Sobi::Can('entry', 'publish', '*') || Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner') && Sobi::Can('entry', 'publish', 'own')) {
         $en['publish_url'] = Sobi::Url(array('task' => $entry->get('state') ? 'entry.unpublish' : 'entry.publish', 'sid' => $entry->get('id')));
     $cats = $entry->get('categories');
     $categories = array();
     if (count($cats)) {
         $cn = SPLang::translateObject(array_keys($cats), array('name', 'alias'), 'category');
     $primaryCat = $entry->get('parent');
     foreach ($cats as $cid => $cat) {
         $cAttr = array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false), 'id' => $cat['pid'], 'alias' => $cat['alias'], 'position' => $cat['position'], 'url' => Sobi::Url(array('sid' => $cat['pid'], 'title' => Sobi::Cfg('sef.alias', true) ? $cat['alias'] : $cat['name'])));
         if ($cat['pid'] == $primaryCat) {
             $cAttr['primary'] = 'true';
         $categories[] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => SPLang::clean($cn[$cid]['value']), '_attributes' => $cAttr);
     $en['categories'] = $categories;
     $en['meta'] = array('description' => $entry->get('metaDesc'), 'keys' => $this->metaKeys($entry), 'author' => $entry->get('metaAuthor'), 'robots' => $entry->get('metaRobots'));
     if ($getFields) {
         $fields = $entry->getFields();
         if (count($fields)) {
             $en['fields'] = $this->fieldStruct($fields, 'details');
     $data['entry'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $en, '_attributes' => array('id' => $entry->get('id'), 'nid' => $entry->get('nid'), 'version' => $entry->get('version')));
     $data['visitor'] = $this->visitorArray($visitor);
     return $data;
 protected function loadTemplate($field, $view)
     $nid = '/' . Sobi::Section('nid') . '/';
     $disableOverrides = null;
     if (is_array(Sobi::My('groups'))) {
         $disableOverrides = array_intersect(Sobi::My('groups'), Sobi::Cfg('templates.disable-overrides', array()));
     if (SPLoader::translatePath('field.' . $field->get('fieldType'), 'adm', true, 'xml')) {
         /** Case we have also override  */
         /** section override */
         if (!$disableOverrides && SPLoader::translatePath('field.' . $nid . $field->get('fieldType'), 'adm', true, 'xml')) {
             $view->loadDefinition('field.' . $nid . $field->get('fieldType'));
         } elseif (SPLoader::translatePath('field.' . $field->get('fieldType') . '_override', 'adm', true, 'xml')) {
             $view->loadDefinition('field.' . $field->get('fieldType') . '_override');
         } else {
             $view->loadDefinition('field.' . $field->get('fieldType'));
         if (SPLoader::translatePath('field.templates.' . $field->get('fieldType') . '_override', 'adm')) {
             $view->setTemplate('field.templates.' . $field->get('fieldType') . '_override');
         } elseif (SPLoader::translatePath('field.templates.' . $nid . $field->get('fieldType'), 'adm')) {
             $view->setTemplate('field.templates.' . $nid . $field->get('fieldType'));
         } else {
         return true;
     return false;
  * Gets the data for a field and save it in the database
  * @param SPEntry $entry
  * @param string $request
  * @throws SPException
  * @return bool
 public function saveData(&$entry, $request = 'POST')
     if (!$this->enabled) {
         return false;
     if ($this->method == 'fixed') {
         $fixed = $this->fixedCid;
         $fixed = explode(',', $fixed);
         $data = array();
         if (count($fixed)) {
             foreach ($fixed as $cid) {
                 $data[] = trim($cid);
         if (!count($data)) {
             throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_CC_FIXED_CID_NOT_SELECTED', $this->name));
     } else {
         $data = $this->verify($entry, $request);
     $time = SPRequest::now();
     $IP = SPRequest::ip('REMOTE_ADDR', 0, 'SERVER');
     $uid = Sobi::My('id');
     /* if we are here, we can save these data */
     /* @var SPdb $db */
     $db = SPFactory::db();
     /* collect the needed params */
     $params = array();
     $params['publishUp'] = $entry->get('publishUp');
     $params['publishDown'] = $entry->get('publishDown');
     $params['fid'] = $this->fid;
     $params['sid'] = $entry->get('id');
     $params['section'] = Sobi::Reg('current_section');
     $params['lang'] = Sobi::Lang();
     $params['enabled'] = $entry->get('state');
     $params['params'] = null;
     $params['options'] = null;
     $params['baseData'] = SPConfig::serialize($data);
     $params['approved'] = $entry->get('approved');
     $params['confirmed'] = $entry->get('confirmed');
     /* if it is the first version, it is new entry */
     if ($entry->get('version') == 1) {
         $params['createdTime'] = $time;
         $params['createdBy'] = $uid;
         $params['createdIP'] = $IP;
     $params['updatedTime'] = $time;
     $params['updatedBy'] = $uid;
     $params['updatedIP'] = $IP;
     $params['copy'] = !$entry->get('approved');
     if (Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner')) {
     $params['editLimit'] = $this->editLimit;
     /* save it */
     try {
         /* Notices:
          * If it was new entry - insert
          * If it was an edit and the field wasn't filled before - insert
          * If it was an edit and the field was filled before - update
          *     " ... " and changes are not autopublish it should be insert of the copy .... but
          * " ... " if a copy already exist it is update again
          * */
         $db->insertUpdate('spdb_field_data', $params);
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     /* if it wasn't edited in the default language, we have to try to insert it also for def lang */
     if (Sobi::Lang() != Sobi::DefLang()) {
         $params['lang'] = Sobi::DefLang();
         try {
             $db->insert('spdb_field_data', $params, true, true);
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     /** Last important thing - join selected categories  */
     $cats = SPFactory::registry()->get('request_categories', array());
     $cats = array_unique(array_merge($cats, $data));
     SPFactory::registry()->set('request_categories', $cats);
     if ($this->method == 'select' && $this->isPrimary) {
         $db->update('spdb_object', array('parent' => $data[0]), array('id' => $params['sid']));
 private function editForm()
     /* if adding new */
     if (!$this->_model || $this->_task == 'add') {
     $id = $this->_model->get('id');
     if (!$id) {
         $this->_model->set('state', 1);
         $this->_model->set('parent', SPRequest::sid());
     if ($this->_model->isCheckedOut()) {
         SPFactory::message()->error(Sobi::Txt('CAT.IS_CHECKED_OUT'), false);
     } else {
     $view = SPFactory::View('category', true);
     $view->assign($this->_model, 'category')->assign($this->_task, 'task')->assign(SPFactory::CmsHelper()->userSelect('category.owner', $this->_model->get('owner') ? $this->_model->get('owner') : ($this->_model->get('id') ? 0 : Sobi::My('id')), true), 'owner')->assign($id, 'cid')->addHidden(Sobi::Section(), 'pid');
     Sobi::Trigger('Category', 'EditView', array(&$view));
文件: emod.php 项目: kidaa30/lojinha
  * @param $params
  * @param bool $count
  * @return array
 protected function entries($params, $count = false)
     if ($params->get('fieldOrder')) {
         $eOrder = $params->get('fieldOrder');
     } else {
         $eOrder = $params->get('spOrder');
     $entriesRecursive = true;
     $conditions = array();
     $db = SPFactory::db();
     $limits = $params->get('spLimit');
     if ($limits) {
         $limits = explode('::', $limits);
         $fid = $limits[0];
         $value = $limits[1] == 'group' ? $limits[2] : $limits[1];
         $condition = array('fid' => $fid, 'optValue' => $value);
         if ($limits[1] == 'group') {
             $condition['optValue'] = $db->select('optValue', 'spdb_field_option', array('optParent' => $value, 'fid' => $fid))->loadResultArray();
         $conditions['spo.id'] = $db->select('sid', 'spdb_field_option_selected', $condition)->loadResultArray();
         if (!count($conditions['spo.id'])) {
             return array();
     $eDir = $params->get('spOrderDir');
     $oPrefix = null;
     /* get the site to display */
     if ($params->get('engine') != 'static') {
         $site = SPRequest::int('site', 1);
     } else {
         $site = 1;
     $eLimit = $params->get('entriesLimit');
     $eLimStart = ($site - 1) * $eLimit;
     /* get the ordering and the direction */
     if (strstr($eOrder, '.')) {
         $eOrder = explode('.', $eOrder);
         $eDir = $eOrder[1];
         $eOrder = $eOrder[0];
     $sid = $params->get('sid');
     $section = $params->get('section');
     $this->setModel($sid == $section ? 'section' : 'category');
     $catId = SPRequest::int('pid');
     $catId = $catId ? $catId : SPRequest::sid();
     if ($params->get('autoListing', false) && $catId && $catId != Sobi::Section()) {
         $entries = Sobi::GetUserData('currently-displayed-entries', array());
         if (!count($entries) && $catId) {
             $entries = SPFactory::Category($catId)->getChilds('entry', true, 1);
             $entries = array_unique($entries);
         if (count($entries)) {
             $conditions['spo.id'] = $entries;
     } else {
         if ($entriesRecursive) {
             $pids = $this->_model->getChilds('category', true);
             // getChilds doesn't includes the category id itself
             $pids[$this->_model->get('id')] = $this->_model->get('id');
             if (is_array($pids)) {
                 $pids = array_keys($pids);
             $conditions['sprl.pid'] = $pids;
         } else {
             $conditions['sprl.pid'] = $sid;
         if ($sid == -1) {
     if (count($conditions)) {
         /* sort by field */
         if (is_numeric($eOrder)) {
             static $fields = array();
             $specificMethod = false;
             $field = isset($fields[$sid]) ? $fields[$sid] : null;
             if (!$field) {
                 try {
                     $fType = $db->select('fieldType', 'spdb_field', array('fid' => $eOrder))->loadResult();
                 } catch (SPException $x) {
                     Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_DETERMINE_FIELD_TYPE', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
                 if ($fType) {
                     $field = SPLoader::loadClass('opt.fields.' . $fType);
                 $fields[$sid] = $field;
             if ($field && method_exists($field, 'sortBy')) {
                 $table = null;
                 $oPrefix = null;
                 $specificMethod = call_user_func_array(array($field, 'sortBy'), array(&$table, &$conditions, &$oPrefix, &$eOrder, &$eDir));
             if (!$specificMethod) {
                 $table = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_field', 'as' => 'fdef', 'key' => 'fid'), array('table' => 'spdb_field_data', 'as' => 'fdata', 'key' => 'fid'), array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'spo', 'key' => array('fdata.sid', 'spo.id')), array('table' => 'spdb_relations', 'as' => 'sprl', 'key' => array('fdata.sid', 'sprl.id'))));
                 $oPrefix = 'spo.';
                 $conditions['spo.oType'] = 'entry';
                 $conditions['fdef.fid'] = $eOrder;
                 $eOrder = 'baseData.' . $eDir;
         } else {
             $table = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_relations', 'as' => 'sprl', 'key' => 'id'), array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'spo', 'key' => 'id')));
             $conditions['spo.oType'] = 'entry';
             if ($eOrder == 'validUntil') {
                 $eOrder = 'spo.validUntil';
             $eOrder = $eOrder . '.' . $eDir;
             $oPrefix = 'spo.';
         /* check user permissions for the visibility */
         if (Sobi::My('id')) {
             $this->userPermissionsQuery($conditions, $oPrefix);
         } else {
             $conditions = array_merge($conditions, array($oPrefix . 'state' => '1', '@VALID' => $db->valid($oPrefix . 'validUntil', $oPrefix . 'validSince')));
         $conditions['sprl.copy'] = '0';
         try {
             if (!$count) {
                 $results = $db->select($oPrefix . 'id', $table, $conditions, $eOrder, $eLimit, $eLimStart, true)->loadResultArray();
             } else {
                 $results = $db->select("COUNT( DISTINCT {$oPrefix}id )", $table, $conditions, $eOrder)->loadResult();
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         if ($count) {
             return $results;
         $entries = array();
         if (count($results)) {
             foreach ($results as $i => $sid) {
                 $entries[$i] = $sid;
         return $entries;
     } else {
         return array();
文件: cache.php 项目: pelloq1/SobiPro
 public function storeView($head)
     if (!Sobi::Cfg('cache.xml_enabled') || $this->_cachedView || Sobi::My('id') && Sobi::Cfg('cache.xml_no_reg')) {
         return false;
     if ($this->view['xml']) {
         $xml = $this->view['xml'];
         $template = Sobi::Reg('cache_view_template');
         if (!$template) {
             $template = $this->view['template'];
             $template = str_replace(SPLoader::translateDirPath(Sobi::Cfg('section.template'), 'templates'), null, $template);
         $root = $xml->documentElement;
         if ($root->getElementsByTagName('messages')->length) {
         /** @var $header DOMDocument */
         $header = SPFactory::Instance('types.array')->toXML($head, 'header', true);
         $root->appendChild($xml->importNode($header->documentElement, true));
         if ($this->view['data'] && count($this->view['data'])) {
             $data = SPFactory::Instance('types.array')->toXML($this->view['data'], 'cache-data', true);
             $root->appendChild($xml->importNode($data->documentElement, true));
         $request = $this->viewRequest();
         $request['template'] = $template;
         $configFiles = SPFactory::registry()->get('template_config');
         $request['configFile'] = str_replace('"', "'", json_encode($configFiles));
         $request['cid'] = 'NULL';
         $request['created'] = 'FUNCTION:NOW()';
         $fileName = md5(serialize($request));
         $request['fileName'] = $fileName;
         $filePath = SPLoader::path('var.xml.' . $fileName, 'front', false, 'xml');
         $content = $xml->saveXML();
         $content = str_replace('&nbsp;', '&#160;', $content);
         $content = preg_replace('/[^\\x{0009}\\x{000a}\\x{000d}\\x{0020}-\\x{D7FF}\\x{E000}-\\x{FFFD}]+/u', null, $content);
         $matches = array();
         preg_match_all('/<(category|entry|subcategory)[^>]*id="(\\d{1,})"/', $content, $matches);
         try {
             $cid = SPFactory::db()->insert('spdb_view_cache', $request, false, true)->insertid();
             $relations = array(SPRequest::sid() => array('cid' => $cid, 'sid' => SPRequest::sid()));
             if (isset($matches[2])) {
                 $ids = array_unique($matches[2]);
                 foreach ($ids as $sid) {
                     $relations[$sid] = array('cid' => $cid, 'sid' => $sid);
             SPFactory::db()->insertArray('spdb_view_cache_relation', $relations);
             SPFs::write($filePath, $content);
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error('XML-Cache', $x->getMessage());
 public function visible()
     $type = $this->_model->get('oType');
     if (Sobi::Can($type, 'access', '*')) {
         return true;
     $error = false;
     $owner = $this->_model->get('owner');
     $state = $this->_model->get('state');
     Sobi::Trigger($type, 'CheckVisibility', array(&$state, &$owner));
     /* if it's unpublished */
     if (!$state) {
         if ($owner == Sobi::My('id')) {
             if (!Sobi::Can($type, 'access', 'unpublished_own')) {
                 $error = true;
         } else {
             if (!Sobi::Can($type, 'access', 'unpublished_any')) {
                 $error = true;
     } else {
         if (!Sobi::Can($type, 'access', 'valid')) {
             $error = true;
     /** if not approved */
     /** and unapproved entry can be accessed
      * because then the previously created version
      * should be displayed
     if ($type == 'category') {
         $approved = $this->_model->get('approved');
         if (!$approved) {
             if (!Sobi::Can($type, 'access', 'unapproved_any')) {
                 $error = true;
     /* if it's expired or not valid yet  */
     $va = $this->_model->get('validUntil');
     $va = $va ? strtotime($va . ' UTC') : 0;
     if (!$error) {
         if (strtotime($this->_model->get('validSince') . ' UTC') > gmdate('U')) {
             if ($owner == Sobi::My('id')) {
                 if (!Sobi::Can($type, 'access', 'unpublished_own')) {
                     $error = true;
             } else {
                 if (!Sobi::Can($type, 'access', 'unpublished_any')) {
                     $error = true;
         } elseif ($va > 0 && $va < gmdate('U')) {
             if ($owner == Sobi::My('id')) {
                 if (!Sobi::Can($type, 'access', 'unpublished_own')) {
                     $error = true;
             } else {
                 if (!Sobi::Can($type, 'access', 'unpublished_any')) {
                     $error = true;
     if ($error) {
         $redirect = Sobi::Cfg('redirects.' . $type . '_access_url', null);
         if (Sobi::Cfg('redirects.' . $type . '_access_enabled', false) && strlen($redirect)) {
             $this->escape($redirect, Sobi::Cfg('redirects.' . $type . '_access_msg', SPLang::e('UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS', SPRequest::task())), Sobi::Cfg('redirects.' . $type . '_access_msgtype', 'message'));
         } else {
             Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS', SPRequest::task()), SPC::ERROR, 403, __LINE__, __FILE__);
  * @return bool
 public function isCheckedOut()
     if ($this->cout && $this->cout != Sobi::My('id') && strtotime($this->coutTime) > time()) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
 private function fetch()
     $msg = SPFactory::Controller('progress');
     if (!SPFactory::mainframe()->checkToken('get')) {
         Sobi::Error('Token', SPLang::e('UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS_TASK', SPRequest::task()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         $msg->error(SPLang::e('REPO_ERR', SPLang::e('UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS_TASK', SPRequest::task())));
     $msg->progress(0, Sobi::Txt('EX.GETTING_REPOS'));
     $repos = SPLoader::dirPath('etc.repos', 'front');
     $repos = SPFactory::Instance('base.fs.directory', $repos);
     $repos = $repos->searchFile('repository.xml', true, 2);
     $repos = array_keys($repos);
     $cr = count($repos);
     $progress = 5;
     $msg->progress($progress, Sobi::Txt('EX.FOUND_NUM_REPOS', array('count' => $cr)));
     $repository = SPFactory::Instance('services.installers.repository');
     //		sleep( 5 );
     $steps = 2;
     $pstep = 80 / $cr / $steps;
     $list = array();
     $r = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $cr; $i++) {
         $progress += $pstep / $steps;
         $msg->progress($progress, Sobi::Txt('EX.CON_TO_REPO_D_D', array('num' => $i + 1, 'from' => $cr)));
         try {
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             $msg->error(SPLang::e('REPO_ERR', $x->getMessage()));
         $progress += $pstep / $steps;
         $msg->progress($progress, Sobi::Txt('EX.FETCHING_FROM_REPO_D_D', array('num' => $i + 1, 'from' => $cr)));
         try {
             $ver = SPFactory::CmsHelper()->cmsVersion();
             $l = $repository->fetchList($repository->get('token'), 'Joomla ' . $ver['major'] . '.' . $ver['minor']);
             //				sleep( 1 );
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             $msg->error(SPLang::e('REPO_ERR', $x->getMessage()));
         if (is_array($l)) {
             if (count($l)) {
                 $pid = $repository->get('id');
                 foreach ($l as $eid => $values) {
                     $eid = str_replace(array('.', '_'), '-', $eid);
                     $values['repository'] = $pid;
                     $l[$eid] = $values;
                 $r[$pid] = $repository->get('url');
             $list = array_merge($list, $l);
         $progress += $pstep / $steps;
         $msg->progress($progress, Sobi::Txt('EX.FETCHED_LIST_FROM_REPOSITORY', array('count' => count($l), 'num' => $i + 1, 'from' => $cr)));
     $progress += 5;
     if (count($list)) {
         $msg->progress($progress, Sobi::Txt('EX.FETCHED_D_EXTENSIONS', array('count' => count($list))));
         $extensions = array();
         $extensions['created'] = time();
         $extensions['createdBy'] = array('id' => Sobi::My('id'), 'name' => Sobi::My('name'));
         $extensions['repositories'] = $r;
         $extensions['extensions'] = $list;
         $progress += 10;
         /** @var SPFile $file */
         $file = SPFactory::Instance('base.fs.file', SPLoader::path('etc.extensions', 'front', false, 'xml'));
         $def = SPFactory::Instance('types.array');
         $file->content($def->toXML($extensions, 'extensionsList'));
         $msg->progress($progress, $def->toXML($extensions, 'extensionsList'));
         try {
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             $msg->progress($progress, $x->getMessage());
         //			sleep( 1 );
     $msg->progress(100, Sobi::Txt('EX.EXT_LIST_UPDATED'), SPC::SUCCESS_MSG);
     //		SPFactory::message()->success( Sobi::Txt( 'EX.EXT_LIST_UPDATED' ), false );
    private function editForm()
        $sid = SPRequest::int('pid');
        $sid = $sid ? $sid : SPRequest::sid();
        $view = SPFactory::View('entry', true);
        /* if adding new */
        if (!$this->_model) {
        $id = $this->_model->get('id');
        if (!$id) {
            $this->_model->set('state', 1);
            $this->_model->set('approved', 1);
        } else {
            $view->assign($view->languages(), 'languages-list');
        $this->_model->loadFields(Sobi::Reg('current_section'), true);
        if ($this->_model->isCheckedOut()) {
            SPFactory::message()->error(Sobi::Txt('EN.IS_CHECKED_OUT', $this->_model->get('name')), false);
        } else {
            /* check out the model */
        /* get fields for this section */
        /* @var SPEntry $this ->_model */
        $fields = $this->_model->get('fields');
        if (!count($fields)) {
            throw new SPException(SPLang::e('CANNOT_GET_FIELDS_IN_SECTION', Sobi::Reg('current_section')));
        $revisionChange = false;
        $rev = SPRequest::cmd('revision');
        $revisionsDelta = array();
        if ($rev) {
            $revision = SPFactory::message()->getRevision(SPRequest::cmd('revision'));
            if (isset($revision['changes']) && count($revision['changes'])) {
                SPFactory::message()->warning(Sobi::Txt('HISTORY_REVISION_WARNING', $revision['changedAt']), false);
                foreach ($fields as $i => $field) {
                    if ($field->get('enabled') && $field->enabled('form')) {
                        if (isset($revision['changes']['fields'][$field->get('nid')])) {
                            $revisionData = $revision['changes']['fields'][$field->get('nid')];
                        } else {
                            $revisionData = null;
                        $currentData = $field->getRaw();
                        if (is_array($revisionData) && !is_array($currentData)) {
                            try {
                                $currentData = SPConfig::unserialize($currentData);
                            } catch (SPException $x) {
                        if ($revisionData || $currentData) {
                            if (md5(serialize($currentData)) != md5(serialize($revisionData))) {
                        $fields[$i] = $field;
                foreach ($revision['changes'] as $attr => $value) {
                    if ($value != $this->_model->get($attr)) {
                        $revisionsDelta[$attr] = $value;
                        $this->_model->setRevData($attr, $value);
                $revisionChange = true;
            } else {
                SPFactory::message()->error(Sobi::Txt('HISTORY_REVISION_NOT_FOUND'), false)->setSystemMessage();
        $f = array();
        foreach ($fields as $field) {
            if ($field->get('enabled') && $field->enabled('form')) {
                $f[] = $field;
        /* create the validation script to check if required fields are filled in and the filters, if any, match */
        $view->assign($this->_model, 'entry');
        /* get the categories */
        $cats = $this->_model->getCategories(true);
        if (count($cats)) {
            $tCats = array();
            foreach ($cats as $cid) {
                /* ROTFL ... damn I like arrays ;-) */
                $tCats2 = SPFactory::config()->getParentPath($cid, true);
                if (is_array($tCats2) && count($tCats2)) {
                    $tCats[] = implode(Sobi::Cfg('string.path_separator'), $tCats2);
            if (count($tCats)) {
                $view->assign(implode("\n", $tCats), 'parent_path');
            $view->assign(implode(", ", $cats), 'parents');
        } elseif ($this->_model->get('valid')) {
            $parent = $sid == Sobi::Reg('current_section') ? 0 : $sid;
            if ($parent) {
                $view->assign(implode(Sobi::Cfg('string.path_separator', ' > '), SPFactory::config()->getParentPath($parent, true)), 'parent_path');
            $view->assign($parent, 'parents');
        } else {
            $n = null;
            $view->assign($n, 'parents');
            $view->assign($n, 'parent_path');
        $history = array();
        $messages = SPFactory::message()->getHistory($id);
        if (count($messages)) {
            foreach ($messages as $message) {
                $message['change'] = Sobi::Txt('HISTORY_CHANGE_TYPE_' . str_replace('-', '_', strtoupper($message['change'])));
                $message['site'] = Sobi::Txt('HISTORY_CHANGE_AREA_' . strtoupper($message['site']));
                if (strlen($message['reason'])) {
                    $message['status'] = 1;
                } else {
                    $message['status'] = 0;
                $history[] = $message;
        $versioningAdminBehaviour = Sobi::Cfg('entry.versioningAdminBehaviour', 1);
        if ($versioningAdminBehaviour || !Sobi::Cfg('entry.versioning', true)) {
				SobiPro.jQuery( document ).ready( function () { SobiPro.jQuery( "[rel=\'entry.saveWithRevision\']" ).parent().css( "display", "none" ); } );
        $view->assign($this->_task, 'task')->assign($f, 'fields')->assign($id, 'id')->assign($history, 'history')->assign($revisionChange, 'revision-change')->assign($revisionsDelta, 'revision')->assign($versioningAdminBehaviour, 'history-behaviour')->assign(SPFactory::CmsHelper()->userSelect('entry.owner', $this->_model->get('owner') ? $this->_model->get('owner') : ($this->_model->get('id') ? 0 : Sobi::My('id')), true), 'owner')->assign(Sobi::Reg('current_section'), 'sid')->determineTemplate('entry', 'edit')->addHidden($rev, 'revision')->addHidden($sid, 'pid');
 protected function session(&$ssid)
     /* if it wasn't new search */
     $ssid = SPRequest::cmd('ssid', SPRequest::cmd('ssid', null, 'cookie'));
     $new = false;
     /* otherwise create new ssid */
     if (!$ssid) {
         $ssid = microtime(true) * 100 . '.' . rand(0, 99);
         $new = true;
     $attr = array('ssid' => $ssid, 'uid' => Sobi::My('id'), 'browserData' => SPConfig::serialize(SPBrowser::getInstance()));
     /* get search request */
     if (!count($this->_request)) {
         $r = SPRequest::search('field_');
         if (is_array($r) && count($r)) {
             $attr['requestData'] = SPConfig::serialize($r);
     /* determine the search parameters */
     if ($new) {
         $attr['searchCreated'] = 'FUNCTION:NOW()';
     /* finally save */
     try {
         $this->_db->insertUpdate('spdb_search', $attr);
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_CREATE_SESSION_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     return SPCookie::set('ssid', $ssid, SPCookie::days(7));
 public function getEntries($eLimit, $site, $ids = false)
     $conditions = array();
     $entries = array();
     /* get the site to display */
     $eLimStart = ($site - 1) * $eLimit;
     if (isset($this->_letter[1]) && $this->_letter[1] == '-') {
         $this->_letter = "[{$this->_letter[0]}-{$this->_letter[2]}]";
     $db = SPFactory::db();
      * Don't know exactly why but on Windows servers there seems to be some problem with unicode chars
      *     - strtolower/strtoupper is destroying these chars completely
      *     - MySQL seems to be suddenly case sensitive with non-latin chars so we need to ask both
      * Wed, Apr 4, 2012: Apparently it's not only Windows related
     if (!preg_match('/^[\\x20-\\x7f]*$/D', $this->_letter) && function_exists('mb_strtolower')) {
         // if we have multibyte string support - ask both cases ...
         $baseCondition = "REGEXP:^{$this->_letter}|^" . mb_strtoupper($this->_letter);
     } else {
         // if no unicode - great, it'll work.
         // if we don't have MB - shit happens
         $baseCondition = "REGEXP:^{$this->_letter}";
     switch ($this->_fieldType) {
         case 'chbxgroup':
         case 'select':
         case 'multiselect':
             $eOrder = 'sValue';
             $table = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_field_option_selected', 'as' => 'opts'), array('table' => 'spdb_language', 'as' => 'lang', 'key' => array('opts.optValue', 'lang.sKey')), array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'spo', 'key' => array('opts.sid', 'spo.id')), array('table' => 'spdb_relations', 'as' => 'sprl', 'key' => array('opts.sid', 'sprl.id'))));
             $oPrefix = 'spo.';
             $conditions['spo.oType'] = 'entry';
             $conditions['opts.fid'] = $this->_field;
             $conditions['lang.sValue'] = $baseCondition;
             $eOrder = 'baseData';
             $table = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_field', 'as' => 'fdef', 'key' => 'fid'), array('table' => 'spdb_field_data', 'as' => 'fdata', 'key' => 'fid'), array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'spo', 'key' => array('fdata.sid', 'spo.id')), array('table' => 'spdb_relations', 'as' => 'sprl', 'key' => array('fdata.sid', 'sprl.id'))));
             $oPrefix = 'spo.';
             $conditions['spo.oType'] = 'entry';
             $conditions['fdef.fid'] = $this->_field;
             $conditions['fdata.baseData'] = $baseCondition;
     $this->_field = $this->_field ? $this->_field : Sobi::Cfg('alphamenu.primary_field', SPFactory::config()->nameField()->get('id'));
     /* check user permissions for the visibility */
     if (Sobi::My('id')) {
         $this->userPermissionsQuery($conditions, $oPrefix);
     } else {
         $conditions = array_merge($conditions, array($oPrefix . 'state' => '1', '@VALID' => $db->valid($oPrefix . 'validUntil', $oPrefix . 'validSince')));
     $conditions['sprl.copy'] = '0';
     try {
         $db->select($oPrefix . 'id', $table, $conditions, $eOrder, $eLimit, $eLimStart, true);
         $results = $db->loadResultArray();
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         Sobi::Error('AlphaListing', SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     if ($ids) {
         Sobi::SetUserData('currently-displayed-entries', $results);
         return $results;
     if (count($results)) {
         foreach ($results as $i => $sid) {
             // it needs too much memory moving the object creation to the view
             //$entries[ $i ] = SPFactory::Entry( $sid );
             $entries[$i] = $sid;
     Sobi::Trigger($this->name(), 'AfterGetEntries', array(&$entries, false));
     return $entries;
文件: entry.php 项目: pelloq1/SobiPro
 private function editForm()
     if ($this->_task != 'add') {
         $sid = SPRequest::sid();
         $sid = $sid ? $sid : SPRequest::int('pid');
     } else {
         $this->authorise($this->_task, 'own');
         $this->_model = null;
         $sid = SPRequest::int('pid');
         //			$section = SPFactory::Section( Sobi::Section() );
     if ($this->_model && $this->_model->isCheckedOut()) {
         Sobi::Redirect(Sobi::Url(array('sid' => SPRequest::sid())), Sobi::Txt('EN.IS_CHECKED_OUT', $this->_model->get('name')), SPC::ERROR_MSG, true);
     /* determine template package */
     $tplPackage = Sobi::Cfg('section.template', SPC::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE);
     /* load template config */
     /* check if we have stored last edit in cache */
     $this->getCache(SPRequest::string('editentry', null, false, 'cookie'), 'editcache');
     $section = SPFactory::Model('section');
     if ($this->_model) {
         /* handle meta data */
         /* add pathway */
     } else {
         /* handle meta data */
         if ($this->_task == 'add') {
         SPFactory::mainframe()->addToPathway(Sobi::Txt('EN.ADD_PATH_TITLE'), Sobi::Url('current'));
         SPFactory::mainframe()->setTitle(Sobi::Txt('EN.ADD_TITLE', array('section' => $section->get('name'))));
         /* add pathway */
     $id = $this->_model->get('id');
     if (!$id) {
         $this->_model->set('state', 1);
     if ($this->_task != 'add' && !$this->authorise($this->_task, $this->_model->get('owner') == Sobi::My('id') ? 'own' : '*')) {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('YOU_ARE_NOT_AUTH_TO_EDIT_THIS_ENTRY'));
     /* get fields for this section */
     $fields = $this->_model->get('fields');
     if (!count($fields)) {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('CANNOT_GET_FIELDS_IN_SECTION', Sobi::Reg('current_section')));
     /* create the validation script to check if required fields are filled in and the filters, if any, match */
     /* check out the model */
     $class = SPLoader::loadView('entry');
     $view = new $class($this->template);
     $view->assign($this->_model, 'entry');
     $cache = Sobi::Reg('editcache');
     /* get the categories */
     if (isset($cache) && isset($cache['entry_parent'])) {
         $cats = explode(',', $cache['entry_parent']);
     } else {
         $cats = $this->_model->getCategories(true);
     if (count($cats)) {
         $tCats = array();
         foreach ($cats as $cid) {
             $tCats2 = SPFactory::config()->getParentPath((int) $cid, true);
             if (is_array($tCats2) && count($tCats2)) {
                 $tCats[] = implode(Sobi::Cfg('string.path_separator', ' > '), $tCats2);
         if (count($tCats)) {
             $view->assign(implode("\n", $tCats), 'parent_path');
         $view->assign(implode(", ", $cats), 'parents');
     } else {
         $parent = $sid == Sobi::Reg('current_section') ? 0 : $sid;
         if ($parent) {
             $view->assign(implode(Sobi::Cfg('string.path_separator', ' > '), SPFactory::config()->getParentPath($parent, true)), 'parent_path');
         $view->assign($parent, 'parents');
     $view->assign($this->_task, 'task');
     $view->assign($fields, 'fields');
     $view->assign($id, 'id');
     $view->assign($id, 'sid');
     $view->assign(SPFactory::user()->getCurrent(), 'visitor');
     $view->setConfig($this->_tCfg, $this->template);
     $view->setTemplate($tplPackage . '.' . $this->templateType . '.' . ($this->template == 'add' ? 'edit' : $this->template));
     $view->addHidden($sid ? $sid : SPRequest::sid(), 'pid');
     $view->addHidden($id, 'sid');
     $view->addHidden(SPRequest::int('pid') && SPRequest::int('pid') != $id ? SPRequest::int('pid') : Sobi::Section(), 'pid');
     $view->addHidden('entry.submit', SOBI_TASK);
     Sobi::Trigger($this->name(), __FUNCTION__, array(&$view));
  * Gets the data for a field and save it in the database
  * @param SPEntry $entry
  * @param string $request
  * @return bool
 public function saveData(&$entry, $request = 'POST')
     if (!$this->enabled) {
         return false;
     $data = $this->fetchData($this->multi ? SPRequest::arr($this->nid, array(), $request) : SPRequest::word($this->nid, null, $request), $request);
     $cdata = $this->verify($entry, $request, $data);
     $time = SPRequest::now();
     $IP = SPRequest::ip('REMOTE_ADDR', 0, 'SERVER');
     $uid = Sobi::My('id');
     /* @var SPdb $db */
     $db =& SPFactory::db();
     /* if we are here, we can save these data */
     if ($cdata) {
         if ($this->dependency) {
             return $this->saveDependencyField($entry, $data, $request);
         $options = array();
         $params = array();
         $params['publishUp'] = $entry->get('publishUp');
         $params['publishDown'] = $entry->get('publishDown');
         $params['fid'] = $this->fid;
         $params['sid'] = $entry->get('id');
         $params['section'] = Sobi::Reg('current_section');
         $params['lang'] = Sobi::Lang();
         $params['enabled'] = $entry->get('state');
         $params['approved'] = $entry->get('approved');
         $params['confirmed'] = $entry->get('confirmed');
         /* if it is the first version, it is new entry */
         if ($entry->get('version') == 1) {
             $params['createdTime'] = $time;
             $params['createdBy'] = $uid;
             $params['createdIP'] = $IP;
         $params['updatedTime'] = $time;
         $params['updatedBy'] = $uid;
         $params['updatedIP'] = $IP;
         $params['copy'] = 0;
         $params['baseData'] = null;
         $params['copy'] = (int) (!$entry->get('approved'));
         if (Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner')) {
         $params['editLimit'] = $this->editLimit;
         /* save it */
         try {
             $db->insertUpdate('spdb_field_data', $params);
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         foreach ($data as $selected) {
             /* collect the needed params */
             $params['baseData'] = strip_tags($db->escape($selected));
             $options[] = array('fid' => $this->fid, 'sid' => $entry->get('id'), 'optValue' => $selected, 'copy' => $params['copy'], 'params' => null);
         /* delete old selected values */
         try {
             $db->delete('spdb_field_option_selected', array('fid' => $this->fid, 'sid' => $entry->get('id'), 'copy' => $params['copy']));
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_DELETE_PREVIOUS_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         /* insert new selected value */
         try {
             $db->insertArray('spdb_field_option_selected', $options);
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_SELECTED_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     } elseif ($entry->get('version') > 1) {
         if (!$entry->get('approved')) {
             try {
                 $db->update('spdb_field_option_selected', array('copy' => 1), array('fid' => $this->fid, 'sid' => $entry->get('id')));
             } catch (SPException $x) {
                 Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_UPDATE_PREVIOUS_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         } else {
             /* delete old selected values */
             try {
                 $db->delete('spdb_field_option_selected', array('fid' => $this->fid, 'sid' => $entry->get('id')));
             } catch (SPException $x) {
                 Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_DELETE_PREVIOUS_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
 public function display()
     $tpl = SPLoader::path($this->_template . '_override', 'adm.template');
     if (!$tpl) {
         $tpl = SPLoader::path($this->_template, 'adm.template');
     if (!$tpl) {
         $tpl = SPLoader::translatePath($this->_template, 'adm.template', false);
         Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('TEMPLATE_DOES_NOT_EXISTS', $tpl), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     Sobi::Trigger('Display', $this->name(), array(&$this));
     $action = $this->key('action');
     echo "\n<!-- SobiPro output -->\n";
     echo '<div class="SobiPro" id="SobiPro">' . "\n";
     if ($this->_legacy) {
         echo SPFactory::AdmToolbar()->render();
         echo $this->legacyMessages();
         echo '<div class="row-fluid">' . "\n";
     echo $action ? "\n<form action=\"{$action}\" method=\"post\" name=\"adminForm\" id=\"SPAdminForm\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" accept-charset=\"utf-8\" >\n" : null;
     $prefix = null;
     if (!$this->_legacy) {
         $prefix = 'SP_';
     include $tpl;
     if (count($this->_hidden)) {
         $this->_hidden[SPFactory::mainframe()->token()] = 1;
         $this->_hidden['spsid'] = microtime(true) + Sobi::My('id') * mt_rand(5, 15) / mt_rand(5, 15);
         foreach ($this->_hidden as $name => $value) {
             echo "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$name}\" id=\"{$prefix}{$name}\" value=\"{$value}\"/>";
     echo $action ? "\n</form>\n" : null;
     if ($this->_legacy) {
         echo '</div>' . "\n";
     echo '</div>' . "\n";
     echo "\n<!-- SobiPro output end -->\n";
     Sobi::Trigger('AfterDisplay', $this->name());
  * Gets the data for a field and save it in the database
  * @param SPEntry $entry
  * @param string $request
  * @return bool
 public function saveData(&$entry, $request = 'POST')
     if (!$this->enabled) {
         return false;
     $data = $this->verify($entry, $request);
     $time = SPRequest::now();
     $IP = SPRequest::ip('REMOTE_ADDR', 0, 'SERVER');
     $uid = Sobi::My('id');
     /* if we are here, we can save these data */
     /* @var SPdb $db */
     $db =& SPFactory::db();
     if ($this->allowHtml) {
         /* filter data */
         if (count($this->allowedAttributes)) {
         if (count($this->allowedTags)) {
         $data = SPRequest::string($this->nid, null, $this->allowHtml, $request);
         if (!$this->editor && $this->maxLength && strlen($data) > $this->maxLength) {
             $data = substr($data, 0, $this->maxLength);
     } else {
         $data = strip_tags($data);
     /* collect the needed params */
     $params = array();
     $params['publishUp'] = $entry->get('publishUp');
     $params['publishDown'] = $entry->get('publishDown');
     $params['fid'] = $this->fid;
     $params['sid'] = $entry->get('id');
     $params['section'] = Sobi::Reg('current_section');
     $params['lang'] = Sobi::Lang();
     $params['enabled'] = $entry->get('state');
     $params['params'] = null;
     $params['options'] = null;
     $params['baseData'] = $data;
     $params['approved'] = $entry->get('approved');
     $params['confirmed'] = $entry->get('confirmed');
     /* if it is the first version, it is new entry */
     if ($entry->get('version') == 1) {
         $params['createdTime'] = $time;
         $params['createdBy'] = $uid;
         $params['createdIP'] = $IP;
     $params['updatedTime'] = $time;
     $params['updatedBy'] = $uid;
     $params['updatedIP'] = $IP;
     $params['copy'] = !$entry->get('approved');
     if (Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner')) {
     $params['editLimit'] = $this->editLimit;
     /* save it */
     try {
         $db->insertUpdate('spdb_field_data', $params);
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     /* if it wasn't edited in the default language, we have to try to insert it also for def lang */
     if (Sobi::Lang() != Sobi::DefLang()) {
         $params['lang'] = Sobi::DefLang();
         try {
             $db->insert('spdb_field_data', $params, true, true);
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
 public function ProxyCount()
     $browser = SPBrowser::getInstance();
     $this->nid = str_replace(array('.count', '.'), array(null, '_'), SPRequest::task());
     $ident = $this->nid . '_' . SPRequest::int('eid');
     $check = SPRequest::cmd('count_' . $ident, null, 'cookie');
     if (!$check) {
         $data = array('date' => 'FUNCTION:NOW()', 'uid' => Sobi::My('id'), 'sid' => SPRequest::int('eid'), 'fid' => $this->nid, 'ip' => SPRequest::ip('REMOTE_ADDR', 0, 'SERVER'), 'section' => Sobi::Section(), 'browserData' => $browser->get('browser'), 'osData' => $browser->get('system'), 'humanity' => $browser->get('humanity'));
         SPCookie::set('count_' . $ident, 1, SPCookie::hours(2));
         SPFactory::db()->insert('spdb_field_url_clicks', $data);
  * @param $entry
  * @param $request
  * @param $files
  * @return SPdb
  * @throws SPException
 protected function storeData(&$entry, $request, $files)
     /* @var SPdb $db */
     $db =& SPFactory::db();
     $this->verify($entry, $request);
     $time = SPRequest::now();
     $IP = SPRequest::ip('REMOTE_ADDR', 0, 'SERVER');
     $uid = Sobi::My('id');
     /* if we are here, we can save these data */
     /* collect the needed params */
     $save = count($files) ? SPConfig::serialize($files) : null;
     $params = array();
     $params['publishUp'] = $entry->get('publishUp');
     $params['publishDown'] = $entry->get('publishDown');
     $params['fid'] = $this->fid;
     $params['sid'] = $entry->get('id');
     $params['section'] = Sobi::Reg('current_section');
     $params['lang'] = Sobi::Lang();
     $params['enabled'] = $entry->get('state');
     $params['baseData'] = $db->escape($save);
     $params['approved'] = $entry->get('approved');
     $params['confirmed'] = $entry->get('confirmed');
     /* if it is the first version, it is new entry */
     if ($entry->get('version') == 1) {
         $params['createdTime'] = $time;
         $params['createdBy'] = $uid;
         $params['createdIP'] = $IP;
     $params['updatedTime'] = $time;
     $params['updatedBy'] = $uid;
     $params['updatedIP'] = $IP;
     $params['copy'] = !$entry->get('approved');
     if (Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner')) {
     $params['editLimit'] = $this->editLimit;
     /* save it */
     try {
         $db->insertUpdate('spdb_field_data', $params);
         return $db;
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_FIELDS_DATA_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         return $db;
     return $db;
 protected function entry($entry, $manager, $noId = false)
     $en = array();
     if (is_numeric($entry)) {
         $en = $this->cachedEntry($entry, $manager, $noId);
     if (!is_array($en) || !count($en)) {
         if (is_numeric($entry)) {
             $entry = SPFactory::Entry($entry);
         $en['id'] = $entry->get('id');
         $en['nid'] = $entry->get('nid');
         $en['name'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $entry->get('name'), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false)));
         $en['url_array'] = array('title' => Sobi::Cfg('sef.alias', true) ? $entry->get('nid') : $entry->get('name'), 'pid' => $entry->get('primary'), 'sid' => $entry->get('id'));
         if (strstr(SPRequest::task(), 'search') || $noId || Sobi::Cfg('section.force_category_id', false) && SPRequest::sid() == Sobi::Section()) {
             $en['url'] = Sobi::Url(array('title' => Sobi::Cfg('sef.alias', true) ? $entry->get('nid') : $entry->get('name'), 'pid' => $entry->get('primary'), 'sid' => $entry->get('id')));
         } else {
             $en['url'] = Sobi::Url(array('title' => Sobi::Cfg('sef.alias', true) ? $entry->get('nid') : $entry->get('name'), 'pid' => SPRequest::sid(), 'sid' => $entry->get('id')));
         if (Sobi::Cfg('list.entry_meta', true)) {
             $en['meta'] = array('description' => $entry->get('metaDesc'), 'keys' => $this->metaKeys($entry), 'author' => $entry->get('metaAuthor'), 'robots' => $entry->get('metaRobots'));
         if ($manager || Sobi::My('id') && Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner') && Sobi::Can('entry', 'edit', 'own', Sobi::Section())) {
             $en['edit_url'] = Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'entry.edit', 'pid' => SPRequest::sid(), 'sid' => $entry->get('id')));
         } else {
             if (isset($en['edit_url'])) {
         $en['edit_url_array'] = array('task' => 'entry.edit', 'pid' => SPRequest::sid(), 'sid' => $entry->get('id'));
         $en['created_time'] = $entry->get('createdTime');
         $en['updated_time'] = $entry->get('updatedTime');
         $en['valid_since'] = $entry->get('validSince');
         $en['valid_until'] = $entry->get('validUntil');
         if ($entry->get('state') == 0) {
             $en['state'] = 'unpublished';
         } else {
             if (strtotime($entry->get('validUntil')) != 0 && strtotime($entry->get('validUntil')) < time()) {
                 $en['state'] = 'expired';
             } elseif (strtotime($entry->get('validSince')) != 0 && strtotime($entry->get('validSince')) > time()) {
                 $en['state'] = 'pending';
             } else {
                 $en['state'] = 'published';
         $en['author'] = $entry->get('owner');
         $en['counter'] = $entry->get('counter');
         $en['approved'] = $entry->get('approved');
         //		$en[ 'confirmed' ] = $entry->get( 'confirmed' );
         if (Sobi::Cfg('list.entry_cats', true)) {
             $cats = $entry->get('categories');
             $categories = array();
             if (count($cats)) {
                 $cn = SPLang::translateObject(array_keys($cats), array('name', 'alias'));
             foreach ($cats as $cid => $cat) {
                 $categories[] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => SPLang::clean($cn[$cid]['value']), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false), 'id' => $cat['pid'], 'position' => $cat['position'], 'url' => Sobi::Url(array('sid' => $cat['pid'], 'title' => Sobi::Cfg('sef.alias', true) ? $cat['alias'] : $cat['name']))));
             $en['categories'] = $categories;
         $fields = $entry->getFields();
         if (count($fields)) {
             //				foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
             //					if ( $field->enabled( 'vcard' ) && $field->get( 'id' ) != Sobi::Cfg( 'entry.name_field' ) ) {
             //						$struct = $field->struct();
             //						$options = null;
             //						if ( isset( $struct[ '_options' ] ) ) {
             //							$options = $struct[ '_options' ];
             //							unset( $struct[ '_options' ] );
             //						}
             //						$f[ $field->get( 'nid' ) ] = array(
             //							'_complex' => 1,
             //							'_data' => array(
             //								'label' => array(
             //									'_complex' => 1,
             //									'_data' => $field->get( 'name' ),
             //									'_attributes' => array( 'lang' => Sobi::Lang( false ), 'show' => $field->get( 'withLabel' ) )
             //								),
             //								'data' => $struct,
             //							),
             //							'_attributes' => array( 'id' => $field->get( 'id' ), 'type' => $field->get( 'type' ), 'suffix' => $field->get( 'suffix' ), 'position' => $field->get( 'position' ), 'css_class' => ( strlen( $field->get( 'cssClass' ) ) ? $field->get( 'cssClass' ) : 'spField' ) )
             //						);
             //						if ( Sobi::Cfg( 'list.field_description', false ) ) {
             //							$f[ $field->get( 'nid' ) ][ '_data' ][ 'description' ] = array( '_complex' => 1, '_xml' => 1, '_data' => $field->get( 'description' ) );
             //						}
             //						if ( $options ) {
             //							$f[ $field->get( 'nid' ) ][ '_data' ][ 'options' ] = $options;
             //						}
             //						if ( isset( $struct[ '_xml_out' ] ) && count( $struct[ '_xml_out' ] ) ) {
             //							foreach ( $struct[ '_xml_out' ] as $k => $v )
             //								$f[ $field->get( 'nid' ) ][ '_data' ][ $k ] = $v;
             //						}
             //					}
             //				}
             $en['fields'] = $this->fieldStruct($fields, 'vcard');
         SPFactory::cache()->addObj($entry, 'entry', $entry->get('id'))->addObj($en, 'entry_struct', $entry->get('id'));
     $en['counter'] = $this->getNonStaticData($en['id'], 'counter');
      * this is te special case:
      * no matter what task we currently have - if someone called this we need the data for the V-Card
      * Soe we have to trigger all these plugins we need and therefore also fake the task
     $task = 'list.custom';
     SPFactory::registry()->set('task', $task);
     Sobi::Trigger('List', ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(&$en));
     return $en;
 protected function view()
     /* determine template package */
     $tplPackage = Sobi::Cfg('section.template', SPC::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE);
     $this->_task = 'user';
     if (!$this->_model) {
     /* load template config */
     /* get limits - if defined in template config - otherwise from the section config */
     $eLimit = $this->tKey($this->template, 'entries_limit', Sobi::Cfg('list.entries_limit', 2));
     $eInLine = $this->tKey($this->template, 'entries_in_line', Sobi::Cfg('list.entries_in_line', 2));
     $url = array('sid' => SPRequest::sid(), 'task' => 'list.user');
     if (SPRequest::int('uid')) {
         $url['uid'] = SPRequest::int('uid');
         $this->uid = (int) SPRequest::int('uid');
     } else {
         $this->uid = (int) Sobi::My('id');
     $this->user = SPJoomlaUser::getBaseData((int) $this->uid);
     if (!$this->user) {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS'));
     /* get the site to display */
     $site = SPRequest::int('site', 1);
     $eLimStart = ($site - 1) * $eLimit;
     $eOrder = $this->parseOrdering('entries', 'eorder', $this->tKey($this->template, 'entries_ordering', Sobi::Cfg('list.entries_ordering', 'name.asc')));
     $eCount = count($this->getEntries($eOrder, 0, 0, true, array('spo.owner' => $this->uid), true, Sobi::Section()));
     $entries = $this->getEntries($eOrder, $eLimit, $eLimStart, true, array('spo.owner' => $this->uid), true, Sobi::Section());
     //		$eCount = count( $this->_getEntries( 0, 0, true ) );
     //		$entries = $this->_getEntries( $eLimit, $site );
     $pn = SPFactory::Instance('helpers.pagenav_' . $this->tKey($this->template, 'template_type', 'xslt'), $eLimit, $eCount, $site, $url);
     if (SPRequest::int('site', 0)) {
         $url['site'] = SPRequest::int('site', 0);
     SPFactory::header()->addCanonical(Sobi::Url($url, true, true, true));
     /* handle meta data */
     SPFactory::mainframe()->addToPathway(Sobi::Txt('UL.PATH_TITLE', array('username' => $this->user->username, 'user' => $this->user->name)), Sobi::Url('current'));
     SPFactory::header()->addTitle(Sobi::Txt('UL.TITLE', array('username' => $this->user->username, 'user' => $this->user->name, 'section' => $this->_model->get('name'))), array(ceil($eCount / $eLimit), $site));
     /* add pathway */
     /* get view class */
     $view = SPFactory::View('listing');
     $view->assign($eLimit, '$eLimit');
     $view->assign($eLimStart, '$eLimStart');
     $view->assign($eCount, '$eCount');
     $view->assign($eInLine, '$eInLine');
     $view->assign($this->_task, 'task');
     $view->assign($this->_model, 'section');
     $view->setConfig($this->_tCfg, $this->template);
     $view->setTemplate($tplPackage . '.' . $this->templateType . '.' . $this->template);
     $view->assign($pn->get(), 'navigation');
     $view->assign(SPFactory::user()->getCurrent(), 'visitor');
     $view->assign($entries, 'entries');
     Sobi::Trigger('UserListing', 'View', array(&$view));
  * @param string $eOrder
  * @param int $eLimit
  * @param int $eLimStart
  * @param bool $count
  * @param array $conditions
  * @param bool $entriesRecursive
  * @param int $pid
  * @return array
 public function getEntries($eOrder, $eLimit = null, $eLimStart = null, $count = false, $conditions = array(), $entriesRecursive = false, $pid = 0)
     /* var SPDb $db */
     $db = SPFactory::db();
     $entries = array();
     $eDir = 'asc';
     $oPrefix = null;
     $conditions = is_array($conditions) ? $conditions : array();
     /* get the ordering and the direction */
     if (strstr($eOrder, '.')) {
         $eOr = explode('.', $eOrder);
         $eOrder = array_shift($eOr);
         $eDir = implode('.', $eOr);
     $pid = $pid ? $pid : SPRequest::sid();
     /* if sort by name, then sort by the name field */
     if ($eOrder == 'name') {
         $eOrder = SPFactory::config()->nameField()->get('fid');
     if ($entriesRecursive) {
         $pids = $this->_model->getChilds('category', true);
         if (is_array($pids)) {
             $pids = array_keys($pids);
         $pids[] = SPRequest::sid();
         $conditions['sprl.pid'] = $pids;
     } else {
         $conditions['sprl.pid'] = $pid;
     if ($pid == -1) {
     /* sort by field */
     if (strstr($eOrder, 'field_')) {
         static $field = null;
         $specificMethod = false;
         if (!$field) {
             try {
                 $fType = $db->select('fieldType', 'spdb_field', array('nid' => $eOrder, 'section' => Sobi::Section()))->loadResult();
             } catch (SPException $x) {
                 Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_DETERMINE_FIELD_TYPE', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
             if ($fType) {
                 $field = SPLoader::loadClass('opt.fields.' . $fType);
         if ($field && method_exists($field, 'customOrdering')) {
             $table = null;
             $oPrefix = null;
             $specificMethod = call_user_func_array(array($field, 'customOrdering'), array(&$table, &$conditions, &$oPrefix, &$eOrder, &$eDir));
         } elseif ($field && method_exists($field, 'sortBy')) {
             $table = null;
             $oPrefix = null;
             $specificMethod = call_user_func_array(array($field, 'sortBy'), array(&$table, &$conditions, &$oPrefix, &$eOrder, &$eDir));
         if (!$specificMethod) {
             $table = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_field', 'as' => 'fdef', 'key' => 'fid'), array('table' => 'spdb_field_data', 'as' => 'fdata', 'key' => 'fid'), array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'spo', 'key' => array('fdata.sid', 'spo.id')), array('table' => 'spdb_relations', 'as' => 'sprl', 'key' => array('fdata.sid', 'sprl.id'))));
             $oPrefix = 'spo.';
             $conditions['spo.oType'] = 'entry';
             $conditions['fdef.nid'] = $eOrder;
             $eOrder = 'baseData.' . $eDir;
     } elseif (strstr($eOrder, 'counter')) {
         $table = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'spo', 'key' => 'id'), array('table' => 'spdb_relations', 'as' => 'sprl', 'key' => array('spo.id', 'sprl.id')), array('table' => 'spdb_counter', 'as' => 'spcounter', 'key' => array('spo.id', 'spcounter.sid'))));
         $oPrefix = 'spo.';
         $conditions['spo.oType'] = 'entry';
         if (strstr($eOrder, '.')) {
             $cOrder = explode('.', $eOrder);
             $eOrder = 'spcounter.counter.' . $cOrder[1];
         } else {
             $eOrder = 'spcounter.counter.desc';
     } else {
         $table = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_relations', 'as' => 'sprl', 'key' => 'id'), array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'spo', 'key' => 'id')));
         $conditions['spo.oType'] = 'entry';
         $eOrder = $eOrder . '.' . $eDir;
         $oPrefix = 'spo.';
         if (strstr($eOrder, 'valid')) {
             $eOrder = $oPrefix . $eOrder;
     /* check user permissions for the visibility */
     if (Sobi::My('id')) {
         $this->userPermissionsQuery($conditions, $oPrefix);
         if (isset($conditions[$oPrefix . 'state']) && $conditions[$oPrefix . 'state']) {
             $conditions['sprl.copy'] = 0;
     } else {
         $conditions = array_merge($conditions, array($oPrefix . 'state' => '1', '@VALID' => $db->valid($oPrefix . 'validUntil', $oPrefix . 'validSince')));
         $conditions['sprl.copy'] = '0';
     try {
         $results = $db->select($oPrefix . 'id', $table, $conditions, $eOrder, $eLimit, $eLimStart, true)->loadResultArray();
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     Sobi::Trigger($this->name(), 'AfterGetEntries', array(&$results, $count));
     if (count($results) && !$count) {
         foreach ($results as $i => $sid) {
             // it needs too much memory moving the object creation to the view
             //$entries[ $i ] = SPFactory::Entry( $sid );
             $entries[$i] = $sid;
     if ($count) {
         Sobi::SetUserData('currently-displayed-entries', $results);
         return $results;
     return $entries;
  * Enter description here...
  * @param unknown_type $row
  * @param unknown_type $id
  * @return unknown
 public static function checkedOut($row, $id = 'sid')
     $state = $row->get('cout');
     if ($state && $state != Sobi::My('id') && strtotime($row->get('coutTime')) > time()) {
         /* translate alternative text */
         $user = SPUser::getInstance($state);
         $uname = $user->get('name');
         $img = Sobi::Cfg('list_icons.checked_out');
         $s = Sobi::Txt($row->get('oType') . '.checked_out');
         $a = Sobi::Txt($row->get('oType') . '.checked_out_by', array('user' => $uname, 'time' => $row->get('coutTime')));
         $r = SPTooltip::toolTip($a, $s, $img);
     } else {
         $sid = $row->get('id');
         $r = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"{$id}[]\" value=\"{$sid}\" onclick=\"SPCheckListElement( this )\" />";
     return $r;
  * Gets the data for a field and save it in the database
  * @param SPEntry $entry
  * @param string $request
  * @throws SPException
  * @return bool
 public function saveData(&$entry, $request = 'POST')
     if (!$this->enabled) {
         return false;
     $del = SPRequest::bool($this->nid . '_delete', false, $request);
     $fileSize = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'size');
     $cropped = null;
     static $store = null;
     $cache = false;
     if ($store == null) {
         $store = SPFactory::registry()->get('requestcache_stored');
     if (is_array($store) && isset($store[$this->nid])) {
         if (!strstr($store[$this->nid], 'file://') && !strstr($store[$this->nid], 'directory://')) {
             $data = $store[$this->nid];
             $cache = true;
             $orgName = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'name', $request);
         } else {
             SPRequest::set($this->nid, $store[$this->nid]);
             $orgName = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'name');
             $data = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'tmp_name');
     } else {
         $data = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'tmp_name');
         $orgName = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'name');
     $sPath = $this->parseName($entry, $orgName, $this->savePath);
     $path = SPLoader::dirPath($sPath, 'root', false);
     /** Wed, Oct 15, 2014 13:51:03
      * Implemented a cropper with Ajax checker.
      * This is the actual method to get those files
      * Other methods left for BC
      * */
     if (!$data) {
         $directory = SPRequest::string($this->nid, $store[$this->nid], false, $request);
         if (strlen($directory)) {
             list($data, $dirName, $files, $coordinates) = $this->getAjaxFiles($directory);
             if (count($files)) {
                 foreach ($files as $file) {
                     if ($file == '.') {
                     if ($file == '..') {
                     if (strpos($file, 'icon_') !== false) {
                     if (strpos($file, 'resized_') !== false) {
                     if (strpos($file, 'cropped_') !== false) {
                         $cropped = $dirName . $file;
                         SPFs::upload($cropped, $path . basename($cropped));
                     if (strpos($file, '.var') !== false) {
                     $fileSize = filesize($dirName . $file);
                     $orgName = $file;
             if (strlen($coordinates)) {
                 $coordinates = json_decode(SPLang::clean($coordinates), true);
                 /** @var SPImage $croppedImage */
                 $croppedImage = SPFactory::Instance('base.fs.image', $dirName . $orgName);
                 $croppedImage->crop($coordinates['width'], $coordinates['height'], $coordinates['x'], $coordinates['y']);
                 $cropped = 'cropped_' . $orgName;
                 $croppedImage->saveAs($path . $cropped);
             $data = strlen($cropped) ? $cropped : $dirName . $file;
     $files = array();
     /* if we have an image */
     if ($data && $orgName) {
         if ($fileSize > $this->maxSize) {
             throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_TOO_LARGE', $this->name, $fileSize, $this->maxSize));
         if ($cropped) {
             SPFs::upload($dirName . $orgName, $path . $orgName);
          * @var SPImage $orgImage
         if ($cache) {
             $orgImage = SPFactory::Instance('base.fs.image', $data);
             $orgImage->move($path . $orgName);
         } else {
             $orgImage = SPFactory::Instance('base.fs.image');
             $nameArray = explode('.', $orgName);
             $ext = strtolower(array_pop($nameArray));
             $nameArray[] = $ext;
             $orgName = implode('.', $nameArray);
             if ($cropped) {
                 $orgImage->upload($dirName . $data, $path . basename($data));
             } else {
                 $orgImage->upload($dirName . $orgName, $path . $orgName);
         $files['data']['exif'] = $orgImage->exif();
         if (Sobi::Cfg('image_field.fix_rotation', true)) {
             if ($orgImage->fixRotation()) {
         if ($this->resize) {
             $image = clone $orgImage;
             try {
                 $image->resample($this->resizeWidth, $this->resizeHeight, false);
                 $files['image'] = $this->parseName($entry, $orgName, $this->imageName, true);
                 $image->saveAs($path . $files['image']);
             } catch (SPException $x) {
                 Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
                 throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage()));
         if ($this->generateThumb) {
             $thumb = clone $orgImage;
             try {
                 $thumb->resample($this->thumbWidth, $this->thumbHeight, false);
                 $files['thumb'] = $this->parseName($entry, $orgName, $this->thumbName, true);
                 $thumb->saveAs($path . $files['thumb']);
             } catch (SPException $x) {
                 Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
                 throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage()));
         $ico = clone $orgImage;
         try {
             $icoSize = explode(':', Sobi::Cfg('image.ico_size', '80:80'));
             $ico->resample($icoSize[0], $icoSize[1], false);
             $files['ico'] = $this->parseName($entry, strtolower($orgName), 'ico_{orgname}', true);
             $ico->saveAs($path . $files['ico']);
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
             throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage()));
         if (!$this->keepOrg) {
         } else {
             $files['original'] = $this->parseName($entry, $orgName, '{orgname}', true);
         foreach ($files as $i => $file) {
             if ($i == 'data') {
             $files[$i] = $sPath . $file;
     } elseif ($del) {
         $files = array();
     } else {
         return true;
     /* @var SPdb $db */
     $db =& SPFactory::db();
     $this->verify($entry, $request);
     $time = SPRequest::now();
     $IP = SPRequest::ip('REMOTE_ADDR', 0, 'SERVER');
     $uid = Sobi::My('id');
     /* if we are here, we can save these data */
     /* collect the needed params */
     $save = count($files) ? SPConfig::serialize($files) : null;
     $params = array();
     $params['publishUp'] = $entry->get('publishUp');
     $params['publishDown'] = $entry->get('publishDown');
     $params['fid'] = $this->fid;
     $params['sid'] = $entry->get('id');
     $params['section'] = Sobi::Reg('current_section');
     $params['lang'] = Sobi::Lang();
     $params['enabled'] = $entry->get('state');
     $params['baseData'] = $db->escape($save);
     $params['approved'] = $entry->get('approved');
     $params['confirmed'] = $entry->get('confirmed');
     /* if it is the first version, it is new entry */
     if ($entry->get('version') == 1) {
         $params['createdTime'] = $time;
         $params['createdBy'] = $uid;
         $params['createdIP'] = $IP;
     $params['updatedTime'] = $time;
     $params['updatedBy'] = $uid;
     $params['updatedIP'] = $IP;
     $params['copy'] = !$entry->get('approved');
     if (Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner')) {
     $params['editLimit'] = $this->editLimit;
     /* save it */
     try {
         $db->insertUpdate('spdb_field_data', $params);
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_FIELDS_DATA_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);