function check_for_registration(&$account, &$player, $fp, $nick, $channel, $callback, $validationMessages = true)
    //Force $validationMessages to always be boolean.
    $validationMessages = $validationMessages === true;
    $db = new SmrMySqlDatabase();
    // only registered users are allowed to use this command
    $db->query('SELECT * FROM irc_seen WHERE nick = ' . $db->escapeString($nick) . ' AND registered = 1 AND channel = ' . $db->escapeString($channel));
    if (!$db->nextRecord()) {
        global $actions;
        // execute a whois and continue here on whois
        fputs($fp, 'WHOIS ' . $nick . EOL);
        array_push($actions, array('MSG_318', $channel, $nick, $callback, time(), $validationMessages));
        return true;
    $registeredNick = $db->getField('registered_nick');
    // get alliance_id and game_id for this channel
    $alliance =& SmrAlliance::getAllianceByIrcChannel($channel, true);
    if ($alliance == null) {
        if ($validationMessages === true) {
            fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', the channel ' . $channel . ' has not been registered with me.' . EOL);
        return true;
    // get smr account
    $account = SmrAccount::getAccountByIrcNick($nick, true);
    if ($account == null) {
        if ($registeredNick != '') {
            $account = SmrAccount::getAccountByIrcNick($registeredNick, true);
        if ($account == null) {
            if ($validationMessages === true) {
                fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', please set your \'irc nick\' in SMR preferences to your registered nick so i can recognize you.' . EOL);
            return true;
    // get smr player
    $player = SmrPlayer::getPlayer($account->getAccountID(), $alliance->getGameId(), true);
    if ($player == null) {
        if ($validationMessages === true) {
            fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', you have not joined the game that this channel belongs to.' . EOL);
        return true;
    // is the user part of this alliance? (no need to check for 0, cannot happen at this point in code)
    if ($player->getAllianceID() != $alliance->getAllianceID()) {
        if ($validationMessages === true) {
            fputs($fp, 'KICK ' . $channel . ' ' . $nick . ' :You are not a member of this alliance!' . EOL);
        return true;
    return false;
function channel_msg_sms_send($fp, $rdata, $account, $player)
    if (preg_match('/^:(.*)!(.*)@(.*)\\sPRIVMSG\\s(.*)\\s:!sms send ([^ ]+) (.*)\\s$/i', $rdata, $msg)) {
        $nick = $msg[1];
        $user = $msg[2];
        $host = $msg[3];
        $channel = $msg[4];
        $recv = $msg[5];
        $msg = trim($msg[6]);
        echo_r('[SMS_SEND] by ' . $nick . ' in ' . $channel . ' for ' . $recv);
        if (($blacklist_reason = $account->isSmsBlacklisted()) !== false) {
            fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', you are not allowed to send text messages via ' . IRC_BOT_NICK . '. Reason: ' . $blacklist_reason . EOL);
            return true;
        // check if we know this user we try to send a text too
        $recv_account =& SmrAccount::getAccountByIrcNick($recv, true);
        if ($recv_account == null) {
            fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', I don\'t know a player that goes by the nick \'' . $recv . '\'.' . EOL);
            return true;
        // do we have a cellphone number?
        if (strlen($recv_account->getCellPhone()) == 0) {
            fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', ' . $recv_account->getIrcNick() . ' has not provided a cell phone number.' . EOL);
            return true;
        // do we have a msg
        if (empty($msg)) {
            fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', you don\'t mind me asking what do you want to send to ' . $recv_account->getIrcNick() . '?' . EOL);
            return true;
        // message too long?
        if (strlen($msg) > 160) {
            fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', the message you want to send contains more than 160 characters.' . EOL);
            return true;
        // +--------------------------------------------+
        // | Copyright (c) 2007-2009 by MOBILANT.DE     |
        // +--------------------------------------------+
        $url = 'http://gw.mobilant.com';
        $request = '';
        $param = array();
        $param['key'] = SMS_GATEWAY_KEY;
        $param['message'] = $msg;
        // numbers like +177 will be (for some reason) 'corrected' to a german number because it's a common area code here
        // therefor support asked me to use 00-1-77 instad of +1-77
        $param['to'] = '00' . substr($recv_account->getCellPhone(), 1);
        //		$param['from'] = 'SMR';
        $param['route'] = 'direct';
        $param['debug'] = SMS_DEBUG;
        $param['message_id'] = '1';
        $param['dlr'] = '1';
        $param['response'] = '1';
        foreach ($param as $key => $val) {
            $request .= $key . '=' . urlencode($val);
            $request .= '&';
        echo_r('Calling url: ' . $url . '?' . $request);
        // request url = send text
        $response = @file($url . '?' . $request);
        $response_code = intval($response[0]);
        $message_id = intval($response[1]);
        // insert log
        $db = new SmrMySqlDatabase();
        $db->query('INSERT INTO account_sms_log (account_id, time, receiver_id, receiver_cell, response_code, message_id)
					VALUES (' . $account->getAccountID() . ', ' . time() . ', ' . $recv_account->getAccountID() . ', ' . $db->escapeString($recv_account->getCellPhone()) . ', ' . $response_code . ', ' . $message_id . ')');
        // confirm sending
        if (SMS_DEBUG) {
            fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', sending SMS messages is currently disabled.' . EOL);
        } else {
            if ($response_code == 100) {
                fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', your text message will be delivered to ' . $recv_account->getIrcNick() . ' immediately.' . EOL);
            } elseif ($response_code == 10) {
                fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', there was an error while sending your text message: Unknown receiver number!' . EOL);
            } elseif ($response_code == 20) {
                fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', there was an error while sending your text message: Unknown sender number!' . EOL);
            } elseif ($response_code == 30) {
                fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', there was an error while sending your text message: Error in message!' . EOL);
            } elseif ($response_code == 40) {
                fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', there was an error while sending your text message: Unknown route!' . EOL);
            } elseif ($response_code == 50) {
                fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', there was an error while sending your text message: Identification failed!' . EOL);
            } elseif ($response_code == 60) {
                fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', there was an error while sending your text message: Insufficient funds! Please donate!' . EOL);
            } elseif ($response_code == 70) {
                fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', there was an error while sending your text message: Text message can\'t be delivered!' . EOL);
            } elseif ($response_code == 71) {
                fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', there was an error while sending your text message: Feature not possible!' . EOL);
            } elseif ($response_code == 80) {
                fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', there was an error while sending your text message: Error while delivering to SMS-C!' . EOL);
            } else {
                fputs($fp, 'PRIVMSG ' . $channel . ' :' . $nick . ', there was an error while sending your text message' . EOL);
        return true;
    return false;