private function mov_draw_box($y_dir, $y_video_file, $y_type)
     $description = Smart::escape_html($this->standardize_title($y_video_file));
     $base_preview = SmartFileSysUtils::version_add($y_video_file, 'mg-vpreview') . '.jpg';
     $preview_file = $y_dir . $base_preview;
     $video_file = $y_dir . $y_video_file;
     if ((string) $this->use_secure_links == 'yes') {
         // OK
         $the_preview = (string) $this->secure_download_link . SmartUtils::create_download_link($preview_file, $this->secure_download_ctrl_key);
         $the_video = (string) $this->secure_download_link . SmartUtils::create_download_link($video_file, $this->secure_download_ctrl_key);
     } else {
         $the_preview = (string) $preview_file;
         $the_video = (string) $video_file;
     //end if else
     if ((string) $y_type == 'ogv' or (string) $y_type == 'webm' or (string) $y_type == 'mp4') {
         // {{{SYNC-MOVIE-TYPE}}}
         $link = $this->url_player_mov . $the_video;
     } else {
         // mp4, mov, flv
         //if((string)self::get_server_current_protocol() == 'https://'){} // needs fix: the Flash player do not work with mixing http/https
         $link = $this->url_player_mov . $the_video;
     //end if else
     $link = str_replace(array('{{{MOVIE-FILE}}}', '{{{MOVIE-TYPE}}}', '{{{MOVIE-TITLE}}}'), array(rawurlencode($the_video), rawurlencode($y_type), rawurlencode($description)), $link);
     $out = '';
     if (strlen($this->force_preview_w) > 0) {
         $forced_dim = ' width="' . $this->force_preview_w . '"';
     } elseif (strlen($this->force_preview_h) > 0) {
         $forced_dim = ' height="' . $this->force_preview_h . '"';
     } else {
         $forced_dim = '';
     //end if else
     $out .= '<div align="center" id="mediagallery_box_item">';
     if ((string) $this->preview_description == 'no') {
         $description = '';
     //end if
     $out .= '<a data-smart="open.modal 780 475 1" rel="nofollow" href="' . $link . '" target="media-gallery-movie-player" ' . 'title="' . $description . '"' . '>';
     $out .= '<img src="' . Smart::escape_html($the_preview) . '" border="0" alt="' . $description . '" title="' . $description . '"' . $forced_dim . '>';
     $out .= '</a>';
     if (strlen($this->preview_formvar) > 0) {
         $out .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $this->preview_formvar . '[]" value="' . Smart::escape_html($y_video_file . '|' . $base_preview) . '" title="' . Smart::escape_html($y_video_file . '|' . $base_preview) . '">' . $this->preview_formpict;
     //end if
     if ((string) $this->preview_description != 'no') {
         if (strlen($description) > 0) {
             $out .= '<div id="mediagallery_label">' . $description . '</div>';
         //end if
     //end if
     $out .= '</div>';
     return $out;