文件: Router.php 项目: zangue/slimvc
  * Generic routes handler
  * @param  String $method Http method, e.g. GET, POST
  * @param  String $url    method url
  * @param  String $action action to perform
  * @return [type]         [description]
 private function _call($method, $url, $action)
     //return $this->app->$method($url, function () use ($action) {
     return $this->app->map($url, function () use($action) {
         $action = explode('@', $action);
         $modelClass = $action[0] . 'Model';
         $modelClassFile = ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS . 'Model' . DS . $modelClass . '.php';
         $model = NULL;
         if (file_exists($modelClassFile)) {
             require $modelClassFile;
             $model = new $modelClass($this->app);
         $controllerClass = $action[0] . 'Controller';
         $controllerClassFile = ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS . 'Controller' . DS . $controllerClass . '.php';
         // TODO: check if file exists. Throw exception if it doesn't
         require $controllerClassFile;
         $method = $action[1];
         $controller = new $controllerClass($this->app, $model);
         // call controller
         call_user_func_array([$controller, $method], func_get_args());
         // Render view if no redirection has been set
         if ($this->app->response->getStatus() !== 302) {
             call_user_func_array([$controller, 'renderer'], [$action[0], $method]);
     //return $this->app;
  * REST actions
  * This function contains the REST actions with the assignments to
  * the functions.
 public function __construct()
     // initialize slim
     if (!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) {
     } else {
         $this->app = new \Slim\Slim(array('debug' => true));
         $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
         $this->app->map('/test', array($this, 'testLFile'))->via('POST');
         $this->app->map('/fileDb/:path+/hash/:hash', array($this, 'fileDbGet'))->via('GET');
         $this->app->map('/fileDb/file', array($this, 'fileDbPost'))->via('POST');
         $this->app->map('/file/file', array($this, 'fileFsPost'))->via('POST');
         // run Slim
  * REST actions
  * This function contains the REST actions with the assignments to
  * the functions.
 public function __construct()
     // runs the CConfig
     $com = new CConfig(LFormProcessor::getPrefix() . ',course,link', dirname(__FILE__));
     // runs the LFormProcessor
     if ($com->used()) {
     $conf = $com->loadConfig();
     // initialize slim
     $this->app = new \Slim\Slim(array('debug' => true));
     $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // initialize component
     $this->_conf = $conf;
     $this->_formDb = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "formDb");
     $this->_pdf = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "pdf");
     $this->_postProcess = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "postProcess");
     $this->_deleteProcess = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "deleteProcess");
     $this->_getProcess = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "getProcess");
     // POST PostProcess
     $this->app->map('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '(/)', array($this, 'postProcess'))->via('POST');
     // POST AddCourse
     $this->app->post('/course(/)', array($this, 'addCourse'));
     // POST DeleteCourse
     $this->app->delete('/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'deleteCourse'));
     // GET GetExistsCourse
     $this->app->get('/link/exists/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'getExistsCourse'));
     // run Slim
  * Set Application routes based on the routes specified in config
  * Also sets layout file if it's enabled for that specific route
 private function setRoutes()
     $this->_routes = $this->slim->config('routes');
     foreach ($this->_routes as $key => $value) {
         $self = $this;
         $this->slim->map($value['route'], function () use($self, $key, $value) {
             $args = func_get_args();
             if (isset($value['layout']) && !$value['layout']) {
                 $self->enableLayout = false;
             } else {
             $self->slim->view()->appendGlobalData(array('page.title' => ucfirst($key)));
             if ($key == '__root__') {
                 $self->slim->view()->appendGlobalData(array('page.title' => 'Home'));
             } elseif ($key == 'rss' || $key == 'atom') {
             } elseif ($key == 'article') {
                 $ext = $self->slim->config('file.extension');
                 $self->loadArticle($self->getPath($args), true);
             } elseif ($key == 'archives') {
         })->via('GET')->name($key)->conditions(isset($value['conditions']) ? $value['conditions'] : array());
  * REST actions
  * This function contains the REST actions with the assignments to
  * the functions.
 public function __construct()
     // runs the CConfig
     $com = new CConfig(LProcessor::getPrefix() . ',submission,course,link', dirname(__FILE__));
     // runs the LProcessor
     if ($com->used()) {
     $conf = $com->loadConfig();
     // initialize slim
     $this->app = new \Slim\Slim();
     $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // initialize component
     $this->_conf = $conf;
     $this->_submission = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "submission");
     $this->_marking = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "marking");
     $this->_processorDb = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "processorDb");
     $this->_attachment = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "attachment");
     $this->_workFiles = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "workFiles");
     $this->_file = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "file");
     $this->_createCourse = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "postCourse");
     $this->_getExerciseExerciseFileType = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "getExerciseExerciseFileType");
     // POST PostSubmission
     $this->app->map('/submission(/)', array($this, 'postSubmission'))->via('POST');
     // POST AddProcess
     $this->app->map('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '(/)', array($this, 'addProcess'))->via('POST');
     // POST AddCourse
     $this->app->post('/course(/)', array($this, 'addCourse'));
     // POST DeleteCourse
     $this->app->delete('/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'deleteCourse'));
     // GET GetExistsCourse
     $this->app->get('/link/exists/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'getExistsCourse'));
     // run Slim
  * REST actions
  * This function contains the REST actions with the assignments to
  * the functions.
 public function __construct()
     // runs the CConfig
     $com = new CConfig(LOOP::getPrefix() . ',course,link', dirname(__FILE__));
     // runs the LOOP
     if ($com->used()) {
     $conf = $com->loadConfig();
     // lädt die Daten der CConfig.json
     // initialize slim
     $this->app = new \Slim\Slim(array('debug' => true));
     $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // initialize component
     // hier werden die Verknüpfungen aus der CConfig.json ausgelesen (entsprechend ihrem Namen)
     $this->_conf = $conf;
     $this->_pdf = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "pdf");
     // wird nicht genutzt, theoretisch koennten hier PDFs erzeugt werden
     // für POST /course zum eintragen als Verarbeitung (wird dann in CreateSheet aufgelistet)
     $this->_postProcess = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "postProcess");
     $this->_deleteProcess = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "deleteProcess");
     // für DELETE /course/xyz
     $this->_getProcess = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "getProcess");
     // GET /link/exists/course/:courseid
     // POST PostProcess
     $this->app->map('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '(/)', array($this, 'postProcess'))->via('POST');
     // POST AddCourse
     // fügt die Komponente der Veranstaltung hinzu (Daten kommen im Anfragekörper)
     $this->app->post('/course(/)', array($this, 'addCourse'));
     // DELETE DeleteCourse
     // entfernt die Komponente aus der Veranstaltung
     $this->app->delete('/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'deleteCourse'));
     // GET GetExistsCourse
     // zum Prüfen, ob diese Kompoenten korrekt installiert wurde (existiert Tabelleneintrag, konf-Dateien etc.)
     $this->app->get('/link/exists/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'getExistsCourse'));
     // run Slim
This is a full-featured conference bridge, written for Tropo's WebAPI
using the Slim Framework for PHP (http://www.slimframework.com/) and
the Tropo WebAPI library (https://github.com/tropo/tropo-webapi-php)

To use, install Slim Framework according to the documentation. Adjust
the require lines to match your locations of Slim and the Tropo classes.

Set your Tropo application's start URL to be the url to your Slim
installation and call your application.
// Which voice would you like to use in prompts?
$voice = 'Veronica';
require '../tropo.class.php';
require 'Slim/Slim.php';
$app = new Slim();
$app->map('/', 'start')->via('GET')->via('POST');
$app->post('/restart', 'start');
function start()
    global $voice;
    $tropo = new Tropo();
    $tropo->ask("Enter your conference ID, followed by the pound key.", array("choices" => "[1-10 DIGITS]", "name" => "confid", "attempts" => 5, "timeout" => 60, "mode" => "dtmf", "terminator" => "#", "event" => array("incomplete" => 'Sorry, I didn\'t hear anything.', "nomatch" => 'Sorry, that is not a valid conference ID.')));
    $tropo->on(array("event" => "continue", "next" => "conference"));
    $tropo->on(array("event" => "incomplete", "next" => "restart"));
$app->post('/conference', 'conference');
function conference()
    global $voice;
    // process referrer tag
    if (isset($_GET['ref']) && isset($referrers[$_GET['ref']])) {
        $_SESSION['ref'] = $_GET['ref'];
        $_SESSION['tag'] = $referrers[$_GET['ref']];
    } else {
        $_SESSION['ref'] = null;
$routes = (include 'routes.php');
// Use Slim with Class#method style routes
foreach ($routes as $name => $details) {
    $fn = function () use($details) {
        list($class, $method) = explode('.', $details[1]);
        $class = "{$class}Controller";
        call_user_func_array(array(new $class(), $method), func_get_args());
    $route = $app->map($details[0], $fn)->name($name);
    if (isset($details['method'])) {
        if (!is_array($details['method'])) {
            $details['method'] = array($details['method']);
        call_user_func_array(array($route, 'via'), $details['method']);
    } else {
    if (isset($details['conditions'])) {
    return $argument;
/* == *
 * ==============================================*/
$app->map('/', function () use($app) {
    if ($app->request()->isPost() && sizeof($app->request()->post()) == 2) {
        // if valid login, set auth cookie and redirect
        $testp = sha1('uAX8+Tdv23/3YQ==');
        $post = (object) $app->request()->post();
        if (isset($post->username) && isset($post->password) && sha1($post->password) == $testp && $post->username == 'bppenne') {
            //$app->setEncryptedCookie('bppasscook', $post->password, 0);
            $app->setCookie('user_cook', $post->username, 0);
            $app->setCookie('pass_cook', $post->password, 0);
        } else {
})->via('GET', 'POST')->name('login');
$authUser = function ($role = 'member') use($app) {
    return function () use($role) {
        $app = Slim::getInstance();
        // Check for password in the cookie
        if ($app->getCookie('pass_cook') != 'uAX8+Tdv23/3YQ==' || $app->getCookie('user_cook') != 'bppenne') {
            //if ( $app->getEncryptedCookie('bppasscook', false) != 'uAX8+Tdv23/3YQ==') {
文件: SlimTest.php 项目: rs3d/Slimplr
  * Test GENERIC route
 public function testGenericRoute()
     $s = new Slim();
     $callable = function () {
         echo "foo";
     $route = $s->map('/bar', $callable);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Slim_Route', $route);
  * Test that app returns 404 response when there are no matching routes
 public function testNotFoundIfNoMatchingRoutes()
     $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = "/foo";
     $app = new Slim();
     $app->map('/foo/bar', function () {
         echo "Foo bar!";
     $this->assertEquals(404, $app->response()->status());
  * Set Application routes based on the routes specified in config
  * Also sets layout file if it's enabled for that specific route
 public function setRoutes()
     $this->_routes = $this->config('routes');
     $self = $this;
     $prefix = $self->slim->config('prefix');
     foreach ($this->_routes as $key => $value) {
         $this->slim->map($prefix . $value['route'], function () use($self, $key, $value) {
             $args = func_get_args();
             $layout = isset($value['layout']) ? $value['layout'] : true;
             if (!$layout) {
                 $self->enableLayout = false;
             } else {
             $self->slim->view()->appendGlobalData(array("route" => $key));
             $template = $value['template'];
             //set view data for article  and archives routes
             switch ($key) {
                 case '__root__':
                 case 'rss':
                 case 'atom':
                     $self->allArticles = array_slice($self->allArticles, 0, 10);
                 case 'article':
                     $article = $self->setArticle($self->getPath($args));
                     $template = isset($article['meta']['template']) && $article['meta']['template'] != "" ? $article['meta']['template'] : $template;
                 case 'archives':
                 case 'category':
                 case 'tag':
                     $self->filterArticles($key, $args[0]);
             // render the template file
         })->via('GET')->name($key)->conditions(isset($value['conditions']) ? $value['conditions'] : array());
     // load all articles
     // This isn't necessary for route to an article though
     // will help to generate tag cloud/ category listing
     // Register not found handler
     $this->slim->notFound(function () use($self) {
$app->map('/connect/', function () use($app) {
    $params = App::start();
    $params['title'] = "Connect";
    $params['page'] = "connect";
    $params['errors'] = array();
    # This user already has an active session
    if (App::user()) {
        $user = App::getUser();
        $params['user_email'] = $user->email;
        $params['user_name'] = $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name;
        $params['button'] = "Logout";
    } else {
        # This user is not yet authenticated
        #  (it is their first visit, or they were redirected here after logout)
        if ($app->request()->get('code')) {
            # This user has just authenticated, get their access token and store it
            $connect = App::connect($app->request()->get('code'));
            if (array_key_exists('error', $connect)) {
                $params['errors'][] = $connect['error'];
            } else {
                if (array_key_exists('access_token', $connect)) {
                    App::begin($connect['access_token'], 1);
                    $user = App::getUser($connect['access_token']);
                    $params['user_email'] = $user->email;
                    $params['user_name'] = $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name;
                    $params['button'] = "Logout";
        } else {
            if ($app->request()->get('error') == 'access_denied') {
                $params['errors'][] = "Access Denied";
    $params['oauth_link'] = App::getOauthLink();
    $app->render('app.tpl', $params);
})->via('GET', 'POST');
  * Set Application routes based on the routes specified in config
  * Also sets layout file if it's enabled for that specific route
 public function setRoutes()
     $this->_routes = $this->getConfig('routes');
     $self = $this;
     $prefix = $this->getConfig('prefix');
     foreach ($this->_routes as $key => $value) {
         $this->slim->map($prefix . $value['route'], function () use($self, $key, $value) {
             $args = func_get_args();
             $layout = isset($value['layout']) ? $value['layout'] : true;
             // This will store a custom function if defined into the route
             $custom = isset($value['custom']) ? $value['custom'] : false;
             $self->slim->view()->appendGlobalData(array("route" => $key));
             $template = isset($value['template']) ? $value['template'] : false;
             //set view data for article  and archives routes
             switch ($key) {
                 case '__root__':
                 case 'rss':
                 case 'atom':
                     $self->allArticles = array_slice($self->allArticles, 0, 10);
                 case 'sitemap':
                     $self->slim->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
                 case 'article':
                     $article = $self->setArticle($self->getPath($args));
                     $template = $article->getMeta('template') && $article->getMeta('template') != "" ? $article->getMeta('template') : $template;
                 case 'archives':
                 case 'category':
                 case 'tag':
                     $self->filterArticles($key, $args[0]);
                     // If key is not matched, check if a custom function is declared
                 // If key is not matched, check if a custom function is declared
                     if ($custom && is_callable($custom)) {
                         call_user_func($custom, $self, $key, $value);
             if (!$layout) {
                 $self->enableLayout = false;
             } else {
             // render the template file
         })->via('GET')->name($key)->conditions(isset($value['conditions']) ? $value['conditions'] : array());
     // Register not found handler
     $this->slim->notFound(function () use($self) {