private static function getVariables() { ObjectCache::getInstance(); $site = Site::getInstance(); define('GUEST_ROLE_ID', (int) $site->getGuestRoleID()->getValue()); define('SITE_EMAIL', $site->getEmail()); define('SITE_TITLE', $site->getTitle()); date_default_timezone_set($site->getTimeZone()); if ($site->isInMaintenanceMode()) { if (!PermissionEngine::getInstance()->currentUserCanDo('bypasssMaintenanceMode')) { return; } } $blockEngine = BlockEngine::getInstance(); $user = CurrentUser::getUserSession(); $hookEngine = HookEngine::getInstance(); $router = Router::getInstance(); $hookEngine->runAction('addStaticRoutes'); $moduleInCharge = $router->whichModuleHandlesRequest(); $response = self::getResponse($moduleInCharge); http_response_code($response->getResponseCode()); $headers = $response->getHeaders(); foreach ($headers as $header => $value) { header($header . ": " . $value, true); } define('PAGE_TYPE', $response->getPageType()); $blocks = $blockEngine->getBlocks($site->getTheme(), PAGE_TYPE, $user->getRoleID()); if ($blocks === null) { $blocks = array(); } self::render($site, $response, $blocks); }
public function run() { if (!isset($this->cronToken)) { return; } if ($this->cronToken === "") { return; } if ($this->cronToken !== Config::getInstance()->getCronToken()) { return; } $database = Database::getInstance(); if (!$database->isConnected()) { return; } $site = Site::getInstance(); if (!$site->doesCronNeedToRun()) { return; } if ($site->isCronRunning()) { return; } $site->setCronRunning(true); $site->setLastCronRun(new DateTime()); $hookEngine = HookEngine::getInstance(); $hookEngine->runAction('cronRun'); $logger = Logger::getInstance(); $logger->logIt(new LogEntry(1, logEntryType::info, "Cron ran.", 0, new DateTime())); $site->setCronRunning(false); }
/** * Converts a filesystem path to a URL if possible. * * @param string $path */ public static function path2url($path) { // see if the root path exists in $path if (strpos($path, Site::getInstance()->getRoot()) === FALSE) { return null; } $img = str_replace(Site::getInstance()->getRoot(), self::getBase(), $path); return str_replace("pub/", '', $img); }
function approveAction() { $user = $this->getRequest()->getParam('user'); $cashout = Cashout_Models_Cashout::getUsersLastPendingCashout($user); if ($cashout != null) { $cashout->completionDate = date('Y-m-d'); $cashout->approve(); $user = User_Models_User::getUser($user); $pay[$user->paymentEmail] = $cashout->amount; //now send the payment to the user $paymentGateway = Site::getInstance(Site::getResource('payment_gateway')); $paymentGateway->pay($pay); } $this->getResponse()->setRedirect('/cashout/admin/requests'); }
public function __construct($id, $entryDate, $dateRecorded, $name, $description, $breed, $sex, $fixed, $age, $color, $commonName, $shelter) { $this->id = $id; $this->entryDate = $entryDate; $this->dateRecorded = $dateRecorded; $this->name = $name; $this->description = $description; $this->breed = $breed; $this->sex = $sex; $this->fixed = $fixed; $this->age = $age; $this->color = $color; $this->commonName = $commonName; $this->shelter = $shelter; $this->image = Site::getInstance()->getUploadPath() . "/{$this->id}.jpg"; }
/** * Run the scrapers. */ public function scrape() { // TODO: This should be read from the ``shelter_pages'' table $mhsDog = new MhsDogScraper(""); $mhsCat = new MhsCatScraper(""); $packer = new Packer(); $packer->pack($mhsDog->scrape()); $packer->pack($mhsCat->scrape()); $loader = new Loader($packer->getPackedPets()); $loader->checkActive(); $loader->load(); // temporary fix for the slashes in some breeds // @todo: this should be done in the scraper $db = new Database(Site::getInstance()->getDbConf()); $db->execute("update animals set breed = replace(breed, '/', '-')"); }
public static function start() { $sessionProvider = Config::getInstance()->getSessionProvider(); $sessionProvider = str_replace(".", "", $sessionProvider); $sessionProviderFile = EDUCASK_ROOT . '/core/providers/sessions/' . $sessionProvider . '.php'; if (!is_readable($sessionProviderFile)) { return; } require_once $sessionProviderFile; if (!class_exists($sessionProvider)) { return; } $implementations = class_implements($sessionProvider); if (!in_array('ISession', $implementations)) { return; } if (!in_array('SessionHandlerInterface', $implementations)) { return; } session_set_save_handler(new $sessionProvider()); session_name("educask"); session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['lastSessionGenerationTime'])) { $_SESSION['lastSessionGenerationTime'] = time(); return; } $maxSessionAgeAgo = (int) Site::getInstance()->getMaxSessionIdAge()->getValue(); $maxSessionIdAge = time() - $maxSessionAgeAgo; if ($_SESSION['lastSessionGenerationTime'] > $maxSessionIdAge) { return; } $randomPerformSessionIdRegeneration = rand(0, 1000) % 6 === 0; if (!$randomPerformSessionIdRegeneration) { return; } session_regenerate_id(true); $_SESSION['lastSessionGenerationTime'] = time(); }
private function buildMinifiedCSS() { $siteObject = Site::getInstance(); $minifiedSoFar = ""; $themesCssFiles = glob(EDUCASK_ROOT . "/site/themes/{$siteObject->getTheme()}/css/*.css"); foreach ($themesCssFiles as $cssFile) { if (!is_readable($cssFile)) { continue; } $rawFile = file_get_contents($cssFile); $rawFile = $this->minifyCssString($rawFile); $minifiedSoFar .= $rawFile; } $minifiedSoFar .= $this->getOtherCssFiles(); $minifiedSoFar .= $this->getRawCss(); $objectCache = ObjectCache::getInstance(); $objectCache->setObject('minifiedCSS', $minifiedSoFar, true); $response = Response::fiveHundred(); $response->setRawContent($minifiedSoFar); $response->setHeader('Content-Type', "text/css"); $response->setResponseCode(200); return $response; }
function indexAction() { $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('user'); $form = new Fund_Models_Forms_Fund(); $minimum = Site::getResource('fund_minimum'); $maximum = Site::getResource('fund_maximum'); if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $form->isValid($_POST)) { $fund = Fund_Models_FundAccount::getUsersLastFundAccount('pending'); if ($fund == NULL) { $args = array('ownerID' => $session->user->accountID, 'startDate' => date('Y-m-d'), 'status' => 'pending', 'amount' => $form->getValue('amount')); $fund = new Fund_Models_FundAccount($args); } $fund->amount = $form->getValue('amount'); $fund->save(); $session->user->lastFundTransaction = $fund; //display pay button $paymentGateway = Site::getInstance(Site::getResource('payment_gateway')); $paymentGateway->returnUrl = ''; $paymentGateway->cancelUrl = ''; $this->view->form = $paymentGateway->getForm($fund); } else { $this->view->form = $form; } }
public function view($params = NULL) { // valid categories to search $categories = array("common_name_id" => "Common Name", "breed" => "Breed", "sex" => "Sex", "shelter_id" => "Shelter"); $v = new View("animal_index"); $v->title = "Browse"; $v->showBrowser = true; $animalModel = new AnimalModel(); // common name browser $commonModel = new CommonNameModel(); $v->commonNames = $commonModel->getAll(); // breed browser $breedModel = new BreedModel(); $v->breeds = $breedModel->getAll(); // shelter browser $shelterModel = new ShelterModel(); $v->shelters = $shelterModel->getAll(); $v->animals = array(); // default page if (!$params) { $v->animals = $animalModel->getLatestAnimals(Site::getInstance()->getNumAnimals()); return $v->render(); } // check params if (!isset($categories[$params[0]])) { $e = new NotFoundError("Invalid criteria"); return $e->serve(); } // sanitize the params for ($i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++) { $params[$i] = filter_var($params[$i], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); } $v->title = "Browsing by {$categories[$params[0]]}"; $v->animals = $animalModel->getByCategory($params[0], $params[1]); $v->render(); }
public function setFile($name) { $this->file = Site::getInstance()->getAppRoot() . "/views/{$name}.php"; }
public function __construct() { $this->db = new Database(Site::getInstance()->getDbConf()); }
<?php require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/app/lib/Site.php"; Site::getInstance(); // bootstrap the application $router = new Router(); $router->delegate();
<link href="<?php echo Url::route2url("animal/feed"); ?> " rel="self" /> <link href="<?php echo Url::getBase(); ?> " /> <updated><!-- TODO: Last scrape date --></updated> <author> <name><?php echo Site::getInstance()->getName(); ?> </name> <email><?php echo Site::getInstance()->getEmail(); ?> </email> </author> <?php foreach ($animals as $animal) { ?> <entry> <link href="<?php $url = Url::route2url("animal/view/{$animal->getId()}"); echo $url; ?> "/> <id><?php echo $url;
/** * Saves a remote image to the local disk. * * @param string $impoundNum Impound # for finding the image * @param int $id Animal ID from the animals table */ private function saveImage($impoundNum, $id) { $url = "{$impoundNum}.jpg"; $jpg = file_get_contents($url); if ($jpg) { file_put_contents(Site::getInstance()->getUploadPath() . "/{$id}.jpg", $jpg); } }
"> <link href="<?php echo Url::getBase(); ?> /css/screen.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen"> </head> <body> <div id="header"> <div id="header_inner"> <h1> <a href="<?php echo Url::getBase(); ?> "> <?php echo Site::getInstance()->getName(); ?> </a> </h1> <ul id="nav"> <li><a href="<?php echo Url::getBase(); ?> ">Home</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo Url::route2url("browse"); ?> ">Browse</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo Url::route2url("animal/feed");