function export($path = null, $destination = null)
     if (!is_array($path) && !empty($path)) {
         $path = Site::splitPath($path);
     if (empty($path)) {
         $files = DB::allRecords('SELECT MAX(`ID`) as `RID`' . ' FROM `_e_files`' . ' GROUP BY  `Handle`,`CollectionID`');
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $SiteFile = SiteFile::getByID($file['RID'])->getData();
             if (strpos($SiteFile['FullPath'], '_parent') !== 0 && $SiteFile['Status'] != 'Deleted') {
                 $SiteFiles[$SiteFile['FullPath']] = Site::$rootPath . '/data/' . $SiteFile['ID'];
     } else {
         throw new Exception('Sub directories not yet supported.');
     if (count($SiteFiles)) {
         $zip = new ZipArchive();
         $tmp = $destination ? $destination : tempnam("/tmp", "emr");
         if ($zip->open($tmp) === TRUE) {
             foreach ($SiteFiles as $virtualPath => $realPath) {
                 $zip->addFromString($virtualPath, file_get_contents($realPath));
         return $tmp;
     } else {
         throw new Exception('Nothing to compress found.');
 public static function getByHandle($collectionID, $handle)
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REVISION_ID'])) {
         return static::getByID($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REVISION_ID']);
     } else {
         return parent::getByHandle($collectionID, $handle);
 public static function getSourceCode($minifier, $cacheHashOrSourceReport, $skipCache = false)
     $cacheHash = is_string($cacheHashOrSourceReport) ? $cacheHashOrSourceReport : $cacheHashOrSourceReport['hash'];
     $cacheKey = "{$minifier}:{$cacheHash}";
     if (!$skipCache && ($code = Cache::fetch($cacheKey))) {
         return $code;
     if (is_array($cacheHashOrSourceReport) && is_array($cacheHashOrSourceReport['files'])) {
         $code = '';
         foreach ($cacheHashOrSourceReport['files'] as $path => $fileData) {
             $code .= $minifier::minify(file_get_contents(SiteFile::getRealPathByID($fileData['ID'])));
         Cache::store($cacheKey, $code);
         return $code;
     return null;
 public function pushDiff($diff)
     $results = array();
     foreach ($diff as $d) {
         if (!$d['operation']) {
             $results[] = array('path' => $d['local']->FullPath, 'status' => 'skipped');
         } elseif ($d['operation'] == 'create' || $d['operation'] == 'update') {
             if (is_array($d['local'])) {
                 $d['local'] = SiteFile::getByID($d['local']['ID']);
             // PUT file
             $url = 'http://' . $this->_options['host'] . '/develop/' . $d['local']->FullPath;
             $results[] = array('path' => $d['local']->FullPath, 'status' => $d['operation'] . 'd', 'response' => $this->put($url, $d['local']));
         } elseif ($d['operation'] == 'delete') {
             // DELETE file
             $url = 'http://' . $this->_options['host'] . '/develop/' . $d['remote']['FullPath'];
             $results[] = array('path' => $d['remote']['FullPath'], 'status' => 'deleted', 'response' => $this->delete($url));
     return $results;
 public static function buildBacktraceLines()
     $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
     $lines = array();
     // trim call to this method
     // build friendly output lines from backtrace frames
     while ($frame = array_shift($backtrace)) {
         if (!empty($frame['file']) && strpos($frame['file'], \Site::$rootPath . '/data/') === 0) {
             $fileNode = \SiteFile::getByID(basename($frame['file']));
             if ($fileNode) {
                 $frame['file'] = 'emergence:' . $fileNode->FullPath;
         // ignore log-routing frames
         if (!empty($frame['file']) && ($frame['file'] == 'emergence:_parent/php-classes/Psr/Log/AbstractLogger.php' || $frame['file'] == 'emergence:_parent/php-classes/Emergence/Logger.php') || empty($frame['file']) && $frame['class'] == 'Psr\\Log\\AbstractLogger' || !empty($frame['class']) && $frame['class'] == 'Emergence\\Logger' && $frame['function'] == '__callStatic') {
         $lines[] = (!empty($frame['class']) ? "{$frame['class']}{$frame['type']}" : '') . $frame['function'] . (!empty($frame['args']) ? '(' . implode(',', array_map(function ($arg) {
             return is_string($arg) || is_numeric($arg) ? var_export($arg, true) : gettype($arg);
         }, $frame['args'])) . ')' : '') . (!empty($frame['file']) ? " called at {$frame['file']}:{$frame['line']}" : '');
     return $lines;
foreach ($repoCfg['trees'] as $srcPath => $treeOptions) {
    if (is_string($treeOptions)) {
        $treeOptions = array('path' => $treeOptions);
    if (!is_string($srcPath)) {
        $srcPath = $treeOptions['path'];
    } elseif (!$treeOptions['path']) {
        $treeOptions['path'] = $srcPath;
    $treeOptions['exclude'][] = '#(^|/)\\.git(/|$)#';
    if (is_file($treeOptions['path'])) {
        $sha1 = sha1_file($treeOptions['path']);
        $existingNode = Site::resolvePath($srcPath);
        if (!$existingNode || $existingNode->SHA1 != $sha1) {
            $fileRecord = SiteFile::createFromPath($srcPath, null, $existingNode ? $existingNode->ID : null);
            SiteFile::saveRecordData($fileRecord, fopen($treeOptions['path'], 'r'), $sha1);
            Benchmark::mark("importing file {$srcPath} from {$treeOptions['path']}");
        } else {
            Benchmark::mark("skipped unchanged file {$srcPath} from {$treeOptions['path']}");
    } else {
        $cachedFiles = Emergence_FS::cacheTree($srcPath);
        Benchmark::mark("precached {$srcPath}: " . $cachedFiles);
        $exportResult = Emergence_FS::importTree($treeOptions['path'], $srcPath, $treeOptions);
        Benchmark::mark("importing directory {$srcPath} from {$treeOptions['path']}: " . http_build_query($exportResult));
// commit changes
#$repo->git('add --all');
 public static function handleError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
     if (!(error_reporting() & $errno)) {
     if (substr($errfile, 0, strlen(static::$rootPath)) == static::$rootPath) {
         $fileID = substr(strrchr($errfile, '/'), 1);
         $File = SiteFile::getByID($fileID);
         $errfile .= ' (' . $File->Handle . ')';
     $report = "<h1>Error</h1><p>{$errstr}</p><p><b>Source:</b> {$errfile}<br /><b>Line:</b> {$errline}</p>";
     if (!empty($File)) {
         $report .= "<p><b>Author:</b> " . ($File->Author ? $File->Author->Username : '******') . "<br /><b>Timestamp:</b> " . date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $File->Timestamp) . "</p>";
     $report .= static::_getRequestReport();
     $report .= sprintf("<h2>Backtrace</h2>\n<pre>%s</pre>\n", htmlspecialchars(print_r(debug_backtrace(), true)));
     if (!headers_sent()) {
         header('Status: 500 Internal Server Error');
     if (static::$debug) {
     } else {
         if (class_exists('Email')) {
             Email::send(static::$webmasterEmail, 'Scripting error on ' . static::$hostname, $report);
         die('A problem has occurred and this request could not be handled, the webmaster has been sent a diagnostic report.');
 public static function findFiles($filename, $useRegexp = false, $scope = null, $localOnly = false)
     $collections = array();
     if ($scope) {
         if (!is_array($scope)) {
             $scope = array($scope);
         foreach ($scope as $scopeItem) {
             if (is_string($scopeItem)) {
                 foreach (static::getCollectionLayers($scopeItem, $localOnly) as $collection) {
                     $collections[] = $collection;
             } elseif (is_a($scopeItem, 'SiteCollection')) {
                 $collections[] = $scopeItem;
     DB::nonQuery('LOCK TABLES ' . SiteFile::$tableName . ' f1 READ, ' . SiteFile::$tableName . ' f2 READ, ' . SiteCollection::$tableName . ' collections READ');
     $collectionsQuery = sprintf('SELECT collections.ID FROM `%s` collections WHERE Status != "Deleted"', SiteCollection::$tableName);
     if (count($collections)) {
         $collectionsQuery .= sprintf(' AND ((%s))', implode(') OR (', array_map(function ($collection) {
             $positions = DB::oneRecord('SELECT PosLeft, PosRight FROM `%s` collections WHERE ID = %u', array(SiteCollection::$tableName, $collection->ID));
             return sprintf('PosLeft BETWEEN %u AND %u', $positions['PosLeft'], $positions['PosRight']);
         }, $collections)));
     $fileResults = DB::query('SELECT f2.* FROM (SELECT MAX(f1.ID) AS ID FROM `%1$s` f1 WHERE CollectionID IN (%2$s) AND Status != "Phantom" GROUP BY f1.Handle) AS lastestFiles LEFT JOIN `%1$s` f2 ON (f2.ID = lastestFiles.ID) WHERE f2.Status != "Deleted" AND f2.Handle %3$s "%4$s"', array(SiteFile::$tableName, $collectionsQuery, $useRegexp ? 'REGEXP' : '=', DB::escape($filename)));
     DB::nonQuery('UNLOCK TABLES');
     $results = array();
     while ($record = $fileResults->fetch_assoc()) {
         $fileNode = new SiteFile($record['Handle'], $record);
         $results[join('/', $fileNode->getFullPath(null, false))] = $fileNode;
     return $results;
 public static function handleRevisionsRequest()
     $node = SiteFile::getByID($_REQUEST['ID']);
     if (!$node) {
         return static::throwNotFoundError();
     } else {
         $data = array();
         $Fields = array('ID', 'Class', 'Handle', 'Type', 'MIMEType', 'Size', 'SHA1', 'Status', 'Timestamp', 'AuthorID', 'AncestorID', 'CollectionID', 'FullPath');
         foreach ($node->getRevisions() as $item) {
             $record = array();
             foreach ($Fields as $Field) {
                 $record[$Field] = $item->{$Field};
                 if ($Field == 'AuthorID') {
                     $record['Author'] = Person::getByID($item->AuthorID);
             $data['revisions'][] = $record;
         return static::respond('revisions', $data);
 public function clearCacheTree($record)
     $key = static::getCacheKey($record['Handle'], $record['ParentID'], $record['Site'] == 'Remote');
     // iterate child collections
     $childCollectionsKey = static::getCacheKey('.*', $record['ID'], $record['Site'] == 'Remote');
     foreach (Cache::getIterator('|^' . $childCollectionsKey . '|') as $childCollection) {
         if ($childCollection['value']) {
     // iterate child files
     $childFilesKey = SiteFile::getCacheKey($record['ID'], '.*');
     foreach (Cache::getIterator('|^' . $childFilesKey . '|') as $childFile) {
         if ($childFile['value']) {
 public static function handleError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
     if (!(error_reporting() & $errno)) {
     if (substr($errfile, 0, strlen(static::$rootPath)) == static::$rootPath) {
         $fileID = substr(strrchr($errfile, '/'), 1);
         $File = SiteFile::getByID($fileID);
         $errfile .= ' (' . $File->Handle . ')';
     die("<h1>Error</h1><p>{$errstr}</p><p><b>Source:</b> {$errfile}<br /><b>Line:</b> {$errline}<br /><b>Author:</b> {$File->Author->Username}<br /><b>Timestamp:</b> " . date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $File->Timestamp) . "</p>");
 public function delete()
     // mark collection and all subcollections as deleted
     DB::nonQuery('UPDATE `%s` SET Status = "Deleted" WHERE PosLeft BETWEEN %u AND %u', array(static::$tableName, $this->PosLeft, $this->PosRight));
     // TODO: mark files and all subfiles as deleted
 public static function handleImportRequest()
     // get repo
     if (empty($_REQUEST['repo'])) {
         die('Parameter "repo" required');
     $repoName = $_REQUEST['repo'];
     if (!array_key_exists($repoName, Git::$repositories)) {
         die("Repo '{$repoName}' is not defined in Git::\$repositories");
     $repoCfg = Git::$repositories[$repoName];
     // start the process
     Benchmark::mark("configured request: repoName={$repoName}");
     // get paths
     $repoPath = "{$_SERVER['SITE_ROOT']}/site-data/git/{$repoName}";
     // check if there is an existing repo
     if (!is_dir("{$repoPath}/.git")) {
         die("{$repoPath} does not contain .git");
     // get repo
     // sync trees
     foreach ($repoCfg['trees'] as $srcPath => $treeOptions) {
         if (is_string($treeOptions)) {
             $treeOptions = array('path' => $treeOptions);
         if (!is_string($srcPath)) {
             $srcPath = $treeOptions['path'];
         } elseif (!$treeOptions['path']) {
             $treeOptions['path'] = $srcPath;
         if (is_string($treeOptions['exclude'])) {
             $treeOptions['exclude'] = array($treeOptions['exclude']);
         $treeOptions['exclude'][] = '#(^|/)\\.git(/|$)#';
         $treeOptions['dataPath'] = false;
         try {
             if (is_file($treeOptions['path'])) {
                 $sha1 = sha1_file($treeOptions['path']);
                 $existingNode = Site::resolvePath($srcPath);
                 if (!$existingNode || $existingNode->SHA1 != $sha1) {
                     $fileRecord = SiteFile::createFromPath($srcPath, null, $existingNode ? $existingNode->ID : null);
                     SiteFile::saveRecordData($fileRecord, fopen($treeOptions['path'], 'r'), $sha1);
                     Benchmark::mark("importing file {$srcPath} from {$treeOptions['path']}");
                 } else {
                     Benchmark::mark("skipped unchanged file {$srcPath} from {$treeOptions['path']}");
             } else {
                 $exportResult = Emergence_FS::importTree($treeOptions['path'], $srcPath, $treeOptions);
                 Benchmark::mark("importing directory {$srcPath} from {$treeOptions['path']}: " . http_build_query($exportResult));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Benchmark::mark("failed to import directory {$srcPath} from {$treeOptions['path']}: " . $e->getMessage());
$patternPHP = '/(_|gettext)\\s*\\(\\s*(\'|")(.*?)\\2\\s*\\)/si';
$patternPHPValidators = '/(\'|")errorMessage\\1\\s*=>\\s*(\'|")(.*?)\\2/s';
// create a memory handle to write pot file to
$pot = fopen('php://memory', 'w+');
$strings = array();
// extract strings from templates
$files = Emergence_FS::getTreeFiles('html-templates', false, array('Type' => 'text/x-html-template'));
foreach ($files as $path => $fileData) {
    $contents = file_get_contents(SiteFile::getByID($fileData['ID'])->RealPath);
    _extractStrings($patternTemplate, $contents, $path, $strings);
    _extractStrings($patternTemplateShort, $contents, $path, $strings);
// extract strings from PHP files
$files = Emergence_FS::getTreeFiles(null, false, array('Type' => 'application/php'));
foreach ($files as $path => $fileData) {
    $contents = file_get_contents(SiteFile::getByID($fileData['ID'])->RealPath);
    _extractStrings($patternPHP, $contents, $path, $strings);
    _extractStrings($patternPHPValidators, $contents, $path, $strings);
// write pot file
foreach ($strings as $string => $sources) {
    fwrite($pot, '#: ' . implode(' ', $sources) . PHP_EOL);
    // switch output format if embedded newlines found (see
    if (preg_match('/[^\\n]\\n+[^\\n]/', $string)) {
        // multiline output format
        fwrite($pot, 'msgid ""' . PHP_EOL);
        fwrite($pot, str_replace('\\n', '\\n"' . PHP_EOL . '"', _encodeString($string)) . PHP_EOL);
    } else {
        fwrite($pot, 'msgid ' . _encodeString($string) . PHP_EOL);
    fwrite($pot, 'msgstr ""' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);