function getWeather($varos_neve) { $requestParams = array('CityName' => $varos_neve, 'CountryName' => ''); $client = new SoapClient(''); $response = $client->GetWeather($requestParams); $response_string = $response->GetWeatherResult; $response_xml = simplexml_load_string(mb_convert_encoding($response_string, 'utf-16')); $arr_resp = array('homerseklet' => (string) $response_xml[0]->Temperature, 'paratartalom' => (string) $response_xml[0]->RelativeHumidity, 'legnyomas' => (string) $response_xml[0]->Pressure); return $arr_resp; }
/** * */ public function indexAction($city, $country) { $wsdl = ''; $url = ''; $client = new \SoapClient($wsdl, array('trace' => 1, 'exception' => 0, 'location' => $url, 'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE, 'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1)); $inputparam = new \SoapVar('<ns1:GetWeather><ns1:CityName>' . $city . '</ns1:CityName><ns1:CountryName>' . $country . '</ns1:CountryName></ns1:GetWeather>', XSD_ANYXML); $return = $client->GetWeather($inputparam); $myresponse = $client->__getLastResponse(); //return new Response( //'<html><body>Soap Esempio Response: <br>'.$client->__getLastResponse().'</body></html>' //); //$number = rand(1, $limit); return $this->render('estarRdaBundle:SoapEsempio:index.html.twig', array('myresponse' => $myresponse)); }
<?php /*Este servicio esta leyendo el detalle del distrito*/ $country = $_GET['country']; $city = $_GET['city']; $client = new SoapClient(""); $result = $client->GetWeather(array('CountryName' => $country, 'CityName' => $city)); $xmlString = str_replace('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>', '', $result->GetWeatherResult); $objectResult = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlString); echo '<li>'; echo $objectResult->Location; echo '</li>'; echo '<li>'; echo $objectResult->Time; echo '</li>'; echo '<li>'; echo $objectResult->Wind; echo '</li>'; echo '<li>'; echo $objectResult->Visibility; echo '</li>'; echo '<li>'; echo $objectResult->SkyConditions; echo '</li>';
<?php $client = new SoapClient(""); $params = new stdClass(); $params->CityName = 'Munich'; $params->CountryName = 'Germany'; $result = $client->GetWeather($params); // Check for errors... $weatherXML = $result->GetWeatherResult; // some dirty workaround to change the label to utf-8 $weatherXML = preg_replace('/(<\\?xml[^?]+?)utf-16/i', '$1utf-8', $weatherXML); // var_dump($weatherXML); // write Result in xml file (filename as weather_Locationname.xml) $filename = "xmls/weather_" . $params->CityName . ".xml"; $xmlfile = fopen($filename, "w"); fwrite($xmlfile, $weatherXML, 1000); fclose($xmlfile); // now get content of file by simplexml $data = simplexml_load_file($filename); $wLocation = $data->Location; $wTime = $data->Time; $wTimeFormats = explode("/", $wTime); $wWind = $data->Wind; $wVisibility = $data->Visibility; $wSkyCond = $data->SkyConditions; $wTemp = $data->Temperature; $wDewpoint = $data->DewPoint; $wHumidity = $data->RelativeHumidity; $wPressure = $data->Pressure; $formattedResult = "\n <div>\n <strong>" . $wLocation . "</strong>\n <br/>" . $wTimeFormats[0] . "<br/>\n <br/><span class='temp'>Temp.: " . $wTemp . "</span>\n <br/>" . $wSkyCond . "\n <br/>Humidity: " . $wHumidity . "\n <br/>Pressure: " . $wPressure . "\n <br/>Wind: " . substr($wWind, 0, -2) . "\n <br/>Visibility: " . substr($wVisibility, 0, -2) . "\n <br/>\n <span><img src='images/weatherImages/" . trim($wSkyCond) . ".png' alt=''></span>\n </div>"; // now display result
<?php require_once "userAuthentication.php"; $SessionID = $_GET['SessionKey']; $auth = new UserAuth($SessionID); $SessionResult = $auth->checkUserSession(); if ($SessionResult[0]) { $geolocation = unserialize(file_get_contents('' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); $APIURL = '' . '?CityName=' . urlencode($geolocation['geoplugin_city']) . '&CountryName=' . urlencode($geolocation['geoplugin_countryName']); $client = new SoapClient(''); $params = array("CityName" => $geolocation['geoplugin_city'], "CountryName" => $geolocation['geoplugin_countryName']); $xml = $client->GetWeather($params)->GetWeatherResult or die("Cannot get weather results"); $xml = mb_convert_encoding($xml, "UTF-16", "UTF-8"); $XMLObject = simplexml_load_string($xml); echo json_encode($XMLObject); //Invalid XML given by API // // // // $geolocation = unserialize(file_get_contents('')); //$xml = preg_replace('/(<\?xml[^?]+?)utf-16/i', '$1utf-8', $xml); // echo $XMLObject->Location; } else { echo 'Authentication Failed.' . $SessionResult[1]; } ?>