// Config load.
Config::load('site', 'site');
Config::load('term', 'term');
Config::load('icon', 'icon');
Config::load('page', 'page');
Config::load('template', 'template');
Config::load('exif', 'exif');
Config::load('less', 'less');
// Config of each module load.
$modules = Site_Util::get_active_modules();
foreach ($modules as $module => $path) {
    if (file_exists(sprintf('%sconfig/%s.php', $path, $module))) {
        Config::load(sprintf('%s::%s', $module, $module), $module);
// Config of navigation load.
Config::load('navigation', 'navigation');
if (in_array(FBD_ENVIRONMENT, array('DEVELOPMENT', 'TEST'))) {
    Config::load('develop', 'develop');
// Register the autoloader for library
    Autoloader::add_namespace('Aws', APPPATH . 'vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Aws', true);
if (conf('library.goutte.isEnabled')) {
    $goutte_path = FBD_BASEPATH . 'fuel/vendor/fabpot/goutte/Goutte/';
    Autoloader::add_namespace('Goutte', $goutte_path, true);
    Autoloader::add_class('Client', $goutte_path . 'Client.php');
文件: icon.php 项目: uzura8/flockbird

$config = array('noterm' => array('dropdown' => 'chevron-down'), 'form' => array('submit' => 'edit', 'do_submit' => 'edit', 'send' => 'send', 'do_send' => 'send', 'create' => 'plus', 'create_simple' => 'plus', 'do_create' => 'plus', 'edit' => 'edit', 'do_edit' => 'pencil', 'edit_all' => 'edit', 'delete' => 'trash', 'do_delete' => 'trash', 'delete_all' => 'trash', 'upload' => 'upload', 'update' => 'refresh', 'updated' => 'refresh', 'back' => 'arrow-left', 'error' => 'warning-sign', 'draft' => 'save', 'preview' => 'eye-open', 'publish' => 'globe', 'do_publish' => 'globe', 'published' => 'globe', 'unpublish' => 'lock', 'do_unpublish' => 'lock', 'search' => 'search', 'enabled' => 'ok-circle', 'disabled' => 'ban-circle', 'add' => 'plus', 'do_add' => 'plus', 'add_picture' => 'camera', 'add_image' => 'camera', 'insert_picture' => 'plus', 'add_file' => 'file', 'add_link' => 'link', 'like' => 'thumbs-up', 'do_like' => 'thumbs-up', 'undo_like' => 'thumbs-up', 'watch' => 'eye-open', 'do_watch' => 'eye-open', 'do_unwatch' => 'eye-close', 'save' => 'save', 'do_save' => 'save', 'do_reset_default' => array('key' => 'undo', 'prefix' => 'fa fa-'), 'set_location' => 'map-marker', 'do_set_location' => 'map-marker', 'invite' => 'envelope', 'do_invite' => 'envelope', 'invite_friend' => 'envelope'), 'site' => array('login' => 'log-in', 'logout' => 'log-out', 'register' => 'plus', 'registration' => 'plus', 'leave' => 'exclamation-sign', 'setting' => 'cog', 'mail' => 'envelope', 'email' => 'envelope', 'password' => 'lock', 'list' => 'list', 'management' => 'cog', 'date' => 'calendar', 'datetime' => 'time', 'user' => 'user', 'picture' => 'picture', 'file' => 'file', 'detail' => array('key' => 'file-o', 'prefix' => 'fa fa-'), 'show_detail' => array('key' => 'file-o', 'prefix' => 'fa fa-'), 'link' => 'link', 'shot' => 'camera', 'see_more' => 'caret-down', 'see_latest' => 'caret-up', 'forward' => 'forward', 'backward' => 'backward', 'tag' => 'tags'), 'member' => array('view' => 'user', 'registration' => 'plus'), 'page' => array('myhome' => 'home'), 'service' => array('facebook' => array('do_share' => array('key' => 'facebook-square', 'prefix' => 'fa fa-')), 'twitter' => array('do_share' => array('key' => 'twitter-square', 'prefix' => 'fa fa-'))), 'profile' => 'user', 'do_follow' => array('key' => 'square-o', 'prefix' => 'fa fa-'), 'followed' => array('key' => 'check-square-o', 'prefix' => 'fa fa-'), 'public_flag' => array('label' => '公開範囲', 'options' => array(FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_PRIVATE => 'lock', FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_ALL => 'globe', FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_MEMBER => 'group')));
return Site_Config::merge_module_configs($config, 'icon');

$config = array('mail' => array('site' => array('common_variables' => array('to_email' => '宛先メールアドレス', 'site_name' => 'サイト名', 'site_description' => 'サイト説明', 'base_url' => 'サイトURL', 'admin_mail' => 'サイト管理者メールアドレス', 'admin_name' => 'サイト管理者名', 'admin_company_name' => 'サイト管理者会社名(英語)', 'admin_company_name_jp' => 'サイト管理者会社名(日本語)'), 'signature' => array('view' => '署名', 'format' => 'twig', 'body' => array('default' => array('file' => 'mail/signature'))), 'memberSignup' => array('view' => 'メンバー仮登録完了お知らせメール', 'format' => 'twig', 'title' => '仮登録完了のお知らせ', 'body' => array('default' => array('file' => 'mail/member_signup')), 'variables' => array('register_url' => '登録用URL')), 'memberRegister' => array('view' => 'メンバー登録完了お知らせメール', 'format' => 'twig', 'title' => 'メンバー登録完了のお知らせ', 'body' => array('default' => array('file' => 'mail/member_register')), 'variables' => array('to_name' => '登録したニックネーム', 'to_email' => '登録したメールアドレス')), 'memberLeave' => array('view' => 'メンバー退会完了お知らせメール', 'format' => 'twig', 'title' => 'メンバー退会完了のお知らせ', 'body' => array('default' => array('file' => 'mail/member_leave')), 'variables' => array('to_name' => 'メンバー名')), 'memberSettingPassword' => array('view' => 'パスワード変更完了のお知らせメール', 'format' => 'twig', 'title' => 'パスワード変更完了のお知らせ', 'body' => array('default' => array('file' => 'mail/member_setting_password')), 'variables' => array('to_name' => 'メンバー名')), 'memberRegisterEmailConfirm' => array('view' => 'メールアドレス登録確認メール', 'format' => 'twig', 'title' => 'メールアドレス登録確認', 'body' => array('default' => array('file' => 'mail/member_register_email_confirm')), 'variables' => array('to_name' => 'メンバー名', 'confirmation_code' => '確認用コード')), 'memberChangeEmail' => array('view' => 'メールアドレス変更完了お知らせメール', 'format' => 'twig', 'title' => 'メールアドレス変更完了のお知らせ', 'body' => array('default' => array('file' => 'mail/member_change_email')), 'variables' => array('to_name' => 'メンバー名')), 'memberResendPassword' => array('view' => 'パスワードの再登録確認メール', 'format' => 'twig', 'title' => 'パスワードの再登録確認', 'body' => array('default' => array('file' => 'mail/member_resend_password')), 'variables' => array('to_name' => 'メンバー名', 'register_url' => '登録用URL')), 'memberResetPassword' => array('view' => 'パスワード再登録完了お知らせメール', 'format' => 'twig', 'title' => 'パスワードの再登録完了のお知らせ', 'body' => array('default' => array('file' => 'mail/member_reset_password')), 'variables' => array('to_name' => 'メンバー名')), 'memberInvite' => array('view' => '招待メール', 'format' => 'twig', 'title' => '{{ invite_member_name }} から {{ site_name }} の招待状が届いています', 'body' => array('default' => array('file' => 'mail/member_invite')), 'variables' => array('register_url' => '登録用URL', 'invite_member_name' => '招待者ニックネーム', 'invite_message' => '招待メッセージ')))));
    Arr::set($config, 'mail.site.common_variables.idn_url', 'サイトURL(国際化ドメイン)');
$config = Site_Config::merge_module_configs($config, 'template');
try {
    $config = Site_Config::setup_configs_template($config, 'template');
} catch (Database_Exception $e) {
    // Task DbSetter 実行時にDBが存在しない場合があるので、スルーする
return $config;
文件: term.php 项目: uzura8/flockbird

$config = array('form' => array('submit' => '送信', 'do_submit' => '送信する', 'send' => '送信', 'do_send' => '送信する', 'create' => '新規作成', 'create_simple' => '作成', 'do_create' => '作成する', 'edit' => '編集', 'do_edit' => '編集する', 'delete' => '削除', 'edit_all' => '一括編集', 'do_delete' => '削除する', 'delete_all' => '一括削除', 'upload' => 'アップロード', 'update' => '変更', 'do_update' => '変更する', 'updated' => '更新', 'confirm' => '確認', 'confirming' => '確認用', 'do_confirm' => '確認する', '_confirm' => '(確認用)', 'for_confirm' => '確認用', 'back' => '戻る', 'error' => 'エラー', 'draft' => '下書き保存', 'preview' => 'プレビュー', 'publish' => '公開', 'do_publish' => '公開する', 'published' => '公開済み', 'unpublish' => '非公開', 'do_unpublish' => '非公開にする', 'choice' => '選択', 'choices' => '選択肢', 'operation' => '操作', 'operation_all' => '一括操作', 'use' => '使用する', 'unuse' => '使用しない', 'search' => '検索', 'default' => '初期', 'value' => '値', 'format' => '形式', 'required' => '必須', 'not_required' => '任意', '_not_required' => '(任意)', 'place' => '場所', 'enabled' => '有効', 'disabled' => '無効', 'add' => '追加', 'do_add' => '追加する', 'add_picture' => '写真を追加', 'insert_picture' => '写真を挿入', 'add_file' => 'ファイルを追加', 'add_link' => 'リンクを追加', 'comment' => 'コメント', 'do_comment' => 'コメントする', 'like' => 'イイね', 'do_like' => 'イイねする', 'undo_like' => 'イイねを取り消す', 'recieve' => '受け取る', 'unrecieve' => '受け取らない', 'watch' => 'ウォッチ', 'do_watch' => 'ウォッチする', 'do_unwatch' => 'ウォッチを解除する', 'post' => '投稿', 'do_post' => '投稿する', 'save' => '保存', 'do_save' => '保存する', 'do_reset_default' => 'デフォルトに戻す', 'complete' => '完了', 'reserve' => '予約', 'set_location' => '位置情報設定', 'do_set_location' => '位置情報を設定する', 'invite' => '招待', 'invited' => '招待中', 'do_invite' => '招待する', 'invite_friend' => '友達を招待', 'get' => '取得', 'do_read' => '既読にする'), 'site' => array('view' => 'サイト', 'notice' => 'お知らせ', 'signup' => 'サインアップ', 'auth' => '認証', 'login' => 'ログイン', 'logout' => 'ログアウト', 'register' => '登録する', 'registration' => '登録', 'unregisterd' => '未登録', 'leave' => '退会する', 'left' => '退会', 'setting' => '設定', 'set_already' => '設定済', 'unset' => '未設定', 'mail' => 'メール', 'email' => 'メールアドレス', 'password' => 'パスワード', 'code' => 'コード', 'item' => '項目', 'list' => '一覧', 'management' => '管理', 'last' => '最終', 'date' => '日', 'datetime' => '日時', 'option' => 'オプション', 'id' => 'ID', 'user' => 'ユーザ', 'picture' => '写真', 'image' => '写真', 'file' => 'ファイル', 'title' => 'タイトル', 'latest' => '最新の', 'display' => '表示', 'detail' => '詳細', 'show_detail' => '詳細をみる', 'link' => 'リンク', 'shot' => '撮影', 'see_more' => 'もっとみる', 'see_all' => 'すべてみる', 'see_latest' => '最新をみる', 'unread' => '未読', 'AlreadyRead' => '既読', 'content' => 'コンテンツ', 'forward' => '次へ', 'backward' => '前へ', 'term' => '利用規約', 'privacy_policy' => 'プライバシーポリシー', 'template' => 'テンプレート', 'location' => '位置情報', 'failure' => '失敗', 'tag' => 'タグ', 'related' => '関連'), 'common' => array('info' => '情報', 'request' => 'リクエスト', 'invalid' => '不正な', 'error' => 'エラー', 'friend' => '友達', 'message' => 'メッセージ', 'menu' => 'メニュー', 'force' => '強制', 'my' => '自分の', 'timelimit' => '期限', 'all' => 'すべて'), 'member' => array('view' => 'メンバー', 'left' => '退会メンバー', 'name' => 'ニックネーム', 'email' => 'メールアドレス', 'password' => 'パスワード', 'sex' => array('label' => '性別', 'options' => array('male' => '男性', 'female' => '女性')), 'birthyear' => '生年', 'birthday' => '誕生日', 'birthyear_birthday' => '生年月日', 'age' => '年齢', 'generation' => '年代', 'registration' => '新規登録'), 'page' => array('view' => '画面', 'kana' => 'ページ', 'top' => 'Top', 'myhome' => 'Home'), 'symbol' => array('bool' => array('true' => '◯', 'false' => '×'), 'noValue' => '-'), 'service' => array('facebook' => array('view' => 'Facebook', 'do_share' => 'シェアする'), 'twitter' => array('view' => 'Facebook', 'do_share' => 'tweetする'), 'line' => array('view' => 'Facebook', 'do_share' => 'LINEで送る')), 'profile' => 'プロフィール', 'guest' => 'Guest', 'follow' => 'フォロー', 'do_follow' => 'フォローする', 'followed' => 'フォロー中', 'friend' => 'フレンド', 'remember_me' => '次回から自動的にログイン', 'public_flag' => array('label' => '公開範囲', 'options' => array(FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_PRIVATE => '非公開', FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_ALL => 'WEB全体に公開', FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_MEMBER => 'メンバーのみに公開')));
return Site_Config::merge_module_configs($config, 'term');
文件: page.php 项目: uzura8/flockbird

$config = array('site' => array('common' => array('thumbnailModalLink' => array('isEnabled' => true), 'shareButton' => array('isEnabled' => true, 'twitter' => array('isEnabled' => true), 'facebook' => array('share' => array('isEnabled' => true)), 'google' => array('isEnabled' => true), 'line' => array('isEnabled' => true))), 'index' => array('slide' => array('isEnabled' => true, 'interval' => 30000, 'title' => '', 'site_lead' => '', 'isDisplayRegisterBtn' => true, 'images' => array('assets/img/site/sample/01.jpg', 'assets/img/site/sample/02.jpg', 'assets/img/site/sample/03.jpg')), 'timeline' => array('isEnabled' => true, 'list' => array('limit' => 3, 'limit_max' => 5)), 'news' => array('isEnabled' => false, 'list' => array('limit' => 5, 'limit_max' => 10)), 'albumImage' => array('isEnabled' => true, 'list' => array('limit' => 10, 'limit_max' => 10)))));
return Site_Config::merge_module_configs($config, 'page');

$config = array('site' => array('secure_global_head' => array('page.myhome' => 'member/', term('timeline') => 'timeline/', term('thread') => 'thread/', term('note') => 'note/', term('album_image') => 'album/image/', term('member.view') => 'member/list/'), 'insecure_global_head' => array(term('timeline') => 'timeline/', term('thread') => 'thread/', term('note') => 'note/', term('album_image') => 'album/image/', term('member.view') => 'member/list/'), 'secure_user_dropdown' => array('page.myhome' => 'member/', 'profile' => 'member/profile/', 'form.invite_friend' => 'member/invite/', 'site.setting' => 'member/setting/', 'site.logout' => 'auth/logout/'), 'global_side' => array('page.top' => '/', term('timeline') => 'timeline/', term('thread') => 'thread/', term('note') => 'note/', term('album_image') => 'album/image/', term('member.view') => 'member/list/', term('news.view') => 'news/list/', 'About' => 'site/about'), 'secure_side' => array('page.myhome' => 'member/', 'profile' => 'member/profile/', term('timeline') => 'timeline/member/', term('note') => 'note/member/', term('album') => 'album/member/', 'site.setting' => 'member/setting/', 'site.logout' => 'auth/logout/'), 'global_footer' => array(term('news.view') => 'news/list/', 'About' => 'site/about', term('site.term') => 'site/term', term('site.privacy_policy') => 'site/privacy_policy')));
if (!conf('base.isUserInvite')) {
return Site_Config::merge_module_configs($config, 'navigation');

$routes = array('_root_' => 'site/index', '_404_' => 'error/404', 'member/(\\d+)' => 'member/home/$1', 'member/profile/(\\d+)' => 'member/profile/index/$1', 'member/profile/image/(\\d+)' => 'member/profile/image/index/$1', '^member/setting/email/(regist)' => 'member/setting/email/index/$1');
return Site_Config::merge_module_configs($routes, 'routes');

$config = array('\\Model_OauthProvider' => array(array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'Facebook'), array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'Twitter'), array('id' => 3, 'name' => 'Google')));
return Site_Config::merge_module_configs($config, 'db_fixture');
文件: site.php 项目: uzura8/flockbird

$config = array('legacyBrowserSupport' => array('isEnabled' => true, 'legacyIECriteriaVersion' => 8), 'library' => array('jqueryVersion' => array('latest' => '2.1.3', 'legacy' => '1.11.2'), 'angularJs' => array('isEnabled' => false, 'versions' => array('latest' => '1.3.15'))), 'default' => array('token_lifetime' => '1 day', 'ajax_timeout' => 10000, 'dateFormat' => 'Y/m/d'), 'login_uri' => array('site' => 'auth/login'), 'auth' => array('isEnabled' => true, 'headerLoginForm' => array('type' => 'popover'), 'oauth' => array('forceSetRememberMe' => false, 'log' => array('isOutputErrorLog' => array('provider_signup' => true)), 'saveTermsUnAgreement' => true)), 'original_user_id' => array('site' => 1), 'batch' => array('limit' => array('delete' => array('default' => 100, 'file' => 10))), 'mail' => array('site' => array('from_name' => FBD_SITE_NAME . ' ' . FBD_ADMIN_NAME, 'from_email' => FBD_ADMIN_MAIL), 'log' => array('develop' => array('isEnabled' => false, 'file_path' => APPPATH . 'logs/development/mail.log'))), 'navbar' => array('largeLogo' => array('isEnabled' => false)), 'ssl_required' => array('modules' => array('admin'), 'actions' => array('auth/login', 'auth/callback', 'member/setting', 'member/setting/index', 'member/setting/password', 'member/setting/change_password', 'member/setting/email', 'member/setting/confirm_change_email', 'member/leave', 'member/leave/index', 'member/leave/confirm', 'member/leave/delete', 'member/profile', 'member/profile/index', 'member/profile/edit', 'member/recover/resend_password', 'member/recover/send_reset_password_mail', 'member/recover/reset_password', 'member/register', 'member/register/index', 'member/register/signup', 'member/register/confirm_signup')), 'memberRelation' => array('follow' => array('isEnabled' => 1)), 'member' => array('name' => array('validation' => array('length' => array('min' => 2, 'max' => 20), 'match_patterns' => array('basic' => '0-9A-Za-z0-9A-Za-z_〃々ぁ-ゖ゛-ゞァ-ヺーヽヾ一-龥', 'register' => '[0-9A-Za-z0-9A-Za-z_〃々ぁ-ゖ゛-ゞァ-ヺーヽヾ一-龥]*[A-Za-zA-Za-z_〃々ぁ-ゖ゛-ゞァ-ヺーヽヾ一-龥]+[0-9A-Za-z0-9A-Za-z_〃々ぁ-ゖ゛-ゞァ-ヺーヽヾ一-龥]*'), 'blacklist' => array('method' => array('\\Site_Member', 'get_prohibited_words_for_name')))), 'register' => array('token_lifetime' => '1 day', 'email' => array('hideUniqueCheck' => true)), 'leave' => array('isRemoveOnBatch' => false), 'recover' => array('password' => array('token_lifetime' => '1 day')), 'setting' => array('email' => array('token_lifetime' => '1 day', 'codeLifetime' => '1 hour', 'hideUniqueCheck' => true, 'codeLength' => 6, 'forceRegister' => array('isEnabled' => false, 'accessableUri' => array('member/setting/email/regist', 'member/setting/email/register_confirm/regist', 'member/setting/email/register/regist')))), 'profile' => array('forceRegisterRequired' => array('isEnabled' => false, 'accessableUri' => array('member/profile/edit/regist', 'site/term', 'member/setting/email/regist', 'member/setting/email/register_confirm/regist', 'member/setting/email/register/regist')), 'display_type' => array('detail' => '0', 'summary' => '1'), 'birthday' => array('year_from' => -100, 'year_to' => 0, 'use_generation_view' => false)), 'view_params' => array('list' => array('limit' => 10, 'limit_max' => 12))), 'upload' => array('storageType' => 'db', 'isRemoveOnBatch' => false, 'file_category_max_length' => 3, 'num_of_split_dirs' => 10, 'check_and_make_dir_level' => 7, 'mkdir_mode' => 0755, 'isOutputLogSaveError' => true, 'accepted_filesize' => array('small' => array('limit' => '256M')), 'tmp_file' => array('lifetime' => 60 * 60 * 24, 'delete_record_limit' => 100), 'types' => array('img' => array('accepted_max_size' => array('default' => '1800x1800'), 'thumbnailsDeleteType' => 'sameTime', 'root_path' => array('cache_dir' => FBD_UPLOAD_DIRNAME . '/img/', 'raw_dir' => FBD_UPLOAD_DIRNAME . '/img/raw/'), 'raw_file_path' => APPPATH . 'media/img/raw/', 'tmp' => array('root_path' => array('cache_dir' => FBD_UPLOAD_DIRNAME . '/img_tmp/', 'raw_dir' => FBD_UPLOAD_DIRNAME . '/img_tmp/raw/'), 'raw_file_path' => DOCROOT . FBD_UPLOAD_DIRNAME . '/img_tmp/raw/', 'sizes' => array('thumbnail' => '320x320xc')), 'noimage_filename' => 'noimage.gif', 'accept_format' => array('gif' => 'image/gif', 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'png' => 'image/png'), 'defaults' => array('default_size' => '50x50xc', 'max_size' => '600x600'), 'types' => array('m' => array('sizes' => array('SS' => '20x20xc', 'S' => '30x30xc', 'M' => '50x50xc', 'ML' => '120x120xc', 'L' => '180x180xc', 'LL' => '600x600'), 'default_size' => '50x50xc', 'save_as_album_image' => true))), 'file' => array('root_path' => array('cache_dir' => FBD_UPLOAD_DIRNAME . '/file/', 'raw_dir' => FBD_UPLOAD_DIRNAME . '/file/raw/'), 'raw_file_path' => DOCROOT . FBD_UPLOAD_DIRNAME . '/file/raw/', 'tmp' => array('root_path' => array('cache_dir' => FBD_UPLOAD_DIRNAME . '/file_tmp/', 'raw_dir' => FBD_UPLOAD_DIRNAME . '/file_tmp/raw/'), 'raw_file_path' => DOCROOT . FBD_UPLOAD_DIRNAME . '/file_tmp/raw/'), 'accept_format' => array('jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'png' => 'image/png', 'bmp' => 'image/bmp', 'txt' => 'text/plain', 'csv' => 'text/csv', 'htm' => 'text/html', 'html' => 'text/html', 'css' => 'text/css', 'js' => 'text/javascript', 'tsv' => 'text/tab-separated-values', 'pdf' => 'application/pdf', 'doc' => 'application/msword', 'docx' => 'application/msword', 'xls' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'xlsx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'ppt' => 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint', 'pptx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', 'ai' => 'application/postscript', 'zip' => 'application/zip', 'lha' => 'application/x-lzh', 'lzh' => 'application/x-lzh', 'tar' => 'application/x-tar', 'tgz' => 'application/x-tar', 'mp3' => 'audio/mpeg', 'm4a' => 'audio/mp4', 'wav' => 'audio/x-wav', 'mid' => 'audio/midi', 'midi' => 'audio/midi', 'mmf' => 'application/x-smaf', 'mpeg' => 'video/mpeg', 'mpg' => 'video/mpeg', 'wmv' => 'video/x-ms-wmv', 'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash', '3g2' => 'video/3gpp2')))), 'publicTmpDirRootPath' => FBD_UPLOAD_DIRNAME . '/tmp/', 'view_params_default' => array('comment' => array('nl2br' => true), 'ogp' => array('trimWidth' => array('title' => 80, 'body' => 200)), 'share' => array('trimWidth' => array('link' => 80)), 'list' => array('limit_pager' => 20, 'limit' => 10, 'limit_max' => 12, 'trim_width' => array('title' => 88, 'body' => 500), 'truncate_lines' => array('body' => 10, 'trimmarker' => '...'), 'trimmarker' => '...', 'comment' => array('limit' => 5, 'limit_max' => 8, 'trim_width' => 200)), 'detail' => array('comment' => array('limit' => 5, 'limit_max' => 8)), 'like' => array('members' => array('popover' => array('limit' => 5, 'limit_max' => 8))), 'form' => array('comment' => array('textarea' => array('height' => '33px'))), 'post' => array('url2link' => array('isEnabled' => true, 'truncateWidth' => '40', 'trimmarker' => '...', 'displaySummary' => array('renderAt' => 'client', 'cache' => array('isEnabled' => true, 'expire' => 60 * 60 * 24, 'prefix' => 'sitesummary_'))))), 'posted_value_rule_default' => array('time' => array('min' => '- 120 years', 'max' => '+ 50 years')), 'sort_order' => array('interval' => 10), 'service' => array('facebook' => array('shareDialog' => array('jsUrl' => '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js', 'caption' => array('trimWidth' => 100), 'name' => array('trimWidth' => 150), 'description' => array('trimWidth' => 200)))), 'map' => array('isEnabled' => true, 'paramsDefault' => array('div' => '#map', 'lat' => 35.65858, 'lng' => 139.745433, 'zoom' => 15)), 'public_flag' => array('enabled' => array(FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_PRIVATE, FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_ALL, FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_MEMBER), 'default' => FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_ALL, 'maxRange' => FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_ALL, 'colorTypes' => array(FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_PRIVATE => 'danger', FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_ALL => 'info', FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_MEMBER => 'success')), 'like' => array('isEnabled' => true), 'member_config_default' => array(), 'base' => array('isUserInvite' => 1, 'isDisplayTopPageWithoutAuth' => 1, 'closedSite' => array('isEnabled' => 0, 'accessAccepted' => array('actions' => array('content/page/detail', 'news/news/list', 'news/news/detail'), 'uris' => array('member/register/signup', 'auth/login', 'auth/logout', 'auth/callback', 'member/register', 'member/register/index', 'member/register/signup', 'member/register/confirm_signup', 'member/recover/resend_password', 'member/recover/send_reset_password_mail', 'member/recover/reset_password')))), 'profile' => array('name' => array('isDispConfig' => 1, 'isDispSearch' => 0), 'sex' => array('isEnable' => 1, 'isDispRegist' => 1, 'isDispConfig' => 1, 'isDispSearch' => 0, 'displayType' => 0, 'isRequired' => 0, 'publicFlag' => array('isEdit' => 1, 'default' => 1)), 'birthday' => array('isEnable' => 1, 'isDispRegist' => 1, 'isDispConfig' => 1, 'isDispSearch' => 0, 'birthyear' => array('viewType' => 0, 'displayType' => 0, 'isRequired' => 0, 'publicFlag' => array('isEdit' => 1, 'default' => 1)), 'birthday' => array('displayType' => 0, 'isRequired' => 0, 'publicFlag' => array('isEdit' => 1, 'default' => 1)))));
$config = Site_Config::merge_module_configs($config, 'site');
try {
    $config = Site_Config::merge_db_configs($config, 'site_config');
} catch (Database_Exception $e) {
    // Task DbSetter 実行時にDBが存在しない場合があるので、スルーする
// Change public_flag setting on closed
if (Arr::get($config, 'base.closedSite.isEnabled', 0)) {
    Arr::set($config, 'public_flag.enabled', array(FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_PRIVATE, FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_MEMBER));
    Arr::set($config, 'public_flag.default', FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_MEMBER);
    Arr::set($config, 'public_flag.maxRange', FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_MEMBER);
    Arr::set($config, 'member_config_default.timeline_public_flag', FBD_PUBLIC_FLAG_MEMBER);
return $config;