 function test()
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/sniffer_data'));
     $myShell = new SnifferDataShell(new Object());
     // 	Select the method to call
     $Shell = $myShell->main($view = true, $debug = false);
 function tachionDetail($indicator = null)
     // 	pr($indicator);exit();
     // 	pr($this->Flotas->find('all'));
     $idx_empresa = $_SESSION['Auth']['User']['id_empresa'];
     $year = date('Y');
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/sniffer_data'));
     $myShell = new SnifferDataShell(new Object());
     // 	  Select the method to call
     $Shell = $myShell->main($view = true, $debug = false);
     // 	  pr($Shell['Toneladas']);exit();
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/calendar'));
     $myCalendar = new CalendarShell(new Object());
     $months = $myCalendar->months(true, false, $year);
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/flotas'));
     $fleet = new FlotasShell(new Object());
     $fleets = $fleet->fleets(true, false);
     // exit();
     App::import('Controller', 'Holiday');
     $Holiday = new HolidayController();
     $startDate = date('Y-m-d', mktime('0', '0', '0', date('n'), '01', date('Y')));
     // for CurrentMonth
     $endDate = date('Y-m-d', mktime('0', '0', '0', date('n'), date('t'), date('Y')));
     // for CurrentMonth
     $GoToWork = $Holiday->RetrieveHolidays($startDate, $endDate, $debug = true, $year = date('Y'));
     //       pr($GoToWork);
     $toneladas_labour_days = $Shell['Toneladas']['DailyReport']['report_day'];
     $kilometros_labour_days = $Shell['kms']['report_daily'];
     $ingresos_labour_days = $Shell['ingresos']['report_daily'];
     foreach ($toneladas_labour_days as $id_empresa => $areas) {
         foreach ($areas as $area_name => $meses) {
             foreach ($meses as $NombreMes => $fracciones) {
                 foreach ($fracciones as $NombreFraccion => $dias) {
                     if (!empty($dias)) {
                         foreach ($dias as $id_dia => $tons_value) {
                             if ($NombreMes == date('M')) {
                                 if (!empty($tons_value)) {
                                     $dias_toneladas[$id_empresa][$area_name][$NombreMes][$NombreFraccion][$id_dia] = $tons_value;
     foreach ($kilometros_labour_days as $id_empresa => $areas) {
         foreach ($areas as $area_name => $meses) {
             foreach ($meses as $NombreMes => $fracciones) {
                 foreach ($fracciones as $NombreFraccion => $dias) {
                     foreach ($dias as $id_dia => $kms_value) {
                         if ($NombreMes == date('M')) {
                             if (!empty($kms_value)) {
                                 $dias_kilometros[$id_empresa][$area_name][$NombreMes][$NombreFraccion][$id_dia] = $kms_value;
     foreach ($ingresos_labour_days as $id_empresa => $areas) {
         foreach ($areas as $area_name => $meses) {
             foreach ($meses as $NombreMes => $fracciones) {
                 foreach ($fracciones as $NombreFraccion => $dias) {
                     foreach ($dias as $id_dia => $ingresos_value) {
                         if ($NombreMes == date('M')) {
                             if (!empty($ingresos_value)) {
                                 $dias_ingresos[$id_empresa][$area_name][$NombreMes][$NombreFraccion][$id_dia] = $ingresos_value;
     $promedio['toneladas'] = $dias_toneladas;
     $promedio['kilometros'] = $dias_kilometros;
     $promedio['ingresos'] = $dias_ingresos;
     foreach ($promedio as $indicador => $dias_indicador) {
         foreach ($dias_indicador as $id_empresa => $area) {
             foreach ($area as $area_name => $meses) {
                 foreach ($meses as $meses_name => $fractiones) {
                     foreach ($fractiones as $fractiones_name => $days_pr) {
                         $acum_men = array_sum($days_pr);
                         // 		    pr($acum_men);
                         $dias_laborados = count($days_pr);
                         $projection[$indicador][$id_empresa][$area_name][$meses_name][$fractiones_name] = $acum_men / $dias_laborados * $GoToWork;
     if (!isset($indicator)) {
         $this->set('projection', $projection);
     } else {
         $this->set('projection', $projection[$indicator]);
     $this->set('months', $months);
     $today = null;
     // 	  exit();
 function buildVars()
     // $time1 = microtime(true);
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/sniffer_data'));
     $myShell = new SnifferDataShell(new Object());
     // 	Select the method to call
     $_append = $myShell->Empresas();
     $areas = $myShell->areas();
     // $time2 = microtime(true);
     // echo "script execution time: ".($time2-$time1); //value in seconds
     // 		  exit();
     //  ALERT this can change having the table.db
     /** ALERT  => TODO rebuild the structure according to the new approach
     		  @param => This is going inside of _append loop to buid fraction for each Empresa
     $TpoOp = explode(',', $filter['flota'] = null);
     // this select which is calculating ALERT @param => Expecting
     if (!isset($year)) {
         $year = date('Y');
     // 		  $months = $myShell->months($return=true,$set=false,$year=date('Y'));
     if (!isset($_SESSION['projections']['months'])) {
         $_SESSION['projections']['months'] = $this->months($return = true, $set = false, $year = date('Y'));
     $months = $_SESSION['projections']['months'];
     // 		  $fraction = $myShell->Fraccion->find('list',array('fields'=>array('id','fraccion')));
     if (!isset($_SESSION['projections']['fraction'])) {
         $_SESSION['projections']['fraction'] = $this->Fraccion->find('list', array('fields' => array('id', 'fraccion')));
     $fraction = $_SESSION['projections']['fraction'];
     foreach ($areas as $key => $data) {
         for ($i = 1; $i <= date('n'); $i++) {
             foreach ($data as $idx => $content) {
                 // 				  $toneladas[$key][trim($content)][date('M',mktime('0','0','0',$i,'01',$year))] = null ;
                 // 				  $kms[$key][trim($content)][date('M',mktime('0','0','0',$i,'01',$year))] = null ;
                 // 				  $ingresos[$key][trim($content)][date('M',mktime('0','0','0',$i,'01',$year))] = null ;
                 $structure[$key][trim($content)][date('M', mktime('0', '0', '0', $i, '01', $year))] = null;
                 foreach ($fraction as $h => $d) {
                     // 					$toneladas[$key][trim($content)][date('M',mktime('0','0','0',$i,'01',$year))][$d] = null;
                     // 					$kms[$key][trim($content)][date('M',mktime('0','0','0',$i,'01',$year))][$d] = null;
                     // 					$ingresos[$key][trim($content)][date('M',mktime('0','0','0',$i,'01',$year))][$d] = null;
                     $structure[$key][trim($content)][date('M', mktime('0', '0', '0', $i, '01', $year))][$d] = null;
                     $TotalByFraction[$key][trim($content)][$d] = null;
                     // pending ...
     // End of each area
     return $structure;
 function operations($year = null)
     if (empty($year)) {
         $year = date('Y');
     $tipoOperacion = null;
     $operations = $this->dbOp();
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/calendar'));
     $myCalendar = new CalendarShell(new Object());
     $calendar = $myCalendar->main($year, false);
     $months = $calendar['months'];
     $fraction = $this->Fraccion->find('list', array('fields' => array('id', 'fraccion')));
     // 		pr($fraction);
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/sniffer_data'));
     $myShell = new SnifferDataShell(new Object());
     // 	Select the method to call
     $Shell = $myShell->main($view = true, $debug = false, $year);
     $coverOps['Toneladas']['days'] = $Shell['Toneladas']['DailyReport']['report_day'];
     $coverOps['Toneladas']['months'] = $Shell['Toneladas']['DetailData']['toneladas'];
     $coverOps['kms']['days'] = $Shell['kms']['report_daily_plus'];
     $coverOps['kms']['months'] = $Shell['kms']['kms_month_by_fraction'];
     $coverOps['ingresos']['days'] = $Shell['ingresos']['report_daily'];
     $coverOps['ingresos']['months'] = $Shell['ingresos']['total_ingresos_monthly'];
      * TODO this don't have a db is a add like a pluging
     $coverOps['Viajes']['days'] = $Shell['kms']['count']['count_day'];
     $coverOps['Viajes']['months'] = $Shell['kms']['count']['count_month'];
     // 	$kms_detail['count']['count_day'] = $count_day; // sum of both count's before and classified by day
     // 	$kms_detail['count']['count_month'] = $count_month; // the sum counting by id_empresa, area, month and fraction
     // 	$kms_detail['count']['count_month_no_fraction'] = $count_month_no_fraction; //same as before with out fraction
     // 	$kms_detail['count']['count_year'] = $count_year ; //sum of all the months by area yearly by fraction
     // 	$kms_detail['count']['count_year_no_fraction'] = $count_year_no_fraction;//sum of all the months by area yearly
     foreach ($operations as $idOp => $opName) {
         $tipoOperacion = $idOp;
         if (in_array($operations[$tipoOperacion], $operations) == true) {
             $Operacion = $coverOps[$operations[$tipoOperacion]]['days'];
             $monthOperacion = $coverOps[$operations[$tipoOperacion]]['months'];
         // Building databases
         foreach ($Operacion as $id_empresa => $areas) {
             foreach ($areas as $areaName => $Months) {
                 foreach ($Months as $monthName => $Fractions) {
                     foreach ($Fractions as $fractionName => $DaysOperacion) {
                         if (isset($DaysOperacion)) {
                             foreach ($DaysOperacion as $day => $operacion) {
                                 if (!empty($operacion)) {
                                     foreach ($months as $numMonth => $monthData) {
                                         foreach ($monthData as $description => $monthContent) {
                                             if ($monthData['short'] == $monthName) {
                                                 $numMes = $monthData['num'];
                                     foreach ($fraction as $id_fraction => $fractionDescription) {
                                         if ($fractionDescription == $fractionName) {
                                             $numFraction = $id_fraction;
                                     $day = str_pad((int) $day, '2', "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                                     $operacionesDiarias['Operacion'][] = array('id_empresa' => $id_empresa, 'area' => $areaName, 'year' => $year, 'day' => $day, 'operacion' => $operacion, 'tipoOperacion' => $tipoOperacion, 'month' => $monthName, 'numMes' => $numMes, 'id_fraction' => $numFraction, 'fraccion' => $fractionName);
                         // if isset($DaysToneladas)
         //next go for mensual toneladas
         // Reset the vars to reuse;
         $areas = $areaName = $monthName = $dataOperacion = $numMes = null;
         foreach ($monthOperacion as $id_empresa => $areas) {
             // in this case the Area is under Empresa
             foreach ($areas as $areaName => $month) {
                 foreach ($month as $monthName => $dataOperacion) {
                     foreach ($dataOperacion as $fractionName => $dataOperacionValue) {
                         if (isset($dataOperacionValue) and !empty($dataOperacionValue)) {
                             foreach ($months as $numMonth => $monthData) {
                                 foreach ($monthData as $description => $monthContent) {
                                     if ($monthData['short'] == $monthName) {
                                         $numMes = $monthData['num'];
                             foreach ($fraction as $id_fraction => $fractionDescription) {
                                 if ($fractionDescription == $fractionName) {
                                     $numFraction = $id_fraction;
                             $operacionesMensuales['OperacionMensual'][] = array('id_empresa' => $id_empresa, 'area' => $areaName, 'year' => $year, 'operacion' => $dataOperacionValue, 'tipoOperacion' => $tipoOperacion, 'month' => $monthName, 'numMes' => $numMes, 'id_fraction' => $numFraction, 'fraccion' => $fractionName);
     //End of each operations
     $conditionsDaily['Operacion.year'] = $year;
     $this->idCheck($conditionsDaily, $operations[$tipoOperacion], $frecuency = 'Diaria', $data = $operacionesDiarias['Operacion'], $model = 'Operacion', $useTable = 'operacion', $system = false);
     $conditions['OperacionMensual.year'] = $year;
     $this->idCheck($conditions, $operations[$tipoOperacion], $frecuency = 'Mensual', $data = $operacionesMensuales['OperacionMensual'], $model = 'OperacionMensual', $useTable = 'operacionMensual', $system = false);